Secretary Hillary Clinton says she would have done a better job than Trump on Covid

So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
Trump won the election because the democrats underestimated the number of stupid people in the voting public.

No, because they ran a terrible campaign and insulted as many people as they could. They, as are you, nothing but egomaniacs who can't stand it when they are caught cheating.
Not really. as we have seen, Trump Humpers are pretty deplorable.

You have, as usual, got that backward. The truly deplorable are those that resort to name calling, as you do.
Crooked Hillary lost an election she should have won and let an unqualified bully become POTUS

that's her legacy!

Compared to corrupted Trump. Hillary cannot comes close. You do know that Hillary tax returns are available in public. Clinton Foundation are open for audit..... All clean.

Trump tax returns are NOT available and fighting to his last breath not to be release in public. Trump foundation was ordered to shut down and pay $2 millions for fraud. He paid $25 millions to settle fake Trump university.

Compared to corrupted Trump. Hillary cannot comes close.

No kidding. How many billions did Hillary get by selling access?

Like what?

As SOS, meeting with groups who donated to her slush

Can you prove it? Clinton Foundation is open for audit. So any money laundering or illegal activities could have been expose by now. Don’t you think? Not sure where your fabrications are coming from.

Read you link again and tell me what is wrong with that BS. I knew this what you are going to post. Do you even realized how many times your link was posted when Hillary was running for President? Try again.

LOL. Compared to Trump corruptness? Hillary can not comes close. Hillary tax returns are available. Trump is hiding his tax returns and defending it with his last breath.
Hillary testified under oath for hours before republican committees and they denied to charge her with any crime. Trump.....y

Hillary lied for twelve hours under oath and her flock supported her. Since then, ample evidence has surfaced as to her guilt. It is only a matter of time until one of her murders come out into the light.
This is a lie.

You really should remember, just because you claim it is so does not make it true. As with most of your statements.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
The White House Says, “ science should not get in the way of school openings.”
It’s real. Trump is an idiot. Trump is Endangering Our kids and populous in general .

Sorry, Hillary is not that stupid. Anyone who hangs with trump hangs with ignorance and stupidity.

The only stupidity on display here is yours. You have no idea what Hillary would do as president, except the knowledge that everything would be worse. She does nothing but complain and whine, kind of like you.

BTW, have you noticed that more and more people agree that opening the schools is essential and those that oppose it are doing the work of the democrats, hindering education and making everything as bad as possible so as to gain more power for the democrats. Seems like just what you in your stupidity are advocating. Anti-American to the core, that is you.
She would have been a far better president than the fuck up we have now. Once again you have made dishonest statements.

And your proof that this dishonest, lying bitch would have made a good president? Her lies continue to come out, such as her claim to not having classified information on her home server. Or that she actually won the election, in spite of not not being allowed into the oval office or making any decisions that affect the nation.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
The White House Says, “ science should not get in the way of school openings.”
It’s real. Trump is an idiot. Trump is Endangering Our kids and populous in general .

Sorry, Hillary is not that stupid. Anyone who hangs with trump hangs with ignorance and stupidity.

The only stupidity on display here is yours. You have no idea what Hillary would do as president, except the knowledge that everything would be worse. She does nothing but complain and whine, kind of like you.

BTW, have you noticed that more and more people agree that opening the schools is essential and those that oppose it are doing the work of the democrats, hindering education and making everything as bad as possible so as to gain more power for the democrats. Seems like just what you in your stupidity are advocating. Anti-American to the core, that is you.

That is hilarious. Look how Trump complained, crying, not my fault, bitches, pointing fingers, blaming Obama and blaming Obama and blaming Obama of Covid-19 that has nothing to do with Obama. Dude get real. Trump is a piece of shit.

And your proof that Obama had nothing to do with it? or worked in favor of the spread of this disease?

BTW, your opinions do nothing to support any point that you are trying to make. They merely expose your bigotry and pettiness.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
Trump won the election because the democrats underestimated the number of stupid people in the voting public.

No, because they ran a terrible campaign and insulted as many people as they could. They, as are you, nothing but egomaniacs who can't stand it when they are caught cheating.
Oh, the right is virtuous and never insults anyone in the left.
“ deplorable”:is a pretty mild term compared to Humper language. If you look at the definition of deplorable, Trump fits it to a T.

