Seattle NPR Station Says It Will No Longer Carry Donald Trump’s Coronavirus Briefings Live Because Of Misinformation

If you're NOT listening to the twice daily briefings, you're hopelessly IGNORANT on the topic and sticking with NPR is not gonna help...
False. They publish transcripts and summaries. And you don't have to listen to the mentally ill president talk, which is a bonus. Other media outlets do the same.
This is sad. Now most networks are now rethinking covering trump's briefings. They cut away from last night's briefing just after trump spewed more false and dangerous lies about the virus.

I've never seen any TV network do this. They always cover the president. This president is different. What he spews can and has already gotten people killed.

It's the best for our nation to not have trump spewing lies about this deadly virus.

I wish we had a president who didn't lie to such a dangerous extent as trump.

Most networks are anti trump liberals

they were gleeful at the thought that the chinese virus would do to trump what the Iran hostage situation did to carter and what hurricane katrina did to bush

but those two were morons who let the media walk all over them

trump on the other hand is making lemonade out of the commie virus

he is taming the lib media like a lion tamer in the circus and they are becoming more docile by the day

so the lib media is responding by not broadcasting his daily press conference

but they dont have a monopoly anymore so trump is going around them

"Going around them"?

You mean like the way you're going around the subject of this thread, pretending to act like a retarded clown, so you won't have to deal with the actual story?

You mean like the way you ran away from your own statement that refusing to join in a fabricated story just to blowjob the orange freak consitutited "stupdity"?

Still waiting for the explanation on how that's "stupidity". You mean because you're too stupid to figure out what "integrity" means?
Trump is beating the lib news media at its own game

tune in an unfiltered china virus press conference and watch trump dominate the reporters

"Being an self-infatuated asshole" is not to be compared with "reporting the news".

When that asshole starts getting irresponsible with it and people start dying as a result, a station like KUOW puts its finger in the dyke. And you wet your pants.

I just ignore them for the partisan libs that they are

BULLSHIT. You spent TWO DAYS here trying to warp this thread into being a topic about "NPR". CLEARLY that's because you can't handle it.
It is about NPR

the issue is state censorship and NPR is guilty of it


There is NO --- ZERO --- NOT ANY --- action of any kind taken in this story by NPR, AT ALL.

For the 29th time


Know what else it isn't a story about, Stupid? CENSORSHIP.

PROVE any of that wrong or get the fuck out.
You are wrong

its an NPR member station

Maybe you don't read too good, being stupid and all.

I SAID, ''PROVE IT'. Get busy.

Maybe you STILL don't read too good, being EXTRA-stupid and all.

You are stubborn

But I am too

Fortunately I'm also right. That's all I need.

Now you, you're fighting valiantly for your chance to be full of shit continuously for days on end.

Or as I call it --- "stupidity".
If you're NOT listening to the twice daily briefings, you're hopelessly IGNORANT on the topic and sticking with NPR is not gonna help...
False. They publish transcripts and summaries. And you don't have to listen to the mentally ill president talk, which is a bonus. Other media outlets do the same.

How much HEY LOOKA ME bullshit can a viewer/listener sit through before it dawns on them that they're being snowed? I dunno, if there's a value in a HEY LOOKA ME song and dance during a national crisis, I can'd discern what it is.

Specific to this thread, I'll point out again for those just joining us, that it is literally ILLEGAL for a broadcast station to broadcast a hoax. Cutting off unscreened rambling fabrications is an easy way that KUOW, the actor in this story, protects both its community of license, and itself. The CFR section language is quoted, verbatim, in post 271. And as also pointed out, while it is illegal for a broadcast licensee to promulgate a hoax, it is ironically enough not illegal for a POTUS to do so. So here's a simple case of KUOW setting higher standards for itself than the President sets for himself. Although considering his record that's not as unusual as it should sound.
If you're NOT listening to the twice daily briefings, you're hopelessly IGNORANT on the topic and sticking with NPR is not gonna help...
False. They publish transcripts and summaries. And you don't have to listen to the mentally ill president talk, which is a bonus. Other media outlets do the same.

How many of those transcripts have YOU read?? Ready for a quiz?? They have been excellent.. And with a few clunkers -- even the TDS press corps has largely behaved itself... STILL dumb as rocks, but nowhere near whiney..

