Secret Service to order fingerprint and dna analysis of cocaine baggy

Joe's gay nude squeeze probably left it there.
I bet it will be the same person that shot JFK
I would take a dna analysis of navy joan first

Probably need to check cameras for anybody wearing gloves. A dime bag can't be much in 2023 dollars to begin with, and probably the $10 dollar rip off, somebody pissed and wanting the seller picked up. A dime bag on the floor of a major city narco squad would probably go in the trash, not worth pursuing, but in a common area of the white house, the Secret Service will spend thousands trying to trace it.
An awful lot of hand wringing for just a misdemeanor. Doesn't take much to set the crazies off, does it?
Probably need to check cameras for anybody wearing gloves. A dime bag can't be much in 2023 dollars to begin with, and probably the $10 dollar rip off, somebody pissed and wanting the seller picked up. A dime bag on the floor of a major city narco squad would probably go in the trash, not worth pursuing, but in a common area of the white house, the Secret Service will spend thousands trying to trace it.

Not much difference between powdered coke and crack cocaine.

Not much difference between powdered coke and crack cocaine.

You are talking about quantity in a dime bag, or the high? I've never even seen real crack.
You are talking about quantity in a dime bag, or the high? I've never even seen real crack.

Quantity-wise they're about the same, the crack is more potent. Coke is in a powdered form, and crack comes in chunks. Both are very addictive, and both should bring stiff penalties. I've personally seen quite a few people whose lives were ruined by that shit, including my own at one time.
Quantity-wise they're about the same, the crack is more potent. Coke is in a powdered form, and crack comes in chunks. Both are very addictive, and both should bring stiff penalties. I've personally seen quite a few people whose lives were ruined by that shit, including my own at one time.
You've never seemed like a crack kind of guy. Glad you got your shit together, if it means anything.
You've never seemed like a crack kind of guy. Glad you got your shit together, if it means anything.

Clean for 15 years straight. But it wasn't up until four years ago that I didn't think about it at least once a day. That shit is the devil. Whe you first start smoking it, you'll swear up and down that you'll never become like all those other people you smoke with. Then one day you realize that you have become like them. My problem was that I'd have women show up at my door at 2 AM with a little piece of rock in their hand, to get me started. They knew that after that first hit, I'd spend everything I had trying to get a hit as good as the first one. But that never happens. And when the dope is gone, so is everyone else. And you're there by yourself to deal with coming down off that shit.
And if the baggy comes back with Hunter’s fingerprints and dna on it, none of us will ever know.
Clean for 15 years straight. But it wasn't up until four years ago that I didn't think about it at least once a day. That shit is the devil. Whe you first start smoking it, you'll swear up and down that you'll never become like all those other people you smoke with. Then one day you realize that you have become like them. My problem was that I'd have women show up at my door at 2 AM with a little piece of rock in their hand, to get me started. They knew that after that first hit, I'd spend everything I had trying to get a hit as good as the first one. But that never happens. And when the dope is gone, so is everyone else. And you're there by yourself to deal with coming down off that shit.
Interesting. Can't say I've really been there, but like I said. Glad you got your shit together.
On the white house thing, hard to figure wasting a baggy on a $10 dollar rock or a $10 dollar bit of coke. I've seen the $10 foil of coke and more often than not it was a $10 dollar rip off. For that small an amount and baggy seems a waste and more visible to pass in trade, but I realize that is an outsider viewpoint.

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