Second warmest April on record! giss


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America

Second warmest April on record!

here is our developing nino


The attachment has some cool info :) look at north America in context!


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About .05-.066c of warming since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that 1991-1998 was mostly volcano rebound. ;) This means it was never global warming. THIS IS BASED ON UAH DATA.

Interesting tidbit......never heard that theory. You know Matthew......this is going to send the AGW crowd into full blown retard mode.:D
About .05-.066c of warming since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that 1991-1998 was mostly volcano rebound. ;) This means it was never global warming. THIS IS BASED ON UAH DATA.

Interesting. Eliminate the 1998 El Nino, and the line for the 90's pretty well continues. With a huge jump to the 2000's line, whitch has about the same slope as the 90's line. Now, we have an El Nino in the making for the latter part of this year. Once that is done, a two year period, where do you think that line will be?

Some are prediction a weak El Nino, some a strong El Nino. Given that 2013, with a neutral El Nino ranked ninth to third on the various graphs, even a weak El Nino will probably set some new records. Looking at the predicted high tomorrow of 90 in Portland, maybe it has already started. Glad the next three days are school days, that steel mill is not a pleasant place to be at 90 degrees.
About .05-.066c of warming since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that 1991-1998 was mostly volcano rebound. ;) This means it was never global warming. THIS IS BASED ON UAH DATA.

Interesting tidbit......never heard that theory. You know Matthew......this is going to send the AGW crowd into full blown retard mode.:D

For what reason? Volcanos have been long known to cool the weather. Ben Franklin actually made that observation while in France.
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If you were to ask me what rank this year would have in 2009, 2010 or 2011 as we're entering a nino. I'd of said first or second.

The fact that we will probably end up 3 or 4th shows that we're in a pause. Believe me, the past 12 month avg is .62...We could of seen this in 2005 with the borderline nino then. ;)
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Second warmest April on record and Denver sets a record for snow fall on Mother's Day. Nope, nothing wrong going on here. Keep whistling.
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About .05-.066c of warming since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that 1991-1998 was mostly volcano rebound. ;) This means it was never global warming. THIS IS BASED ON UAH DATA.

Interesting. Eliminate the 1998 El Nino, and the line for the 90's pretty well continues. With a huge jump to the 2000's line, whitch has about the same slope as the 90's line. Now, we have an El Nino in the making for the latter part of this year. Once that is done, a two year period, where do you think that line will be?

Some are prediction a weak El Nino, some a strong El Nino. Given that 2013, with a neutral El Nino ranked ninth to third on the various graphs, even a weak El Nino will probably set some new records. Looking at the predicted high tomorrow of 90 in Portland, maybe it has already started. Glad the next three days are school days, that steel mill is not a pleasant place to be at 90 degrees.

Can't escape the reality that the cooling following the 1991 volcano makes it look like we're warming at .2c/decade.:eek: I'd say in reality the co2 forcing is causing about 1/3rd to 1/4th that.

Also a 90 every few mays is common. ;)
About .05-.066c of warming since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that 1991-1998 was mostly volcano rebound. ;) This means it was never global warming. THIS IS BASED ON UAH DATA.

Interesting. Eliminate the 1998 El Nino, and the line for the 90's pretty well continues. With a huge jump to the 2000's line, whitch has about the same slope as the 90's line. Now, we have an El Nino in the making for the latter part of this year. Once that is done, a two year period, where do you think that line will be?

Some are prediction a weak El Nino, some a strong El Nino. Given that 2013, with a neutral El Nino ranked ninth to third on the various graphs, even a weak El Nino will probably set some new records. Looking at the predicted high tomorrow of 90 in Portland, maybe it has already started. Glad the next three days are school days, that steel mill is not a pleasant place to be at 90 degrees.

Can't escape the reality that the cooling following the 1991 volcano makes it look like we're warming at .2c/decade.:eek: I'd say in reality the co2 forcing is causing about 1/3rd to 1/4th that.

Also a 90 every few mays is common. ;)

Billions spent investigating global climate warming change disruption and your best guess is 1/3 to 1/4.


You see how big a fraud this is right

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
And always the AGW church that hates science will deny that this was mathematically altered as we will have to wait for 10 or so years for this to be changed by real science and real math.
And always the AGW church that hates science will deny that this was mathematically altered as we will have to wait for 10 or so years for this to be changed by real science and real math.

