Seems Fair to Me


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama’s Golf

by Keith Koffler on March 6, 2013, 8:01 am

Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced an amendment to the fast-moving continuing resolution spending bill that would bar funding for President Obama’s golf outings until the White House reopens for public tours

The amendment states:

None of the funds made available by a division of this act may be used to transport the president to or from a golf course until public tours of the White House resume

Read more @ Congressman Offers Amendment Defunding Obama?s Golf | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier
I don't think there's anything the GOP can do to save face on the sequestration, including introducing bills that bring up the presidents golfing.
Only as long as people don't pay attention.

Once they do, Obama and the Dems are tanked.

They have been caught in so many lies already about the sequestration that even the Washington Post has turned on them.
People like Obama. They are already laying blame for everything on the GOP. I can't see anything the GOP can do now, except stop the sequestration, that will change that.
People like Obama. They are already laying blame for everything on the GOP. I can't see anything the GOP can do now, except stop the sequestration, that will change that.

You mean people like the press. Because the truth is that sequestration is not the train wreck Obama promised it would be. Even if he is doing his darndest to make it so. The business with WH tours is a good example. Why should school kids from WI be punished while bureaucrats in the Ag Dept are treated to wine tours at public expense?
This is what the once Grand Old Party has been reduced to? Meaningless, idiotic legislation presented just for spite?

What a sad fall from what was once a prominent and respected position.

ps: I wonder if he'll cut off funding for one of Obama's favorite golf partners too....John Boehner? Probably not. Boehner will still get the bucks, so Obama can just ride to the golf course with him.

We have a party of petty little fools serving as the loyal opposition. The nation is in real danger.
It was always supposed to be a train wreck. Sequestration was a punishment that was supposed to be so awful it would force congress to work together. I never doubted that dems would make it as awful as possible and I'm sure the GOP knew that as well.

There is also the point of simple laziness, instead of trying to work something out, just furlough people, its the easiest way to make the necessary cuts. Which is what the White House did. They cut security and redirected those people elsewhere, easy but painful.
Not feeling any pain here.

And the nazi looking zipperheads on police forces today could do with some private sector work. Teachers need to get back to teaching; fewer of them might lead to better schools. Obama did EXACTLY the right thing letting nutballs walk the plank.

Especially in re defense-sector cuts. So-called private sector workers in defense are just as much parasites as the over educated under worked government jerks ruining America from behind counters and desks around the nation.

Readers who attack me can write their thank-you notes to the government regulators who prevented financial avarice from crashing the economy in 2008, then send especial thanks to NSA and CIA for preventing Saudi attacks on New York and DC in 2001.

Yep, government is really doing a bang-up job across the board - regardless of which party is in power.
It was always supposed to be a train wreck. Sequestration was a punishment that was supposed to be so awful it would force congress to work together. I never doubted that dems would make it as awful as possible and I'm sure the GOP knew that as well.

There is also the point of simple laziness, instead of trying to work something out, just furlough people, its the easiest way to make the necessary cuts. Which is what the White House did. They cut security and redirected those people elsewhere, easy but painful.
It was supposed to be a drastic cut in spending. Never mind it isn't. But certainly Obama could find easier places to cut. In fact he was offered greater flexibility in apportioning cuts and turned that down. No, he wants America to be miserable so he can make his point. If we cut that tiny amount and no one noticed he would have failed.
It was always supposed to be a train wreck. Sequestration was a punishment that was supposed to be so awful it would force congress to work together. I never doubted that dems would make it as awful as possible and I'm sure the GOP knew that as well.

There is also the point of simple laziness, instead of trying to work something out, just furlough people, its the easiest way to make the necessary cuts. Which is what the White House did. They cut security and redirected those people elsewhere, easy but painful.

That's bullshit. The President endorsed the meausres and promised he would veto legislation to amend them.
It was always supposed to be a train wreck. Sequestration was a punishment that was supposed to be so awful it would force congress to work together. I never doubted that dems would make it as awful as possible and I'm sure the GOP knew that as well.

There is also the point of simple laziness, instead of trying to work something out, just furlough people, its the easiest way to make the necessary cuts. Which is what the White House did. They cut security and redirected those people elsewhere, easy but painful.

That's bullshit. The President endorsed the meausres and promised he would veto legislation to amend them.

Did I say he didnt?

I don't understand this amnesia some people seem to have over sequestration. It was always meant to punish congress. Something so awful that they would work together rather than let it pass. Always. Obama thought it was a good idea because his stupid ass thought he could manipulate the GOP with it because they would never take it this far. He bluffed, they called now Americans suffer.
This is what the once Grand Old Party has been reduced to? Meaningless, idiotic legislation presented just for spite?

It is a response to Obama's caterwauling about the sequestration. He turned into a drama queen and said he was going to have to suspend White House tours because of it, among other Pollyannish antics of his.

So...going to stop White House tours because money is tight, eh? Well, what about those golf trips? Don't take the sequester out on visiting Girl Scouts, asshole.

This sure beats the White House Easter Egg hunt I canceled!
I have a question...

Does anyone think the White House needs an "official" calligrapher at almost $98,000 a year? With all the computer software out there it strikes me as an unnecessary expenditure. Yeah, it's a minute drop in an enormous bucket, but what the hell? They use an autopen to sign bills into law...

And yes, I realize the "official" calligrapher is not new to this administration, if I had heard about it before now, I would have asked the same question then...

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