Seattle min wage $15, highest in nation

As we know, our congress works only 126 days a year and vacation the rest of the year.

Yes, but they work so hard, 239 days off in 2013.
Seattle Announces $15 Minimum Wage, Highest In The U.S.

Seattle will raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour over the coming years under a deal brokered by Mayor Ed Murray and blessed by labor and business groups alike, city leaders announced Thursday afternoon.

The new pay floor will phase in at different speeds for businesses of different sizes, but all employers will have to meet the $15 minimum wage by the end of the decade. Businesses with more than 500 employees nationwide will have a three-year phase-in period, while smaller employers get five years to ratchet up their payscales.

After reaching $15 an hour, the city’s minimum wage will automatically climb by 2.4 percent each year regardless of the rate of inflation. Even among states with relatively strong minimum wage laws, automatic increases are uncommon. Thursday’s deal will make Seattle the national leader on municipal minimum wage laws. Washington currently has the highest pay floor of any state at $9.32 per hour.

We will see the economic health of Seattle reflected in this move.

One concern is that as cities raise their minimum wage, more people will move there. We saw this (for a different reason) with the Reagan recession and it put those cities under more stress.

[ame=]Ordering Pizza in the Future - YouTube[/ame]
Ordering Pizza in the Future
What a bunch of pussies....
If raising it to $15.00 will have no adverse effect on anything and it's gonna make it all better...
Wouldn't raising it to $25.00 an hour be more gooder.

$100 would be bestist. ;)

Makes me wonder how long these clowns could even keep a Kool-Aid stand in the green. Bottom line.... I don't think they can.
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Seattle Announces $15 Minimum Wage, Highest In The U.S.

Seattle will raise its minimum wage to $15 an hour over the coming years under a deal brokered by Mayor Ed Murray and blessed by labor and business groups alike, city leaders announced Thursday afternoon.

The new pay floor will phase in at different speeds for businesses of different sizes, but all employers will have to meet the $15 minimum wage by the end of the decade. Businesses with more than 500 employees nationwide will have a three-year phase-in period, while smaller employers get five years to ratchet up their payscales.

After reaching $15 an hour, the city’s minimum wage will automatically climb by 2.4 percent each year regardless of the rate of inflation. Even among states with relatively strong minimum wage laws, automatic increases are uncommon. Thursday’s deal will make Seattle the national leader on municipal minimum wage laws. Washington currently has the highest pay floor of any state at $9.32 per hour.

We will see the economic health of Seattle reflected in this move.

One concern is that as cities raise their minimum wage, more people will move there. We saw this (for a different reason) with the Reagan recession and it put those cities under more stress.

[ame=]Ordering Pizza in the Future - YouTube[/ame]
Ordering Pizza in the Future
Higher wages push businesses to improve productivity. Is this a good thing? The person that took pizza orders and lost his job probably wouldn't think so. However, utilizing new technologies creates more jobs than it destroys. Ideally, wages should rise gradually so jobs that require less skills slowly disappear giving the work force time to retrain and enter into other occupations. Minimum wages should not make sudden large jumps but rather make small increases over time.
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What a bunch of pussies....
If raising it to $15.00 will have no adverse effect on anything and it's gonna make it all better...
Wouldn't raising it to $25.00 an hour be more gooder.

$100 would be bestist. ;)

Makes me wonder how long these clowns could even keep a Kool-Aid stand in the green. Bottom line.... I don't think they can.

Liberals like Nancy Pelosi feel that people getting UE checks are better for the economy.
I guess that's why they want people on it.
A working person is a drag on the economy.

I'm sorry to be such a drag on the economy.
We can freeze everyone making $200,000 a year and then raise the minimum wage to $200,000.

I wonder what effect that would have on business, and employment?
Let's make it $250,000 a year. The 1% can afford it.

Yes, it's ridiculous to stop at $15.00 an hour. 17 year old burger flippers deserve at least $100k a year. In fact we really shouldn't be stopping there, milk and bread costs the same for rich and poor people. They all should be paid the same.
What a bunch of pussies....
If raising it to $15.00 will have no adverse effect on anything and it's gonna make it all better...
Wouldn't raising it to $25.00 an hour be more gooder.

$100 would be bestist. ;)

Makes me wonder how long these clowns could even keep a Kool-Aid stand in the green. Bottom line.... I don't think they can.

Liberals like Nancy Pelosi feel that people getting UE checks are better for the economy.
I guess that's why they want people on it.
A working person is a drag on the economy.

I'm sorry to be such a drag on the economy.

Didja know the majority of people getting food stamps (SNAP) have jobs? and-----and didja know approximately 200,000 retail stores accept food stamps? Do you know what those two facts taken together mean?

Do you have a link quoting Nancy Pelosi saying UE checks are better for the economy than jobs?

I'll take your word for being a drag on society, and-----and you've talked into feeling sorry for you too.
Let's make it $250,000 a year. The 1% can afford it.

Yes, it's ridiculous to stop at $15.00 an hour. 17 year old burger flippers deserve at least $100k a year. In fact we really shouldn't be stopping there, milk and bread costs the same for rich and poor people. They all should be paid the same.
As long as the increase is gradual, there's nothing wrong with $15/hr or even $20, provided the increase is over a number of years.

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