Secret Service Exposes Part of Dems Character Assassination of Rear Admiral Jackson

[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...
As a vet...I'm relieved that Jackson is not going to be the head of the VA. He has no experience leading such a large organization and would have surely mucked it up. The truth is, is that the VA has few friends in DC--it's seen as a money pit. The VA needs a non-partisan, experienced leader--who can stand up to the indifference.

I'm withholding my opinion as to whether or not he is blameless as regards some of the allegations leveled against him. I do feel that he should have stuck it out..if he had nothing to fear. No, I don't think that biased Right-wing sources are enough to 'clear' him. They may be right..they may be wrong--but they have an axe to grind as well..and a deplorable..Lol, did I say that??...Deplorable record of accuracy.
I also feel that the allegations needed a hearing--Jackson should have been able to face his accusers...and I believe that anonymous sources should have no credence.
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
If you say so..I have to admit though, that I first heard Right-wing types use it--and most still do. I have to disagree...I do believe that it entered the lexicon thought the Right wing. If you have some examples prior to the last Presidential election..of Left wing types using it..I'd love to see them.

Right wing nutz referring to Left wing the way I've seen it..for at least the last two years.

In any's a immature and babyish term..that immediately shows me just what kind of fool I'm reading. Left or Right being irrelevant to my judgment.
As a vet...I'm relieved that Jackson is not going to be the head of the VA. He has no experience leading such a large organization and would have surely mucked it up.
As a Vet I can appreciate THAT explanation for not hiring him, which I agree with you on. Making THAT case was not the Democrats' plan, though. They preferred lying, falsely accusing him, dragging him and his family through the mud....
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
jc is correct, as your ignorance has just been revealed.

'Snowflake' - origin: It is a term adopted BY DEMOCRATS to refer to other Democrats who were too easily offended by seemingly EVERYTHING.

So, no. Once again, you are wrong.
[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...
As a vet...I'm relieved that Jackson is not going to be the head of the VA. He has no experience leading such a large organization and would have surely mucked it up. The truth is, is that the VA has few friends in DC--it's seen as a money pit. The VA needs a non-partisan, experienced leader--who can stand up to the indifference.

I'm withholding my opinion as to whether or not he is blameless as regards some of the allegations leveled against him. I do feel that he should have stuck it out..if he had nothing to fear. No, I don't think that biased Right-wing sources are enough to 'clear' him. They may be right..they may be wrong--but they have an axe to grind as well..and a deplorable..Lol, did I say that??...Deplorable record of accuracy.
I also feel that the allegations needed a hearing--Jackson should have been able to face his accusers...and I believe that anonymous sources should have no credence.

No experience, no problem. Why, look at that de vos character they put in charge of education. No experience, no problem. Repugs will probably try to privatize the v.a. anyway so...
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
jc is correct, as your ignorance has just been revealed.

'Snowflake' - origin: It is a term adopted BY DEMOCRATS to refer to other Democrats who were too easily offended by seemingly EVERYTHING.

So, no. Once again, you are wrong.
Prove it..or STFU!
I have numerous times, posting links to the origin. I can't spend all my time posting and re-posting and re-posting the same things over and over again to attempt to educate...and keep educated...ignorant libs who have the memory of a goldfish / Nancy Pelosi. At some point you just have to let people fall flat on their face instead of constantly propping them up. (Don't look not, dude, but you are falling....)
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
jc is correct, as your ignorance has just been revealed.

'Snowflake' - origin: It is a term adopted BY DEMOCRATS to refer to other Democrats who were too easily offended by seemingly EVERYTHING.

So, no. Once again, you are wrong.
Am I?

Urban Dictionary: Snowflake

"A term for someone that thinks they are unique and special, but really are not. It gained popularity after the movie "Fight Club" from the quote “You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."

Began being used extensively as a putdown for someone, usually on the political left, who is easily offended or felt they needed a "safe space" away from the harsh realities of the world, but now has morphed into a general putdown for anyone that complains about any subject."

The surprising history of ‘snowflake’ as a political insult

"But as 2016 dawned, snowflake made its way to the mainstream and, in the process, evolved into something more vicious. The insult expanded to encompass not just the young but liberals of all ages; it became the epithet of choice for right-wingers to fling at anyone who could be accused of being too easily offended, too in need of “safe spaces,” too fragile.

