See we told you.. Mcdonalds is ordering 7K touch screen to replace cashiers

Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...

When business and the government are one and the same, it is "business practices" that are the problem. Do a little research on the East India Company. The Company, not the Pilgrims, founded the colonies. Look at how this company ruled India with an iron fist, at the time of the American Revolution. Do you think our founders were unaware of this?

The Boston Tea Party was a direct response to the power of the East India Co. It wasn't a government interfering with private enterprise, it was private enterprise (the East India Co) interfering with government!

Partial credit for that observation.. Tho correct, it fails to explain the OTHER 22 claims of harm done in the Declaration of Independence.. :lol:

<< EDITED --- although claiming the East India Company was "private enterprise" is a lot like the Postal Workers claiming that the Post Office has not taken ONE DIME from the taxpayers. >>
Last edited:
What the heck was comment about? GWB wasn't in that meeting.. And the med codes and reimbursement lists are WAAAY older than GWB admin..

GW's team had the option of controlling Medicare drug costs like every other nation and the schmuck pulled his usual "Free Market" sound-bite out of his pants.
If Medicare proved the ability to pay reasonable prices for medications it would have exposed the nonsense that medications have to be $300.00 for a month's supply.

You missed the fact that shortly afterwards WalMart rose to that challenge and started to eat into the drug margins in a big way.. One major retailer has done more to reduce drug costs than Congress ever has..

The whole drug margin fight is between the drug companies and the insurance reimbursers. The RETAIL COST go up as the insurance companies beat them up over reimbursable cost. Nobody with insurance pays those "retail" prices. The REST can shop at Walmart.

15 evil profit motivated insurers are a better cost advocate than one asleep at the switch Congressional hearing..

THAT'S what Bush was saying.. And (in a rare moment) he was correct... :lol:

The NYS Exchange has 50+ Insurers vying for business.
To be honest, my family is covered by my wife's employer and I don't really want to enter all my personal data into the site just to compare prices.

The bottom line is that Health Care used to be a perk utilized by large companies to attract the best employees.
The MNCs no longer operate by hiring the best; they operate on quarterly earning.
Do you drive the "safest" car on the road? Or do you compromise? Do accept that there is only one best doctor and he is no longer accepting patients because he can't work 20hrs a day, or do you find the next best doctor that is available? Do you purposefully take the highest price procedure that is not recommended by your doctor or the one the doctor recommends? Would you buy a two year old million dollar scanner for your medical practice or a new one that is better and only costs 200k?

Look at the costs of medical care, examine each element and tell me what's broken. Staring you back in the face will be the problems, government will be at the root of most of them, not our medical professionals. Most of the time the issues will be related to government provided monopolies, price gouging, people not paying their bills and the medical professionals being forced by the government to pass those costs to paying customers.

Our system's costs are mostly due to the government, looking to them to fix it is ludicrous.

While government causes problems, I think you are forgetting or underestimating the costs that new medical technologies and techniques have had. Not only does it cost a lot to buy and maintain high tech medical equipment, the constant improvement in medicine leads to longer lifespans, which leads to more need of medical treatment, which leads to greater costs.....

There are also people who game the system, the costs of litigation, etc. There is, I think, quite a lot behind the rising cost of medical care. Blaming it on government is an oversimplification IMO.

Not really.. I sat in a meeting about 12 years ago with a team of folks designing a home use nebulizer for a new drug.. The idea being to reduce the cost of going to the OutPatient clinic multiple times a month.. All the presentations were over from the marketing types and I chimed up and said..

"You've given us no guidance on the recurring COST of this product.. What kind of range were you thinking?"

I got laughed at.. And then the suited marketing creeps explained that the GOVT would STILL cost the reimbursement as an OUTPATIENT procedure. So as long as my engineering team didn't exceed say $500 or $800 for a simple nebulizer --- COST was not a concern...

Since ALL medical codes and reimbursements are based on GOVT reimbursements --- this effect STIFLES cost control from the very start... If govt UNDERSTOOD and REACTED to every potential cost saving reimbursement -- it might be different. But that's WAAAAAAY beyond the scope of their managerial competence..
I had a chat with my Dr's financial admin. She confirmed what you posted above. Every aspect of medicine is about coding. And with the new Obamacare regs, the coding has not only gotten far more in depth, it has also gotten far more costly. Not only has government mandated new coding, it has also dropped reimbursements to medical professionals.
It is in effect creating a system where any doctor or medical group that accepts insured patients is a government employee.
Docs are making less money for their work BECAUSE of government interference in the medical care marketplace.
While government causes problems, I think you are forgetting or underestimating the costs that new medical technologies and techniques have had. Not only does it cost a lot to buy and maintain high tech medical equipment, the constant improvement in medicine leads to longer lifespans, which leads to more need of medical treatment, which leads to greater costs.....

