repub fund raising is taking a hit during the House Speaker chaos

Of course it is. And independent voters are taking note of the paralysis that the repubs have inflicted on the country during this crazy time when NOTHIN....that is NOTHING can happen in the People's House while the repubs try to determine what member of their chaotic caucus is going to lead the House. Scalise was not successful. Jordan is not even near the votes needed and we have a government shut down days away.
The Uniparty get kickbacks from the Ukraine money. And any other aid they send anywhere.
Does it really matter when a percentage are shills? Pushing RINO after RINO! It's not Like Jordan will be lights out as even he may or would be handcuffed. To make some logical changes is a step in the right direction though.
“repub fund raising is taking a hit during the House Speaker chaos”


Let’s hope that translates into as many Republicans being voted out of office as possible.

Of course it is. And independent voters are taking note of the paralysis that the repubs have inflicted on the country during this crazy time when NOTHIN....that is NOTHING can happen in the People's House while the repubs try to determine what member of their chaotic caucus is going to lead the House. Scalise was not successful. Jordan is not even near the votes needed and we have a government shut down days away.
Sure it is liar.
Trump Reels In Whopping Fundraising Numbers To Close Out Third Quarter
45th President Donald Trump brought in more than 45-million-dollars to close out the third quarter out-pacing all of his primary competition.

Poll: Donald Trump Nears 60% Support Nationally as All GOP Challengers Fall into Single Digits

Washington Post says poll showing Trump beating Biden likely an ‘outlier’

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