Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Yes, it's that time again!

Time for Progressives to either show us where McCarthy was wrong or drink a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up juice!

Come on, now.

Why was it OK that Roosevelt's economist adviser and assistant, Lauchlin Currie reported to Moscow, and sold out Chaing Kai Shek for histories greatest mass murderer Mao?

Please say something other than "My teachers taught me McCarthy was a bad man"
Pity Bump for poor ol Frankie

What? How can you say that Frank!
Have you no shame???
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Joe McCarthy was an alcoholic that fabricated everything he touched.
My uncle was a construction worker in California working for movie studios. McCarthy labeled him and nundreds of others as communists without any evidence to support it. Uncle Bill and all the others were black listed and never worked another day in that industry. Thousands in the movie industry were blacklisted as communists.
Name one that was right.
Sure,McCarthy pointed out there were communists around. Well DUH. Even a blind squirrell finds a nut every once in a while.
You peoplewill believe anything and are too young to know any better.

Communists? That want to fundamentally transform society? Here in America? Naaaaahh! McCarthy was obviously a nut.
Collectivism is a fact of American history, from the Pilgrims first three years at Plymouth to its triumph in the 1912 elections to its demonization in 1919 and the 1950s and since the 1980s.

Most of you flatly have no idea about what you talk.
Collectivism is a fact of American history, from the Pilgrims first three years at Plymouth to its triumph in the 1912 elections to its demonization in 1919 and the 1950s and since the 1980s.

Most of you flatly have no idea about what you talk.

Do you consider China under Mao a triumph?
Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!
starting shit, then leaving the room to booze is the sign of an american patriot and hero.

McCarthy was right and the fact he was in the process of exposing hundreds of committed communists -many of them the paid agents of the USSR - who had infiltrated our government including agencies dealing with encryption, code breaking, intelligence analysis and high level political appointees in positions of power in dozens of importance government departments - was met with a concerted effort to destroy him in order to discredit what he was exposing about them. And that campaign was deliberately waged by our left. Which was not only highly successful -but continues to this very day. McCarthy exposed the close ties between the liberal left in this country and the fact they not only shielded Soviet spies, but participated in helping the paid agents of the USSR into positions of government power and then continued trying to protect them from being exposed to the American public. Exposing the paid agents of the Soviets threatened their ability to wage their secret war on the US.

Our children are still being taught that this man was nothing but pure evil when in fact he discovered that our ENEMY had an ongoing campaign to infiltrate our government in order to undermine its effectiveness in countering USSR strategy and even its ability to successfully defend itself in the event of war. An enemy that responded to this exposure -by waging a concerted and multi-faceted campaign to personally destroy McCarthy in the hopes it would also discredit what he was exposing. This is the NORMAL tactics of the left anyway but when spearheaded and controlled by an enemy super power like the Soviet Union waged against a single man, it is truly formidable. A single person stands no chance of survival and McCarthy was destroyed as the Soviet Union and the committed US left intended.

And with patsies like you helping to do so, this lying ass character assassination will continue a lot longer. The man was repeatedly accused of all sorts of immoralities and even criminal acts practically on a daily basis, tales about his drinking habits wildly exaggerated and even outright fabricated with each episode more lurid and revolting than the last most of it with no basis in reality and the rest taken out of context or wildly exaggerated. Most of these accusations were made by "anonymous sources" but it was later revealed that many of the named sources were paid Soviet agents and people who turned out to be communist sympathizers. The destruction was spearheaded by the USSR and carried out by our left acting in concert with paid and unpaid Soviet agents. The missing memos are missing because THEY BACK UP EVERYTHING MCCARTHY HAD CLAIMED ALL ALONG AND REVEAL IT WAS FAR WORSE THAN EVEN MCCARTHY KNEW AT THE TIME! It is something the left still doesn't want revealed because some of those declassified memos showed intercepted messages between Soviet agents hiding in this country and the USSR about how to destroy the man, they involve admissions of discovering paid Soviet agents holding high level political appointments inside dozens of US departments and agencies as well as being employed in high level positions in our most sensitive sub-departments of the defense department -including encryption, code-breaking, defense strategy and threat analysis. Gee who was President during the theft of these declassified government memos from this time period - and what do we know about at least one Clinton buddy caught red-handed stealing AND DESTROYING OTHER DOCUMENTS from the National Archives? No one should hold their breath waiting for an investigation into WHO stole these documents and no doubt destroyed them. Gee what does that imply about who STILL feels the need to provide protection and cover-up to communists and continue the lying ass smear on McCarthy? No conservative would destroy these documents, that's for sure. Maybe the thief believed stealing and destroying the documents would prevent that from being known -but a lot of people have SEEN those memos before they were stolen and have written about what they said. But of course, if they are destroyed, those who have written about what was in them no longer have any reliable source to prove it really said what they claim, do they? Meanwhile, Stage Two of the campaign is set to go if necessary -of discrediting those who already revealed portions of these declassified memos. Fortunately for them, their first stage was so successful and the indoctrination of children in our public schools still ongoing so that few people question the left's deliberate character assassination of McCarthy.