There are also people who game the system, the costs of litigation, etc. There is, I think, quite a lot behind the rising cost of medical care. Blaming it on government is an oversimplification IMO.

Not really.. I sat in a meeting about 12 years ago with a team of folks designing a home use nebulizer for a new drug.. The idea being to reduce the cost of going to the OutPatient clinic multiple times a month.. All the presentations were over from the marketing types and I chimed up and said..

"You've given us no guidance on the recurring COST of this product.. What kind of range were you thinking?"

I got laughed at.. And then the suited marketing creeps explained that the GOVT would STILL cost the reimbursement as an OUTPATIENT procedure. So as long as my engineering team didn't exceed say $500 or $800 for a simple nebulizer --- COST was not a concern...

Since ALL medical codes and reimbursements are based on GOVT reimbursements --- this effect STIFLES cost control from the very start... If govt UNDERSTOOD and REACTED to every potential cost saving reimbursement -- it might be different. But that's WAAAAAAY beyond the scope of their managerial competence..

I believe we can thank GW for that.

That statement has no basis in fact.
Not really.. I sat in a meeting about 12 years ago with a team of folks designing a home use nebulizer for a new drug.. The idea being to reduce the cost of going to the OutPatient clinic multiple times a month.. All the presentations were over from the marketing types and I chimed up and said..

"You've given us no guidance on the recurring COST of this product.. What kind of range were you thinking?"

I got laughed at.. And then the suited marketing creeps explained that the GOVT would STILL cost the reimbursement as an OUTPATIENT procedure. So as long as my engineering team didn't exceed say $500 or $800 for a simple nebulizer --- COST was not a concern...

Since ALL medical codes and reimbursements are based on GOVT reimbursements --- this effect STIFLES cost control from the very start... If govt UNDERSTOOD and REACTED to every potential cost saving reimbursement -- it might be different. But that's WAAAAAAY beyond the scope of their managerial competence..

I believe we can thank GW for that.

That statement has no basis in fact.

Wow! What a comeback!
What would happen if nobody actually ate at one of those god awful places for one day? Why people chose to eat that garbage is beyond me. Leave your job, go home, and cook for yourself. Quit poisoning your kids too.

Thanks for the advice Michael Bloomberg.
By law we're adding the feature that insurance companies can't drop you when you get sick and the feature that you can get insured even if you have a preexisting condition. We're also adding the feature that you can have health care coverage even if you are poor.

Lets remember that EVERY other first world nation has these features, yet spends far less than we do on health care. And, they still outperform us in significant areas.
True. But not accurate. Obamacare is neither open ended nor is it designed to cover all maladies. There are many many conditions and so called 'efficiencies' in the law.
These limit what will be covered. Allow bureaucrats to make decisions as to who gets care or a pill.

Where did you get the impression that For-Profits make decisions based on the input of physicians?
I know two physicians who negotiate between hospitals and insurance firms and their negotiations are based 99% on business/profit requirements.

Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?
True. But not accurate. Obamacare is neither open ended nor is it designed to cover all maladies. There are many many conditions and so called 'efficiencies' in the law.
These limit what will be covered. Allow bureaucrats to make decisions as to who gets care or a pill.

Where did you get the impression that For-Profits make decisions based on the input of physicians?
I know two physicians who negotiate between hospitals and insurance firms and their negotiations are based 99% on business/profit requirements.

Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?

The Financial side of the Health Insurance industry has always controlled physicians and that's why the costs have been sky-rocketing for so many years.
The solution? Beats the heck out of me.
Where did you get the impression that For-Profits make decisions based on the input of physicians?
I know two physicians who negotiate between hospitals and insurance firms and their negotiations are based 99% on business/profit requirements.

Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?

The Financial side of the Health Insurance industry has always controlled physicians and that's why the costs have been sky-rocketing for so many years.
The solution? Beats the heck out of me.

How about get a job, earn your own money, drop insurance, break up the monopolies in the HC industry, force HC providers to publish their prices, and go shopping for what you want to buy.
Where did you get the impression that For-Profits make decisions based on the input of physicians?
I know two physicians who negotiate between hospitals and insurance firms and their negotiations are based 99% on business/profit requirements.

Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?

The Financial side of the Health Insurance industry has always controlled physicians and that's why the costs have been sky-rocketing for so many years.
The solution? Beats the heck out of me.

