Secretary Hillary Clinton says she would have done a better job than Trump on Covid

You’re crazy. Obama has been out of office for three years . Both he and Hillary believe in science. It’s simple. If you don’t believe in science for these pandemics and AGW etc. you’re an idiot. Wear that mantle
No one is buying into this scam, this hoax...its all about the money and how the tax cuts have defunded the liberal money for you Monte, get your card game up and running
No one is buying into this scam, this hoax...its all about the money and how the tax cuts have defunded the liberal money for you Monte, get your card game up and running
83% of the tax cuts went to the top 1%. No one in the middle class will notice a reversion back to Pre tax cut days. They are unfair for the middle class now. It created a 2 trillion dollar deficit that’s been exacerbated even higher by the pandemic support aid. It’s the typical scam economy the gop always uses then brags about being better when in reality, it means no infrastructure improvements and massive debts as long as the eye can see. Oh, we are now in another recession, 10 of 11 for republicans. 5.4 million more out of work and lost employer based health coverage. You guys are a JOKE. The gop like Trump are frauds on the economy. Only Trump by his own admission, gets he and his friends richer at the top 1%. Everyone else gets fucked. Even the middle class local taxes increase.
No one is buying into this scam, this hoax...its all about the money and how the tax cuts have defunded the liberal money for you Monte, get your card game up and running
Oh, you like to whine about Obama debt increase ? First you have no clue how debt is figured because you’re math illiterate. Second , if you want to play that game, the debt has risen 5,2 Trillion under Trump in just three years BEFORE any pandemic aid package. With the massive tax cuts on the rich and the poor response to the pandemic, Trumps economy with his recession will go down as even worse then Bush’s. And another fucking GOP lead recession where the middle class gets fked again.
No we aren't. And instead of your white ass talking about us:

In 2018 according to the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, 3,315 whites were murdered. 2,925 blacks were murdered. 81 percent of all whites who were killed were killed by another white person. More whites were killed than blacks. Even more important is debunking the lie of black attacks and killing is the fact that more whites killed each other than blacks who killed each other.

So shut up about Chicago and do something about the rural white murders where 8-9 people are found buried in backyards after they've been missing for months. Reparations are not just for slavery and if they were we deserve them just as much as the Native Americans you will pay every year.

The ignorant blacks support trump. Just like the ignorant whites do.

My "white" ass ?
Show me a post where I said I was white, and you win.
Otherwise, your moron status is confirmed.

You're such a tool.
Your analogy is fatally flawed since you forgot to mention that there are more whites than blacks.
I guess you think everyone is as stupid as you are.
83% of the tax cuts went to the top 1%.
that's only possible if that is where the taxes came from to begin with, by letting the top 1% keep that money the left does not get to skim any of it and leaves them defunded

No one in the middle class will notice a reversion back to Pre tax cut days.
of course not, it wasn't their money being scammed and skimmed, it was the wealthy, and the rich are just denying the privileged whitey that money because they have a sense of entitlement to it because they feel that privilege is their birthright as hillary feels the presidency is hers and trump is denying both that feeling of entitlement

They are unfair for the middle class now. It created a 2 trillion dollar deficit that’s been exacerbated even higher by the pandemic support aid. It’s the typical scam economy the gop always uses then brags about being better when in reality, it means no infrastructure improvements and massive debts as long as the eye can see. Oh, we are now in another recession, 10 of 11 for republicans. 5.4 million more out of work and lost employer based health coverage. You guys are a JOKE. The gop like Trump are frauds on the economy. Only Trump by his own admission, gets he and his friends richer at the top 1%. Everyone else gets fucked. Even the middle class local taxes increase.
Yeah yeah, media tripe, time for your "mind" to go to commercial...pandemics and climate change are just new names for old scams, no one is buying into this garbage except those looking for a new cash cow to bleed.
Oh, you like to whine about Obama debt increase ? First you have no clue how debt is figured because you’re math illiterate. Second , if you want to play that game, the debt has risen 5,2 Trillion under Trump in just three years BEFORE any pandemic aid package. With the massive tax cuts on the rich and the poor response to the pandemic, Trumps economy with his recession will go down as even worse then Bush’s. And another fucking GOP lead recession where the middle class gets fked again.
And here we go again, you hear something on tv and then post it yourself and then claim I posted it...
... wasn't getting caught in the first lie enough? copy and paste where I said any of the above tripe you got off the you really think you can get away with this stuff? this is how far into the wilderness white liberals wander when the lose their bus pass...aka... race card
83% of the tax cuts went to the top 1%. No one in the middle class will notice a reversion back to Pre tax cut days. They are unfair for the middle class now. It created a 2 trillion dollar deficit that’s been exacerbated even higher by the pandemic support aid. It’s the typical scam economy the gop always uses then brags about being better when in reality, it means no infrastructure improvements and massive debts as long as the eye can see. Oh, we are now in another recession, 10 of 11 for republicans. 5.4 million more out of work and lost employer based health coverage. You guys are a JOKE. The gop like Trump are frauds on the economy. Only Trump by his own admission, gets he and his friends richer at the top 1%. Everyone else gets fucked. Even the middle class local taxes increase.
And what does any of this have to do with my posts?...turn off the TV, your mind is turning to mush
And here we go again, you hear something on tv and then post it yourself and then claim I posted it...
... wasn't getting caught in the first lie enough? copy and paste where I said any of the above tripe you got off the you really think you can get away with this stuff? this is how far into the wilderness white liberals wander when the lose their bus pass...aka... race card
So, which is false dumbo ?
Well, we know she’s smarter then the deplorables posting here. She believes in using science. She like Biden believes in AGW. That’s pretty obvious, you guys are nutzoid.

