Self Government for Whites.

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Is this where we tell Polish nationalist jokes?

Exactly why I'm not too keen on Westerners, they are often enough anti-Polish, and often enough pro-Multiculturalist.

We should never mix races with the Polacks.

Typical desperate Liberal hypocrite, who of course attacks the wrong people with their prejudices.

Polacks are intolerant. I don't put up with that.

Too stupid to know 2 things.

1.) That's in fact prejudices.

2.) That many Blacks, Muslims, Asians, and Hispanics are intolerant, but that doesn't stop you from supporting them.

That's racist!
Exactly why I'm not too keen on Westerners, they are often enough anti-Polish, and often enough pro-Multiculturalist.

We should never mix races with the Polacks.

Typical desperate Liberal hypocrite, who of course attacks the wrong people with their prejudices.

Polacks are intolerant. I don't put up with that.

Too stupid to know 2 things.

1.) That's in fact prejudices.

2.) That many Blacks, Muslims, Asians, and Hispanics are intolerant, but that doesn't stop you from supporting them.

That's racist!

So, it's "Cool" to call Poles intolerant, but "Not Cool" to call various non-Whites as intolerant?
Your dreams of white extinction die with you.
Cite a quote of mine where I am dreaming of "white extinction" or be known across the forum as a low-life liar.
I already did, moron.

You said it would be "awesome" if white people became a memory.
BTW, do you agree with your eugenics friend and me about eradicating the human race of idiots based on health and intelligence, not skin tone? How do you feel about seeing most of your relatives turned into fertilizer or Soylent Green?

Such an ideal would disproportionately harm minorities, except for some Asians.
One, what minorities? Poles?

Two, genetics and culture are two different things. Intelligent people recognize this truism.
...I'm an intellectual, you're obviously a primitive.
Disagreed. Obviously you are a pathetic excuse for a human being who, if we had eugenics, would have been aborted in the womb.

Disagreed, anti-Racists are typically sub-Humans, look at you a rude, obnoxious big mouth, who has no logic to bring to the table, to support their unsupported notion of racial equality.
Your dreams of white extinction die with you.
Cite a quote of mine where I am dreaming of "white extinction" or be known across the forum as a low-life liar.
I already did, moron.

You said it would be "awesome" if white people became a memory.
BTW, do you agree with your eugenics friend and me about eradicating the human race of idiots based on health and intelligence, not skin tone? How do you feel about seeing most of your relatives turned into fertilizer or Soylent Green?

Such an ideal would disproportionately harm minorities, except for some Asians.
One, what minorities? Poles?

Two, genetics and culture are two different things. Intelligent people recognize this truism.

In the anti-Racist sub-Human world it must be Poles, or the Alt-right which are the most mentally deficient.

Wow, talk about idiots.

I think anti-Racists have great trouble with logic, they're brains simply can't come to rational opinions based on the data.

I'm quite certain that it's genes that impact the culture in the first place.

You, and your ilk act as if there's a cultural tendency towards murder, when murderers are rare in all cultures.
So, obviously it's genes at play.

The data really does support that violent criminals have different traits.

You don't seem to read up enough.
Your dreams of white extinction die with you.
Cite a quote of mine where I am dreaming of "white extinction" or be known across the forum as a low-life liar.
I already did, moron.

You said it would be "awesome" if white people became a memory.
Still don't see the quote. No worries, racist, I can wait for you to make dozens of insults before quoting one single salient fact.

BTW, do you agree with your eugenics friend and me about eradicating the human race of idiots based on health and intelligence, not skin tone? How do you feel about seeing most of your relatives turned into fertilizer or Soylent Green?
My family's collective IQ is far higher than most, much less your family's.
Your dreams of white extinction die with you.
Cite a quote of mine where I am dreaming of "white extinction" or be known across the forum as a low-life liar.
I already did, moron.

You said it would be "awesome" if white people became a memory.
Still don't see the quote. No worries, racist, I can wait for you to make dozens of insults before quoting one single salient fact.

BTW, do you agree with your eugenics friend and me about eradicating the human race of idiots based on health and intelligence, not skin tone? How do you feel about seeing most of your relatives turned into fertilizer or Soylent Green?
My family's collective IQ is far higher than most, much less your family's.

They seem to think that because the Liberal institutions say that Racism / Racists are stupid, that somehow they must be Rocket scientists for standing against Racism.
Clearly not the case for most of them.

Most of my Polish American relatives are around the millionaire level, and are all at least a little racist.
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear a Polack joke?"

The guy next to him replies, "Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs. and I'm Polish. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2" tall, weighs 225, and he's Polish. The fella next to him is 6'5" tall, weighs 250, and he's Polish. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?"

