Secret Police State: What The FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Some very dark stuff going on in our Government. It's clear the previous Democrat President used the new Police State powers to try and destroy the Republican opposition. It was Watergate ten-fold. More Americans better get more concerned. Things are getting worse.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was reckless to allow Americans to see this classified material, they said. Agents in the field could be harmed, sources and methods would be compromised, they claimed.

Republicans who had seen the memo claimed that it was far worse than Watergate. They said that mass firings would begin immediately after it became public. They said that the criminality of US government agencies exposed by the memo would shock Americans.

Then it was released and the world did not end. FBI agents have thus far not been fired. Seeing “classified” material did not terrify us, but rather it demonstrated clearly that information is kept from us by claiming it is “classified.”

In the end, both sides got it wrong. Here’s what the memo really shows:...

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What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government
When you have a past president telling illegals to vote and to protest, you know you have a problem.
Some very dark stuff going on in our Government. It's clear the previous Democrat President used the new Police State powers to try and destroy the Republican opposition. It was Watergate ten-fold. More Americans better get more concerned. Things are getting worse.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was reckless to allow Americans to see this classified material, they said. Agents in the field could be harmed, sources and methods would be compromised, they claimed.

Republicans who had seen the memo claimed that it was far worse than Watergate. They said that mass firings would begin immediately after it became public. They said that the criminality of US government agencies exposed by the memo would shock Americans.

Then it was released and the world did not end. FBI agents have thus far not been fired. Seeing “classified” material did not terrify us, but rather it demonstrated clearly that information is kept from us by claiming it is “classified.”

In the end, both sides got it wrong. Here’s what the memo really shows:...

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What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government

Thanks for posting. once again Ron Paul gets it right!
It boils down to this. The KGB owns The Democrat Party, Clinton & Obama.

$64 Million given to Obama by a Russian owned publishing company for a book he never wrote.

$145 Million given to The Clinton Foundation by Business Partners In Rosatom who bought Uranium One.

Pakistani Hackers working for The DNC & Clinton stealing Congressional Files...hmmm and Podesta’s Emails

As much as $15 Million Paid To Russian Agents for Propaganda used to launch attacks against President Trump.

John McCain and his staff acting as KGB Couriers for Clinton & The FBI

The FBI and DOJ knowingly used Russian Propaganda to Nullify Our Election.

Digest all that for a moment.
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When you have a past president telling illegals to vote and to protest, you know you have a problem.

And telling the Russians he can make a deal with them after the election.


And the *defense* that I'm seeing on the internet from the left...

"Everybody knew it was going on, so what's the big deal?"

Except they denied it was going on until the memo came out.

We need to go to war. We need to do it now while we have Trump.
It boils down to this. The KGB owns The Democrat Party, Clinton & Obama.

$64 Million given to Obama by a Russian owned publishing company for a book he never wrote.

$145 Million given to The Clinton Foundation by Business Partners In Rosatom who bought Uranium One.

Pakistani Hackers working for The DNC & Clinton stealing Congressional Files...hmmm and Podesta’s Emails

As much as $15 Million Paid To Russian Agents for Propaganda used to launch attacks against President Trump.

John McCain and his staff acting as KGB Couriers for Clinton & The FBI

The FBI and DOJ knowingly used Russian Propaganda to Nullify Our Election.

Digest all that for a moment.

There is no way to digest that much bullshit. I didn't know you could pile that much bullshit into on post. Well Done.
Obama is the culprit in all of this...he tried from day one to turn America into Venezuela but he didn't understand one very important thing...Americans are not Venezuelans...
If he wants to dupe a bunch of socialist and make it stick he is going to have to move south.....way south...
Doveryay, no proveryay.
-- Ronald Reagan

As much as I like Ron Paul, liking and understanding him informs me that not everything that comes out of his mouth is sensible.

From the OP's linked article:
Candidate Trump’s repeated promises to get along with Russia and to re-assess NATO so many years after the end of the Cold War were threatening to a Washington that depends on creating enemies to sustain the fear needed to justify a trillion dollar yearly military budget.
So either the enemies are real or they are imagined/fabricated.
  • If the former, the military needs more funding than it did in prior years.
  • If the latter, the military does not need more funding than it did in prior years; instead reducing staffing levels and curtailing spending on property, plant and equipment would be the thing to do.
It is clear that the FISA abuse detailed in the memo was well known to Republicans like House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes before the memo was actually released.
There's nothing in the memo that probatively shows there was any abuse of the FISA warrant application process.

I've in detail discussed in two other posts on USMB why the memo is not probative for showing the presence of surveillance abuse.
Hawks on both sides of the aisle in Congress used “Russia-gate” as an excuse to build animosity toward Russia among average Americans.
"Build animosity?" Russia's unilateral actions earned it whatever animosity it receives from the U.S. [1]

Russia’s continuing hostile actions toward the United States and its allies.
These are not the actions of an ally; they are the actions of an adversary.

Russia poses four distinct, but related problems for U.S. policy:
  1. Putin’s Russia is a regime that combines a lack of respect for political, civil [3], and economic rights with a dysfunctional economy.

