Sebelius: Good Riddance To Bad Rubbish


Sep 23, 2010
The title of this thread is absolutely perfect in light of who is replacing Kathleen Sebelius. Sylvia Mathews Burwell should be right at home sifting through Sebelius’ garbage:

President Obama’s nominee for secretary of Health and Human Services is a former Bill Clinton deputy chief of staff who was once in the news for picking through Vince Foster’s classified office trash bin.

One wonders if Barack Taqiyya chose Burwell for no other reason than to dredge up Hillary Clinton’s various scandals:

Foster was Clinton’s deputy White House counsel and a law partner of Hillary Clinton. His 1993 suicide was the subject of much speculation and three official investigations.

A 1995 Senate committee investigating the so-called Whitewater affair also probed Foster’s death. Whitewater refers to the Clintons’ controversial real estate investments, including investments into the Whitewater Development Corporation, a failed business venture.

The truth does not matter in cases like Vince Foster. The official verdict will always exonerate the guilty when they are high enough in government. That’s why I always said accusing the Clintons of murdering Foster did them a favor. Without proof the charge of murder is quickly relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory; whereas, suicide always ends up in the realms of speculation and interpretation for decades after the event. In short: Clinton detractors get much more milage out of a suicide verdict.

Incidentally, there is not a chance then-Attorney General Janet Reno would have nailed the Clintons for Foster’s demise. In that regard her ethics were no better than Eric Holder’s. In fact, the two were pals. Three months before Foster’s death (July 20, 1993) Holder said he comforted a weeping Reno after the massacre in the Branch Davidian Compound (April 19, 1993). Realistically speaking, what the hell was one dead guy to the people in the Clinton Administration compared to more than 80 murdered men, women, and children?

By most accounts Vince Foster was a man of conscience:

Hillary used to say he reminded her of Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird - reserved, upright and dependable.

It’s difficult to imagine a real life Atticus Finch committing suicide. So I certainly cannot see Foster doing it for this reason:

In real life, Vince Foster was distraught at the prospect of being grilled about the shady affairs of Hillary Clinton.

At the time the “distraught” story was put about, I wondered why nobody ever said Foster was so distraught over the Branch Davidian slaughter he took his own life.

Interestingly, the Branch Davidian Massacre also fits the murder scenario. Was Foster murdered because he was going to name names?

A clear case of suicide, then. Or was it? As the months passed, wild rumours began to grow that a hitman had murdered him because he knew too much.

The man who knew too much? The truth about the death of Hillary Clinton's close friend Vince Foster
Last updated at 00:23 15 January 2008

The man who knew too much? The truth about the death of Hillary Clinton's close friend Vince Foster | Mail Online

All of the facts that surfaced after Foster’s body was discovered made me forever doubt the intelligence of independent counsels:

. . . Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr concluded Foster’s death was a suicide. However, as WND reported in 2003, one of Starr’s key investigators challenged the official line, insisting the probe’s result was predetermined, only a few plotters were required to engineer the result, the crime scene was altered and that major newspaper editors killed stories by reporters pursuing the truth.

After Sebelius, Vince Foster’s trash lady
Nominee also veteran of Bill Gates' abortion push
Published: 10 hours ago

After Sebelius, Vince Foster?s trash lady

The thing that fascinated me the most about the crime scene was how Hillary made blood run uphill?


While it might have initially appeared that the deputy counsel to the president of the United States was taking a nap in a park—lying neatly face-up on a steep embankment with his feet pointing down—Vincent W. Foster Jr. was not napping. He was dead. Dressed in expensive trousers and a white dress shirt, less than eight miles from the White House, he was lying dead. A single gun-shot wound to the head. Dead. Some of the blood on Foster’s face was still wet, but starting to dry. A trail of blood flowed upwards from his nose to above his ear. The man who found his body said there was no gun, but after he left to notify police, a gun appeared in Foster’s hand. It was July 20, 1993. President William Jefferson Clinton’s Arkansas childhood friend, and First Lady Hillary Clinton’s Rose Law Firm partner, and White House confidante was dead.

