Sen. Ensign's falling fast


Jun 27, 2009
In interviews with the Las Vegas Sun, more than a dozen friends, associates and Republican allies, some of whom have known Ensign for years, describe him as a politician who has grown narcissistic and reckless — a detached, self-righteous figure with almost no regard for those who helped send him to Washington or keep him there.

Ensign’s actions in the wake of the affair, and the resulting investigations by the Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee have bled into the lives of his once-closest aides, associates and friends, as well as largely innocent bystanders and his family.

Deconstructing the facade of John Ensign - Monday, April 5, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Apparently no one wants to stand up for him, not even fellow GOP Senators.
Hes a POS and is as dirty as Gibbons the govenor of Nevada.

They are both part of the republican revolution of 1993.

In interviews with the Las Vegas Sun, more than a dozen friends, associates and Republican allies, some of whom have known Ensign for years, describe him as a politician who has grown narcissistic and reckless — a detached, self-righteous figure with almost no regard for those who helped send him to Washington or keep him there.

Ensign’s actions in the wake of the affair, and the resulting investigations by the Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee have bled into the lives of his once-closest aides, associates and friends, as well as largely innocent bystanders and his family.

Deconstructing the facade of John Ensign - Monday, April 5, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Apparently no one wants to stand up for him, not even fellow GOP Senators.

This is news?

If we discover a toe-tapper in the ranks we shun them....not praise them like Democrats do.
Like the Dems rallied around Dan Rostenkowski, you mean?

When a Pol gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's likely to be get thrown to the wolves.

And that is not entirely a bad thing, either...assuming he's really guilty, of course.
Like the Dems rallied around Dan Rostenkowski, you mean?

When a Pol gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's likely to be get thrown to the wolves.

And that is not entirely a bad thing, either...assuming he's really guilty, of course.

Are you seriously trying to claim that the Left didn't rally around Rostenkowski?

ROFLMNAO... Come on Ed.

The Democrats ran defense for that criminal for DECADES...
Like the Dems rallied around Dan Rostenkowski, you mean?

When a Pol gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's likely to be get thrown to the wolves.

And that is not entirely a bad thing, either...assuming he's really guilty, of course.
You mean like Charlie "What Tax?" Rangel and William "Cold Cash" Jefferson were "thrown to the wolves"? :eusa_whistle:
In interviews with the Las Vegas Sun, more than a dozen friends, associates and Republican allies, some of whom have known Ensign for years, describe him as a politician who has grown narcissistic and reckless — a detached, self-righteous figure with almost no regard for those who helped send him to Washington or keep him there.

Ensign’s actions in the wake of the affair, and the resulting investigations by the Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee have bled into the lives of his once-closest aides, associates and friends, as well as largely innocent bystanders and his family.

Deconstructing the facade of John Ensign - Monday, April 5, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Apparently no one wants to stand up for him, not even fellow GOP Senators.

I just don't get it with these guys. It's like they get to Washington and live under some delusion that they're untouchable despite the long list of political death row inmates that have preceded them.
Like the Dems rallied around Dan Rostenkowski, you mean?

When a Pol gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's likely to be get thrown to the wolves.

And that is not entirely a bad thing, either...assuming he's really guilty, of course.

You mean like Charlie "What Tax?" Rangel and William "Cold Cash" Jefferson were "thrown to the wolves"? :eusa_whistle:

Rangel was forced out of his committee chair.
Jefferson was both striped of his committee assignments and the party funded a primary challenger to him in the next election. Short of shooting him, what else could they do?
After how much time passed, after it was beyond obvious, to even the casual observer, that they're guilty as hell?

And what of the outright tax cheat who is the current Treasury Secretary?

As detestable as the republicans are, at least they take their out own trash.

The democrats need to be shamed into taking action with the law breakers.

[ame=]YouTube - Cafferty rips Pelosi for defending Rangel after she vowed to 'drain the swamp'[/ame]
In interviews with the Las Vegas Sun, more than a dozen friends, associates and Republican allies, some of whom have known Ensign for years, describe him as a politician who has grown narcissistic and reckless — a detached, self-righteous figure with almost no regard for those who helped send him to Washington or keep him there.

Ensign’s actions in the wake of the affair, and the resulting investigations by the Justice Department and the Senate Ethics Committee have bled into the lives of his once-closest aides, associates and friends, as well as largely innocent bystanders and his family.

