See Lindsey Graham's scathing rebuke after CIA briefing

Oh please.



He's so two faced, who cares what he says?

When he (apparently) states the truth - regardless of his close ties to Trump.

That is refreshing in these days of vicious partisanship on Capitol Hill.

Khashoggi was obviously murdered on order from the Saudi crown prince. Plus, Graham - a hawk - is talking about cutting military sales to Saudi Arabia. A VERY good thing, IMO.
Seth Rich was obviously murdered for exposing the Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasamansnitch collusion against Socialist Bernie Sanders in taking the votes away from him. Who the fuck gives a shit about a Radical Muslim Brotherhood who gets what he deserves, and this poor DNC staffer who was trying to make a difference in the world was killed like everyone else who crosses the Clintons?

Liberals and Radical Muslims are very much in common....

Oh they have their eye on you.....hope you have contingency plans for your loved ones when the Clintons make you "suicide".
So let's try to be consistent here...

Are we going to sever relations with every tinhorn dictator who can be shown to have killed a political opponent?

That's like saying you are going to cut off all your relatives who have ever broken the speed limit. Pretty soon you will be alone on an island.

Nobody I've seen has come up with an appropriate response.

Doing the right thing isn't always the same as protecting the bottom line. That's why it isn't always easy to do the right thing. When dollars become more important than doing what's right, things get fucked up quick.

there was a reason 43 sent the Saudi's home an hour after the planes hit the towers.

I think W and the CIA knew up front that the House of Saud was not behind 9-11. But they aren't an ally in the same way that a western democracy is an ally. We don't share the same values. We don't pledge to defend the Saudis as we do the Brits or French or Germans.

And Trump treats the Saudis as if they were.
Oh please.



He's so two faced, who cares what he says?

When he (apparently) states the truth - regardless of his close ties to Trump.

That is refreshing in these days of vicious partisanship on Capitol Hill.

Khashoggi was obviously murdered on order from the Saudi crown prince. Plus, Graham - a hawk - is talking about cutting military sales to Saudi Arabia. A VERY good thing, IMO.
Seth Rich was obviously murdered for exposing the Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasamansnitch collusion against Socialist Bernie Sanders in taking the votes away from him. Who the fuck gives a shit about a Radical Muslim Brotherhood who gets what he deserves, and this poor DNC staffer who was trying to make a difference in the world was killed like everyone else who crosses the Clintons?

Liberals and Radical Muslims are very much in common....


I was getting worried - it took 8 posts before a "BUT HILLARY" entered the thread.
Why is a Muslim Brotherhood radical more important to you liberals than Seth Rich who worked for the DNC and exposed Hillary and Debbie for their collusion against Bernie? Shouldn't you be mad?

Are you a radical Muslis too, that is why you want justice for another Muslim killing a Muslim?
So let's try to be consistent here...

Are we going to sever relations with every tinhorn dictator who can be shown to have killed a political opponent?

That's like saying you are going to cut off all your relatives who have ever broken the speed limit. Pretty soon you will be alone on an island.

Nobody I've seen has come up with an appropriate response.

Doing the right thing isn't always the same as protecting the bottom line. That's why it isn't always easy to do the right thing. When dollars become more important than doing what's right, things get fucked up quick.

there was a reason 43 sent the Saudi's home an hour after the planes hit the towers.

I think W and the CIA knew up front that the House of Saud was not behind 9-11. But they aren't an ally in the same way that a western democracy is an ally. We don't share the same values. We don't pledge to defend the Saudis as we do the Brits or French or Germans.

And Trump treats the Saudis as if they were.
Here is a little insider tid bit I learned while I was working at Langley AFB Va. at the 1st fighter wing 71st FF. Before 1987 we were training for "Rolling Thunder" which is the USSR sending their troops and tanks across Europe to conquer the world. When it was found out that the USSR was going bankrupt and wouldn't be a threat to the US, in 1987 we started training for this new type of warfare in the Desert. It was the most ridiculous idea at the time. People on base, had to go off base, then get to the collection point, just to get on a bus that took back on base. If you lived off base, you went to the collection area and boarded the same buses. This was to simulate the living conditions of the desert. I left the Air Force in April 1987, 2 months after this training happened, and 4 years later the first jets to touch down in Dhahran Saudi Arabia were the red tail 71st FF. They knew the storm in the desert was coming because Bush 41 who was a VP at the time had it all planned from the establishment beginning. Another reason why I hated that lying mother fucker and his son...

Remember I am a libertarian conservative, not a Republican....

God I loved those jets.

Lindsey wanted to be Prez so bad.
Instead, Trump had him teeing off on his smartphone.
If we cut off relations to all nations that assassinated people we would have to cut off relations with our own government too.
Oh please.



He's so two faced, who cares what he says?

When he (apparently) states the truth - regardless of his close ties to Trump.

That is refreshing in these days of vicious partisanship on Capitol Hill.

Khashoggi was obviously murdered on order from the Saudi crown prince. Plus, Graham - a hawk - is talking about cutting military sales to Saudi Arabia. A VERY good thing, IMO.
Seth Rich was obviously murdered for exposing the Hillary Clinton and Debbie Wasamansnitch collusion against Socialist Bernie Sanders in taking the votes away from him. Who the fuck gives a shit about a Radical Muslim Brotherhood who gets what he deserves, and this poor DNC staffer who was trying to make a difference in the world was killed like everyone else who crosses the Clintons?

Liberals and Radical Muslims are very much in common....

1%2B1%2B1ninetymiles0MJcy1rn1831o2_r1_540.jpg & Dale Smith must be soul mates.............
If we cut off relations to all nations that assassinated people we would have to cut off relations with our own government too.

