Second rape in Zuchotti park OWS won't call police

You report it?
Whether or not I reported it has no bearing on the fact that a crime was committed. does. And if you didn't report are being irresponsible and shirking your community responsibilities.

You are both mistaken.
The crime occurred regardless of whether or not I reported it. Simply reporting it does not change it from a non-crime into a crime. That is not a hard concept to grasp.
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You are both mistaken.
The crime occurred regardless of whether or not I reported it. Simply reporting it does not change it from a non-crime into a crime. That is not a hard concept to grasp.

So what?
the paper this was printed in is a RIGHT WING HACK PAPER.

There is NO WAY to verify the story.

Its hear say.
how is saying it is not a high crime statistic ( if it happened) condoning rape?

I guess what's going on here...Yes if it happened, is that it's well within the "accepted" statistics for the amount of people that were on site...

Am I wrong here...?
So since it falls within the acceptable numbers it ain't no big thang!!!!
Happens all the time and the righties are gonna use it to put a stop to these wonderful people
exercising their civil liberties... :(
Whether or not I reported it has no bearing on the fact that a crime was committed. does. And if you didn't report are being irresponsible and shirking your community responsibilities.

You are both mistaken.
The crime occurred regardless of whether or not I reported it. Simply reporting it does not change it from a non-crime into a crime. That is not a hard concept to grasp.

You've missed the point. You owe it to your community to report crimes. This is the way metrics are established to determine how best to protect the community. I'd have the same problem with the OWS crowd if they failed to report crimes.
Are you calling the protestors liars?

Good to know :thup:

Leslie is a protestor?

Prove it.

So who was she referring to with "we" over and over?

You're really stretching. Give it up.

What? You have forgotten that to the left ANY lie is a good lie? We have reams of proof from them on this board of that. Obama lies, they respond so what Bush did too. Holder lies, they respond, so what Bush did too. Reid lies, they respond so what politicians lie.

I mean come on our President is currently claiming that a divided Congress is really a Republican one. he is ignoring the Constitution because he knows te dems in the Senate will do nothing. He is openly violating the Constitution the laws of the land and our principles as a Nation all because the left do NOT CARE as long as they are in power.

Look at how the left ripped into a legal law abiding political movement with lies, mistruths and innuendo all the while defending, lying for and supporting an illegal criminal bunch of half wits.
how is saying it is not a high crime statistic ( if it happened) condoning rape?

You said:

No its a sacrafice these women are obviously willing to make

That is condoning the rape, imbecile.

how is recognising that IF this did happen these women chose not to report the crime condoning the crime?

You people are flat out insane

You're the one excusing the rape and condoning the actions of protecting the rapist, and we're insane.

Hey TM,

If you got raped at the OWS, would you keep quiet about it?
So who was she referring to with "we" over and over?

You're really stretching. Give it up.

Stretching what.

Leslies "exists" right?

Prove it.

You prove the paper made it up.

Based on what? Their past? The New York Post is owned by NewCorp. Rupert Murdoch doesn't have a great history with integrity..and neither does the New York Post.

I don't have to prove shit. There's nothing to prove. The onus is on the paper to back their story up. And it doesn't help they have no checkable references.
Whether or not I reported it has no bearing on the fact that a crime was committed.

It has a bearing on the intentions of those who did not report the crime if that unreported crime is used as a support for media input.

I see that it states to intent, not action.


My house being robbed of a tv I never used is different than a rape, whether or not the woman used her vagina.

Those are both actions in reality.

The intentions are not. They both come from your head.

A poor conflation of event and intent imo.

how big is the population at the park?

what are the rape rates per capita?

I bet they are spot on or lower than statistics.

Care to prove that the protest is CAUSING more crime like you claim? are being an idiot.

grow up

your saying so there may be a Rapist going through the crowd,big deal, they have more important things to deal with......and your telling Sallow to grow up?......:eek:

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