Second rape in Zuchotti park OWS won't call police

that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

And there were some people using the same "logical" to "justify" the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. It's specious logic.

And absurd to use it.
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

Hey stupid.... there were, by most accounts, maybe a half million people at Glenn Becks rally in DC... not one rape!!!

OK, you might say there were 80K there.... still, NOT ONE RAPE!

that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

Hey stupid.... there were, by most accounts, maybe a half million people at Glenn Becks rally in DC... not one rape!!!

OK, you might say there were 80K there.... still, NOT ONE RAPE!


How many hours did they stay?

How many hours have the OWS people been there?

You can not compare the two like you are trying to without being completely dishonest
WHY are you people trying to make hey out of OWS people being made victims?

Because, jackass, nobody deserves to be raped.... not even a scummy OWS idiot :cuckoo:

NOBODY deserves to be raped, and it should ALWAYS be treated as a crime.... ALWAYS!
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

Hey stupid.... there were, by most accounts, maybe a half million people at Glenn Becks rally in DC... not one rape!!!

OK, you might say there were 80K there.... still, NOT ONE RAPE!


You actually see any of the women at those rallies? Yikes!

( Disclaimer: That was a joke. I know rape is a crime of violence. I know it is terrible. But I couldn't help myself. -S )
According to you guys, heresay is long as it fits with your agenda.

Who is "you guys".

I'm just pointing out TM's position.

But nice strawman :thup:

Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.

Well the Enquirer sure beat the shit out of the Gray Lady and other supposed newspapers reporting on Tiger Woods and you know, the guy who was running for President having an affair and a love child, Kerry's running mate and former Presidential candidate *John (the Breck Girl) Edwards.

Of course there are no charges laid. The protesters freely admitted they weren't going to call the police.

And that is the heart of the matter. If women are being raped and people like these protesters and evidently Truth Matters think that two rapes are nothing compared to the greater good of the OWS movement, I just happen to think they are fucking sick puppies to think that way.
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

Hey stupid.... there were, by most accounts, maybe a half million people at Glenn Becks rally in DC... not one rape!!!

OK, you might say there were 80K there.... still, NOT ONE RAPE!


You actually see any of the women at those rallies? Yikes!

( Disclaimer: That was a joke. I know rape is a crime of violence. I know it is terrible. But I couldn't help myself. -S )


Im making a point, but yes.... YIKES!
that is four rapes per ten thousand people.

There can be a case made that FEWER rapes have occured due to the people being there.

And there were some people using the same "logical" to "justify" the deaths of American soldiers in Iraq. It's specious logic.

And absurd to use it.

I am not justifying the rape.

Grow up.

I am pointing out that rape occurs very freqently in this society.


Pretending these women shouldnt be there because they might get raped has been a tacitc used by people who have tried to keep women social prisoners for 100s of years.
how big is the population at the park?

what are the rape rates per capita?

I bet they are spot on or lower than statistics.

Care to prove that the protest is CAUSING more crime like you claim?

Per Capita rape in the United states per 1,000 people per year is around .4%

Say that there are 5,000 people in Zucotti park. 2 rapes in a month. Extrapolate that to a year and that is 24 rapes for 5,000 people, which is a per capita rape percentage of 4.8%, over TEN TIMES the per capita rape percentage for the United States.

Are you done playing this ridiculous game? Because it doesn't matter how many would have or would not have happened without them there. What DOES matter is that they're not fucking reporting it properly and thus attracting MORE sexual deviants to come assault them. They're throwing open the doors and saying "Come assault us, we won't say anything".
According to you guys, heresay is long as it fits with your agenda.

Who is "you guys".

I'm just pointing out TM's position.

But nice strawman :thup:

Your post, assumes, that a rape occurred in the first place. No one was charged. And the source of this story is the New York Post, a publication, for those who live here, is about as entertaining as the National Enquirer..except not as filled with facts.

No, TM's post assumes that rape occurred. I'm just echoing her sentiments and pointing out how fucked up she is.
The rape rate at this site has nothing to do with the protest.

The OWS people are the victims and NOT the perpitrators
According to TM rape is A-OK as long as the protests are allowed to continue.


According to you guys, heresay is long as it fits with your agenda.

so are you on the record that there should be no investigation, this should not be treated by any other than the 'internal' Occupy "security"

is that your position?

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