Seig Heil: New York Times Jew Compares Trump To Hitler

Gateway Pundit, the source for the filth that started this thread, is a fake news site. At best it is an alt-right blog site.
Gateway Pundit, the source for the filth that started this thread, is a fake news site. At best it is an alt-right blog site.
The camps for Jews, gays, and all other Democrats will be opening on Jan. 21st.

And one day you will have to prove that you are none of these things but the brownshirts will still drag you in anyway, because someone said you were.

You'll be dragged away for your posts on here. I hope your registration is anonymous.

Jan. 21st. Trump will have all snowflakes executed.

Trump is even going to grow a small mustache and stop eating meat.

Trump = Hitler

Oh my, we're being schooled by the RWnuts who call Hillary 'Hitlery'.

Very, very high five, NY. Very.
I've only seen a few use that name and you think it represents the right. How stupid.

Hitler gained power by making false allegations. If there's any comparison the national socialist party is closer to our Democrats.

Trump tells lie after lie after lie after lie after lie. You just made an excellent Hitler comparison.
I've only seen a few use that name and you think it represents the right. How stupid.


I'm not playing your game. I said I've only seen a few use the term so I lied about what I've seen?

How many do you count and explain how it's representative of the right. Throwing out a link and thinking it somehow supports you is dumb.
Oh my, we're being schooled by the RWnuts who call Hillary 'Hitlery'.

Very, very high five, NY. Very.
I've only seen a few use that name and you think it represents the right. How stupid.

Hitler gained power by making false allegations. If there's any comparison the national socialist party is closer to our Democrats.

Trump tells lie after lie after lie after lie after lie. You just made an excellent Hitler comparison.
Pop your head out of your filthy asshole for once in your life. You smearing shit doesn't create reality for the rest of us. YOU fit this perfectly!

"Hitler gained power by making false allegations. If there's any comparison the national socialist party is closer to our Democrats."
So after 4 years and Trump hasn't committed genocide will he still be compared to Hitler?
There is nothing wrong with an argument comparing anyone to Hitler, if the argument is focused on specific traits that can be shown to be comparable.
Which, of course, the liberals never provide.

Except for "similarities" such as "Well, Hitler once wore brown pants at one of his speeches, and the other day I saw Trump wearing brown pants. So Trump is "similar" to Hitler!"

These people are so futile. No wonder they are such losers.

So Hitler's opposition to immigration on the grounds it was destroying German culture can't be compared to you?

What about China/Japan? Are they Hitler because of their immigration policies?

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