  2. Most dangerously for the United States, Russia poses a series of worldwide strategic and diplomatic challenges, including buildup of its nuclear arsenal and military.
  3. Russia poses threats to discrete U.S. friends, allies, and interests around the world.
  4. Russia’s cooperation with bad actors and its increasing tendency to play a spoiler role pose another set of threats.

  1. Before responding with rebuttals/refutations to this section of this post, click the link, read the article and at least peruse the content referenced in the footnotes found there. Only a tiny portion of it is presented below.
  2. See also:
  3. See also:
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Some very dark stuff going on in our Government. It's clear the previous Democrat President used the new Police State powers to try and destroy the Republican opposition. It was Watergate ten-fold. More Americans better get more concerned. Things are getting worse.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was reckless to allow Americans to see this classified material, they said. Agents in the field could be harmed, sources and methods would be compromised, they claimed.

Republicans who had seen the memo claimed that it was far worse than Watergate. They said that mass firings would begin immediately after it became public. They said that the criminality of US government agencies exposed by the memo would shock Americans.

Then it was released and the world did not end. FBI agents have thus far not been fired. Seeing “classified” material did not terrify us, but rather it demonstrated clearly that information is kept from us by claiming it is “classified.”

In the end, both sides got it wrong. Here’s what the memo really shows:...

Read More:
What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government

Agree, mostly… but publishing the names of informants and sources would result in no one feeling safe going to the police/FBI… The CIA wouldn't be able to turn people etc.

Our government does classify embarrassing material, policies and reports that make them look bad. But not telling bad guys how you intend on catching them is typically how law enforcement operates.
There is no way to digest that much bullshit. I didn't know you could pile that much bullshit into one post. Well Done.

LOL That member's post is just one non sequitur after another.

Like far too many posters here, that guy posts whatever silly sh*t crosses his mind, and he does so without an iota of portfolio or sound/cogent supporting information. To wit, even the most cursory consideration of recent history would suggest that if the Russians to any extent have any U.S. political party or politicians in their pocket, it'd more likely be Republicans than Democrats. What indicates that? Well, among other things, the slight warming of U.S.-Russian relations in the immediate wake of 9/11 followed by the notable cooling during the Obama years. Moreover, one cannot cleave to or concur credibly with notions that Hillary Clinton is controlled by the Russians while observing that Putin cannot stand her.

  • 2011 Clinton remarking on the Russian election: "We have serious concerns about the conduct of the election...The Russian people, like people everywhere, deserve the right to have their voices heard and their votes counted...And that means they deserve free, fair, transparent elections and leaders who are accountable to them." (Source)
  • Why Putin hates Hillary
How "in Russia's pocket" can a party/person be when the country's head of state detests that person and by extension their party? Quite simply, the other member's circumstantially-based inferential narrative, one that hasn't one single credible source corroborating the motivations the other member implies must exist in Russian state actors and U.S. Democratic party officials, doesn't align with actual observed behavior and statements of of the specific individuals involved: the political leaders of Russia and U.S. Democratic party officials.

Lastly, assuming any of the member's noted items have in fact been credibly shown to be true, it's worth noting that a central crux of the other members so-called "argument" -- the whole of it is implied; it contains not one explicit positive cause-effect-motivation statement pertaining to the arbitrary actions identified and that establish a cogent case for concurring with the member's conclusion that "the KGB owns The Democrat Party, Clinton & Obama" -- apparently derives from the member's not understanding that private firms either are or are not unofficial arms of the state. The short of why I wrote that is this:
  • If Russian firms are arms of the Russian government, "cutouts" if you will, then all of Trump's and anyone else's business interactions with Russians are suspect.
  • If Russian firms are not arms of the Russian government, the member's noting various alleged spending by Russian firms makes their inclusion in his post pointless.
  • If some Russian firms are arms of the Russian government and some are not, it then becomes incumbent on the member to show soundly/cogently/credibly that the noted firms are arms of the Russian government.
Some very dark stuff going on in our Government. It's clear the previous Democrat President used the new Police State powers to try and destroy the Republican opposition. It was Watergate ten-fold. More Americans better get more concerned. Things are getting worse.

Good article by Dr. Ron Paul

The release of the House Intelligence Committee’s memo on the FBI’s abuse of the FISA process set off a partisan firestorm. The Democrats warned us beforehand that declassifying the memo would be the end the world as we know it. It was reckless to allow Americans to see this classified material, they said. Agents in the field could be harmed, sources and methods would be compromised, they claimed.

Republicans who had seen the memo claimed that it was far worse than Watergate. They said that mass firings would begin immediately after it became public. They said that the criminality of US government agencies exposed by the memo would shock Americans.

Then it was released and the world did not end. FBI agents have thus far not been fired. Seeing “classified” material did not terrify us, but rather it demonstrated clearly that information is kept from us by claiming it is “classified.”

In the end, both sides got it wrong. Here’s what the memo really shows:...

Read More:
What the FBI/FISA Memo Really Tells Us About Our Government

Thanks for posting. once again Ron Paul gets it right!

Right On. :thup:
They not only surveilled Trump, they surveilled his family too. It's as dirty as it gets. Watergate Ten-fold.

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