Only in your mind(?). Pre-declared bigotries do not lend veracity to your claims.
Trump won the election because the democrats underestimated the number of stupid people in the voting public.
and running for president on the democratic ticket...

...lets face it it, hillary only looks smart to those kind of voters, not the smart ones and your explanation also helps explain why she got more votes and still lost
Well, we know she’s smarter then the deplorables posting here. She believes in using science. She like Biden believes in AGW. That’s pretty obvious, you guys are nutzoid.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
The White House Says, “ science should not get in the way of school openings.”
It’s real. Trump is an idiot. Trump is Endangering Our kids and populous in general .

Sorry, Hillary is not that stupid. Anyone who hangs with trump hangs with ignorance and stupidity.

The only stupidity on display here is yours. You have no idea what Hillary would do as president, except the knowledge that everything would be worse. She does nothing but complain and whine, kind of like you.

BTW, have you noticed that more and more people agree that opening the schools is essential and those that oppose it are doing the work of the democrats, hindering education and making everything as bad as possible so as to gain more power for the democrats. Seems like just what you in your stupidity are advocating. Anti-American to the core, that is you.

That is hilarious. Look how Trump complained, crying, not my fault, bitches, pointing fingers, blaming Obama and blaming Obama and blaming Obama of Covid-19 that has nothing to do with Obama. Dude get real. Trump is a piece of shit.

And your proof that Obama had nothing to do with it? or worked in favor of the spread of this disease?

BTW, your opinions do nothing to support any point that you are trying to make. They merely expose your bigotry and pettiness.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
The White House Says, “ science should not get in the way of school openings.”
It’s real. Trump is an idiot. Trump is Endangering Our kids and populous in general .

Sorry, Hillary is not that stupid. Anyone who hangs with trump hangs with ignorance and stupidity.

The only stupidity on display here is yours. You have no idea what Hillary would do as president, except the knowledge that everything would be worse. She does nothing but complain and whine, kind of like you.

BTW, have you noticed that more and more people agree that opening the schools is essential and those that oppose it are doing the work of the democrats, hindering education and making everything as bad as possible so as to gain more power for the democrats. Seems like just what you in your stupidity are advocating. Anti-American to the core, that is you.
She would have been a far better president than the fuck up we have now. Once again you have made dishonest statements.

And your proof that this dishonest, lying bitch would have made a good president? Her lies continue to come out, such as her claim to not having classified information on her home server. Or that she actually won the election, in spite of not not being allowed into the oval office or making any decisions that affect the nation.
So, you vote for personality and not policy.
Sounds like a plan for failure. lost the election or was that your plan? my goodness, your trump lost
The White House Says, “ science should not get in the way of school openings.”
It’s real. Trump is an idiot. Trump is Endangering Our kids and populous in general .

Sorry, Hillary is not that stupid. Anyone who hangs with trump hangs with ignorance and stupidity.

The only stupidity on display here is yours. You have no idea what Hillary would do as president, except the knowledge that everything would be worse. She does nothing but complain and whine, kind of like you.

BTW, have you noticed that more and more people agree that opening the schools is essential and those that oppose it are doing the work of the democrats, hindering education and making everything as bad as possible so as to gain more power for the democrats. Seems like just what you in your stupidity are advocating. Anti-American to the core, that is you.
She would have been a far better president than the fuck up we have now. Once again you have made dishonest statements.

And your proof that this dishonest, lying bitch would have made a good president? Her lies continue to come out, such as her claim to not having classified information on her home server. Or that she actually won the election, in spite of not not being allowed into the oval office or making any decisions that affect the nation.
You’re crazy. Obama has been out of office for three years . Both he and Hillary believe in science. It’s simple. If you don’t believe in science for these pandemics and AGW etc. you’re an idiot. Wear that mantle
Slime mold would have done a better job on Covid than Tramp!!!!!

Then why didn't you?
The virus ain’t called COVID 19 for nuthin’!

Actually, the scientists have several names for this disease. The Nazis seem to want to forget that.
COVID 19 because this strain was discovered in 2019. Sec. Clinton could not have done anything last year.

And nicknaming a pandemic is something just juvenile enough for Trump to pull. The man has no virtues, only vices.
Read you link again and tell me what is wrong with that BS. I knew this what you are going to post. Do you even realized how many times your link was posted when Hillary was running for President? Try again.