For the last time. The entry of government into the health insurance industry has caused costs to skyrocket.
True. But not accurate. Obamacare is neither open ended nor is it designed to cover all maladies. There are many many conditions and so called 'efficiencies' in the law.
These limit what will be covered. Allow bureaucrats to make decisions as to who gets care or a pill.

Where did you get the impression that For-Profits make decisions based on the input of physicians?
I know two physicians who negotiate between hospitals and insurance firms and their negotiations are based 99% on business/profit requirements.

Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?
Yes. Let me add that I'm not in favor of Obamacare, as it still has health care decisions governed by insurance companies who are involved in health care decisions and care about nothing but maximizing profit. So, they create hurdles like defining which doctor you can see, what procedures you can have, what drugs you can take, How much you have to pay even though you have insurance, etc. Why would anyone like that? Then, we have to pay their shareholders a profit for the privilege!

Every other first world nation out there has some version of single payer health care. Some have issues that we we wouldn't like. But, there are others that are working.

Dems should have stuck with the theme "Medicare for all" and then made Medicare work for all. Maybe they should have tossed in the VA system, too, since that system appears to be broken. Instead, they preemptively conceded that to the GOP in favor of the GOP proposal from the Clinton era on the grounds that it might bring Republicans into forming a bipartisan system.

What a STUPID assumption! There was absolutely ZERO chance the GOP would agree to any serious legislation, and given the statements from the GOP at the time that should have been crystal clear.
Not a fact. The Tea Party participants were small merchants who were victims of the East India Company's monopoly and tax advantage.

It was the equivalent of an OWS demonstration, or an employee strike.

We didn't revolt over taxaction without representation. We revolted over unfair business practices.

Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...

When business and the government are one and the same, it is "business practices" that are the problem. Do a little research on the East India Company. The Company, not the Pilgrims, founded the colonies. Look at how this company ruled India with an iron fist, at the time of the American Revolution. Do you think our founders were unaware of this?

The Boston Tea Party was a direct response to the power of the East India Co. It wasn't a government interfering with private enterprise, it was private enterprise (the East India Co) interfering with government!

You tell me to learn history? So they weren't British troops, they were East India troops? It was the power of government that they wielded, not market power. That they were technically a company is irrelevant. Corporatism is a variation of socialism, not capitalism.
Just a minute. I neither stated nor implied the pre Obamacare system was perfect, now did I?
As a matter of fact it is your side, this administration and the democrat party's blessing which gave us Obamcare.
The same thing is being executed with government health insurance as in the private marketplace. So where is your argument?

The Financial side of the Health Insurance industry has always controlled physicians and that's why the costs have been sky-rocketing for so many years.
The solution? Beats the heck out of me.

For the last time. The entry of government into the health insurance industry has caused costs to skyrocket.

Can you provide a historical back drop or link to such?
Bam, you just slipped and fell flat on your face. Wow, that must have hurt. Note in the red, you just showed the problem was not "business practices," it was government. Government gave them the monopolies and the tax advantages. And your solution is to make government stronger. Wow, that's a tough shot you just gave yourself, it's gotta hurt. You might want to sit down a while.

Note this is like McDonalds, government is driving them to automate by artificially inflating labor costs. And again, your solution is to make government stronger. Maybe you should start thinking logically.

Ronald Reagan: Government is not the solution, government is the problem...

When business and the government are one and the same, it is "business practices" that are the problem. Do a little research on the East India Company. The Company, not the Pilgrims, founded the colonies. Look at how this company ruled India with an iron fist, at the time of the American Revolution. Do you think our founders were unaware of this?

The Boston Tea Party was a direct response to the power of the East India Co. It wasn't a government interfering with private enterprise, it was private enterprise (the East India Co) interfering with government!

You tell me to learn history? So they weren't British troops, they were East India troops? It was the power of government that they wielded, not market power. That they were technically a company is irrelevant. Corporatism is a variation of socialism, not capitalism.

Ah! NOW we're getting somewhere.
Corporate Fascism.
Yes, Warren Buffet can get a private audience with a president.
The Financial side of the Health Insurance industry has always controlled physicians and that's why the costs have been sky-rocketing for so many years.
The solution? Beats the heck out of me.

For the last time. The entry of government into the health insurance industry has caused costs to skyrocket.

Can you provide a historical back drop or link to such?

The State Mandates caused by Health Care lobbyists were definitely responsible for NYS rates sky-rocketing.
But that's the usual Contribution payback.

Yeah, it's the usual. Still stinks to high heaven.

It takes a skewed personality type to campaign for office.
And representatives spend most of their time in office running for office again.

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