If you have to resort to transcripts just SO -- you can protect yourself from your head exploding if Trump speaks -- you still will be pretty uninformed.. Because the morons YOU LIKE who are ABUSING you and responsible for your "gaps" in knowledge -- will just feed you MORE lies about how incompetent and deadly Trump is as a leader during this crisis.. And you'll BUY it --- And then I'll be sad to watch you get your ass kicked again..

I HATE IT -- to watch the lemming herd get smashed almost daily here.. I really feel for you guys/gals..

Had that Ground Hog argument AGAIN today with 2 diff folks about "Trump did NOTHING" on Corona virus... When CLEARLY, he was STOPPING all entries from folks traveling thru China for the past 14 days.. He DID THIS about a week before the Senate Impeachment vote... On Jan 31st.

Couldn't understand why leftists were STILL ARGUING about this.. Then I discovered today, that one of the "fabulous fact checkers" was PROMULAGATING SPIN in place of truth.. Telling the TDS'ers that "Trump has let in 1000s of people that came thru China since the ban"...

Well OK then -- I went and pulled the Exec Order.. It has 2 sections.. Paraphrased to wit ---

Section 1 --- I, The Greatest Troll on Earth, now so DO declare, ALL entries of people,, blah blah blah WILL be halted (as of January 28th)

Section 2 -- The following exceptions shall be made..................................................................

And LO and Behold, I discovered that Trump HAS let in thousands since the ban.. WHO ARE THESE PLAGUE CARRIERS... Roughly now...

1) US CITIZENS trapped in Asia. FAMILY (even if adopted and not citizens)
3) Agents of the Health Agencies in Asia coming here to colloborate
4) Any alien that would Benefit the National Interests as determined by blah..

SOOOOOO.... The fucking "fact checker" cum spin meister DID NOT LIE !!!!! But nonetheless, made specious EXCUSES -- which is spinning or worse lying -- to make YOU look stupid, because you didn't use your brain.. And the TDS leftists KEEP getting rolled daily on places like USMB, BECAUSE this IRRESPONSIBLE "journalistic" SPIN set them UP to look stupid..

I simply ask which one of those exceptions YOU think is a "Trump screw-up" and they FOLD with tails between their legs...

Long way around to ---- If some podunk SINGULAR NPR station can't TOLERATE HEARING the prez, they can CERTAINLY turn him off... But if you're cheering that -- then you should be consistent and turn off all those sources with 1/2 truths and spin that you call "fact checkers" ALSO...

PS.. If you want to read the "exceptions" to the travel ban IN DETAIL...

Here's the link.. Don your Hazmat gear tho -- AND your foil hats -- because it's a WH website. Then UNBOOK any media that did you wrong on this one....

Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus | The White House
How many of those transcripts have YOU read??
Exactly two. And I realized that I could get the same amount of relevant info from media outlets. Yes, including Fox. I could skip the campaign rally nonsense, which is nice. You gotta admit, reading transcripts of Trump's words, when he is off the teleprompter, is a bit pain inducing. My kingdom for a coherent sentence....

If you have to resort to transcripts just SO -- you can protect yourself from your head exploding if Trump speaks -
It's more of a time thing. I can tolerate any dumb fucker out there. But if I can sidestep the fuckery and save time...great!
If you're NOT listening to the twice daily briefings, you're hopelessly IGNORANT on the topic and sticking with NPR is not gonna help...
False. They publish transcripts and summaries. And you don't have to listen to the mentally ill president talk, which is a bonus. Other media outlets do the same.

How many of those transcripts have YOU read?? Ready for a quiz?? They have been excellent.. And with a few clunkers -- even the TDS press corps has largely behaved itself... STILL dumb as rocks, but nowhere near whiney..

If you have to resort to transcripts just SO -- you can protect yourself from your head exploding if Trump speaks -- you still will be pretty uninformed.. Because the morons YOU LIKE who are ABUSING you and responsible for your "gaps" in knowledge -- will just feed you MORE lies about how incompetent and deadly Trump is as a leader during this crisis.. And you'll BUY it --- And then I'll be sad to watch you get your ass kicked again..

I HATE IT -- to watch the lemming herd get smashed almost daily here.. I really feel for you guys/gals..

Had that Ground Hog argument AGAIN today with 2 diff folks about "Trump did NOTHING" on Corona virus... When CLEARLY, he was STOPPING all entries from folks traveling thru China for the past 14 days.. He DID THIS about a week before the Senate Impeachment vote... On Jan 31st.

