Sen. Chris Murphy declares government the answer


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) tweeted the government is the answer to every problem that exists. To Murphy, government is the greatest good in the universe. More government is better, total government is best.

The Stalinist Senator unleashed a storm with his tweet;


Murphy may have been testing whether his Khmer Rouge type desires resonated with the majority, unfortunately for him. that isn't the way most saw it;



Chris Murphy on Twitter

The would-be little Mao was repudiated but demonstrates exactly what it is the fascist democratic party ultimately seeks.
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!

Who's "crying"? I'm laughing. Laughing at you and you liberal idiocy.

Tell me, monkey boy: How does it feel to have lost the most important election in your life? Are you still curling up in your closet in a fetal position, sucking your thumb, and crying yourself to sleep every night?

Don't worry. It'll get better. :biggrin:
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!

Who's "crying"? I'm laughing. Laughing at you and you liberal idiocy.

Tell me, monkey boy: How does it feel to have lost the most important election in your life? Are you still curling up in your closet in a fetal position, sucking your thumb, and crying yourself to sleep every night?

Don't worry. It'll get better. :biggrin:
Hey Fuck Face you have a mug your father ran a way from. The Trumpanzee voters will have to explain to their childern they're GREAT FUCK UP.
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!

Who's "crying"? I'm laughing. Laughing at you and you liberal idiocy.

Tell me, monkey boy: How does it feel to have lost the most important election in your life? Are you still curling up in your closet in a fetal position, sucking your thumb, and crying yourself to sleep every night?

Don't worry. It'll get better. :biggrin:
Hey Fuck Face you have a mug your father ran a way from. The Trumpanzee voters will have to explain to their childern they're GREAT FUCK UP.

Typical liberal response: Losing an argument and gets pissed off and upsets the checker board.

You really need to go back and re-read Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals because it's pretty obvious you were snoozing the day they covered that in Liberalism 101.

Remember J, arguing with liberals is like playing chess with pigeons. They knock over the pieces, crap on the board and strut around like they won.
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!


Here, in bright RED INK is a good summary of the answer for everything---as far as the CoastalCocksucker-RottingCity-Bolshevk-Assholes are concerned.

The Heartland American is stupid. That explains it all for these turds.

Never mind that the heart of the Democratic Party; its purest base; its core--are Blacks who are very clearly the poorest educated of all Americans. (Don't bother to call me a Racist---the Blacks say so themselves; they complain about it all the time.)

And most of the the rest of the Democratic Party now days are Mexicans, many of whom cannot even speak English, and who constitute the second most poorly educated demographic.

The rest of the Democrats are clearly unhappy, very poorly adjusted Marxists---usually, like this asshole---who type their whines out from his mother's basement, no doubt....while waiting on some more Free Shit from the Federal Plantation.

I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!


Here, in bright RED INK is a good summary of the answer for everything---as far as the CoastalCocksucker-RottingCity-Bolshevk-Assholes are concerned.

The Heartland American is stupid. That explains it all for these turds.

Never mind that the heart of the Democratic Party; its purest base; its core--are Blacks who are very clearly the poorest educated of all Americans. (Don't bother to call me a Racist---the Blacks say so themselves; they complain about it all the time.)

And most of the the rest of the Democratic Party now days are Mexicans, many of whom cannot even speak English, and who constitute the second most poorly educated demographic.

The rest of the Democrats are clearly unhappy, very poorly adjusted Marxists---usually, like this asshole---who type their whines out from his mother's basement, no doubt....while waiting on some more Free Shit from the Federal Plantation.

Why do white working class conservatives vote against they're own best interest by voting for Republicans???
I looked up his voting record. It shows that he voted "nay" on most resolutions and conformations, which passed anyway.

The Voter's Self Defense System

The dickhead is just another obstructionist Democrat trying to justify his existence in Congress.
Without "anal sex" there would be no Red State Conservatives in this county.

Well that's very telling. Projecting one's own perverted sexual tendencies on a political opponent, tells me everything I need to know about you.

Oh shut up crying. You and you ilk know dam good weill without incest and inbreeding there wouldn't be a Red States of America!!!!!


Here, in bright RED INK is a good summary of the answer for everything---as far as the CoastalCocksucker-RottingCity-Bolshevk-Assholes are concerned.

The Heartland American is stupid. That explains it all for these turds.

Never mind that the heart of the Democratic Party; its purest base; its core--are Blacks who are very clearly the poorest educated of all Americans. (Don't bother to call me a Racist---the Blacks say so themselves; they complain about it all the time.)

And most of the the rest of the Democratic Party now days are Mexicans, many of whom cannot even speak English, and who constitute the second most poorly educated demographic.

The rest of the Democrats are clearly unhappy, very poorly adjusted Marxists---usually, like this asshole---who type their whines out from his mother's basement, no doubt....while waiting on some more Free Shit from the Federal Plantation.

Why do white working class conservatives vote against they're own best interest by voting for Republicans???

because Democrats always want to take more of their hard-earned money and re-distribute it to those who can't or won't work. No conservative in his or her right mind would vote for that.
Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT) tweeted the government is the answer to every problem that exists.
Everyone with an IQ above room temperature knows that government is the the problem not the solution.

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