See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

More proof that conservatives' most important economic goal is to increase the gap between rich and poor.
Or they are trying to protect one side from another, but why do they do this in confusion of, and whose side are they on anyways in it all ? Is it because they have a huge stake in how all the chips will or should fall in all of this situation they think ? If so, then the biggest stake is for them in their minds I'm guessing, is to not having to give back or to give up anything more in the situation. That it is understandable if they are average citizens who don't feel they should have to give anything else up, but if they are protecting big business and/or corporations then that is another story in all of this.

Meanwhile the government is taxing us to death now over the entire situation that was created by whom in the end ? I think both the government and certain amounts of the rich are to blame, and if anything we all should be worried about the final outcomes in it all now, because we are on the brink of a total take over by the government all due to our maleficence in this all over time. Is this is what the government wanted anyways, so it now see's the opening it needed to get through in it all ? So now it is jumping through that opening quickly? Ever tried to stop a train, well that's about where we are as the citizens who were not guilty in all of this, but the train is coming, and it is coming hard.
Again, we have a consumer based economy.

When consumers have less money, consumption goes down; hence the economy slows.

More money in the hands of consumers equals a stronger economy.

It's not a coincidence that wage stagnation has mirrored a slowing economy.

So you believe taking money away from business owners and consumers (higher prices) and giving it to a low skill employee is adding money to the economy. You know, like daylight savings makes the day longer.

Actually, creation of value drives the economy. You know, evil profit. Net zero tricks like taking money from one person and giving it to another drive inefficiency which harms the economy.
They live in a Zero Sum Game...Pie is finite...Pie can never be made larger...just gotta carve it up...:eusa_whistle:
Again, we have a consumer based economy.

When consumers have less money, consumption goes down; hence the economy slows.

More money in the hands of consumers equals a stronger economy.

It's not a coincidence that wage stagnation has mirrored a slowing economy.

It's not a coincidence that disposable income stagnation has mirrored the growth of government.
If you owned that franchise and suddenly gov't forced you to double the wages of all your employees, what would you do? Keep in mind that doing that may well wipe out all the profits of that store, even put it in red ink.

Of course you would lay off workers AND raise prices of goods sold, or perhaps even close down and move into something else.

The government hasn't forced McDonald's to double wages.

The unions are asking for a doubling of MW to $15/hour.

Then, if they get it, the one or two people getting a job at that franchise will be making $15.00 an hour and the other six people who used to work there will be unemployed.

It could be a win win. Fewer employees, less total wages paid, certainly less benefits paid. The company makes more money by having fewer mouths to feed.
Again, we have a consumer based economy.

When consumers have less money, consumption goes down; hence the economy slows.

More money in the hands of consumers equals a stronger economy.

It's not a coincidence that wage stagnation has mirrored a slowing economy.

So you agree that cutting taxes spurs the economy, good for you.
How can the government lower taxes, when the corporations or big businesses of America, are using it for a dumping ground of people who need help because they (companies who can afford to) refuse to do what is right and helpful to America on this front themselves ?
McDonald's orders 7,000 touchscreen kiosks to replace cashiers - Neowin

YOu wanna walk out on your job for more money. Guess what you now might lose your jobs all because of UNIONS who are greedy..

And I'm sure they never would have ordered those touchscreens had their workers not asked for more money. <she said, sarcastically>

The simple mind of a liberal. Few major business decisions are actually binary. That this isn't the only factor is true, that since you don't think it's the only factor means it's not a factor at all is just naive. And sadly typical, which is why liberal solutions are so inane.

Shouldn't you be after the OP? He's the one who started out by simplistically attributing this to wage raise demands.
Again, we have a consumer based economy.

When consumers have less money, consumption goes down; hence the economy slows.

More money in the hands of consumers equals a stronger economy.

It's not a coincidence that wage stagnation has mirrored a slowing economy.

It's not a coincidence that disposable income stagnation has mirrored the growth of government.

and outrageous regulations
How can the government lower taxes, when the corporations or big businesses of America, are using it for a dumping ground of people who need help because they (companies who can afford to) refuse to do what is right and helpful to America on this front themselves ?

^^^The heartbreak of economic illiteracy on parade^^^

It doesn't help anyone to be turned into a government dependent. And the government's eternal quest to do this is what is suppressing economic growth and job creation.
The government hasn't forced McDonald's to double wages.

The unions are asking for a doubling of MW to $15/hour.

Then, if they get it, the one or two people getting a job at that franchise will be making $15.00 an hour and the other six people who used to work there will be unemployed.

It could be a win win. Fewer employees, less total wages paid, certainly less benefits paid. The company makes more money by having fewer mouths to feed.
And your taxes go up and/or through the roof because you figure these kinds of things out for these mega rich corporations ? Now how dumb are you ?
The reality is robotics will continue to take away more and more American jobs. But here is my issue: Why have both political parties sold us down the river with the jobs?