It is a fact that the USSR had hundreds of PAID AGENTS both inside our government as well as holding positions of power with some of the most prominent and influential NEWSPAPERS in the country. And together they worked to destroy this man entirely. How would you have held up against that? He was isolated and so savaged on a near daily basis that others came to fear for their own careers to even come to his defense. His drinking became a real problem only after he was already destroyed. But this is why the bible for the left "Rules for Radicals" says that because the left cannot win a debate about issues, they shouldn't hesitate to use deliberate character assassination even if it means total fabrication. The left believes its goals to be SOOO "noble", that the use of ANY means justifies THEIR ends. And in the case of McCarthy, it was to hide the existence and full extent of Soviet infiltration which is why they went all out on the man.

McCarthy was a patriot, his concern was for OUR country and his actions were to that end. While those who designed and actively participated in destroying the man -did so for the opposite reasons and motives. Whose best interests were served by destroying this man - because it was not those of the United States.
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Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!

Soviet agents at State convinced FDR to abandon Chang Kai Shek, who was actually fighting the Japanese with us during WWII, in favor of one of histories greatest mass murderers Mao.

It matters.
Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!

Soviet agents at State convinced FDR to abandon Chang Kai Shek, who was actually fighting the Japanese with us during WWII, in favor of one of histories greatest mass murderers Mao.

It matters.

Ya..Ya..It matters.... and Pol Pot killled several million Cambodians. It's a fucked up world Frankie and as I said before FDR was a weak cripple. It was too bad that Ike was busy winning the war and couldn't step up to the presidency earlier. There have been oceans of water under the bridge...our true heros have been named. McCarthy was not one of them.
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McCarthy was a drunk. He destroyed the lives of many Americans and no amount of historical revisionsim will change that record.
The American RW is dangerous, remember, once the Communist Party had power in China and Russia, civil liberties disappeared and the new order determined everything. The most conservative nations in the world in the 1950's and 1960's were China, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc.
Today, the most conservatives nations are N. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, it can happen here.
starting shit, then leaving the room to booze is the sign of an american patriot and hero.

McCarthy was right and the fact he was in the process of exposing hundreds of committed communists -many of them the paid agents of the USSR - who had infiltrated our government including agencies dealing with encryption, code breaking, intelligence analysis and high level political appointees in positions of power in dozens of importance government departments - was met with a concerted effort to destroy him in order to discredit what he was exposing about them. And that campaign was deliberately waged by our left. Which was not only highly successful -but continues to this very day. McCarthy exposed the close ties between the liberal left in this country and the fact they not only shielded Soviet spies, but participated in helping the paid agents of the USSR into positions of government power and then continued trying to protect them from being exposed to the American public. Exposing the paid agents of the Soviets threatened their ability to wage their secret war on the US.

Our children are still being taught that this man was nothing but pure evil when in fact he discovered that our ENEMY had an ongoing campaign to infiltrate our government in order to undermine its effectiveness in countering USSR strategy and even its ability to successfully defend itself in the event of war. An enemy that responded to this exposure -by waging a concerted and multi-faceted campaign to personally destroy McCarthy in the hopes it would also discredit what he was exposing. This is the NORMAL tactics of the left anyway but when spearheaded and controlled by an enemy super power like the Soviet Union waged against a single man, it is truly formidable. A single person stands no chance of survival and McCarthy was destroyed as the Soviet Union and the committed US left intended.

And with patsies like you helping to do so, this lying ass character assassination will continue a lot longer. The man was repeatedly accused of all sorts of immoralities and even criminal acts practically on a daily basis, tales about his drinking habits wildly exaggerated and even outright fabricated with each episode more lurid and revolting than the last most of it with no basis in reality and the rest taken out of context or wildly exaggerated. Most of these accusations were made by "anonymous sources" but it was later revealed that many of the named sources were paid Soviet agents and people who turned out to be communist sympathizers. The destruction was spearheaded by the USSR and carried out by our left acting in concert with paid and unpaid Soviet agents. The missing memos are missing because THEY BACK UP EVERYTHING MCCARTHY HAD CLAIMED ALL ALONG AND REVEAL IT WAS FAR WORSE THAN EVEN MCCARTHY KNEW AT THE TIME! It is something the left still doesn't want revealed because some of those declassified memos showed intercepted messages between Soviet agents hiding in this country and the USSR about how to destroy the man, they involve admissions of discovering paid Soviet agents holding high level political appointments inside dozens of US departments and agencies as well as being employed in high level positions in our most sensitive sub-departments of the defense department -including encryption, code-breaking, defense strategy and threat analysis. Gee who was President during the theft of these declassified government memos from this time period - and what do we know about at least one Clinton buddy caught red-handed stealing AND DESTROYING OTHER DOCUMENTS from the National Archives? No one should hold their breath waiting for an investigation into WHO stole these documents and no doubt destroyed them. Gee what does that imply about who STILL feels the need to provide protection and cover-up to communists and continue the lying ass smear on McCarthy? No conservative would destroy these documents, that's for sure. Maybe the thief believed stealing and destroying the documents would prevent that from being known -but a lot of people have SEEN those memos before they were stolen and have written about what they said. But of course, if they are destroyed, those who have written about what was in them no longer have any reliable source to prove it really said what they claim, do they? Meanwhile, Stage Two of the campaign is set to go if necessary -of discrediting those who already revealed portions of these declassified memos. Fortunately for them, their first stage was so successful and the indoctrination of children in our public schools still ongoing so that few people question the left's deliberate character assassination of McCarthy.

