Secret Service Exposes Part of Dems Character Assassination of Rear Admiral Jackson


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
There is no downside for democrats when they lie like this. There is no penalty. They shrug and go on telling the same lie over again.
Another thing this does, is it will cost the dems a great deal of time
and money to research all the allegations, to attempt to prove that
any of them were correct.

They have no choice but to do that or they will be out one Senator from

It amazes me, how the dems are so gullible. I used to despise the GOP
because they always picked the wrong fight. The Donald is now so far
into these peoples' minds he's got them doing his own deflection for him.

He's already a master at getting people to look over there instead of over
here, and now these spitwads are doing that for him.

And they have to hurry...because the WHCD is fixin' to take center stage.

They'll be trying to explain that snafu for a month.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.

So you agree, he didn’t want the scrutiny. At some point, he was going to be asked, under oath, about the President’s weight. He would have had to perjure himself or tell the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he floated these stories himself to take the 3rd door.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.

So you agree, he didn’t want the scrutiny. At some point, he was going to be asked, under oath, about the President’s weight. He would have had to perjure himself or tell the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he floated these stories himself to take the 3rd door.

'Scrutiny' is the 'view under a microscope', the dissecting of one's personal and professional life, I, like I am sure he felt, have / had no problem with 'scrutiny'. What the Democrats did was not 'scrutiny'. What they did was to LIE, INTENTIONALLY FALSELY ACCUSE, ATTEMPT TO PERSONALLY DESTROY JACKSON - his long distinguished career, his reputation, his livelihood...

No, I do NOT agree with you.

And as the article specifies, the Secret Service came out AGAIN to debunk more Democrat false claims / lies.

As proven to be a pattern, Libs engage in the 'Politics of Personal Destruction', doing whatever they have to in order to destroy what / who they oppose, to include make false charges without any evidence (#WitchHunt).
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
when one is at the bottom, you can't go any lower.
So he quit despite having all of the facts on his side (allegedly)?


No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.

So you agree, he didn’t want the scrutiny. At some point, he was going to be asked, under oath, about the President’s weight. He would have had to perjure himself or tell the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he floated these stories himself to take the 3rd door.

'Scrutiny' is the 'view under a microscope', the dissecting of one's personal and professional life, I, like I am sure he felt, have / had no problem with 'scrutiny'. What the Democrats did was not 'scrutiny'. What they did was to LIE, INTENTIONALLY FALSELY ACCUSE, ATTEMPT TO PERSONALLY DESTROY JACKSON - his long distinguished career, his reputation, his livelihood...

No, I do NOT agree with you.

And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.
No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.

So you agree, he didn’t want the scrutiny. At some point, he was going to be asked, under oath, about the President’s weight. He would have had to perjure himself or tell the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he floated these stories himself to take the 3rd door.

'Scrutiny' is the 'view under a microscope', the dissecting of one's personal and professional life, I, like I am sure he felt, have / had no problem with 'scrutiny'. What the Democrats did was not 'scrutiny'. What they did was to LIE, INTENTIONALLY FALSELY ACCUSE, ATTEMPT TO PERSONALLY DESTROY JACKSON - his long distinguished career, his reputation, his livelihood...

No, I do NOT agree with you.

And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.
it's what the left is. Most everyone notices, however, the evil that is the left have enough to punish americans. shame. civility is lost on you all. And you're proud. wow. you da man.
[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...
it's what the left is. Most everyone notices, however, the evil that is the left have enough to punish americans. shame. civility is lost on you all. And you're proud. wow. you da man.

[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...


Doubtful, but you are entitled to your opinion.

Need a tissue?
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
No, not curious at all. Much like Herman Cain, he came to the conclusion that serving his country was not worth the despicable, vile personal attacks and attempts to destroy him - which effects not only him but puts his wife and kids through the grinder publicly as well - just wasn't worth it.

When asked before he withdrew his name if the Rear Admiral would do so, Trump responded by saying that he would if he were Jackson, going up for confirmation for VA Sec. Who would wan to continue going through such a vicious, baseless personal attack, dragging his family through that?!

And other posters nailed it - these disgusting liberal PsOS have nothing to lose by attempting to destroy someone's good name, their career, their family, etc for political gain. If they get 'out'ed as liars and horrific people, others simply shrug and move on. Their attackers don't even issue so much as an apology because they simply have no shame.

Put another way, he didn’t want the scrutiny.

No, in other words, he did not want to go through or put his family through the Democrat gauntlet of vile, despicable LIES and CHARACER ASSASSINATION.

So you agree, he didn’t want the scrutiny. At some point, he was going to be asked, under oath, about the President’s weight. He would have had to perjure himself or tell the truth. I wouldn’t be surprised if he floated these stories himself to take the 3rd door.

'Scrutiny' is the 'view under a microscope', the dissecting of one's personal and professional life, I, like I am sure he felt, have / had no problem with 'scrutiny'. What the Democrats did was not 'scrutiny'. What they did was to LIE, INTENTIONALLY FALSELY ACCUSE, ATTEMPT TO PERSONALLY DESTROY JACKSON - his long distinguished career, his reputation, his livelihood...

No, I do NOT agree with you.

And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

"got away with" is the expression used when some unlawful, despicable, dishonest and typically Democrat/progressive tactic was used and the perpetrators managed to avoid the consequences.

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