Seattle minimum wage, $15/hr over next seven years

Also won't happen. Too much money in Seattle.

Based on the mayor and the task force thinking someone should be paid that far above the skill level to do the job, sounds like there are a lot of bleeding heart Liberal dumbasses in Seattle.
The mayor and his task force reached a different conclusion.

Forgot the link,

Seattle mayor unveils plan for $15 minimum wage | Seattle

Where it was stated

Howard Wright, CEO of the Seattle Hospitality Group and a co-chairman of the task force, said he thought the plan would have support from the business community.

"While I know not everyone in the employer community will be satisfied, I believe it is the best outcome given the political environment."
Of course the business community supports it. Big businesses who are already paying higher wages or who have massive profits to do so can easily brunt the increased cost. Small businesses (their competition) will have great difficulty in doing so, and will go out of business. Less competition is something every big business will get behind.

Follow the money trail when you see anything saying "business supports" something.

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