Seattle: Another Example of Piss Poor Liberal Leadership

Seattle's quickly going the way of California. They continue supporting Communists/Democrats, it'll become a big ole bag o' shit in no time.


What do you expect with Seattle? Seattle proudly erected a statue of Vlad Lenin himself in their public park.

For seven years I lived in Eastern Washington State.

Lots of good conservative people living on the east side of the Cascades. However, once you went to the west side of the Cascades then everybody seemed to be bat shit crazy commie assholes.

I suspect when they shut down all the mental health facilities in the 1980s all those loony tunes moved to Seattle and Portlandia.
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor

Yea what a shithole!



If memory serves, was Seattle the city that refused to wash homeless shit off its streets because they were afraid of a black person seeing high-pressure hoses and getting "offended".... because civil rights workers were sprayed with fire hoses in the '60s?
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor
Mean while seatle is better run than all of the southern red state cities. Sit and spin ya hack!
LOL. Sure thing kido. The suck at everything they do. Bunch of crooks running that dump/

Behind Seattle’s rising pension costs: Past mismanagement adds to taxpayers’ burden
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor
Recently had a Sino-Javian friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of Jews there and how the trains never run on time.
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor

But you know what's tragic is the number of Leftists who STILL won't learn. They might come around to vote in a moderate Republican who will turn their city around but, seeing that it actually works for their city, they will still insist that liberalism/socialism is best on the state/federal level.

They're True Believers past a certain stage. It's just so strange.
What's tragic is the number of Leftists who went to ISIS training camps in Syria.
Liberals screw up everything they touch. I am convinced that Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I am convinced Liberalism is a venereal disease passed around by porn stars and beauty queens.
What's tragic is the number of Leftists who went to ISIS training camps in Syria.

The only one I was familiar with is the American Taliban, Johnny Walker from Far Left Marin County.

They let him slide and only gave him a quick 20, but his liberal parents were pretty stupid. What kind of parent pays to send their kid to Asia for Jihadi Training, just because he asks.
A new pissing contest. pick a city run by opposing party's, focus only on the negative, & see who wins. let the games begin.
Fact...Democratic ran cities are shit. Literally in San Francisco’s case.
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor

Yea what a shithole!



caseshiller-feb2018-W-1020x1020.jpg’s running business out daily with it’s liberal policies.
Seattle is just another example of how liberals cannot be entrusted with municipal leadership. Mass transit fiasco is most recent evidence to this fact. Recently had a French-Moroccan friend return from business trip to Seattle and he commented on the large number of homeless there and how dirty the city was.
Seattle's $52M streetcar fiasco the latest setback for city's anti-Trump mayor

But you know what's tragic is the number of Leftists who STILL won't learn. They might come around to vote in a moderate Republican who will turn their city around but, seeing that it actually works for their city, they will still insist that liberalism/socialism is best on the state/federal level.

They're True Believers past a certain stage. It's just so strange.
What's tragic is the number of Leftists who went to ISIS training camps in Syria.
Antifa are domestic terrorists.

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