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Secular Humanist (aka athiest) attack on christians continues

Religious groups may discriminate.

"These arguments came before the Supreme Court in 1987, in Corporation of Presiding Bishop v. Amos (483 U.S. 327) when the 1972 exemption was challenged as violating the establishment clause. The Court unanimously upheld the broadened exemption. As a result, religious employers now can use religious criteria in choosing personnel, regardless of their station."

Title VII and Religious Exemptions

However, Ark World appears to be a commercial enterprise.

"The second question is much more unclear. Under Title VII, an employer is entitled to the religious exemption if it can show it is a ‘‘religious corporation, association, educational institution, or society.’’ What that means, however, is somewhat uncertain. On one hand, traditional religious organizations—churches, for example—are certainly exempt. On the other hand, for-profit corporations surely cannot escape religious discrimination suits by suddenly claiming to be exempt religious employers. Ultimately, the key issue courts examine is whether the purpose and character of the organization are really religious in nature. Churches, synagogues, and other traditional religious organizations are clearly religious and therefore exempt. Exempt also are subsidiaries of such organizations, provided the subsidiaries are owned, operated by, or closely affiliated with the parent religious organization. Thus, organizations closely related to the Catholic Church or the Salvation Army will likely be considered exempt religious employers, even if their work is considered secular to some. However, organizations that were not founded for religious purposes or that have mostly secular functions are not likely to be exempt. For-profit corporations are also not likely to be exempt."

That is, once one ventures into the world of commerce, it becomes a question of worldly goods.
Fortunately, god told me to buy a motorcycle, instead of building an ark. I asked the tax assessor's office to waive the taxes, because the motorcycle is church equipment. I hold prayer meetings various AZ canyon recreation areas. It is not my fault that I am the only one who shows up. They didn't buy it.
Actually, if thou produceth evidence thou art a minister in a church recognized by the State, thou can claim thine sacred motorcycle as church property if thou usest it for holy church business, and thus be tax exempteth.

The motorcycle is church property, and I only use holy gasoline.

The Right Rev. Vandal

My friends, the Right Reverend's divine exhaust has been known to cure fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and brain lesions. Say HALLELUJAH!
Bendog, the Abercrombie case is an interesting one as well IMHO. I think if your business has a faith-based theme, then you should be able to select employees who support that theme. Not sure Abercrombie would qualify on that count. But then again, I'm not trying to spout legal theory here - or religious doctrine - just my own sense of right and wrong.
yeah it is. Abercrombie borders on porn, so what's a nice muslim girl with a scarf doing there?

I live by Elvis Costello, "I used to be disgusted, but now I try to be amused."

Are they going to have two of every unclean and seven pairs of every clean animal on that Ark in Kentucky?
Fortunately, god told me to buy a motorcycle, instead of building an ark. I asked the tax assessor's office to waive the taxes, because the motorcycle is church equipment. I hold prayer meetings various AZ canyon recreation areas. It is not my fault that I am the only one who shows up. They didn't buy it.
Actually, if thou produceth evidence thou art a minister in a church recognized by the State, thou can claim thine sacred motorcycle as church property if thou usest it for holy church business, and thus be tax exempteth.

The motorcycle is church property, and I only use holy gasoline.

The Right Rev. Vandal

My friends, the Right Reverend's divine exhaust has been known to cure fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and brain lesions. Say HALLELUJAH!

"Have you seen the light?" Rev. James

"Yes, Yes, Jesus H. god damned bastard Christ, I have seen the light." Jake Blues
Are the Unicorns depicted?
Passenger pigeon
that one that man put out of it's miserable existence, will it be thar?
Apparently, on Deck 3 of the Ark there is a Christ Theater. That's some real Old Testament stuff right there...


Ark Encounter

Nothing quite says "Jews not welcome" than a Christ Theater on a Kentucky Ark. "We don't need no Israelites settin' foot on our Noah's Ark, ya hear? This here's Jesus' ark!"

You can click on the exhibit layouts and hover over various parts to find out details.

I see birds and "small animals" will be represented (some live, some animatronic). There is a tiny, tiny area on the first deck for "large animals", but it does not look like two of every unclean and seven pairs of every clean animal will fit. The rest rooms are twice as big as the large animals section.

So there's your first question on the tour, Ravi. :badgrin:
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Easy to poke fun at Christians - yeah, I get it. And considering the fact that so many Christians want to impose their religious beliefs on all Americans, I can also understand the motivation.

But remember, Christianity is a pretty big tent.
Ok, I was just trying to stir the pot with what I thought was a hilarious OP. Ark World. Can anything be more bizarre. Yes, let's build a theme park to celebrate a myth whereby the LOVING GOD decided to visit a horrible death by drowning not just on every human, including children.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Because of some unspecified wickedness, that is. And all the animals had to go too. Gurgle gurgle. Drown drown.

But Noah got to get saved.

And we think Disney World is a shrine to commercialism. The Mouse is evil but he ain't wicked. LOL

Anyway, I assume Ark World can decline to hire those who don't believe in the flood myth. After all, believing the tripe is probably necessary to sell that bs to the paying customers. So, belief in the myth seems a necessary skill But the state probably shouldn't give Ark World tax credits if they do base hiring on religious belief.

Let's stop states giving grants to liberal non-profits too. I object to state money going to proselytizers of Liberal Religion.
Well, if a paying customer's enjoyment of the theme park requires that their belief - that their LOVING GOD arbitrarily exterminated every living animal and reptile on earth, beyond Noah's family and the animals he chose - be accepted as the true version of world history, then yeah, I think the theme park can choose to hire only those who ascribe to that mythology. btw, I guess that would include some Jews and possibly muslims too.