Couldn't understand why leftists were STILL ARGUING about this.. Then I discovered today, that one of the "fabulous fact checkers" was PROMULAGATING SPIN in place of truth.. Telling the TDS'ers that "Trump has let in 1000s of people that came thru China since the ban"...

Well OK then -- I went and pulled the Exec Order.. It has 2 sections.. Paraphrased to wit ---

Section 1 --- I, The Greatest Troll on Earth, now so DO declare, ALL entries of people,, blah blah blah WILL be halted (as of January 28th)

Section 2 -- The following exceptions shall be made..................................................................

And LO and Behold, I discovered that Trump HAS let in thousands since the ban.. WHO ARE THESE PLAGUE CARRIERS... Roughly now...

1) US CITIZENS trapped in Asia. FAMILY (even if adopted and not citizens)
3) Agents of the Health Agencies in Asia coming here to colloborate
4) Any alien that would Benefit the National Interests as determined by blah..

SOOOOOO.... The fucking "fact checker" cum spin meister DID NOT LIE !!!!! But nonetheless, made specious EXCUSES -- which is spinning or worse lying -- to make YOU look stupid, because you didn't use your brain.. And the TDS leftists KEEP getting rolled daily on places like USMB, BECAUSE this IRRESPONSIBLE "journalistic" SPIN set them UP to look stupid..

I simply ask which one of those exceptions YOU think is a "Trump screw-up" and they FOLD with tails between their legs...

Long way around to ---- If some podunk SINGULAR NPR station can't TOLERATE HEARING the prez, they can CERTAINLY turn him off... But if you're cheering that -- then you should be consistent and turn off all those sources with 1/2 truths and spin that you call "fact checkers" ALSO...

PS.. If you want to read the "exceptions" to the travel ban IN DETAIL...

Here's the link.. Don your Hazmat gear tho -- AND your foil hats -- because it's a WH website. Then UNBOOK any media that did you wrong on this one....

Proclamation on Suspension of Entry as Immigrants and Nonimmigrants of Persons who Pose a Risk of Transmitting 2019 Novel Coronavirus | The White House

That was a ton of keystrokes just to say you're butthurt that a "podunk" :rofl: (established in the Truman Administration) radio station chooses not to broadcast known misinformation to protect both itself and its listenership.
NPR are liars
You fool...the station is refusing to air NPR content. How can you not get this through your dense skull? Goddamn, it's like talking to a child ...
Fools like you should not be calling other people names

they are refusing to broadcast the news because they think it helps trump politically

"Refusing to broadcast the news" huh?

He’s joking of course since the link is in the headline
and yet the media is showing pics of Italian hospitals and calling them new York.

fuck npr.
NPR are liars
You fool...the station is refusing to air NPR content. How can you not get this through your dense skull? Goddamn, it's like talking to a child ...
Fools like you should not be calling other people names

they are refusing to broadcast the news because they think it helps trump politically

"Refusing to broadcast the news" huh?

He’s joking of course since the link is in the headline

Headlines do not have links. Prove me wrong.
and yet the media is showing pics of Italian hospitals and calling them new York.

fuck npr.

30th time now ---- THIS IS NOT A STORY ABOUT NPR. Nor is it about "npr" whatever that is.
We'll never have enough money to buy masks for everyone so long as we continue to squander money subsidizing The Democrat Party's PBS and NPR! State, too, can't afford ventilators when they're shoveling money so State Universities that cream off big bucks for their "educational" media.

We gotta quit buying the ammunition that's being used to destroy America!
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NPR are liars
You fool...the station is refusing to air NPR content. How can you not get this through your dense skull? Goddamn, it's like talking to a child ...
Fools like you should not be calling other people names

they are refusing to broadcast the news because they think it helps trump politically

"Refusing to broadcast the news" huh?

He’s joking of course since the link is in the headline

Headlines do not have links. Prove me wrong.
See the first post below the headline
they are refusing to broadcast the news because they think it helps trump politically
No, that's idiotic. And have you gotten it through your thick skull yet that NPR is broadcasting the child president live, and this station is refusing to show it?
they are refusing to broadcast the news because they think it helps trump politically
No, that's idiotic. And have you gotten it through your thick skull yet that NPR is broadcasting the child president live, and this station is refusing to show it?
it is an NPR member station

---- which simply means they have ACCESS TO NPR content. Which by the way they pay for.
And that's all it means.

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