Sean Spicer's mentor must have been Baghdad Bob...

In the midst of the depressing carnage of our war on Iraq in 2003, the only person who offered a bit of levity was the "beloved Baghdad Bob," whose statements on the Iraqi forces "victories" defied reality and offered what today Kelly Ann Conway calls "alternative facts."

Trump's very thin skin prompted him to send out his "press" secretary, Spicer to openly lie to the public. That was a piss-poor decision.....and Conway should have refused to contribute to Trump's egocentric needs if she wants to maintain any semblance of credibility.

But, as a public sevice to this new administration, some quotes from Orwell's 1984 may offer Trump, Spicer and Conway some tips on how to move forward:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

“Orthodoxy means not thinking--not needing to think."

“War is peace. .....Freedom is slavery........Ignorance is strength.”

(That last one REALLY defines most right wingers.)
His followers do not care how much he lies. They are sheep.
His followers do not care how much he lies. They are sheep.

Said about Obama, Bush, CLinton, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, etc etc
Not to this extent, by far. All this administration does is lie.
In the midst of the depressing carnage of our war on Iraq in 2003, the only person who offered a bit of levity was the "beloved Baghdad Bob," whose statements on the Iraqi forces "victories" defied reality and offered what today Kelly Ann Conway calls "alternative facts."

Trump's very thin skin prompted him to send out his "press" secretary, Spicer to openly lie to the public. That was a piss-poor decision.....and Conway should have refused to contribute to Trump's egocentric needs if she wants to maintain any semblance of credibility.

But, as a public sevice to this new administration, some quotes from Orwell's 1984 may offer Trump, Spicer and Conway some tips on how to move forward:

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought.”

“It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words.”

“Orthodoxy means not thinking--not needing to think."

“War is peace. .....Freedom is slavery........Ignorance is strength.”

(That last one REALLY defines most right wingers.)
His followers do not care how much he lies. They are sheep.
His followers do not care how much he lies. They are sheep.

Said about Obama, Bush, CLinton, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon, etc etc
Not to this extent, by far. All this administration does is lie.
No they haven't.
Spicer did great. The corrupt Judenpresse must be called out.

Go for it, Trumpsters (will you include FOX on that list?)

The legitimate press joins a long list of who to blame for Trump's very, very thin skin...So far we have:

Meryll Streep, John Lewis, some union guy in Ohio, most women who don't want their pussy grabbed, etc., etc., etc.
In the midst of the depressing carnage of our war on Iraq in 2003, the only person who offered a bit of levity was the "beloved Baghdad Bob," whose statements on the Iraqi forces "victories" defied reality....

He's the same guy who created the pre-election polls showing Hillary so far ahead.
.says the snowflake whose 'messiah' vowed if you liked your plan you could keep your pla

Obama made a mistake with that statement.......However, Trump simply lies or sends some of his minions (like Spicer) to lie for him.

But, if you cannot discern the difference, then "congrats) you're a mindless Trumpster.
They'll be singing that tune for the next four years.

But ONLY if they actually make it through 4 years......(at this rate, very doubtful.)

Yeah, because the RECOUNT will prove Hitlery won.. Oops - uh the ELECTORS will put Hitlery in..

Uh wait, you're to PROVE Russia hacked the election by showing that TROLLS were on the internet planting FAKE NEWS. You do this by trolling with fake news on behalf of FOREIGN BILLIONAIRE George Soros, who runs the democratic party...


You snowflakes are a hoot.
Yeah, like proclaiming the ACA would NOT COST A DIME and would PAY FOR ITSELF....which NO federal program has done in the history of MANKIND!

You mean like, "the Iraq war would last a couple of months and be paid with the oil that we will steal from the Iraqi"?????

That little lie cost how many American lives???
Uh wait, you're to PROVE Russia hacked the election by showing that TROLLS were on the internet planting FAKE NEWS. You do this by trolling with fake news on behalf of FOREIGN BILLIONAIRE George Soros, who runs the democratic party...

Well,I think you managed to put in those sentences above ALL of what FOX told you that you MUST believe..........LOL
You mean like, "the Iraq war would last a couple of months and be paid with the oil that we will steal from the Iraqi"?????
Now THAT was a mistake - I was thinking more like - "it was all over a video!" :p

#AlternativeFacts Are Spreading Like Wildfire On Twitter

Funny stuff...
Maybe Spicer can borrow that Baghdad Bob's uniform for his next news conferences....


Well,I think you managed to put in those sentences above ALL of what FOX told you that you MUST believe..........LOL

Snowflake, isn't it true that you're here to hack our democracy on behalf of foreign billionaire George Soros?

No matter, just like Baghdad Bob, you've spewed the Soros shit that Trump would NEVAH be elected. Then when he was, you went Baghdad Bob again saying "RECOUNTS," then you again donned your Baghdad Bob suit and said "ELECTORS."

Why would ANYONE pay heed to the fake news you post on behalf of Soros, Baghdad Bob?
Snowflake, isn't it true that you're here to hack our democracy on behalf of foreign billionaire George Soros?

Are you positive that I am NOT George Soros, himself??? LOL

( what would you morons do without that Soros straw man? )

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