The American middle class was built with manufacturing jobs. Those are almost completely gone. Why is a company like Apple, for example, allowed to outsource 100% of their manufacturing jobs overseas? They should be required to have at least half of their manufacturing jobs in the U.S. or face a huge tax penalty. Why don't the politicians do this?

Name one politician that wants their children or grandchildren to have a "good manufacturing job". I challenge you to find one video of a politician stating that. Sure, they think those are great jobs for your children and grandchildren, just not theirs. But what do you think? Do you have children? Do you want your child working in a manufacturing plant running the rivet machine, or do you want your child to be the engineer or manager?
One of my kids works in banking, the other in IT, both cushy office jobs that are much better than working on an assembly line manufacturing cars or computers or furniture.

By the way, American manufacturing jobs are not (as you say) "almost completely gone", the USA is currently the second largest manufacturer of goods in the world. China holding the spot as the largest, but then China has over three times our population, so it's no surprise that they manufacture more stuff.
Again, we have a consumer based economy.

When consumers have less money, consumption goes down; hence the economy slows.

More money in the hands of consumers equals a stronger economy.

It's not a coincidence that wage stagnation has mirrored a slowing economy.

So you believe taking money away from business owners and consumers (higher prices) and giving it to a low skill employee is adding money to the economy. You know, like daylight savings makes the day longer.
I don't think I said that.

I think a lot of companies worry too much about their stock price and pleasing Wall Street, paying out higher dividends to fund expansion rather than caring that their workers are making a living wage. Ten years ago, McDonalds paid out $0.215 as a dividend. Now it's paying over $0.80. Is McDonalds a better restaurant than it was 10 years ago? I think a lot of people who eat there (me included) would argue it isn't.

You check that out. McDonald's Corporation (MCD) Dividend Date & History -

They have about a billion shares outstanding. That $3.24 per share dividend means they're paying over $3B a year in dividends to people who have done nothing except buy a share of stock. At least their workers are doing something.

Do companies owe their employees a living? No. Should there be some more consideration given to those employees? Yes. Is there a risk a company runs by not treating it's employees as well as they can? I would argue yes since it is getting around lunch time and my choices are as far as my car will take me. I'm considering Carl's Jr. and Subway. I will pass no fewer than 2 Mc Donalds on my way to another place to eat.

Actually, creation of value drives the economy. You know, evil profit. Net zero tricks like taking money from one person and giving it to another drive inefficiency which harms the economy.

Argue that all you's fine. That profit in this nation comes from consumers. When consumers have less money, they consume less and the economy slows as a result.
Oh, please. Really now. I guess you have never heard of working your way up the ladder through good work ethic, have you? The average pay for a supervisor at McD's is $36,000 a year. That is something to work toward through good work ethic, shining above others, etc.
if they don't feel like bettering themselves through taking courses or trade schools at least work smarter than the guy standing next to you. Make yourself of value. Then you can, too earn that higher wage.

If you honestly think that everyone should be able to live off a job as a simple line worker or cashier at a fast food restaurant, then you are so far gone, there is no help for you.
You want them to be paid more when they are offering nothing more. They stand there for hours in a day, in which they truly just stand there for part of that shift, as I have never seen a fast food place busy enough for that line worker or cashier to actually be working the entire time they are there on a shift.

You want a Chavez type existence then go live in Venezuela. Their industries have pretty well been taken over so they can give everyone a supposed living wage. See how well that works out for ya. The average yearly wage in Venezuela in 2006 was $7480 or an average of $3.59 an hour.

Oh please.....Really now

But once again you are offering solutions that might help an individual and assume they will help all individuals. If there are 60 million workers who do not earn enough to support their families, there are not 60 million supervisor positions, there are not 60 million second and third jobs available to workers

As it is today, our solution is to allow workers to be paid substandard wages and let the taxpayers make up the difference

My suggestion is to start shifting more of that burden back to employers......where it always used to be

show me where 60 million workers are trying to support a family on $7-8 an hour.
Most of those working at fast food restaurants are teenagers, or college students. If the teenagers already have a family, then they should have thought about that before pulling it out of their pants. Do you not think their should be consequences for ones actions in life?

So what is the failing of a young person trying to work their way through college?
How can the government lower taxes, when the corporations or big businesses of America, are using it for a dumping ground of people who need help because they (companies who can afford to) refuse to do what is right and helpful to America on this front themselves ?

^^^The heartbreak of economic illiteracy on parade^^^

It doesn't help anyone to be turned into a government dependent. And the government's eternal quest to do this is what is suppressing economic growth and job creation.
And who is causing the government to do this again ?
Oh, please. Really now. I guess you have never heard of working your way up the ladder through good work ethic, have you? The average pay for a supervisor at McD's is $36,000 a year. That is something to work toward through good work ethic, shining above others, etc.
if they don't feel like bettering themselves through taking courses or trade schools at least work smarter than the guy standing next to you. Make yourself of value. Then you can, too earn that higher wage.

