Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy

By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston
Question did Romney use tax payers money ?
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston
Question did Romney use tax payers money ?

According to several articles - YES, he did.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston
Question did Romney use tax payers money ?

Yes. Grant monies come from taxpayers.
Let's see... Defend Obama over a failed "Green Energy" business, then Attack Romney over a failed "Green Energy" business, and forget completely that "Green Energy" IS a failed business... Sounds good to me.

Green energy is NOT a failed business. It's still in its infancy. If the U.S. doesn't compete, China and Asia will have it all. Solar is booming in China.

How GREEN is THIS?:lol: AND THIS?:lol: BBC News - China: Villagers protest at Zhejiang solar panel plant
It has just occurred to me that romney now has obama reacting his meme, in least in this matter....good on romney, he should make obama play defense.

Ever since his 'War on Women' blew up he's been acting like he's the candidate and Romney is the incumbent.

Every issue Obama has used to solidify his base has backfired on him with Independents and with Moderates. The more people become informed the worse it makes Obama look.
Interesting, if this was such a mechanism, then, you do realize there is a huge difference between what Chu was doing, vis a vis Solyndra and this issue?

There are a number of differences, but I'm not sure to which you are alluding.

so this kerfuffle may be over...nothing?

If your question is "so Romney might not have had any control over the loan?" Then I would say I find that remotely possible, but extremely unlikely. Certainly, news accounts quote Romney as proudly announcing the disbursements as his decision, and they were made public under his watch. I suspect that if Konarka felt confident in December that they would get the loan then it was because the elected but not inaugurated Romney had assured them of his commitment. Otherwise they would have asked that it be announced under the previous governor.

An now you're trying to confuse the issue and cover up the big-picture.
Just goes to show what we Conservatives have been saying all along, green energy is a fiscal black hole.
They never should have started allowing liquor sales on the Reservations.

You really don't see the difference, do ya, Lakookoo?

Obama put us ALL on the hook for his "investment".

Irrational prejudice coupled with refusal to see reality, what a combo. Gas is $3.69 a gallon, petroleum reserves are FINITE. Get used to alternate sources of energy. The alt sources are still in their infancy, the first cars, telephones, and gas stations were not reliable either.

This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

And how many taxpayer dollars were used to back Alexander Graham Bell, Liar?

And not to mention as to oil? The Earth manufactures oil all the time and will cease when the core of this planet grows cold. That isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Did Romney back it with taxpayer money or his own money?

From what little I read about this Romney loaned the two companies a total of $4 million 8 or 9 years ago. They just now closed up shop. My questions are:

1. Did they pay any or all of the loan back over the last 9 years?

2. If not, will the companies assets, if any, be sold to repay the loan?

To compare this to the $550 million that was loaned to Solyndra, was not repaid, and not a cent will be returned to the taxpayers is ludicrous.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

Its unfair to blame Mr Etch A Sketch for not knowing what he's doing.

Nobody told him.

There is no longer Mr Etch a Sketch or flip flop. Politicians EVOLVE! Didn't you get the memo from Obama?
Romney invests in a solar company = stupid move.
obama invests tax money in a solar company = on the cutting edge.

Solyandra was supposed to fail. It's sole purpose was to fail. It was created to receive government money and recycle it back into the DNC as campaign contributions. That was its only reason for being created in the first place. After Solyndra got it's "investment" it handed out huge bonuses to the executives, then closed. Solynadra was so successful, it was repeated in Lightsquared, 123 Battery company and a dozen others.
It has just occurred to me that romney now has obama reacting his meme, in least in this matter....good on romney, he should make obama play defense.

Romney's event the other day in front of Solyndra was brilliant.
It has just occurred to me that romney now has obama reacting his meme, in least in this matter....good on romney, he should make obama play defense.

Romney's event the other day in front of Solyndra was brilliant.

Give the media time and they'll convince everyone it was the worst move in history.

It will take a shit-load of lying to do that....but they will try.

Whatever smacks of truth scares them into action.

I'm watching them desperately try on "Meet the Depressed" right now.
It has just occurred to me that romney now has obama reacting his meme, in least in this matter....good on romney, he should make obama play defense.

Romney's event the other day in front of Solyndra was brilliant.

Give the media time and they'll convince everyone it was the worst move in history.

It will take a shit-load of lying to do that....but they will try.

Whatever smacks of truth scares them into action.

No doubt...but there are a plethora of other failures by Obama to also keep them busy...One at a time, one day at a time.
It has just occurred to me that romney now has obama reacting his meme, in least in this matter....good on romney, he should make obama play defense.

Romney's event the other day in front of Solyndra was brilliant.

Give the media time and they'll convince everyone it was the worst move in history.

It will take a shit-load of lying to do that....but they will try.

Whatever smacks of truth scares them into action.

I'm watching them desperately try on "Meet the Depressed" right now.

Meet the Depressed lol

I just started it. Have to DVR everything to skip the commercials. And the lead off comment was? "27 straight months of job creation" lol
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Romney's event the other day in front of Solyndra was brilliant.

Give the media time and they'll convince everyone it was the worst move in history.

It will take a shit-load of lying to do that....but they will try.

Whatever smacks of truth scares them into action.

I'm watching them desperately try on "Meet the Depressed" right now.

Meet the Depressed lol

I just started it. Have to DVR everything to skip the commercials. And the lead off comment was? "27 straight months of job creation" lol

The problem is they can't stick with the message because they change it to adapt to current events or whatever scenario they want to push.

During the debates Romney was the moderate, then he became too liberal, now he's the second coming of George W. Bush. Anyone who's paying attention knows it's all fabricated.

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