I'll tell you one thing...Back in 2005 we could of had .62c for the 12 month period under the same pattern. We're seeing a heck of a pause!
April Was 2nd Warmest Globally; Average for U.S.

April Was 2nd Warmest Globally; Average for U.S. | Climate Central

While April was an uneventful month temperature-wise in the U.S., with most areas experiencing near-average temperatures, the month was the second-warmest April on record globally, according to new NASA data.

That makes April the 350th month in a row — more than 29 years — with above-average temperatures, largely caused by the buildup of manmade greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere.

The ho-hum record for the U.S., released Tuesday in the monthly climate summary from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is an example of the kind of regional variability that can happen from year-to-year, but doesn’t negate the overall warming trend, said NOAA climate scientist Jake Crouch.

According to the latest NASA data, the planet’s average April temperature was 58.5°F — 1.3°F above the average temperature from 1951-1980. That ranks behind only April 2010 in the warmest Aprils on record. In particular, Europe and Asia saw an extremely warm month.

In contrast, near-average conditions prevailed across much of the U.S.
“In terms of temperature, it was kind of a boring month,” Crouch told Climate Central.

There were areas of the U.S. that saw above-average temperatures, namely the West Coast and the Southwest, while the Upper Midwest and Northern Plains saw cooler-than-normal conditions.

The cooler conditions that have prevailed in the eastern portions of the country throughout the winter and into the early spring are linked to warm sea surface temperatures in the northern Pacific Ocean, Crouch said. The sea surface temperatures influenced atmospheric patterns, pushing the jet stream further north in western North America and further south in the East.

In fact, the first four months of 2014 were the coldest such period in the country since 1993, with an average contiguous U.S. temperature of 38.7°F, 0.4°F below the 20th century average.

But when looked at in the context of the entire 120-year temperature record for the country, those four months were only the 46th coldest. And that’s just in the context of the U.S.

“Even though the start to this year was cold, that long-term warming trend is there,” Crouch said.

The pattern that kept the eastern U.S. cool is an example of a signal that can have a regional influence, but that doesn’t overwhelm the larger trend of global warming, Crouch said.

“The contiguous U.S., we cover less than 2 percent of the globe,” Crouch said. “This regional coldness isn’t representative of what’s been happening globally.”
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April seemed pretty cold where I live in the Mid-Atlantic. As a matter of fact late frosts killed a lot of wild vegetation that failed to bloom this year and just bolted to leaves.
April seemed pretty cold where I live in the Mid-Atlantic. As a matter of fact late frosts killed a lot of wild vegetation that failed to bloom this year and just bolted to leaves.

So factoring that in it was still the 2nd warmest month in history.
And always the AGW church that hates science will deny that this was mathematically altered as we will have to wait for 10 or so years for this to be changed by real science and real math.

I'll tell you one thing...Back in 2005 we could of had .62c for the 12 month period under the same pattern. We're seeing a heck of a pause!

And you still believe that 1998 is the warmest year on record even though real science and math proves otherwise. Also you believe AGW killed off the dinosaurs, so not sure if you understand anything beyond AGW cult propaganda.

It takes about ten years for the AGW church to admit it and they do it very quietly.

Anyone that claims to believe in science and then promotes AGW is not connected to reality nor any type of real science.

Please stop pretending that you are for real science or that you are any kind of realist as you post AGW propaganda. Just makes you look like the Hypocrite you truly are.

Although being a Hypocrite is the back bone of being a far left religious nut.
1998 is the only warmest if you count the lower troposphere satellite readings of the UAH, RSS and one surface data set from Briton that doesn't cover the entire globe.

Giss, Noaa and Berkeley data sets all support 2005 and 2010 as the warmest!
1998 is the only warmest if you count the lower troposphere satellite readings of the UAH, RSS and one surface data set from Briton that doesn't cover the entire globe.

Giss, Noaa and Berkeley data sets all support 2005 and 2010 as the warmest!

Only because Hansen spent a few years fucking up the historical data. Remember all those "corrections" 50 years after the fact? Yeah, that's science all right....crooked science.
Westwall, are you ever going to give up on all of your various nutball conspiracy theores? I mean, given that deliberate data fudging is all the deniers can do any more, it's kind of hypocritical for you to accuse honest people of your own side's specialty.

But no, you won't ever give up. You're too far gone into cult bitterness for that. Giving up on your conspiracy theories would mean the dirty liberals were right all along, and you'd rather keep enduring all this constant humiliation you get than admit such at thing.

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