Seeping Groundwater Now Threatens Fukushima


Apr 8, 2013
Thousands of gallons of groundwater are now pouring into the leaking reactor, and workers don't know how to fix the situation. In fact, they are shooting from the hip and there is no organized plan to stop, contain and clean up the plant, with ever-widening problems. Radiation continues to spew. Few world-wide outsiders are there at all, as TEPCO and Japan are not using experts from other countries or consultants to help get their disaster under control.

Leaks, Rats and Radioactivity: Fukushima’s Nuclear Cleanup Is Faltering


May 1, 2013
Japan: Why the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant's Cleanup Is Faltering |

Honestly, if the consequences weren’t potentially so dire, the ongoing
struggles to clean up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northern
Japan would be the stuff of comedy. In March, an extended blackout
disabled power to a vital cooling system for days. The cause: a rat
that had apparently been chewing on cables in a switchboard. As if
that’s not enough, another dead rat was found in the plant’s electrical
works just a few weeks ago, which led to another blackout, albeit of a
less important system. The dead rats were just the latest screwups in a
series of screwups by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the owner of the
Fukushima plant, that goes back to the day of March 11, 2011, when an
earthquake and the resulting tsunami touched off a nuclear disaster
that isn’t actually finished yet. I’m not sure things could be much
worse if Wile E. Coyote were TEPCO’s CEO.

The latest threat comes from nearby groundwater that is pouring into
the damaged reactor buildings. Once the water reaches the reactor it
becomes highly contaminated by radioactivity. TEPCO workers have to
pump the water out of the reactor to avoid submerging important cooling
system — the plant’s melted reactor cores, while less dangerous than
they were in the immediate aftermath of the meltdown, still needed to
be further cooled down.
TEPCO can’t simply dump the irradiated
groundwater into the nearby sea — the public outcry would be too great
— so the company has been forced to jury-rig yet another temporary
solution, building hundreds of tanks, each able to hold 112 Olympic-
sized pools worth of liquid, to hold the groundwater. So TEPCO finds
itself in a race: Can its workers build enough tanks and clear enough
nearby space to store the irradiated water — water that keeps pouring
into the reactor at the rate of some 75 gallons a minute? More than
two years after the tsunami, TEPCO is still racing against time — and
just barely staying ahead.

Details: Japan: Why the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant's Cleanup Is Faltering |
This impacts YOU and everyone on the plant. Yet Nobody care? No comments?

Not only is this radiation still spewing, it's impacting the fishing off California shores where fish have been caught & tested positive for Fuku radiation. The seal population is dying off too and scientists are speculating that the Fukushima radiation has affected the California fisheries. Plus lots of debris and junk has been washing up on Northern Cali shores and also in Canada.

You people are too comfortable hiding behind your computer screens in your inland houses.
This impacts YOU and everyone on the plant. Yet Nobody care? No comments?

Not only is this radiation still spewing, it's impacting the fishing off California shores where fish have been caught & tested positive for Fuku radiation. The seal population is dying off too and scientists are speculating that the Fukushima radiation has affected the California fisheries. Plus lots of debris and junk has been washing up on Northern Cali shores and also in Canada.

You people are too comfortable hiding behind your computer screens in your inland houses.

Once again we must ask ourselves where the EPA is on this one. I have heard various reports about the radiation detectors being turned off after Fuchishima! What would be the purpose of that if not to stick ones head in the sand!

There were also stories coming out of California that hypothyroidism is occuring in one third of children born there. Alot of people are leaving California for economic reasons. I'd be leaving for the danger Fuchishima poses. California is in direct line of jetstream from Fuchishima. Scary stuff.

Another thing I am curious of. There was more plutonium stored at Fuchishima than Chernobyl, stored on rooftops and very unsafe. This is what exploded into atmosphere in original disaster. Why is there such silence from the scientific community? Where are the environmentalists during the worst disaster in modern history? The silence is deafening!

Due to jetstream all of north american hemisphere is getting effected from rain to grass - grass to cow - cow to milk & steak on your table - you to your unborn children - it all spells disaster yet no one mentions a word about it. To do so will get you labeled as a conspiracy theorist by the left. ** Note ** According to Japanese scientists Europe and the rest of the world will be effected by this disaster also.
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This impacts YOU and everyone on the plant. Yet Nobody care? No comments?

Not only is this radiation still spewing, it's impacting the fishing off California shores where fish have been caught & tested positive for Fuku radiation. The seal population is dying off too and scientists are speculating that the Fukushima radiation has affected the California fisheries. Plus lots of debris and junk has been washing up on Northern Cali shores and also in Canada.

You people are too comfortable hiding behind your computer screens in your inland houses.

Question. Do you believe the massive dead fish washing up on shores in California and birds dropping out of the air had to do with Fuchishima?
As this effects the entire world it would behoove the leaders of all nations to put the pressure on Japan, to provide the assistance necessary, the man power necessary to fix this problem right now.
You're right that it does concern us all, just as global climate change does.

We live in a society that celebrates and values ignorance and apathy. Stupid and lazy. That's the US.

Thanks for posting this.
You're right that it does concern us all, just as global climate change does.