You can see this linguistic evolution play out on Urban Dictionary: The 2008 definition of snowflake was “a person who think they are OMGUNIQUE!, but is, in fact, just like everyone else.” That was redefined in May of 2016 as “an overly sensitive person, incapable of dealing with any opinions that differ from their own. These people can often be seen congregating in ‘safe zones’ on college campuses.” A more aggressive definition went up the following month: “An entitled millenial SJW-tard who runs to her “safe space” to play with stress toys and coloring books when she gets ‘triggered” by various innocuous “microsaggressions’ [sic].”"
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
If you say so..I have to admit though, that I first heard Right-wing types use it--and most still do. I have to disagree...I do believe that it entered the lexicon thought the Right wing. If you have some examples prior to the last Presidential election..of Left wing types using it..I'd love to see them.

Right wing nutz referring to Left wing the way I've seen it..for at least the last two years.

In any's a immature and babyish term..that immediately shows me just what kind of fool I'm reading. Left or Right being irrelevant to my judgment.
Snowflake (slang) - Wikipedia

"Unique/special snowflake[edit]
It is popularly believed but not scientifically proven that each snowflake has a unique structure.[3][4] In 1996, Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club was published containing the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". The 1999 film adaptation of the novel also contains this line. Following Fight Club, the terminology "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" was applied to individuals who behaved as if they were very special. Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success and/or that they deserve a special career with abundant praise and admiration.[5] According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s, snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life".[2]

Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the metaphorical use of snowflake.[1] According to Meriam-Webster, however, "Palahniuk was hardly the first person to use the metaphor. It's the stuff of self-help books and inspirational posters and elementary school assurances. The imagery before negation is lovely; we are each unique snowflakes, each worth treasuring because each is uniquely beautiful. Palahniuk's denial of the individual's snowflake status struck a chord."[2] The unique as a snowflake metaphor has been used with elementary school students to celebrate their individuality and teamwork.[6]"
[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...
As a vet...I'm relieved that Jackson is not going to be the head of the VA. He has no experience leading such a large organization and would have surely mucked it up. The truth is, is that the VA has few friends in DC--it's seen as a money pit. The VA needs a non-partisan, experienced leader--who can stand up to the indifference.

I'm withholding my opinion as to whether or not he is blameless as regards some of the allegations leveled against him. I do feel that he should have stuck it out..if he had nothing to fear. No, I don't think that biased Right-wing sources are enough to 'clear' him. They may be right..they may be wrong--but they have an axe to grind as well..and a deplorable..Lol, did I say that??...Deplorable record of accuracy.
I also feel that the allegations needed a hearing--Jackson should have been able to face his accusers...and I believe that anonymous sources should have no credence.

No experience, no problem. Why, look at that de vos character they put in charge of education. No experience, no problem. Repugs will probably try to privatize the v.a. anyway so...
Yes..and exactly what I'm against..Privatization.
No experience, no problem. Why, look at that de vos character they put in charge of education. No experience, no problem. Repugs will probably try to privatize the v.a. anyway so...
Better yet, let's look at Hillary as Sect of State....
- 2 Un-Constitutional Wars
- The US aided the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, ISIS, Hezbollah, Mexican Drug Cartels
- Paid ransoms to multiple terrorists for US hostages
- 1 Un-Constitutional 'Treaty' benefitting the leading exporter of terrorism
- 4 Americans needlessly abandoned to die at the hands of Al Qaeda
- North Korea ignored, allowed to obtain missiles capable of striking the US with its nukes
- The US abandoned its promise to help defend Ukraine's border...
Jackson was the President's pick to become the new Veteran's Affairs Secretary...The Democrats responded as usual, engaging in a complete character assassination of a nominee, attempting to personally destroy the man to prevent the President from getting his pick confirmed.

The Secret Service just stepped up to call one accusation against Jackson a lie, 1st reported by 'fake news' CNN:

“A thorough review of internal documents related to all Presidential foreign travel that occurred in 2015, in addition to interviews of personnel who were present during foreign travel that occurred during the same time frame, has resulted in no information that would indicate the allegation is accurate.”
--- Secret Service

As for the other 2 accusations against Jackson:

'Wrecked Car':
- 'The White House on Friday said officials had conducted a thorough review of presidential physician Ronny L. Jackson’s vehicle records and found three minor incidents but no evidence that he “wrecked” a car after drinking at a Secret Service going-away party, as was alleged in a document released by Senate Democrats this week.'


'The Candy Man':
- 'The White House also produced more than two years’ worth of audits of the White House Medical Unit’s handling of prescriptions and medications, all of which showed no problems.'


"Needless to say, these allegations were shocking to most people, given the glowing letters of his previous job performances from both Presidents G.W. Bush and Obama, along with the full support of President Trump that was reported about after Trump nominated the man for the job."

Yeah, the FALSE ACCUSATIONS made against Rear Admiral Jackson by the '100%-Committed-Obstructionist Trump-Hating Leftist Extremists were 'shocking'.