The objective of the investigation into Vince Foster’s death was “simply to determine that it was a suicide"
Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer
Canada Free Press
Monday, December 3, 2012

Following Orders: The Death of Vince Foster, Clinton White House Lawyer
Last edited:
I just learned that Sylvia Mathews Burwell is:

. . . the Obama henchwoman who kicked war veterans out of their memorials during Shutdown Theater.

This next bit is high doublespeak:

The president is hoping that Ms. Burwell, 48, a Harvard- and Oxford-educated West Virginia native with a background in economic policy, will bring an intense focus and management acumen to the department. The budget office, which she has overseen since April of last year, is deeply involved in developing and carrying out health care policy.

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resigns
By: John Hayward
4/11/2014 08:41 AM

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius resigns | Human Events

The only “management acumen” somebody from Harvard will bring to HHS is how to bullshit the public à la Kathleen Sebelius.

More importantly, whoever heads HHS inherits the job of Chief Baby Butcher. Before and after HillaryCare II is repealed the Secretary of HHS’ first duty is to protect funding for Planned Parenthood. Socialists in the government will have to swallow repealing the ACA because too many rank & file Democrats oppose it, but they will never accept defunding Planned Parenthood. Mentioning Planned Parenthood is sure to trigger all of the “War on Women” rhetoric.

The trick for Republicans is to corner Burwell into admitting that a true separation of tax dollar funded abortions and the rest of Planned Parenthood’s services is essential. After all, the infanticide scam is in the bookkeeping. Separating the “services” provided by Planned Parenthood should be a cakewalk for someone with “. . . a background in economic policy. . .”.

And did you notice that the first act in the confirmation process began three seconds after Burwell was nominated:

Burwell Should Expect Tough Questions, Easy Confirmation
By Steven Dennis Posted at 11:51 a.m. on April 11, 2014

Sylvia Matthews Burwell Can Expect Tough Questions, Easy Confirmation

Don’t get me wrong on this. Confirm Burwell by all means, but nail her down with precise answers to real tough questions. For starters, getting her on the record as supporting “clinics” like Kermit Gosnell’s butcher shop through Planned Parenthood can be used to show what she really is after the inevitable lies start flowing from the mouth of another compassionate Democrat.

NOTE: Getting an obvious partisan hack on the record should have been done with Elena Kagan. It wasn’t, even though everybody knew she was put on the Supreme Court to vote for the ACA.

Incidentally, Republicans cannot stop Burwell’s confirmation. That does not mean they have to vote for her. Not voting to confirm will pay huge dividends later on just as it is paying off with the ACA. Doing the right thing always pays well. Right off the bat veterans will blame Democrats for giving her the job.
Don’t get me wrong on this. Confirm Burwell by all means, but nail her down with precise answers to real tough questions. For starters, getting her on the record as supporting “clinics” like Kermit Gosnell’s butcher shop through Planned Parenthood can be used to show what she really is after the inevitable lies start flowing from the mouth of another compassionate Democrat.

Chris Wallace interviewed two senators on FOX News Sunday. Surely Republicans already know that Burwell will be serving the president. And the public already knows that the 7 million sign up number is an outright lie.

WALLACE: But, Senator, are you going to vote against Burwell because you don't like ObamaCare?

SCOTT: Absolutely not. But the questions that we have to get to, however, is whether or not Director Burwell will be serving for the president of the United States with his agenda as the primary objective or will she get into the details of the numbers and she's obviously strong on the numbers and figure out whether 7 million people actually signed up and paid, or whether it's other independent sources suggest, that we've had fewer than 5 million sign up and pay, as well as looking at the fact that when you have 6 million cancellations and 7 million signed up by the president's suggestion, that what is the actual number of those who have signed up and paid?

So, we're going to have an opportunity to discuss with Director Burwell her approach to making sure that American people are the primary objective and not politics.

