Secret Service: Hillary has Jekyll-and-Hyde personality, with explosive physical outbursts

Just another black eye for the Secret Service that shows how unprofessional, classless, and not worth trusting by the people they are sworn to protect! How do you write a book about what goes on behind the scenes of the White House with impunity? It doesn't bother me because after Hooker-gate, drunken-gate, and all the breaks in security, they've shown they aren't worth the cheap suits they're wearing! Slimeballs! :321:
TRANSLATION: I've got to change the subject to something else here, and quickly! Since I can't refute anything the author is saying, and people know Hillary well enough to know it's all true. Let's see, oh yes... It's all the Secret Service's fault! Look at them! Look at them! And PLEASE stop looking at Hillary!

It doesn't matter if everything in his trashy book is correct! There's a code where the SS is supposed to protect and keep the First Family safe! If any and all of these clowns write books, they are showing themselves to not have any character themselves! How would you like a family member ratting out your idiocentricities just for the HELL of it? It's the same thing!
Eisenhower had a temper that could burst forth like a summer thunderstorm, but that subsided just as rapidly.
How Do Historians Evaluate the Administration of Dwight Eisenhower?

At work or at play, Kennedy had to win, and his temper occasionally flared up at touch foot-ball partners who put out less than the maximum effort. Once, during the Bay of Pigs crisis, he tried to relax by playing checkers with his old friend Undersecretary of the Navy "Red" Fay. When it became clear that Fay was winning their 1st game, JFK deliberately upset the board.

President John F. Kennedy: Physical Description, Behavior and Personality

In the aftermath of Los Angeles, Lady Bird no longer doubted that LBJ wanted to be president. She knew as well that she could cope with the recurrences of Johnson’s inevitable moments of bad temper.
Alone Together - Texas Monthly

The only president generally thought of as possessing a “crazy” bad temper is Richard Nixon. Releases of tapes from the National Archives continue to confirm the widespread notion that Nixon spent much of his time in the White House doing a sort of free-form imitation of Captain Queeg. (Some of the most recent excerpts, in the course of a single conversation with Ehrlichman and Haldeman: “We’re going to [put] more of these little Negro bastards on the welfare rolls…Mexico is a much more moral country [than the U.S.]…You know what happened to the Greeks? Homosexuality destroyed them…You know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were fags…the Catholic Church went to hell three or four centuries ago. It was homosexual, and it had to be cleaned out.”)
Presidential Temper -

McCain's temper is nothing new to those who know the Arizona senator.

And that anger especially came out in a May 17, 2007, meeting on immigration, according to The Washington Post.

Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, was none too happy when McCain showed up late, saying, "wait a second here. I've been sitting in here for all of these negotiations, and you just parachute in here on the last day. You're out of line."

McCain shot back, "F--- you! I know more about this than anyone else in the room."

Top 16 foul-mouthed politicians
Jekyll Hyde
brain tumor
heroine addict

my my, where does she find time to kick Trumps ass?

He had a temper. He didn't get mad lightly, but when he did it was real and hit like lightning....

Reagan is always described as genial and easygoing, but Marty Anderson used to call him "warmly ruthless." He would do in the nicest possible way what had to be done. He was as nice as he could be about it, but he knew where he was going, and if you were in the way you were gone. And you might argue his ruthlessness made everything possible.

Character Above All: Ronald Reagan Essay
TRANSLATION: I've got to change the subject to something else here, and quickly! Since I can't refute anything the author is saying, and people know Hillary well enough to know it's all true. Let's see, oh yes... It's all the Secret Service's fault! Look at them! Look at them! And PLEASE stop looking at Hillary!
It doesn't matter if everything in his trashy book is correct!
That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.

Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.

Just another black eye for the Secret Service that shows how unprofessional, classless, and not worth trusting by the people they are sworn to protect! How do you write a book about what goes on behind the scenes of the White House with impunity? It doesn't bother me because after Hooker-gate, drunken-gate, and all the breaks in security, they've shown they aren't worth the cheap suits they're wearing! Slimeballs! :321:
TRANSLATION: I've got to change the subject to something else here, and quickly! Since I can't refute anything the author is saying, and people know Hillary well enough to know it's all true. Let's see, oh yes... It's all the Secret Service's fault! Look at them! Look at them! And PLEASE stop looking at Hillary!

It doesn't matter if everything in his trashy book is correct! There's a code where the SS is supposed to protect and keep the First Family safe! If any and all of these clowns write books, they are showing themselves to not have any character themselves! How would you like a family member ratting out your idiocentricities just for the HELL of it? It's the same thing!
How can the First Family trust their agents if they are going to write tell all books for millions?
What ever happened to honor among our Secret Service?
TRANSLATION: I've got to change the subject to something else here, and quickly! Since I can't refute anything the author is saying, and people know Hillary well enough to know it's all true. Let's see, oh yes... It's all the Secret Service's fault! Look at them! Look at them! And PLEASE stop looking at Hillary!
It doesn't matter if everything in his trashy book is correct!
That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.

Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.