Believing without seeing any proof or just on the word of some politician trying to gain power shows you to be the gullible fool that you are.
You’re crazy. Obama has been out of office for three years . Both he and Hillary believe in science. It’s simple. If you don’t believe in science for these pandemics and AGW etc. you’re an idiot. Wear that mantle

If you ever have believed anything these people tell you when it comes to "science" you are a far bogger idiot than you claim to be.

Just go along with what your masters tell you and keep being the fool and liar that you are.
COVID 19 because this strain was discovered in 2019. Sec. Clinton could not have done anything last year.

And nicknaming a pandemic is something just juvenile enough for Trump to pull. The man has no virtues, only vices.

Which is why the liberals are fighting him on every positive thing he does, because the did not give permission. Of course, they also lost the election so all they have left is attempts at obstruction.
Which is why the liberals are fighting him on every positive thing he does, because the did not give permission. Of course, they also lost the election so all they have left is attempts at obstruction.
Give permission for what? And how is mocked no wearng a mask, insisrng n reopening schools without t a plan and lying about our national championship NetInfo anywhere close to "positive things"?
Give permission for what? And how is mocked no wearng a mask, insisrng n reopening schools without t a plan and lying about our national championship NetInfo anywhere close to "positive things"?

Give permission for any action that Trump takes without clearing it with the democrats is how.

As for the wearing of masks, which if you notice the CDC is now downplaying the effectiveness of. Do you realize that the advocacy of wearing one was a recommendation only, since in fact they have no power to enforce such an edict.

As for any lies, that is what you choose to believe. In other words, your OPINION not being put forward with any facts to back it up. You appear to be a true Stalinist in your views.
Give permission for any action that Trump takes without clearing it with the democrats is how.

As for the wearing of masks, which if you notice the CDC is now downplaying the effectiveness of. Do you realize that the advocacy of wearing one was a recommendation only, since in fact they have no power to enforce such an edict.

As for any lies, that is what you choose to believe. In other words, your OPINION not being put forward with any facts to back it up. You appear to be a true Stalinist in your views.
Stalinist? My, oh my!

As evidence is clear in the record, EVERYBODY is looking for some coordinated plan from the Trump administration. Other nations, with the exceptions of Brazil and Israel, have managed to not only slow the curve but crush it.

The mixed signals coming from this inept president has thrown our nation under the train. There is nothing to praise Trump about where coronavirus is concerned! If you can cite anything, the vast majority of Americans want to hear it.

this is rich

We would be told an obscure internet video insulting Chinese, caused the virus.
Stalinist? My, oh my!

As evidence is clear in the record, EVERYBODY is looking for some coordinated plan from the Trump administration. Other nations, with the exceptions of Brazil and Israel, have managed to not only slow the curve but crush it.

The mixed signals coming from this inept president has thrown our nation under the train. There is nothing to praise Trump about where coronavirus is concerned! If you can cite anything, the vast majority of Americans want to hear it.

Have you discussed your claims with the "vast" majority of Americans, or is this just another attempt to spread false information (lies)? I doubt that you have spoken to anyone except your handlers.

BTW, at the very least Trump is working toward a solution while the democrats, such as you, sit on the sidelines and take pot shots at anything he does, while trying to stall his actions. Your type have provided numerous of inflated and false counts of cases including deaths that are clearly not related such as a death on a motorcycle labeled as covid. You are continually forward a false narrative and wallow in the fear it creates. Typical of a power mad class, just like the methods used by Stalin. Read actual history, not the revisionist crap you spew at all times.
There is no doubt, none, zip, zero chance, she... or anyone else that is a normal adult human being, would have done better, than president Trump.... even some teenagers if not all teenagers, would have done better than his handling of this national crisis.

He's both incompetent and incapable... imo.
Have you discussed your claims with the "vast" majority of Americans, or is this just another attempt to spread false information (lies)? I doubt that you have spoken to anyone except your handlers.

BTW, at the very least Trump is working toward a solution while the democrats, such as you, sit on the sidelines and take pot shots at anything he does, while trying to stall his actions. Your type have provided numerous of inflated and false counts of cases including deaths that are clearly not related such as a death on a motorcycle labeled as covid. You are continually forward a false narrative and wallow in the fear it creates. Typical of a power mad class, just like the methods used by Stalin. Read actual history, not the revisionist crap you spew at all times.


There is no doubt, none, zip, zero chance, she... or anyone else that is a normal adult human being, would have done better, than president Trump.... even some teenagers if not all teenagers, would have done better than his handling of this national crisis.

He's both incompetent and incapable... imo.

You are entitled to your own opinion. Doesn't make it correct or factual.

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