We live in a society that celebrates and values ignorance and apathy. Stupid and lazy. That's the US.

Thanks for posting this.

True. It is permeated throughout our society. As if not being able to see it ( radiation ) makes it any less deadly. In my opinion it makes it more deadly. As we see a rise in infant death, deformities, hypothyroidism and other effects people will realise all of this too late.

They need to do something immediately.
The EPA's "hands" are tied.

What little power most fed agencies had have been taken away. Look at FDA and USDA. The US has fewer and fewer protections against those who put profit before safety.

And, as we all know, the R wants even fewer regulations and safety measures. Amazingly, rw voters, who apparently don't have children or other family they care about, agree.
Thousands of gallons of groundwater are now pouring into the leaking reactor, and workers don't know how to fix the situation. In fact, they are shooting from the hip and there is no organized plan to stop, contain and clean up the plant, with ever-widening problems. Radiation continues to spew. Few world-wide outsiders are there at all, as TEPCO and Japan are not using experts from other countries or consultants to help get their disaster under control.

Leaks, Rats and Radioactivity: Fukushima’s Nuclear Cleanup Is Faltering


May 1, 2013
Japan: Why the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant's Cleanup Is Faltering |

Honestly, if the consequences weren’t potentially so dire, the ongoing
struggles to clean up the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in northern
Japan would be the stuff of comedy. In March, an extended blackout
disabled power to a vital cooling system for days. The cause: a rat
that had apparently been chewing on cables in a switchboard. As if
that’s not enough, another dead rat was found in the plant’s electrical
works just a few weeks ago, which led to another blackout, albeit of a
less important system. The dead rats were just the latest screwups in a
series of screwups by Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO), the owner of the
Fukushima plant, that goes back to the day of March 11, 2011, when an
earthquake and the resulting tsunami touched off a nuclear disaster
that isn’t actually finished yet. I’m not sure things could be much
worse if Wile E. Coyote were TEPCO’s CEO.

The latest threat comes from nearby groundwater that is pouring into
the damaged reactor buildings. Once the water reaches the reactor it
becomes highly contaminated by radioactivity. TEPCO workers have to
pump the water out of the reactor to avoid submerging important cooling
system — the plant’s melted reactor cores, while less dangerous than
they were in the immediate aftermath of the meltdown, still needed to
be further cooled down.
TEPCO can’t simply dump the irradiated
groundwater into the nearby sea — the public outcry would be too great
— so the company has been forced to jury-rig yet another temporary
solution, building hundreds of tanks, each able to hold 112 Olympic-
sized pools worth of liquid, to hold the groundwater. So TEPCO finds
itself in a race: Can its workers build enough tanks and clear enough
nearby space to store the irradiated water — water that keeps pouring
into the reactor at the rate of some 75 gallons a minute? More than
two years after the tsunami, TEPCO is still racing against time — and
just barely staying ahead.

Details: Japan: Why the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant's Cleanup Is Faltering |

And we should worry about that.... why?
The EPA's hands are tied? Ha! Ha! Since when?! They surely managed to take away the rights of citizens and hand the water to the sucker fish when it suited their agenda! No. That dog won't hunt.

The EPA sat on their hands during BP Oil spill too. Like I said, when it suits them.

Now what is the agenda in not doing anything and claiming their hands are tied? Same for UN and other ngos'... I think it is to give the teeth to International Law they can enforce. They could very well be using this crisis ........not doing anything in order to make the people surrender some sovereignty in exchange for some safety. I wouldn't put anything past these people. Their agenda of global governance is totally evil and so are they. The loss of life means nothing to them because the end justifies the means.

- Jeri
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You're right that it does concern us all, just as global climate change does.

We live in a society that celebrates and values ignorance and apathy. Stupid and lazy. That's the US.

Thanks for posting this.

Even the Russians with Chernobyl had to have outside intervention. They contaminated almost all of Europe with Cesium. Currently their cement "casing" that they covered the plant with is all deteriorating and cracked, exposing more radiation to the outside air. Whole cities are permanently abandoned in Ukraine.

Now to Japan - it's still spewing and worst of all, when they 'exploded' on video - you have seen it I presume - it shot bits of plutonium all over the environment which will never be able to be found - let alone cleaned up. Radioactivity is still being dumped into the ocean and that whole area is off-limits. The Japanese Government (it came out later) was almost going to evacuate Tokyo because the radiation plume changed directions. The whole northern part of Japan is contaminated.

Couple months ago, the US was testing fish off the Southern California coast - FOOD FISH. They were found to contain Japanese radiation from the plant. THAT'S WHY IT AFFECTS EVERYONE. Milk and water in California, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc. showed levels 2600% higher than acceptable levels - and the EPA TURNED OFF THE DETECTION DEVICES.

It's criminal. They don't want the people to panic and so they just stop reporting or covering it. The EPA - while they do lots of good in other areas - is a GOVERNMENT agency. Don't expect them to tell the truth.

Japan has NO OUTSIDE companies, scientists or operational help right now to assist them in containing or even BEGINNING to clean up. They said it would take more than 30 years to just get started. (Yeah, everyone will be dead by then who remembers what happened). It's all bullshit.

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