How is that nuttery any different than liberals believing that racism is bad while simultaneously promoting Affirmative Action based on race? Or Liberals wanting the government out of people's bedrooms and then mandating that Enthusiastic Consent be obtained for every escalation of intimacy which occurs between two adults in the privacy of their bedroom?
Apparently, on Deck 3 of the Ark there is a Christ Theater. That's some real Old Testament stuff right there...


Ark Encounter

Nothing quite says "Jews not welcome" than a Christ Theater on the Kentucky Ark. "We don't need no Israelites settin' foot on our Noah's Ark, ya hear? This here's Jesus' ark!"

You can click on the exhibit layouts and hover over various parts to find out details.

I see birds and "small animals" will be represented (some live, some animatronic). There is a tiny, tiny area on the first deck for "large animals", but it does not look like two of every unclean and seven pairs of every clean animal will fit. The rest rooms are twice as big as the large animals section.

So there's your first question on the tour, Ravi. :badgrin:
I know. This thing is amazing. I may have to go. I may have to be medicated to keep from laughing, but still. And you can buy a "lifetime pass." That could come in handy. Just in case.
Ok, I was just trying to stir the pot with what I thought was a hilarious OP. Ark World. Can anything be more bizarre. Yes, let's build a theme park to celebrate a myth whereby the LOVING GOD decided to visit a horrible death by drowning not just on every human, including children.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. 6 The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. 7 So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” 8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.

Because of some unspecified wickedness, that is. And all the animals had to go too. Gurgle gurgle. Drown drown.

But Noah got to get saved.

And we think Disney World is a shrine to commercialism. The Mouse is evil but he ain't wicked. LOL

Anyway, I assume Ark World can decline to hire those who don't believe in the flood myth. After all, believing the tripe is probably necessary to sell that bs to the paying customers. So, belief in the myth seems a necessary skill But the state probably shouldn't give Ark World tax credits if they do base hiring on religious belief.

Let's stop states giving grants to liberal non-profits too. I object to state money going to proselytizers of Liberal Religion.
Amen! I oppose all tax exemptions, credits, and deductions for everyone. I believe in a level playing field. If your business model can't survive without government gifts, then it should be replaced by one that can.

When the government gives you a tax credit, it is taking that money from someone else through higher tax rates and through deficit borrowing.

Our planet has been flooded with national debts and we are all going to drown.
Apparently, on Deck 3 of the Ark there is a Christ Theater. That's some real Old Testament stuff right there...


Ark Encounter

Nothing quite says "Jews not welcome" than a Christ Theater on the Kentucky Ark. "We don't need no Israelites settin' foot on our Noah's Ark, ya hear? This here's Jesus' ark!"

You can click on the exhibit layouts and hover over various parts to find out details.

I see birds and "small animals" will be represented (some live, some animatronic). There is a tiny, tiny area on the first deck for "large animals", but it does not look like two of every unclean and seven pairs of every clean animal will fit. The rest rooms are twice as big as the large animals section.

So there's your first question on the tour, Ravi. :badgrin:
I know. This thing is amazing. I may have to go. I may have to be medicated to keep from laughing, but still. And you can buy a "lifetime pass." That could come in handy. Just in case.

Actually you end up paying your entire lifetime for that pass. ;)
No, but they aren't obligated to spend 11 million to accommodate them.

So they can let the Mosque burn to the ground because they don't want to spend the money to dispatch a ladder truck?

Fact is, you seek to deny civil rights to this Park purely because they are enemies of the party."Rights" are only for those favored by the party.
No, they can't let the mosque burn to the ground. But they don't have to spend 11 million to widen I75. You think they do and that's why everyone can see that you are an idiot.
So, to recap:
Can't use someone's Christian faith as a reason to not hire him? Totally fair.
Can't use someone's lack of Christian faith as a reason not to hire them? Totally unfair.

The law's a bitch when it's used against you.

So a Muslim church would be required to hire a Christian pastor?

Is he qualified to teach from the Quran?

@ Carla-Danger: Is an atheist qualified to teach about Noah?

nodoginnafight, do you think someone working a concession stand asking a customer if they want fries with that burger is teaching anyone about Noah?

Do you think a ride operator checking harnesses on a ride is teaching anyone about Noah?

That the guy (or gal) with a trash cart emptying waste bins is teaching anyone about Noah?


I think EVERYONE who works at any particular place of business should be prepared to contribute to the total experience of the guest - yes.
Betcha most atheists can explain the Noah and the ark story.

Most atheists like to THINK they know the Bible as well as Christians, but they really don't. But the flood epic is central to many ancient cultures - not just Christian.
Most atheists were brought up on bible stories so they probably do know it as well as non atheists.
No, but they aren't obligated to spend 11 million to accommodate them.

So they can let the Mosque burn to the ground because they don't want to spend the money to dispatch a ladder truck?

Fact is, you seek to deny civil rights to this Park purely because they are enemies of the party."Rights" are only for those favored by the party.
No, they can't let the mosque burn to the ground. But they don't have to spend 11 million to widen I75. You think they do and that's why everyone can see that you are an idiot.
State governments spend millions upon millions of tax dollars for privately owned sports arenas and amusement parks like Disneyland and Six Flags, and providing improved highway access to them. Please explain why this particular amusement park should not receive the same government gifts.

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