Secretary Clinton Acknowledges That Officers Of The Court Saw The Emails: Nothing Was Classified!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The entire Clinton household now seems on board with a defense of the email server selection problem. Even in the 90's, the Republicans were leveling barrage-level campaigns, apparently at no small expense, against the Clinton adults, wherever they were to be found. . . .or something(?). President Bill, of immense popularity and well-known, now: Recalls how the Republicans called him personally to warn of an erroneous and falsified WhiteWater campaign if he ran for office.

Meet the Press Transcript - September 27, 2015

On Meet The Press, the transcript from NBC shows something else. Secretary Clinton had sent her work-related emails to government people, where they would be preserved. It was thought to be a convenience, and maybe with a special tone, given the server. Her own attorneys--Officers of the Court--even supervised and went through. . . .everything(?)! (Since apparently there was nothing classified, which they can now apparently represent: As Court Officers!)

So as might be expected from a Party that gave the world two Bush Administrations, not just one: The whole gang seems to miss a lot, when even the most broadly-based barrage-level attempts at discrediting are underway. Bush One, Term One, was suffering from the after-effects of the original, Reagan Atrocity. The Defense Contractors had been lavishly provided federal deficit money. Everyone else was left behind. The unemployment rate was soaring--starting too. Bill Clinton Won. Likely Dick Cheney could have been elected, especially when it became known that he doesn't even try to miss a lot, when it comes to his own attorneys(?).

The Democrats have different views from Republicans, on so many details in modern affairs.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Officers of General Custer missed a lot, maybe fearing criminal charges over knowing the whereabouts and activities of foreign governments, and peoples(?). . . .and their server pipes. . .and . . . .(well)!)
By most historical accounts, there appears to be more concurrence on the existence of a Bill Clinton Administration than there is on the physical appearance of Jesus ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called O'Christ. The no-likeness part of the famous Commandments, concerning the Jewish concept of a deity, is not thought applicable, anyone notes, unless they don't. Billions seem to acknowledge the one historical figure, and openly verbally, regardless of faith(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many not acknowledge contribution of Vice President Gore, who many call, "The Resurrected Indigenous American, from the Cigar Store(?)!)
Not only was nothing sent classified, Secretary Clinton even acknowledges that there was nothing classy about it, after all(?)! It was simply an older Presidential-level server, possibly opening up new avenues of creative policy assessment.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes provide that lower incomes pay no federal incomes taxes! White Eyes with Scalp-Like-Plastic-Pomade now promises that upper incomes will pay no federal income taxes, either(?)! There is an equal Right-Wing Conspiracy for everything!)

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