It is a fact that the USSR had hundreds of PAID AGENTS both inside our government as well as holding positions of power with some of the most prominent and influential NEWSPAPERS in the country. And together they worked to destroy this man entirely. How would you have held up against that? He was isolated and so savaged on a near daily basis that others came to fear for their own careers to even come to his defense. His drinking became a real problem only after he was already destroyed. But this is why the bible for the left "Rules for Radicals" says that because the left cannot win a debate about issues, they shouldn't hesitate to use deliberate character assassination even if it means total fabrication. The left believes its goals to be SOOO "noble", that the use of ANY means justifies THEIR ends. And in the case of McCarthy, it was to hide the existence and full extent of Soviet infiltration which is why they went all out on the man.

McCarthy was a patriot, his concern was for OUR country and his actions were to that end. While those who designed and actively participated in destroying the man -did so for the opposite reasons and motives. Whose best interests were served by destroying this man - because it was not those of the United States.

I have a list of 100 card carrying Communists who post on this Message Board....
I have a list of 100 card-carrying fascist Tea Party members who post on this list.
Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!

Soviet agents at State convinced FDR to abandon Chang Kai Shek, who was actually fighting the Japanese with us during WWII, in favor of one of histories greatest mass murderers Mao.

It matters.

Ya..Ya..It matters.... and Pol Pot killled several million Cambodians. It's a fucked up world Frankie and as I said before FDR was a weak cripple. It was too bad that Ike was busy winning the war and couldn't step up to the presidency earlier. There have been oceans of water under the bridge...our true heros have been named. McCarthy was not one of them.

Had FDR and Truman not been so busy sucking up to Staling and Mao it would be a whole different world. You see that don't you?

The world would be a better place if China were Free under Shek and Mao and his inbreds were confined to North Korea.

The world would have been a better place if we objected to the Soviet capture of Poland in 1939 and the attacks on Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

McCarthy wanted to know why we were choosing Communists and it turns out it was because our State Department was working for the wrong country
Soviet agents at State convinced FDR to abandon Chang Kai Shek, who was actually fighting the Japanese with us during WWII, in favor of one of histories greatest mass murderers Mao.

It matters.

Ya..Ya..It matters.... and Pol Pot killled several million Cambodians. It's a fucked up world Frankie and as I said before FDR was a weak cripple. It was too bad that Ike was busy winning the war and couldn't step up to the presidency earlier. There have been oceans of water under the bridge...our true heros have been named. McCarthy was not one of them.

Had FDR and Truman not been so busy sucking up to Staling and Mao it would be a whole different world. You see that don't you?

The world would be a better place if China were Free under Shek and Mao and his inbreds were confined to North Korea.

The world would have been a better place if we objected to the Soviet capture of Poland in 1939 and the attacks on Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

McCarthy wanted to know why we were choosing Communists and it turns out it was because our State Department was working for the wrong country

Have you no decency???
starting shit, then leaving the room to booze is the sign of an american patriot and hero.

<snip of wacko far right nonsense> .

McCarthy was rarely right and surely was destroyed politically by conservative REPUBLICANS horrified by his anti-American rhetoric.

Any who defend him are spitting on American values.

Rarely right? The Soviets verified that McCarthy was 100% correct and actually understated the extent of the penetration.

You are just parroting back what your parents and teacher told you, you were lied to

What was he "wrong" about?
McCarthy was a drunk. He destroyed the lives of many Americans and no amount of historical revisionsim will change that record.
The American RW is dangerous, remember, once the Communist Party had power in China and Russia, civil liberties disappeared and the new order determined everything. The most conservative nations in the world in the 1950's and 1960's were China, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc.
Today, the most conservatives nations are N. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, it can happen here.

1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy

2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response
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Ya..Ya..It matters.... and Pol Pot killled several million Cambodians. It's a fucked up world Frankie and as I said before FDR was a weak cripple. It was too bad that Ike was busy winning the war and couldn't step up to the presidency earlier. There have been oceans of water under the bridge...our true heros have been named. McCarthy was not one of them.

Had FDR and Truman not been so busy sucking up to Staling and Mao it would be a whole different world. You see that don't you?

The world would be a better place if China were Free under Shek and Mao and his inbreds were confined to North Korea.

The world would have been a better place if we objected to the Soviet capture of Poland in 1939 and the attacks on Finland, Estonia and Latvia.

McCarthy wanted to know why we were choosing Communists and it turns out it was because our State Department was working for the wrong country

Have you no decency???

I have facts.

I have the USSR admitting McCarthy was correct.

You should catch up on current event because the old "Cause we say so" doesn't fly and makes you look very foolish in the process

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