Seig Heil: New York Times Jew Compares Trump To Hitler

And the NY Times makes themselves more of a wasting time to read or click on links to them daily.
It's good that our new president is being considered the Fuhrer, a Trumpenfuhrer. Hitler made Germany great with their achievements and loyal embracing of Nationalism. Our Trumpenfuhrer will do the same and make America great again. It shall be called 'The Trumpenreich'.
It's a very fitting comparison.
Losers always compare the guy who defeated them, to Hitler. And call him names, etc.

It's how you can tell who the losers are.
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Libtard ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth you are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection, smear people, attack religion

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi card

11. Make up stuff

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat
The new reality has Trump supporters celebrating him being compared to Hitler.
It's good that our new president is being considered the Fuhrer, a Trumpenfuhrer. Hitler made Germany great with their achievements and loyal embracing of Nationalism. Our Trumpenfuhrer will do the same and make America great again. It shall be called 'The Trumpenreich'.
It's a very fitting comparison.
Trump was born the year after Hitler committed it's possible that Trump is Hitler reincarnated.
Losers always compare the guy who defeated them, to Hitler. And call him names, etc.

It's how you can tell who the losers are.

Hope this helps!
It does. As I said, it helps normal Americans (i.e. the conservative majority) tell who the losers are.
It's good that our new president is being considered the Fuhrer, a Trumpenfuhrer. Hitler made Germany great with their achievements and loyal embracing of Nationalism. Our Trumpenfuhrer will do the same and make America great again. It shall be called 'The Trumpenreich'.

DISGUSTING: NY Times Crank Links PEOTUS Trump to Hitler
What do you know about how Hitler came to power? What do you know about Brown Shirt intimidation? What do you know about the famous 'Enabling Act'? What do you know about opposition newspaper's and publisher's fates? What do you know about German scapegoating? Bookburning? Give us a historic timeline of Hitler's power, how he pulled it together with flunkies and the results of his actions so we can deny the similarities claimed with Trump?
There is nothing wrong with an argument comparing anyone to Hitler, if the argument is focused on specific traits that can be shown to be comparable.
Trump is Hitler?

Why not Stalin?

He's closer to Mussolini, imo. Even his mannerisms. Then again, Trump was born the year after Hitler committed it's possible that Trump is Hitler reincarnated.

Hope this helps!

So the Trump = Hitler crowd are fucking idiots.

When the other side compares your candidate to Hitler, you know you've won.

Adolf Hitler = Vegtarian
Bill Clinton = Vegetarian

Just sayin
There is nothing wrong with an argument comparing anyone to Hitler, if the argument is focused on specific traits that can be shown to be comparable.
Which, of course, the liberals never provide.

Except for "similarities" such as "Well, Hitler once wore brown pants at one of his speeches, and the other day I saw Trump wearing brown pants. So Trump is "similar" to Hitler!"

These people are so futile. No wonder they are such losers.
There is nothing wrong with an argument comparing anyone to Hitler, if the argument is focused on specific traits that can be shown to be comparable.
Which, of course, the liberals never provide.

Except for "similarities" such as "Well, Hitler once wore brown pants at one of his speeches, and the other day I saw Trump wearing brown pants. So Trump is "similar" to Hitler!"

These people are so futile. No wonder they are such losers.

So Hitler's opposition to immigration on the grounds it was destroying German culture can't be compared to you?

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