If you honestly think that everyone should be able to live off a job as a simple line worker or cashier at a fast food restaurant, then you are so far gone, there is no help for you.
You want them to be paid more when they are offering nothing more. They stand there for hours in a day, in which they truly just stand there for part of that shift, as I have never seen a fast food place busy enough for that line worker or cashier to actually be working the entire time they are there on a shift.

You want a Chavez type existence then go live in Venezuela. Their industries have pretty well been taken over so they can give everyone a supposed living wage. See how well that works out for ya. The average yearly wage in Venezuela in 2006 was $7480 or an average of $3.59 an hour.

Oh please.....Really now

But once again you are offering solutions that might help an individual and assume they will help all individuals. If there are 60 million workers who do not earn enough to support their families, there are not 60 million supervisor positions, there are not 60 million second and third jobs available to workers

As it is today, our solution is to allow workers to be paid substandard wages and let the taxpayers make up the difference

My suggestion is to start shifting more of that burden back to employers......where it always used to be

show me where 60 million workers are trying to support a family on $7-8 an hour.
Most of those working at fast food restaurants are teenagers, or college students. If the teenagers already have a family, then they should have thought about that before pulling it out of their pants. Do you not think their should be consequences for ones actions in life?

The issue moves beyond minimum wage to the working poor. Remember Mitt Romney and his 47% ? That is the scope of working Americans who require taxpayer assistance. There was a time when these workers would earn enough on a single salary to support their families, now the taxpayer has to make up for substandard wages

We are allowing corporate America to heap major profits which benefit a selected few.........and the taxpayer supports those who no longer benefit from those profits
The reality is robotics will continue to take away more and more American jobs. But here is my issue: Why have both political parties sold us down the river with the jobs?

The American middle class was built with manufacturing jobs. Those are almost completely gone. Why is a company like Apple, for example, allowed to outsource 100% of their manufacturing jobs overseas? They should be required to have at least half of their manufacturing jobs in the U.S. or face a huge tax penalty. Why don't the politicians do this?

Robotics aren't taking away the jobs, gov't. and unions are.
We are allowing corporate America to heap major profits which benefit a selected few.........and the taxpayer supports those who no longer benefit from those profits

Actually most of them work for small businesses and neither the business nor their customers can afford the additional cost of paying someone more than they are worth.

I realize you are retired now, but perhaps you should have studied and worked harder and saved more...
The government hasn't forced McDonald's to double wages.

The unions are asking for a doubling of MW to $15/hour.

Then, if they get it, the one or two people getting a job at that franchise will be making $15.00 an hour and the other six people who used to work there will be unemployed.


So for every employee a MacDonald's has they need they have 6 they don't need?

Goddam, that is new height of ignorance for you.
Libs think they can keep raising taxes, mandating wages, requiring federally-specified healthcare, heaping on thousands of regulations, and business won't react by laying off or just moving out. Libs never learn and know ZERO about business. All libs do is DESTROY.


Conservatives have been making predictions like this since the Progressive Era. Almost a century later, and it's the same pity party about how ultra rich business owners are being oppressed.

Instead, try shutting the f___ up.

All these years, and you haven't learned a thing.
...says the guy advocating historically-failed policies and insisting "They'll work here in America just fine!"
The reality is robotics will continue to take away more and more American jobs. But here is my issue: Why have both political parties sold us down the river with the jobs?

The American middle class was built with manufacturing jobs. Those are almost completely gone. Why is a company like Apple, for example, allowed to outsource 100% of their manufacturing jobs overseas? They should be required to have at least half of their manufacturing jobs in the U.S. or face a huge tax penalty. Why don't the politicians do this?

Name one politician that wants their children or grandchildren to have a "good manufacturing job". I challenge you to find one video of a politician stating that. Sure, they think those are great jobs for your children and grandchildren, just not theirs. But what do you think? Do you have children? Do you want your child working in a manufacturing plant running the rivet machine, or do you want your child to be the engineer or manager?
One of my kids works in banking, the other in IT, both cushy office jobs that are much better than working on an assembly line manufacturing cars or computers or furniture.

By the way, American manufacturing jobs are not (as you say) "almost completely gone", the USA is currently the second largest manufacturer of goods in the world. China holding the spot as the largest, but then China has over three times our population, so it's no surprise that they manufacture more stuff.

Does our amount of manufacture equate to a similar ratio of jobs? I don't have any idea, just wondering if using amount manufactured is a fair comparison, since it's at least possible the US uses fewer workers to manufacture a comparable amount of products.
Libs think they can keep raising taxes, mandating wages, requiring federally-specified healthcare, heaping on thousands of regulations, and business won't react by laying off or just moving out. Libs never learn and know ZERO about business. All libs do is DESTROY.


Conservatives have been making predictions like this since the Progressive Era. Almost a century later, and it's the same pity party about how ultra rich business owners are being oppressed.

Instead, try shutting the f___ up.

All these years, and you haven't learned a thing.

When they replace forum posters with robots, I hope you are the first one they replace. :evil:
What makes you think they haven't already? Seriously -- it'd only take a thousand lines of code and a vocabulary lookup table.

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