What is NOT 'shocking' is finding out now that all of their accusations were LIES - part of a character assassination not supported by any evidence and was refuted even by the Secret Service. What was also not 'shocking' was how, faced with possibly negative / embarrassing claims against a Trump candidate made by Liberal Obstructionists / Character Assassins the cowardly GOP folded like a cheap suit, did not fight back, and simply asked Jackson to withdraw.

Secret Service denies allegations against Rear Admiral Jackson
Tell it to ACORN
I was explaining the politics to you. Perhaps you should get someone to explain it to you.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
If you say so..I have to admit though, that I first heard Right-wing types use it--and most still do. I have to disagree...I do believe that it entered the lexicon thought the Right wing. If you have some examples prior to the last Presidential election..of Left wing types using it..I'd love to see them.

Right wing nutz referring to Left wing the way I've seen it..for at least the last two years.

In any's a immature and babyish term..that immediately shows me just what kind of fool I'm reading. Left or Right being irrelevant to my judgment.
Snowflake (slang) - Wikipedia

"Unique/special snowflake[edit]
It is popularly believed but not scientifically proven that each snowflake has a unique structure.[3][4] In 1996, Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club was published containing the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". The 1999 film adaptation of the novel also contains this line. Following Fight Club, the terminology "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" was applied to individuals who behaved as if they were very special. Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success and/or that they deserve a special career with abundant praise and admiration.[5] According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s, snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life".[2]

Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the metaphorical use of snowflake.[1] According to Meriam-Webster, however, "Palahniuk was hardly the first person to use the metaphor. It's the stuff of self-help books and inspirational posters and elementary school assurances. The imagery before negation is lovely; we are each unique snowflakes, each worth treasuring because each is uniquely beautiful. Palahniuk's denial of the individual's snowflake status struck a chord."[2] The unique as a snowflake metaphor has been used with elementary school students to celebrate their individuality and teamwork.[6]"
Lame...I read the same seem to have left out the Political connotations.

This is exactly what I hate the most about our discourse..the deliberate dishonesty of many who select the parts of definitions they like..and leave out the parts they do not...if you did the google search..and I see you would have come across many references bolstering my point..but you chose to ignore them...and focus on the narrow definition you posted.

Just because it started as a movie quote does not mean that it stayed with that generic you should well know. In any have nothing to say that it started as a Left wing all--as you contended.

Total fail.
[And it looks like they got away with it since he has withdrew his nomination and will no longer be the WH physician. Retirement is on the horizon I would suspect.

WHY? Jackson may have withdrawn his name, but he came out of this unscathed - his reputation, his career untainted, as it has now been proven that the Democrats despicably lied and made false accusations .... again. Not only has it been made clear that Liberals repeatedly engage in this disgusting pattern, it has been revealed that the US / Vets just lost a good man for the job due to the 'criminal' character assassination attempt by Democrats...
As a vet...I'm relieved that Jackson is not going to be the head of the VA. He has no experience leading such a large organization and would have surely mucked it up. The truth is, is that the VA has few friends in DC--it's seen as a money pit. The VA needs a non-partisan, experienced leader--who can stand up to the indifference.

I'm withholding my opinion as to whether or not he is blameless as regards some of the allegations leveled against him. I do feel that he should have stuck it out..if he had nothing to fear. No, I don't think that biased Right-wing sources are enough to 'clear' him. They may be right..they may be wrong--but they have an axe to grind as well..and a deplorable..Lol, did I say that??...Deplorable record of accuracy.
I also feel that the allegations needed a hearing--Jackson should have been able to face his accusers...and I believe that anonymous sources should have no credence.

No experience, no problem. Why, look at that de vos character they put in charge of education. No experience, no problem. Repugs will probably try to privatize the v.a. anyway so...
Yes..and exactly what I'm against..Privatization.
right, we know you are. you want the blacks held down. under your thumb as Mick would sing.
Stop Lying. 'Need a Tissue' is childish and has nothing to do with 'politics'. It is the response one would expect from a is trying to spin their getting spanked for making a childish remark and being called on it.
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
If you say so..I have to admit though, that I first heard Right-wing types use it--and most still do. I have to disagree...I do believe that it entered the lexicon thought the Right wing. If you have some examples prior to the last Presidential election..of Left wing types using it..I'd love to see them.

Right wing nutz referring to Left wing the way I've seen it..for at least the last two years.