Deconstructing the facade of John Ensign - Monday, April 5, 2010 | 2 a.m. - Las Vegas Sun

Apparently no one wants to stand up for him, not even fellow GOP Senators.

This is news?

If we discover a toe-tapper in the ranks we shun them....not praise them like Democrats do.

Now if this guy just had D after his name instead of an R, there would be hordes of Democrats holding this guy out as the standard bearer of their party. THAT is how Democrats respond to this kind of situation when it involves a Democrat -they insist that just about no crime and no level of unethical or immoral behavior can cause them to renounce one of their own. And no matter how many liberals may argue otherwise, history is REPLETE with examples proving this is true. Democrats insist it is their foulest, most unethical, most immoral -who are their standard bearers.

But Republicans can't kick this kind to the curb fast enough.
Like the Dems rallied around Dan Rostenkowski, you mean?

When a Pol gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar, he's likely to be get thrown to the wolves.

And that is not entirely a bad thing, either...assuming he's really guilty, of course.

You mean like Charlie "What Tax?" Rangel and William "Cold Cash" Jefferson were "thrown to the wolves"? :eusa_whistle:

Rangel was forced out of his committee chair.
Jefferson was both striped of his committee assignments and the party funded a primary challenger to him in the next election. Short of shooting him, what else could they do?

Uhhhhhhhh try them in a court of law for the crimes they committed perhaps?
After how much time passed, after it was beyond obvious, to even the casual observer, that they're guilty as hell?

Jefferson's resignation was demanded two weeks after his offices were raided by the FBI, and since he refused to step down, he was striped of his committee assignment by a vote two weeks later. The party ran a candidate against him at the first available opportunity.

And what of the outright tax cheat who is the current Treasury Secretary?

As detestable as the republicans are, at least they take their out own trash.

I guess that's why David "Diapers" Vitter, Tom "I Take Bribes" Coburn, and John Ensign are all still in the Senate.
You mean like Charlie "What Tax?" Rangel and William "Cold Cash" Jefferson were "thrown to the wolves"? :eusa_whistle:

Rangel was forced out of his committee chair.
Jefferson was both striped of his committee assignments and the party funded a primary challenger to him in the next election. Short of shooting him, what else could they do?

Uhhhhhhhh try them in a court of law for the crimes they committed perhaps?

You realize that Congress isn't a court, right?
Rangel was forced out of his committee chair.
Jefferson was both striped of his committee assignments and the party funded a primary challenger to him in the next election. Short of shooting him, what else could they do?

Uhhhhhhhh try them in a court of law for the crimes they committed perhaps?

You realize that Congress isn't a court, right? are in fact quite stupid aren't you? They have courts to try people when they are arrested for the crimes they commit. I don't know how it works in Wonderland where you reside...but that's how it works here in America.
Uhhhhhhhh try them in a court of law for the crimes they committed perhaps?

You realize that Congress isn't a court, right? are in fact quite stupid aren't you? They have courts to try people when they are arrested for the crimes they commit. I don't know how it works in Wonderland where you reside...but that's how it works here in America.

Yes, but it wouldn't be Congress that would put him on trial. And since you were responding to a statement asking what more Congress could do to him, that's a pretty big point to miss.
You realize that Congress isn't a court, right? are in fact quite stupid aren't you? They have courts to try people when they are arrested for the crimes they commit. I don't know how it works in Wonderland where you reside...but that's how it works here in America.

Yes, but it wouldn't be Congress that would put him on trial. And since you were responding to a statement asking what more Congress could do to him, that's a pretty big point to miss.

Wrong again!!!! I'm sure someone there has the power of arrest...wouldn't you think? Then follow the American system of justice? Not dream up some non sequitur argument like you did. are in fact quite stupid aren't you? They have courts to try people when they are arrested for the crimes they commit. I don't know how it works in Wonderland where you reside...but that's how it works here in America.

Yes, but it wouldn't be Congress that would put him on trial. And since you were responding to a statement asking what more Congress could do to him, that's a pretty big point to miss.

Wrong again!!!! I'm sure someone there has the power of arrest...wouldn't you think? Then follow the American system of justice? Not dream up some non sequitur argument like you did.

No, the Congress does not have the power to arrest people.

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