Did Kathleen Sebelius have to go? Will DOJ pursue criminal charges against Lois Lerner? | Interviews | Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace - Fox News

The Affordable Care Act and the Titanic makes a pretty good analogy:

. . . only the tip of the iceberg into which Commissar Sebelius has steered the President’s “signature domestic achievement.” The vessel is taking on water at an alarming rate, and Sylvia Burwell’s obvious euphoria at being nominated to run HHS will soon devolve into handwringing about the number of lifeboats there are compared to the number of people whose careers are riding on this rapidly sinking vessel. Secretary Burwell may discover that she is destined to go down with the ship.

Meet Sylvia Burwell, The Titanic’s New Captain
She’ll have a tough time keeping Obamacare afloat.
By David Catron – 4.14.14

Meet Sylvia Burwell, The Titanic?s New Captain | The American Spectator

Instead of going down with the ship I see Burwell telling the corpse “There’s nothing wrong with you.” just as the undertaker is closing the lid on the casket.
Kathleen Sebelious is getting while the getting is good. She knows that the 7 million number is an invention like jobs created or saved and that sooner or later the truth will become apparent. It's the same thing Larry Summers and Christina Romer did after the Obama Stimulus failed to create jobs and the Administration started using jobs "created or saved" to hide how bad it was.
I almost feel sorry for her. She misplaced a page for her farewell speech. Another awkward moment. I do hope she gets a case of the guilts and decides to come clean with some real numbers. Assuming she doesn't turn up missing and all.
Kathleen Sebelious is about to become as hard to find as Summers and Romer became as soon as they scampered back to tenured jobs at Harvard and Berkeley. She's spent the last four years telling us all how wonderful the ACA is going to be for the Middle Class when she knows that it's going to be a disaster for them. I don't think you'll hear anything from Kathleen for quite some time. My guess is that she takes a job somewhere in academia where she only has to deal with theory rather than reality.
It's the same thing Larry Summers and Christina Romer did after the Obama Stimulus failed to create jobs and the Administration started using jobs "created or saved" to hide how bad it was.

To Oldstyle: Good reminder. The technique never changes.

I almost feel sorry for her. She misplaced a page for her farewell speech. Another awkward moment.

To Iceweasel: I thought it was poetic justice.

I do hope she gets a case of the guilts and decides to come clean with some real numbers.

To Iceweasel: Don’t hold your breath waiting for a Democrat to come clean about anything.

Assuming she doesn't turn up missing and all.

To Iceweasel: That’s always a possibility with Democrats.

My guess is that she takes a job somewhere in academia where she only has to deal with theory rather than reality.

To Oldstyle: My guess is that she’ll go to a big job in the insurance industry. They owe her big time.
Seblius is leaving? When did this happen?

Spend a couple weeks in trial and moving and you miss everything.
Seblius is leaving? When did this happen?

Spend a couple weeks in trial and moving and you miss everything.

To Avatar4321; She announced on April 11 —— a Friday. She even screwed up her own farewell:

[ame=]Good Grief. Sebelius Loses a Page of her Farewell Speech - YouTube[/ame]​
Ah well, that would explain why i missed it. Been busy this weekend.
All embarrassments to this Administration are taken care of on's how they "roll".
God forgive me. I just had an impure thought. I miss Kathleen Sebelius:

One of the defining characteristics of the progressive ruling class is its ability to get rich while simultaneously cloaking itself in the mantle of public service and charity. Take Sylvia Burwell, the OMB director nominated to succeed Kathleen Sebelius. She has managed to get a reward package of $1.2 million or more for “doing good” serving as the “unpaid” head of the Walmart Foundation.


How cool is this? Burwell gets to claim she received no salary for her charitable work, and yet gets to pocket 1.2 mill. Who says progs can’t have it all?

April 15, 2014
HHS nominee Burwell a poster child for rich progressives cashing in
Thomas Lifson

Blog: HHS nominee Burwell a poster child for rich progressives cashing in

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