The first guy says, "Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times."
So if I get a skin tan, I will become stupid, lazy, dependent, demanding, and violent? ...
Dude, you're already stupid, lazy, dependent, demanding and violent. Nuttier than squirrel shit too. Bleaching or tanning your skin won't change your personality problems. Rotsa Ruck, GI
Your degenerate Kumbaya cult comprises bitter, jealous, and vindictive misfits who are desperately driven to drag the rest of us, and especially our children, down into your echoing suicidal pit.

Indeed, I fear for White children of the future living surrounded by non-Whites, bullying certainly comes to mind.

And the non-white children of the now- surrounded by Whites?

That bullying is okay with you?


My very white daughter went to a public school where whites were a small minority. Not bullied.

I've certainly heard many stories of Whites living in non-White neighborhoods, and being bullied, or even beat up just for being White.

Certainly it could happen- just as there are many stories of non-whites living in White neighborhoods and being bullied, or even beat up just for being white.

Maybe rather than trying to promote fear of races- we should try to teach kids not to bully.
The current situation has become too cumbersome for Euro`Americans. We're self Balkanizing at an exponential rate. The more we hear a certain issue "matters" the more we question. Most Whites , over 80% , prefer self segregation. What kind of government works best for Whites cultivating isolation? Needless to say a totally Free Market , with very limited social services and very limited taxation will help keep a new america White again.

Most whites want to cultivate isolation?

Unfortunately not nearly enough Whites support White isolation, therefor Whites will become a memory.

My son is marrying a beautiful Chinese woman, so I'm doing my part.
/---- Remember in the Chinese culture the husbands family is immaterial. The only family that counts is the wife's and you will never be accepted. .
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear a Polack joke?"

The guy next to him replies, "Well, before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6' tall, 200 lbs. and I'm Polish. The guy sitting next to me is 6'2" tall, weighs 225, and he's Polish. The fella next to him is 6'5" tall, weighs 250, and he's Polish. Now, you still wanna tell that joke?"

The first guy says, "Nah, I don't want to have to explain it three times."

Prejudices it's wrong, unless it's directed at Polish people.

Such a braindead, typical, hypocritical, Liberal.
Dude, you're already stupid, lazy, dependent, demanding and violent. Nuttier than squirrel shit too. Bleaching or tanning your skin won't change your personality problems. Rotsa Ruck, GI
Your degenerate Kumbaya cult comprises bitter, jealous, and vindictive misfits who are desperately driven to drag the rest of us, and especially our children, down into your echoing suicidal pit.

Indeed, I fear for White children of the future living surrounded by non-Whites, bullying certainly comes to mind.

And the non-white children of the now- surrounded by Whites?

That bullying is okay with you?


My very white daughter went to a public school where whites were a small minority. Not bullied.

I've certainly heard many stories of Whites living in non-White neighborhoods, and being bullied, or even beat up just for being White.

Certainly it could happen- just as there are many stories of non-whites living in White neighborhoods and being bullied, or even beat up just for being white.

Maybe rather than trying to promote fear of races- we should try to teach kids not to bully.

There's going to be bullying, and racists regardless of teaching kids otherwise.

So, Balkanization is certainly isn't favorable, now is it?
In the anti-Racist sub-Human world it must be Poles, or the Alt-right which are the most mentally deficient....
Interesting statement.

If all human beings were tested for health and intelligence with those who don't make the grade turned into fertilizer, then I suspect, based on you, Poland would have a fertilizer surplus to export to agricultural nations. You could easily end up fertilizer a field of American cotton. What a wonderful irony it would be for you.
Your degenerate Kumbaya cult comprises bitter, jealous, and vindictive misfits who are desperately driven to drag the rest of us, and especially our children, down into your echoing suicidal pit.

Indeed, I fear for White children of the future living surrounded by non-Whites, bullying certainly comes to mind.

And the non-white children of the now- surrounded by Whites?

That bullying is okay with you?


My very white daughter went to a public school where whites were a small minority. Not bullied.

I've certainly heard many stories of Whites living in non-White neighborhoods, and being bullied, or even beat up just for being White.

Certainly it could happen- just as there are many stories of non-whites living in White neighborhoods and being bullied, or even beat up just for being white.

Maybe rather than trying to promote fear of races- we should try to teach kids not to bully.

There's going to be bullying, and racists regardless of teaching kids otherwise.

So, Balkanization is certainly isn't favorable, now is it?

There will be less bullying and less racism if kids are taught that bullies and racists are all assholes who should be social outcasts.
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