Where exactly did Graham talk about 'cutting off relations' with Saudi Arabia?
If we cut off relations to all nations that assassinated people we would have to cut off relations with our own government too.

Got it. Ethics is only a consideration if it don't cost money. Isn't that what Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount?
If we cut off relations to all nations that assassinated people we would have to cut off relations with our own government too.

Where exactly did Graham talk about 'cutting off relations' with Saudi Arabia?

Pretty close to that starting at 2:00

He said nothing about 'cutting off relations'.

He only said he would not look at SA the same way (probably meaning - with a blind eye) and he will not support arms sales to SA until those who were responsible for murdering Khashoggi were brought to justice.

Neither of those have anything to so with ''cutting off relations' removing the US ambassador and closing the embassy.
Is Graham looking to run against Trump in 2020 ??? The man appears to try and set Trump up in alot of ways. Hmmmm.

Is he that crafty that he can be on Trump's side one minute, and cutting his throat in the media the next ??
We need to stay out of other countries business, just like we don't want anyone in our business. We need to get out of the business of policing the world. We are played like a fiddle by these countries, and worse by our own people who have loyalties to these countries more so than they actually have to this country.

Yes they (?) killed this guy, but why ? Why the hit on this guy, does anyone even explore this area of reasoning yet ?? If so, then why don't we know what they are finding ?

So we are supposed to just cut off trade, relationship, and other other such crucial things on a sketchy case that involves us dictating our ways and culture on another in the world ??
We look like great fools judging Saudi Arabia for killing someone when our own government kills people every goddamn day.

Good for Graham.

Republican Senators fulfilled their obligation.

A bipartisan group of senior senators on Tuesday received a classified briefing by the C.I.A. director, Gina Haspel. The report solidified their belief that Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, ordered the killing of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi. The consensus included Republican Senators, and they split with Trump on the issue.

This prompted some Republican Senators to express their obligatory outrage at what MBS had done and Trump's acquiescence to the crown prince.

"There's not a smoking gun, there's a smoking saw," said Graham. "You have to be willfully blind not to come to the conclusion that this was orchestrated and organized by people under the command of MBS and that he was intrinsically involved in the demise of Mr. Khashoggi."

"If he were in front of a jury, he would be convicted of murder in about 30 minutes," Corker said.

"Somebody should be punished," said Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby, a Republican from Alabama. "Now, the question is how do you separate the Saudi crown prince and his group from the nation itself? That might be the real policy question."

Trump and his advisors need a smoking gun to convince them of MBS's guilt, or so they say. Trump, as well as Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have downplayed the crown prince's ties to the murder, with Pompeo saying there was no "direct evidence" linking him to Khashoggi's death. They, along with NSA John Bolton, refuse to listen to the audio provided by the CIA in which MBS incriminates himself.

"Maybe he did and maybe he didn't," Trump said while ignoring the words of the crown prince on the audio tape.

Now that certain Republicans have fulfilled their duty, the matter will be dropped. The Senate will do nothing. Senate Majority Mitch McConnell will do what he always does when Trump violates Republican principles. He will say nothing. He will do nothing.

Tomorrow or the next day this will all be forgotten and the ruler of Saudi Arabia gets away with ordering the assassination of an American resident and a journalist for the Washington Post who lived in Virginia and whose children are American citizens.

Good for Graham.

Republican Senators fulfilled their obligation.

A bipartisan group of senior senators on Tuesday received a classified briefing by the C.I.A. director, Gina Haspel. The report solidified their belief that Mohammed bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, ordered the killing of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi. The consensus included Republican Senators, and they split with Trump on the issue.

This prompted some Republican Senators to express their obligatory outrage at what MBS had done and Trump's acquiescence to the crown prince.

"There's not a smoking gun, there's a smoking saw," said Graham. "You have to be willfully blind not to come to the conclusion that this was orchestrated and organized by people under the command of MBS and that he was intrinsically involved in the demise of Mr. Khashoggi."

"If he were in front of a jury, he would be convicted of murder in about 30 minutes," Corker said.

"Somebody should be punished," said Senate Appropriations Chairman Richard Shelby, a Republican from Alabama. "Now, the question is how do you separate the Saudi crown prince and his group from the nation itself? That might be the real policy question."

Trump and his advisors need a smoking gun to convince them of MBS's guilt, or so they say. Trump, as well as Defense Secretary James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, have downplayed the crown prince's ties to the murder, with Pompeo saying there was no "direct evidence" linking him to Khashoggi's death. They, along with NSA John Bolton, refuse to listen to the audio provided by the CIA in which MBS incriminates himself.

"Maybe he did and maybe he didn't," Trump said while ignoring the words of the crown prince on the audio tape.

Now that certain Republicans have fulfilled their duty, the matter will be dropped. The Senate will do nothing. Senate Majority Mitch McConnell will do what he always does when Trump violates Republican principles. He will say nothing. He will do nothing.

Tomorrow or the next day this will all be forgotten and the ruler of Saudi Arabia gets away with ordering the assassination of an American resident and a journalist for the Washington Post who lived in Virginia and whose children are American citizens.

Osama was a Saudi dissident, and so what was this Khashoggi ???? Who was the man, and what was his ideology, and who or which group does he identify with ?
Why are we selling arms to the Saudis?

Because there are approx 25,000 jobs involved in those contracts and Russia or China, who both regularly murder journalists who piss them off, will get that business if we piss it away. Would anybody care if Sarah Sanders had Jim Acosta murdered? I wouldn't.

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