LOL. Compared to Trump corruptness? Hillary can not comes close. Hillary tax returns are available. Trump is hiding his tax returns and defending it with his last breath.

Read you link again and tell me what is wrong with that BS.

You don't know what's wrong with selling access?
Again compared how Trump licking Putin boots his master puppet. Trump is a traitor Obama cannot comes close.

Russians constantly harassing us. Why is that acceptable? Trump is a weakling POTUS he cannot even said a words against Putin. Why? Trump is pussy. Foreign countries are laughing at us. Currently there is big investigation against US soldiers bounty by the Russians. Did Trump said anything? NONE.
Trump is a Russian assets. A danger to US national democracy and security.

I know, giving weapons to Ukraine when Obama refused.
That Obama sure was tough.
That is so funny. If Hillary Foundation was involved is money laundering. Why is she not being charged today? Why is Clinton Foundation still operational today?

If Hillary was running a worthy cause, and not selling access, why did she raise so much less in 2017 than in 2016?

How much did she raise in 2019?
How many genders does she think there are?
This one is particularly Dull. I see nothing in any of the posts that is not taken from some left-wing talking point site somewhere. Apparently they sit down with a bowl of popcorn and browse the web while cutting and pasting other people's ideas and comments into some type of tortured pseudo sentence structure. Then they apparently pick from a drop down list of standard dummy insults that don't always fit the post.

It's pretty amusing actually.

Three genders in your case.
  • Funny
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Your perspective is just that. Most Americans would agree that Obama was FAR more divisive than Trump by any stretch.
If you are a racist black person, then you are awash with anger at all white people and thus the outrage.
When you call trump divisive, what you are really saying is that he is not 100% bending to BLM and doing everything demanded by BLM and the Racist SJW crowd. Which is insanity.

Hmmmm..... I saw Obama trash his own citizens many times. FAR more than trump ever did.
You talk trash.

Oh stop it already fool.
I admire a President who defends CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS. I was surprised how little Obama interfered tbh.
Trump isn't perfect, and I dislike some things about him, but as far as Presidents go, you are doing better under Trump than
you would be under ANY Democrat economically and socially.

Rather than Heroine, you are addicted to the leftist propaganda. If you are black, the left is using you and will discard you and lynch you
if they ever get the power they crave.

I'm glad not all blacks are so ignorant. in fact, more super smart blacks than ever are seeing Trump is the best choice, at least for now.

You can't think broadly enough to realize it, but you are a big fat hen in a cage, cheering Colonel Sanders, as he brings the skillet to frying temperature.
You will realize the harm you've done to yourself, but it'll be too late for you and those like you.

If you actually gave a shit about your people, you'd be focusing on black on black homicide in Chicago.
But nah, you don't. All you really care about is killing whitey and getting reparations you do not deserve.
No we aren't. And instead of your white ass talking about us:

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person. More whites were killed than blacks. Even more important is debunking the lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other than blacks who killed each other.

So shut up about Chicago and do something about the rural white murders where 8-9 people are found buried in backyards after they've been missing for months. Reparations are not just for slavery and if they were we deserve them just as much as the Native Americans you will pay every year.

The ignorant blacks support trump. Just like the ignorant whites do.
No we aren't. And instead of your white ass talking about us:

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person. More whites were killed than blacks. Even more important is debunking the lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other than blacks who killed each other.

So shut up about Chicago and do something about the rural white murders where 8-9 people are found buried in backyards after they've been missing for months. Reparations are not just for slavery and if they were we deserve them just as much as the Native Americans you will pay every year.

The ignorant blacks support trump. Just like the ignorant whites do.

Ooops..... You didn't adjust for population share ....tsk...tsk...tsk
Now why would you NOT do that?
Data is useless unless you follow the empirical statistics format. Now if you're trying to hide something. ..well then

Well, we know she’s smarter then the deplorables posting here.
Seems she even has him using the word deplorable now

She believes in using science.
you spelled ab"using" wrong

She like Biden believes in AGW. That’s pretty obvious, you guys are nutzoid.
Now you're trying to tie her uselessness to biden? is that in hopes that I won't keep exposing how mentally weak she is...your trump lost
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