Sen. Chris Murphy, D-Conn: 'One of the most dangerous moments': Republican and Democratic senators race to resolve aid, border disputes

You're discounting Russia's power and their complete air supremacy. I'm not going to waste time on your ideas unless you get yourself up to speed.

Biden isn't running the show in the Ukraine.

There is a good amount of opinions that are saying that America would lose all of it's aircraft carriers in the first few hours of the war against Russia.

That could push the US to go nuclear and that is avoided by both sides at all costs. America needs a convention weapons decision and it has to be very soon.
You and I both lack sufficient information to get into a truly technical discussion of this topic. Can you admit this?
You already know that I oppose America's wars of aggression my friend. Those wars threaten world peace.
Wrong again duck. Russia attacked a sovereign nation. The US, against my better judgement, has provided aid to the nation that was attacked--as has yours. Get after Turdeau. Neither Russia nor Ukraine is an American ally. We should maintain a neutral stance. BTW, it was a democrat, Obama who allowed Russia to unilaterally annex Crimea in 2014--so much for that argument.
Which one of America's two wars is the most threatening in your 'expert' opinion?
The US is not at war. Next.
We all hope that Americans remain confused over which side to take on this issue.
Informed Americans are not confused, duck, regardless of how much you attempt to confuse the issue. There is a globalist movement underway worldwide--Americans are opposed to one world government. Democrats are, ignorantly, fully embracing this movement. They are also showing their racist colors in attacking Israel's actions in defending itself. Israel was attacked and they have every right to defend themselves against Hamas' underhanded aggressions, in spite of your racist efforts to paint it as something else. Israel is retaliating--Hamas attacked. Your motives are as transparent as a freshly washed window, duck. Try again.
Wrong again duck. Russia attacked a sovereign nation. The US, against my better judgement, has provided aid to the nation that was attacked--as has yours.
And now you've finally accepted that we agree and we're on the same side!
Me and you buddy! I'm not prejudiced about the extra four legs either!
The Dems consider it America's business because they are pushing the line that Russia/Putin is intent on continuing across all of Europe.

And the Repubs don't buy the bullshit. They understand that America promoted a proxy war against Russia, going back to 2014 and earlier.
Smoking the Bear

Much earlier. The plan to dismember Russia itself was plotted as soon as the Soviet Union broke up. The World Bank filled Yeltsin with economic theories that automatically create an oligarchic kleptocracy leading to a depression.

As for Russian foreign policy, Oliver North followed the party-line by calling Yeltsin "the butcher of Chechnya," being totally ignorant that, like Bosnia and Kosovo, Chechnya was a main launching point for Islamic genocide against non-Moslems.

Decider Dubya hired Neo-Condi Rice, an Affirmative-Action bimbo who knew nothing about foreign threats except the defunct one about the Soviet Union. He occupied Afghanistan solely as an outpost against Russia.
What's dangerous? We've been feeding the laundromat billions in tokens and Russia is winning. Great foreign policy we got going.
Leave it to MSN to spin an honest effort by republicans to deal with open borders. Why do lefties go along with this propaganda when they must instinctively know that open borders hurts America? Is it all about hatred for Trump? WTF?
Smoking the Bear

Much earlier. The plan to dismember Russia itself was plotted as soon as the Soviet Union broke up.
Yes of course.
The World Bank filled Yeltsin with economic theories that automatically create an oligarchic kleptocracy leading to a depression.

As for Russian foreign policy, Oliver North followed the party-line by calling Yeltsin "the butcher of Chechnya," being totally ignorant that, like Bosnia and Kosovo, Chechnya was a main launching point for Islamic genocide against non-Moslems.

Decider Dubya hired Neo-Condi Rice, an Affirmative-Action bimbo who knew nothing about foreign threats except the defunct one about the Soviet Union. He occupied Afghanistan solely as an outpost against Russia.
Why aren't other Americans educated on the facts?
Yes of course.

Why aren't other Americans educated on the facts?
Know-It-All Nobodies

A republic treats citizens like people who can't make decisions on their own and need to be led. That carries over to looking for Influencers to tell us what to think. It's not ignorance; it's caused by the humiliating ruling system.

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