Seems like the Dems can now pick the next house speaker

I love how you idiots harp on this but ignore how impoverished and white trash the southern states are with high food stamp rates. How can you be so ignorant of that? It’s bizarre lol
12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they conservative states?
Cities are cities. A high density of people is bound to create higher crime rates. I mean you would have to be a moron to not understand why crime rates are lower in rural areas.
hahaha….Cities are diverse and multicultural…with that comes filth, violent crime, chaos, divisiveness, poverty and a poor quality of life….weird huh…you know, since “OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH” and all.

12% of the nations population, 33% of the nations welfare recipients - FACT
By the way Hawaii and New York are fighting CA for that number one spot....are they conservative states?

hahaha….Cities are diverse and multicultural…with that comes filth, violent crime, chaos, divisiveness, poverty and a poor quality of life….weird huh…you know, since “OUR DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH” and all.

Lol hey dumbass your own article points out that the poverty rate in Alabama isn’t much different. What’s more is that Alabama doesn’t even have a high cost of living like California. Meaning it’s cheap to live there but it is still an impoverished shit hole lol. California’s wages are still higher but the cost of living makes the poverty higher. What’s Alabama’s excuse? How about MS or LA? Shit holes with low costs of living.
You’re talking about trans women. It’s a real thing. Sorry you’re having trouble with the English language. Back to the topic now
See you’re a zealot and a far left extremist. That is the topic. Trans women aren’t women. They are deranged men. And if you don’t believe that you’re an extremist. 🤷‍♂️
Lol hey dumbass your own article points out that the poverty rate in Alabama isn’t much different. What’s more is that Alabama doesn’t even have a high cost of living like California. Meaning it’s cheap to live there but it is still an impoverished shit hole lol. California’s wages are still higher but the cost of living makes the poverty higher. What’s Alabama’s excuse? How about MS or LA? Shit holes with low costs of living.
Why didn’t you mention larger states like Fla or TX? Doesn’t fit your narrative?
Lol hey dumbass your own article points out that the poverty rate in Alabama isn’t much different. What’s more is that Alabama doesn’t even have a high cost of living like California. Meaning it’s cheap to live there but it is still an impoverished shit hole lol. California’s wages are still higher but the cost of living makes the poverty higher. What’s Alabama’s excuse? How about MS or LA? Shit holes with low costs of living.
Everybody knows that it is those ‘black cities’ in Alabama, MS and LA that are the dirty, disguting crime ridden shitholes fucking up the spreadsheets for the rest of the state.
How dare you point out such a racist fact!
Everybody knows that it is those ‘black cities’ in Alabama, MS and LA that are the dirty, disguting crime ridden shitholes fucking up the spreadsheets for the rest of the state.
How dare you point out such a racist fact!
Lol umm okay. Do you realize how stupid you sound being the only one even talking about black or brown people? You’re such an idiot lol. TX, FL, MS, LA, AL all have higher poverty rates than California.
All the Dems need to do is pick a moderate Republican who can gain a handful of votes from his/her fellow Republicans and they can make that person the next speaker.

It would would completely take the wind out of the stunt that Matt Geatz and crew are fundraising off of and give the Dems a better opposition than the wingnuts like Jim Jordan would provide. Thoughts?

Yes they had McCarty
See you’re a zealot and a far left extremist. That is the topic. Trans women aren’t women. They are deranged men. And if you don’t believe that you’re an extremist. 🤷‍♂️
I never said trans women are women. I said men can be trans women. You like to lie about that. But that’s not the topic here. The topic is the house speaker.
All the Dems need to do is pick a moderate Republican who can gain a handful of votes from his/her fellow Republicans and they can make that person the next speaker.

It would would completely take the wind out of the stunt that Matt Geatz and crew are fundraising off of and give the Dems a better opposition than the wingnuts like Jim Jordan would provide. Thoughts?
Jim Jordan is batshit crazy!
I never said trans women are women. I said men can be trans women. You like to lie about that. But that’s not the topic here. The topic is the house speaker.
...which Republicans don't want to address, hence their deflections and lies.
Democrats will vote for the next House leader, and it will be a Republican.

It will be either Jim Jordan or Byron Donalds.

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