Headline: Why September’s record-warm temperatures have scientists so worried

Cultural, political, religious, economic philosophies vs

do provide electricity and yeah so what's happening here is they're people

who have cultural political religious economic philosophies that they then

invoke when they want to cherry-pick one scientific result or another you can

find a scientific paper that says practically anything and the press which

I count you as part of the press will sometimes find a single paper so here's

a new truth if this study holds it but an emergent scientific truth for it to

become an objective truth the truth that is true whether or not you believe in it

it requires more than one scientific paper it requires a whole system of

people's research all leaning in the same direction all pointing to the same

consequences that's what we have with climate change as induced by human

conduct this is a known correspondence if you want to find the 3% of the papers

or the 1% of the papers that conflicted with this and build policy on that that

is simply irresponsible and what how else do you establish a scientific truth

if not by looking at the consensus of scientific experiments and scientific

observations Abraham Lincoln the first Republican President signed into law in

1963 a year when he had important things to be thinking about he signed into law

the the National Academy of Sciences because he knew that science mattered

and should matter in governance and and it and you know we build our cities on
Cultural, political, religious, economic philosophies vs

do provide electricity and yeah so what's happening here is they're people

who have cultural political religious economic philosophies that they then

invoke when they want to cherry-pick one scientific result or another you can

find a scientific paper that says practically anything and the press which

I count you as part of the press will sometimes find a single paper so here's

a new truth if this study holds it but an emergent scientific truth for it to

become an objective truth the truth that is true whether or not you believe in it

it requires more than one scientific paper it requires a whole system of

people's research all leaning in the same direction all pointing to the same

consequences that's what we have with climate change as induced by human

conduct this is a known correspondence if you want to find the 3% of the papers

or the 1% of the papers that conflicted with this and build policy on that that

is simply irresponsible and what how else do you establish a scientific truth

if not by looking at the consensus of scientific experiments and scientific

observations Abraham Lincoln the first Republican President signed into law in

1963 a year when he had important things to be thinking about he signed into law

the the National Academy of Sciences because he knew that science mattered

and should matter in governance and and it and you know we build our cities on

Thanks for this fine breakdown chron. It saves the reader time.
thank you

But, I'll go with the overwhelming majority of Scientists on this.

and NASA

We are more and more not trusting them. They are bought and paid for. So many self-important people who adore power and money and want to control others. Yet they themselves live opulent lives. That is the first and real and only warning we all need. That means they only hire people who comply. Comply. Comply. Comply. And they make sure the riff raft peasants are controlled from authoritarians who demand you comply while you are told you are free.
Like I said:

Some people will always focus on the weather in a particular area...

...while the scientists are focusing on the changes to our climate. Back in June 2023, headlines were: Fears of hottest year on record as global temperatures spike. People belittled the fears.
I'm praying that my average temp goes up. Can we get 60 degree highs in mid winter in Michigan? I ain't greedy. 60 would be nice
Google is telling me this.

The National Weather Service Climate Prediction Center is forecasting a much higher chance of above normal temperatures in Michigan for the winter of 2023-2024.1 day ago
We are more and more not trusting them. They are bought and paid for. So many self-important people who adore power and money and want to control others. Yet they themselves live opulent lives. That is the first and real and only warning we all need. That means they only hire people who comply. Comply. Comply. Comply. And they make sure the riff raft peasants are controlled from authoritarians who demand you comply while you are told you are free.
you resentful little misfit. Must be a MAGA Mongoloid.

Headline? Headlines often misrepresent the story they are meant to help tell.


You are truly amazing.


The article. Read the article. People who read only headlines end up with foot-in-mouth disease.
:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:.... stubborn is a close friend of stupid....

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