Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy

Here's the kicker.......

Konarka has fallen into the same bankruptcy shadow cast by Bay State clean-energy crashes Evergreen Solar and Beacon Power, both backed by controversial taxpayer subsidies.

Berke indicated in Konarka’s announcement that he hasn’t given up hope that a “rescue financing or acquisition” would materialize during the bankruptcy proceedings. He noted “worldwide interest in the company, including from the Chinese government” — whose subsidies for its solar industry prompted the Obama administration earlier this month to impose punishing tariffs.

Berke, who was not available for comment, founded Konarka in 2001 with Nobel Prize-winning chemist Alan Heeger and a team of scientists at UMass-Lowell.

So the Chinese wanted to buy both of the companies the story mentioned.

Evergreen already went through with the deal.

The article first calls it a loan, then calls it a subsidy.
Neither or source-linked.


The ops own link says "he personally doled out".... :eusa_shhh: <snip>

"personally" can be subjective...
Did he approve the grant?
Did he sign the check?
Did he take it from his own pocket?

Reminds me of the first few lines of this scene.

[ame=]The Princess Bride - The Best Bit - YouTube[/ame]
The ops own link says "he personally doled out".... :eusa_shhh: <snip>

"personally" can be subjective...
Did he approve the grant?
Did he sign the check?
Did he take it from his own pocket?

Reminds me of the first few lines of this scene.

[ame=]The Princess Bride - The Best Bit - YouTube[/ame]

Chris Sarandon sure looked sweet in that blue silk dress.
If this thread rises to the Forrest Gump level, I may be back...
This 'telephone' has too many shortcomings to be seriously considered as a means of communication. The device is inherently of no value to us." -- Western Union internal memo, 1876.

Of course Western Union said that. They stood to be put out of business because of the new tech. lol

And it never occurs to you that the oil industry and the coal industry says similar things about solar energy?

For pretty much the same reason?

I dunno what those industries have said. Bit anyone with half a fucking brain could see that had they said that they would have been right.

What now Einstein?
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

Its unfair to blame Mr Etch A Sketch for not knowing what he's doing.

Nobody told him.
By Igor Volsky

On Thursday, Mitt Romney campaigned at the headquarters of Solyndra — the first renewable energy company to receive a federal loan under the stimulus — and reiterated his debunked claims that its bankruptcy symbolized the corruption and cronyism of the Obama administration. But just one day later, a solar panel developer “that landed a state loan from Mitt Romney when he was Massachusetts governor” went belly up, the Boston Herald reports, creating an inconvenient storyline for the GOP presidential nominee.

More: Second Romney-Backed Solar Company Files For Bankruptcy | ThinkProgress

Mitt Romney's big green flop -

FACT CHECK: Romney misses a mark on Solyndra claim | Houston

Its unfair to blame Mr Etch A Sketch for not knowing what he's doing.

Nobody told him.

He should have gotten pointers from Obama since he's been so successful in the industry.
:cuckoo: IDIOT :cuckoo: This company was a part of The University of Massachusetts....if Romney had not given them money you would still be fussing...only this time you would be saying he hates education! people are so STUPID! Konarka was a part of The University of Massachusetts!

Putting aside the relevance of this to the matter at hand, Konarka does not seem to be part of UMass. It was founded by people who worked at UMass (Our History - Konarka Technologies) but it never appears to have been part of UMass. It does claim UMass as a research partner (Our Partners - Konarka Technologies) but the same can be said of Imperial College in London.

The ops own link says "he personally doled out"....

Must not ruin a good left wing rant regardless how baseless it is.....

That is NOT what the article says...quit with the lies already

Again with the utter stupidity and an apparent inability to read English..the ops own link say he used his OWN MONEY!

You idiots can't even keep your lies straight.......

I don't entirely understand the totality of your objections (feel free to clarify them), but I speculate that you believe that the article indicates that Romney invested his own money in Konarka. That would be entirely false. When the article says that Romney "personally" gave them the money I believe the inference is that Romney personally made the decision to give them the state's money. Contemporaneous media accounts make it clear that it was public money: Romney Ties Job Growth to Cleaner Environment

Exactly what part of the word "SUBSIDY" do you moronic libs not comprehend?

: a grant or gift of money: as a : a sum of money formerly granted by the British Parliament to the crown and raised by special taxation b : money granted by one state to another c : a grant by a government to a private person or company to assist an enterprise deemed advantageous to the public

There was NO LOAN!

I'm not sure where you're getting your definition of subsidy, but the first definition I find at is (pecuniary means pertaining to money)

subsidy: a direct pecuniary aid furnished by a government to a private industrial undertaking, a charity organization, or the like.

A loan from a government to a corporation can properly be termed a subsidy.

From the companies website....their various milestones...scroll down for "financial milestones".... mention of any loan from Massachusetts.....

Our History - Konarka Technologies

You found a good source, but you seem to have read it a bit too quickly:

December 2002 $1.5 million in venture debt financing from the Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust

Venture debt financing is a type of loan (Venture debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). This appears to be the money mentioned in my ameresco link, though from the difference in dates it appears that Konarka is claiming they secured the loan slightly before Romney came into office.

I await your reply.
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