Who refuted anything? You obviously have trouble reading! I said it doesn't matter if everything claimed is true, it's not for SS to be exposing stuff that goes on concerning the First Family; not professional and proves they can't be trusted! Simple for a simpleton! ;-/
That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.
Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.
How can the First Family trust their agents if they are going to write tell all books for millions?

And here we find little rightwinger flying in close formation with poor little fiero, flinging insults at the Secret Service while praying desperately that people will stop discussing Hillary's actions and temperament.

It's sort of like complaining that bank robbers can't possibly trust the cops if the cops are simply going to arrest them, jail them, and put them on public trial.

Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.

Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.

Let's see the decades worth of exposes about how horrible Hillary's temper can be

We have it on Trump
That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.
Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.
How can the First Family trust their agents if they are going to write tell all books for millions?

And here we find little rightwinger flying in close formation with poor little fiero, flinging insults at the Secret Service while praying desperately that people will stop discussing Hillary's actions and temperament.

It's sort of like complaining that bank robbers can't possibly trust the cops if the cops are simply going to arrest them, jail them, and put them on public trial.

Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.

Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?
Secret Service is provided unlimited access to the First Family

Start publishing exposes for cash and you destroy that trust

Last edited:
That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.
Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.
How can the First Family trust their agents if they are going to write tell all books for millions?

And here we find little rightwinger flying in close formation with poor little fiero, flinging insults at the Secret Service while praying desperately that people will stop discussing Hillary's actions and temperament.
It's sort of like complaining that bank robbers can't possibly trust the cops if the cops are simply going to arrest them, jail them, and put them on public trial.
Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.
Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?
Secret Service is provided unlimited access to the First Family

Start publishing exposes for cash and you destroy that trust
And poor little rightwinger, having no answer to the revelations of Hillary's explosive temper and misbehavior, can only keep trying to change the subject and double down on his diversion and smearing of the Secret Service instead.

ANYTHING but discuss the actual subject of the thread.

Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.
Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.

Let's see the decades worth of exposes about how horrible Hillary's temper can be

We have it on Trump
We have decades of temper with Mrs BJ, but you don't know it.
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.

Let's see the decades worth of exposes about how horrible Hillary's temper can be

We have it on Trump
We have decades of temper with Mrs BJ, but you don't know it.

Provide some examples and I will provide some for Trump

That sound you just heard was little fiero running away from the subject at high speed, with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs.
Unable to refute what the author has said, and privately convinced it's probably accurate, he's now trying to destroy the Secret Service instead of discussing the subject of the thread.
How can the First Family trust their agents if they are going to write tell all books for millions?

And here we find little rightwinger flying in close formation with poor little fiero, flinging insults at the Secret Service while praying desperately that people will stop discussing Hillary's actions and temperament.
It's sort of like complaining that bank robbers can't possibly trust the cops if the cops are simply going to arrest them, jail them, and put them on public trial.
Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.
Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?
Secret Service is provided unlimited access to the First Family

Start publishing exposes for cash and you destroy that trust
And poor little rightwinger, having no answer to the revelations of Hillary's explosive temper and misbehavior, can only keep trying to change the subject and double down on his diversion and smearing of the Secret Service instead.

ANYTHING but discuss the actual subject of the thread.

Back to the subject:
It's long been known that Hillary loses her temper and starts screaming and throwing things when she's angry.
Is this really who we want for the highest office in the land?

In 25 years, I have very few examples of Hillary's temper. In our internet society, it is very easy to video and document.

A Secret Service agent selling out his access is disgraceful partisan politics trying to make a buck
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.

Let's see the decades worth of exposes about how horrible Hillary's temper can be

We have it on Trump
We have decades of temper with Mrs BJ, but you don't know it.

Provide some examples and I will provide some for Trump

I do not dispute that Trump is a liar and a bit crazy, but you dispute Mrs. BJ being a liar and all those other things I listed. See the difference between stupidity and intelligence?
And Hillary is trying to persuade us that Trump is the one who doesn't have the temperament to be President. :cuckoo:
Can we discuss Trumps domestic issues too?
The leftist fanatics are slowing down.
It took them five whole posts before they screamed "Look! Republicans over there!!!"
You brought up Trump not me
Hillary brought him up... as liberal fanatics always do when trying to change the subject and divert attention from their own crimes and failings.

From the linked article: Gary Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office when Bill Clinton was president, portrays Hillary as too “erratic, uncontrollable and occasionally violent” to become leader of the free world, according to advance promotional materials exclusively obtained by Page Six.

When Obama became President, a lot of people were saying, "I'll bet you never thought you'd see the day when you missed Jimmy Carter as President!"

Now with the threat of Hilly becoming president, I'll bet no one ever thought they'd miss Barack Obama.

Personal opinion from an obvious partisan right wing author

if he is lying, why haven't the Clintons sued him for libel?
Hillary has been in the limelight for 25 years. If she has such an "explosive temper" we would have seen it in the tabloids for decades

Yet, months before the election, we get an uncollaborated expose
Except that is collaborated, but you choose to be ignorant of the truth....because you are partisan.

Let's see the decades worth of exposes about how horrible Hillary's temper can be

We have it on Trump

how can you type with your head so far up Hillary's ass?

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