Self Esteem?! Save us from this

Sep 12, 2008
Dove is running heavy commercial time on the video sharing sites for some sort of Self Esteem campaign. Not "I am cool because I did something cool" but " I exist, therefore I should feel good about it."

This is a big liberal/ conservative chasm area. I feel you deserve self esteem when you do something worthy of esteem. an ameba exists. There is no reason to feel good about you until there is something you have done that is worthy of the emulation.
Is this one of Dove's "It's OK to like yourself even if you're not an anorexic with DD fake boobs" commercials, or something different? I haven't seen it.
If that is all there was to it, I would be all for it. There seems to a message that you should like be proud of nothing.

Fake boobs and skeletel is all about self esteem for no good reason.
I don't have any problem with Dove's campaign for real beauty, which is what they call it. You're right about that. With a young daughter I applaud them in fact. But I'm a little leery of the whole "self-esteem first" thing. I'm seeing too much of it with two kids in elementary school and I don't like it.

Do you have a link to one of the ads? I googled but all I'm getting for hits are articles on the real beauty ads.
I may not have seen the same commercial Baruch saw, but it seemed very focused on not being concerned with appearance, and not just about having self esteem for the sake of self esteem.
Maybe I read too much into it.

They were running the blasted commercial every three minutes.
There seems to a message that you should like be proud of nothing.

That is definitely a liberal tenet. Just like "there's no winners or losers" is a liberal tenet. Or "redistribution of wealth." It's all bunk.

If you're proud of yourself, you should have a reason why other than simply "because I am me."

Just like respect. Respect isn't automatically given, it's earned.
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Dove is running heavy commercial time on the video sharing sites for some sort of Self Esteem campaign. Not "I am cool because I did something cool" but " I exist, therefore I should feel good about it."

This is a big liberal/ conservative chasm area. I feel you deserve self esteem when you do something worthy of esteem. an ameba exists. There is no reason to feel good about you until there is something you have done that is worthy of the emulation.

Amen-----low self esteem is bullshit anyway----if you hate yourself you gotta be pretty damn proud of your ability to judge people.

I'm very proud of my father and mother. The reason I'm so proud is because they made me!!! Let's see. I'm handsome. I'm clever. I have a wonderful sense of humor. I can converse about nearly anything. Intelligence is my middle name. I'm the perfect all American male. Oh, I'm humble too.:lol:
With far too many self esteem is directly proprotional to amount and value of posessions not who and what they are.

Just go buy something and boost your self esteem.

Think we been programmed just a bit?
Luckially my self esteem does not rely on my boobs ;)

And yes you are what you DO. Not what you own, who you are related to, what you say, or how much money/power you have, or even how pretty you are.
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Dove is running heavy commercial time on the video sharing sites for some sort of Self Esteem campaign. Not "I am cool because I did something cool" but " I exist, therefore I should feel good about it."

This is a big liberal/ conservative chasm area. I feel you deserve self esteem when you do something worthy of esteem. an ameba exists. There is no reason to feel good about you until there is something you have done that is worthy of the emulation.

I feel one deserves self esteem when one lives up to their own expectations. Many ppl live down to theirs. I also like these two quotes:

"Nothing builds self esteem and self confidence like accomplishment." -- Thomas Carlyle

"Self esteem is the reputation we acquire with ourselves." -- Nathaniel Branden
Pics of hot chicks soaping themselves (and each other) with Dove soap would be a "self esteem" booster for me! (I don't know how, I would just figger that out later) :lol:
Your wish is my command.


Hope you feel much better about yourself soon! :lol:

The sixth one from the left is saying to herself: "I am just doing this until I get a real acting job. I WILL NOT WORK A HOOTERS!"

Damn it, you owe me a new monitor & keyboard. How dare you post that while I have a mouth full of coffee!

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