Secretary of the Army Nominee Withdraws


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
An ex-Army medic with three tours in Iraq can’t hold the position because of past “controversal” statements.

What the hell has this nation come to when a highly qualified veteran cannot hold a post for which he is more than qualified? He simply spoke the truth, for God’s sake!

"When you start teaching [students] the pillars of Islam and you start teaching how to pray as a Muslim, that is over the top and we will not tolerate that in this state," Green reportedly said at a Tea Party meeting.

You can’t teach Christianity or Judism but Islam is okay? What the hell is that all about? And then he made another common sense statement:

"If you poll the psychiatrists, they're going to tell you that transgender is a disease," Green also allegedly said in September.

The very fact that Senator Schmurmmer applauds his withdrawal should tell you just how qualified Green is. The current acting secretary, Robert Speer is also an Army brat and a 26 year veteran. It’s not that he’s not qualified, just that he’s been holding a job trying to clean up financial management, a serious problem in the army. And, the president should have the right to appoint qualified people to high positions in his administration. He previous nominee, Vincent Viola, had to withdraw because he was a self-made millionaire and had so-called financial conflicts. Does that mean that only rich Democrats are qualified to hold executive positions and not Republicans?

The one of many articles on this can be found @ Trump's pick for Army secretary withdraws his nomination

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