Second rape in Zuchotti park OWS won't call police

According to TM rape is A-OK as long as the protests are allowed to continue.


According to you guys, heresay is long as it fits with your agenda.

Do you even know what hearsay is you stupid motherfucker? This is court! This is calling the police to arrest someone. The words of the victim and WITNESSES are more than even probable cause to do an investigation and make an arrest!
Hey what's a little rape got to do with anything.
I wonder how Nancy Pelosi will handle this.Maybe she will say something like
Hey we need to have a few sexual assaults so we can find out just what these protesters are all about.

If there is a bit of truth to any of this our fine Mayor of NYC needs to shut this thing down.
Protesters can show up at dawn,leave at sunset...Protest their little hippie wannabe asses off all day
then go back to their Park Ave penthouses and have their parents fawn all over them at dusk...
How many rapes would there be in that location without the protests?

Got numbers?

Do you think two rapes is a large amount of crime for that population of people ANYFUCKING WHERE

uh, yeah. i think one rape is a large amount of crime, period. i can only assume that you think it's okay to keep RAPE a secret for poltyical reasons.

you're seriously fucked in the head if you can defend this in any way, shape or form.

not exactly a newsflash, but even i didn't think you were this fucking delusional.

i need a shower now.
Assumptions run rampant on this thread.

From the OP downward.
How many rapes would there be in that location without the protests?

Got numbers?

Do you think two rapes is a large amount of crime for that population of people ANYFUCKING WHERE

Excuse me, none...its a very safe area.

and if you think a rape doesn't justify these imbeciles to be forced to stop, than I don't know what to tell you...
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

And there were some people using the same "logical" to "justify" the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. It's specious logic.

And absurd to use it.

I am not justifying the rape.

Grow up.

I am pointing out that rape occurs very freqently in this society.


Pretending these women shouldnt be there because they might get raped has been a tacitc used by people who have tried to keep women social prisoners for 100s of years.

fixed that for you, hag
Except for the witnesses who ran the assaulter off. And the other witnesses who admitted that it happened to the press.

How much smarter is a cinderblock than you anyway?

And their names are?

From an OWS protestor
They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.

She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.

“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”

Are you calling the protestors liars?

Ah so..Leslie. Where is Leslie..she doing the talk show circuit now?

Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.

Well the Enquirer sure beat the shit out of the Gray Lady and other supposed newspapers reporting on Tiger Woods and you know, the guy who was running for President having an affair and a love child, Kerry's running mate and former Presidential candidate *John (the Breck Girl) Edwards.

Of course there are no charges laid. The protesters freely admitted they weren't going to call the police.

And that is the heart of the matter. If women are being raped and people like these protesters and evidently Truth Matters think that two rapes are nothing compared to the greater good of the OWS movement, I just happen to think they are fucking sick puppies to think that way.

Yes..because it's the New York Times constantly does it's front page with saucy stories about extra marital affairs.

In any wasn't reported to the police. That's probably because:

1. No rape occurred.
2. These people are completely nuts.

I'm going with option 1.

Not an accurate analogy 'bones.

In order for it to be accurate the band would be cajoling the audience to not report it and let their roadies handle it.

Thats where it gets fucked up.

She is an adult.

If this really happened she could have reported it if she chose to do so.

You have NO proof otherwise.

Except for the witnesses who ran the assaulter off. And the other witnesses who admitted that it happened to the press.

How much smarter is a cinderblock than you anyway?

at least two standard deviations
They want to handle everything internally and refused to call police.

What madness is this?

Wall Street protesters in Zuccotti Park battened down the hatches yesterday as the early October snow turned their tents into igloos, but the close quarters also made easy pickings for one predator.

A sex fiend barged into a woman’s tent and sexually assaulted her at around 6 a.m., said protesters, who chased him from the park.

“Pervert! Pervert! Get the f--k out!” said vigilante Occupiers, who never bothered to call the cops.

“They were shining flashlights in his face and yelling at him to leave,” said a woman who called herself Leslie, but refused to give her real name.

She said that weeks earlier another woman was raped.

“We don’t tell anyone,” she said. “We handle it internally. I said too much already.”

Snow, “sexual assaults’’ won’t deter Wall Street haters; protest ends when “sun dies’’ -

wow. just wow.

yeah sounds like most women who get raped, so whats your meaningless point?

yeah, they were asking for it, right?

Well, no names except for the one bolded below.

"Because this is such an inclusive society, that we’re creating here... that we’ve evolved into, or that we were from the beginning, it draws everyone. It draws everyone, except maybe the super-rich. So when it draws everyone, you’re dealing with everyone’s conditioning...everyone’s f****d up conditioning," OWS facilitator John Friesen told me last week.

"Everyone’s like, ‘I’m out for me and myself.’ You know that kind of instinct and people are unruly and people are violent and people make threats. So that debate has been going on between people on the security team, which people want to be renamed the ‘de-escalation team.’There is 'peace keepers'. There is 'mediators,'" Friesen said.

Ah yes. Just googled John Friesen OWS and his name turns up on the Washington Times website. But will keep an eye out for him.
Time for these filthy, ignorant children to go home. Play time has gone on too long and now there are a number of public safety issues. Mayors need to grow some balls and do their jobs.
Well the Enquirer sure beat the shit out of the Gray Lady and other supposed newspapers reporting on Tiger Woods and you know, the guy who was running for President having an affair and a love child, Kerry's running mate and former Presidential candidate *John (the Breck Girl) Edwards.

Of course there are no charges laid. The protesters freely admitted they weren't going to call the police.

And that is the heart of the matter. If women are being raped and people like these protesters and evidently Truth Matters think that two rapes are nothing compared to the greater good of the OWS movement, I just happen to think they are fucking sick puppies to think that way.

Yes..because it's the New York Times constantly does it's front page with saucy stories about extra marital affairs.

In any wasn't reported to the police. That's probably because:

1. No rape occurred.
2. These people are completely nuts.

I'm going with option 1.


Ain't it? :lol:
According to you guys, heresay is long as it fits with your agenda.

Who is "you guys".

I'm just pointing out TM's position.

But nice strawman :thup:

Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.
No one was charged with burglary the last time my house was broken into and items were stolen. That doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed.
Who is "you guys".

I'm just pointing out TM's position.

But nice strawman :thup:

Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.
No one was charged with burglary the last time my house was broken into and items were stolen. That doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed.

You report it?
Nothing good has come out of this stupid protest. Business are suffering, people have been robbed, hurt, and its costing the city money...these people need to go home and deal with the pressures of life, just like everyone else.
Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.
No one was charged with burglary the last time my house was broken into and items were stolen. That doesn't mean a crime wasn't committed.

You report it?
Whether or not I reported it has no bearing on the fact that a crime was committed.

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