In any's a immature and babyish term..that immediately shows me just what kind of fool I'm reading. Left or Right being irrelevant to my judgment.
Snowflake (slang) - Wikipedia

"Unique/special snowflake[edit]
It is popularly believed but not scientifically proven that each snowflake has a unique structure.[3][4] In 1996, Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club was published containing the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". The 1999 film adaptation of the novel also contains this line. Following Fight Club, the terminology "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" was applied to individuals who behaved as if they were very special. Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success and/or that they deserve a special career with abundant praise and admiration.[5] According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s, snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life".[2]

Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the metaphorical use of snowflake.[1] According to Meriam-Webster, however, "Palahniuk was hardly the first person to use the metaphor. It's the stuff of self-help books and inspirational posters and elementary school assurances. The imagery before negation is lovely; we are each unique snowflakes, each worth treasuring because each is uniquely beautiful. Palahniuk's denial of the individual's snowflake status struck a chord."[2] The unique as a snowflake metaphor has been used with elementary school students to celebrate their individuality and teamwork.[6]"
Lame...I read the same seem to have left out the Political connotations.

This is exactly what I hate the most about our discourse..the deliberate dishonesty of many who select the parts of definitions they like..and leave out the parts they do not...if you did the google search..and I see you would have come across many references bolstering my point..but you chose to ignore them...and focus on the narrow definition you posted.

Just because it started as a movie quote does not mean that it stayed with that generic you should well know. In any have nothing to say that it started as a Left wing all--as you contended.

Total fail.
hahahahaha, you wanted the origin. I gave it to you, and I failed? hahahahahahahha in your dreams snowflake.
Snowflake - over-sensitive person, easily offended.

If you are offended by being called a 'snowflake''re a 'snowflake'. :p
Kind of like using the term 'snowflake', right?
snowflake is a leftist term.
If you say so..I have to admit though, that I first heard Right-wing types use it--and most still do. I have to disagree...I do believe that it entered the lexicon thought the Right wing. If you have some examples prior to the last Presidential election..of Left wing types using it..I'd love to see them.

Right wing nutz referring to Left wing the way I've seen it..for at least the last two years.

In any's a immature and babyish term..that immediately shows me just what kind of fool I'm reading. Left or Right being irrelevant to my judgment.
Snowflake (slang) - Wikipedia

"Unique/special snowflake[edit]
It is popularly believed but not scientifically proven that each snowflake has a unique structure.[3][4] In 1996, Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club was published containing the quote: "you are not special, you are not a beautiful and unique snowflake". The 1999 film adaptation of the novel also contains this line. Following Fight Club, the terminology "special snowflake" and "special snowflake syndrome" was applied to individuals who behaved as if they were very special. Such terminology refers to a person who believes their status as a unique individual means they are destined for great success and/or that they deserve a special career with abundant praise and admiration.[5] According to Merriam-Webster, in the 2000s, snowflake referred "mostly to millennials who were allegedly too convinced of their own status as special and unique people to be able (or bothered) to handle the normal trials and travails of regular adult life".[2]

Palahniuk has often been credited with coining the metaphorical use of snowflake.[1] According to Meriam-Webster, however, "Palahniuk was hardly the first person to use the metaphor. It's the stuff of self-help books and inspirational posters and elementary school assurances. The imagery before negation is lovely; we are each unique snowflakes, each worth treasuring because each is uniquely beautiful. Palahniuk's denial of the individual's snowflake status struck a chord."[2] The unique as a snowflake metaphor has been used with elementary school students to celebrate their individuality and teamwork.[6]"
Lame...I read the same seem to have left out the Political connotations.

This is exactly what I hate the most about our discourse..the deliberate dishonesty of many who select the parts of definitions they like..and leave out the parts they do not...if you did the google search..and I see you would have come across many references bolstering my point..but you chose to ignore them...and focus on the narrow definition you posted.

Just because it started as a movie quote does not mean that it stayed with that generic you should well know. In any have nothing to say that it started as a Left wing all--as you contended.

Total fail.
hahahahaha, you wanted the origin. I gave it to you, and I failed? hahahahahahahha in your dreams snowflake.
You are an anyone reading this thread can see--I asked you for some example of the left using the term prior to last Presidential failed. You refuse to admit the used in politics and as used on social a right wing insult. Why you refuse, I can't say..ashamed maybe?

Devastated by Brexit? Snowflake. Protesting the election of Donald J. Trump? Precious snowflake. Asking to take down a statue of a racist on your campus? Classic Generation Snowflake. Sexual assault survivors requesting trigger warnings on texts that include graphic rape scenes? Special snowflakes. Last November, snowflake was deemed one of Collins English Dictionary’s words of the year. That same month, the L.A. Times included snowflake in “a guide to the language of the ‘alt-right.’” The Guardian called it “the defining insult of 2016.”

“I think it’s gone beyond slang,” said Jonathon Green, slang lexicographer and author of several dictionaries of slang. “It’s a very specific, very politicized insult.”

Urban Dictionary

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