Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Nope, CF has no decency. In that sense he is hand in hand with bigrebnc.

Who needs decency when the Soviets admitted McCarthy was correct? You're giving a response that was out of date 60 years ago!

You look very silly too!

Did you know that the Soviets admitted they had a robust spy ring at US State?
Joe McCarthy was a lying demagogic alcoholic. The ol' "Tailgunner" was never a tailgunner.

He destroyed lives without reason. He will always be remembered as a black mark in American history.
Joe McCarthy was a lying demagogic alcoholic. The ol' "Tailgunner" was never a tailgunner.

He destroyed lives without reason. He will always be remembered as a black mark in American history.

You're a political Flat Earther.

You are spouting the nonsense of a dead political church.

The Progressive line that "McCarthy was wrong and a bad, bad man" has been debunked by the Soviets themselves with a big assist from tens of thousands of pages of FBI files.

You need to get educated.
McCarthy was a drunk. He destroyed the lives of many Americans and no amount of historical revisionsim will change that record.
The American RW is dangerous, remember, once the Communist Party had power in China and Russia, civil liberties disappeared and the new order determined everything. The most conservative nations in the world in the 1950's and 1960's were China, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc.
Today, the most conservatives nations are N. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, it can happen here.

1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy
2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response

Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined. was "The Honeymooners". The woman was Pert Kelton
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McCarthy was a drunk. He destroyed the lives of many Americans and no amount of historical revisionsim will change that record.
The American RW is dangerous, remember, once the Communist Party had power in China and Russia, civil liberties disappeared and the new order determined everything. The most conservative nations in the world in the 1950's and 1960's were China, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc.
Today, the most conservatives nations are N. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, it can happen here.

1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy
2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response

Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Was that a serious response?
Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!

Wow, doesn't take much to pull the wool over your eyes, does it? There is nothing "capitalistic" about communist China, sorry. The fact the Chinese communist government has changed from an arbitrary decision about what and how much will be produced and at what price after seeing what a loser strategy that turned out to be for the Soviets -to taking into consideration supply-and-demand as the guide for determining how much to produce and at what price -doesn't make it even "pseudo-capitalistic"! That is just a basic principle for figuring out how much to produce and at what price that rates right up with COMMON SENSE. But that will NEVER alter on ANY level WHO OWNS IT. Let me see, the nation that pays tribute and forced near-idolatry of THE single worst mass murderer in human history, where the people still have no right of free speech, no free press, no right of assembly, no right to petition their government, no right to bear arms, no religious freedom, no right to free and open choice of their own leaders, no right to freely travel even inside their own country, where government still owns the means of production and routinely imprisons political opponents just like every fucking communist regime that ever existed on the planet MUST do in order to keep a stranglehold on power -is still a communist nation. (It begs the question about why children are taught about the Holocaust and the mass murders committed by Hitler -but are INCREDIBLY ignorant about the fact the two biggest mass murderers in history were both COMMUNISTS from the 20th century whose combined slaughter of human beings was more than 6 times the number slaughtered by Hitler. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact the left, which openly admires communism - controls our public school system. That would be such a major breach of the public trust to fail to teach our children about the single most mass murdering political and government system to ever have existed in history -now wouldn't it?)

Just because the Chinese communist government has implemented a a strategy they cheerfully call "state capitalism" does not mean anything has substantially changed whatsoever -it was worded that way for pathetic stooges like you who have a desperate need to pretend life over there as the government owned slave is really pretty much like life here. Oh sure, its really no different. Except for the fact they exist as the state owned slaves of the communist government, lack of all your freedoms, risk imprisonment if they speak out against their government and lack the ability to get the hell out of there and go live and work somewhere else they prefer -as free people can and do all the time. Yeah right -keep telling yourself its really all pretty much just the same there as it is here. You are such a tool.

So what's the slogan of YOUR party? "Life as a free man is SO overrated"? I guess we know who here is NOT going to go all Patrick Henry on us, huh! ROFL
1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy
2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response

Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Was that a serious response?

Comon Frankie!! You go girl!!! Start a political movement like the tea baggers. Base it on the horrible hated commies!!! Like we don't have enough fear mongering going on ... All the communists have transformed into psuedo capitalists..but make that no nevermind!!!

The Better Dead Than Red Party!!!

McCarthy's Revenge!!!!!! Wooooo Hooo!!!!

McCarthy..McCarthy...He's our man..
If he can't come back from the dead..
...and a horrible reputation.....


Go Frankie!!...Go Frankie!!

It's your birthday!! It's your birthday!!

Wow, doesn't take much to pull the wool over your eyes, does it? There is nothing "capitalistic" about communist China, sorry. The fact the Chinese communist government has changed from an arbitrary decision about what and how much will be produced and at what price after seeing what a loser strategy that turned out to be for the Soviets -to taking into consideration supply-and-demand as the guide for determining how much to produce and at what price -doesn't make it even "pseudo-capitalistic"! That is just a basic principle for figuring out how much to produce and at what price that rates right up with COMMON SENSE. But that will NEVER alter on ANY level WHO OWNS IT. Let me see, the nation that pays tribute and forced near-idolatry of THE single worst mass murderer in human history, where the people still have no right of free speech, no free press, no right of assembly, no right to petition their government, no right to bear arms, no religious freedom, no right to free and open choice of their own leaders, no right to freely travel even inside their own country, where government still owns the means of production and routinely imprisons political opponents just like every fucking communist regime that ever existed on the planet MUST do in order to keep a stranglehold on power -is still a communist nation. (It begs the question about why children are taught about the Holocaust and the mass murders committed by Hitler -but are INCREDIBLY ignorant about the fact the two biggest mass murderers in history were both COMMUNISTS from the 20th century whose combined slaughter of human beings was more than 6 times the number slaughtered by Hitler. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact the left, which openly admires communism - controls our public school system. That would be such a major breach of the public trust to fail to teach our children about the single most mass murdering political and government system to ever have existed in history -now wouldn't it?)

Just because the Chinese communist government has implemented a a strategy they cheerfully call "state capitalism" does not mean anything has substantially changed whatsoever -it was worded that way for pathetic stooges like you who have a desperate need to pretend life over there as the government owned slave is really pretty much like life here. Oh sure, its really no different. Except for the fact they exist as the state owned slaves of the communist government, lack of all your freedoms, risk imprisonment if they speak out against their government and lack the ability to get the hell out of there and go live and work somewhere else they prefer -as free people can and do all the time. Yeah right -keep telling yourself its really all pretty much just the same there as it is here. You are such a tool.

So what's the slogan of YOUR party? "Life as a free man is SO overrated"? I guess we know who here is NOT going to go all Patrick Henry on us, huh! ROFL

That's a lot of gas about someone you do not know. My family has always been republican as long as I have been alive. In the 50's we(our family) took in two mainland Chinese families. I think I might know more than you think about the plight of those that escaped Comminism in China. Don't try and lecture people you do not know.
Joe McCarthy was a lying demagogic alcoholic. The ol' "Tailgunner" was never a tailgunner.

He destroyed lives without reason. He will always be remembered as a black mark in American history.

Actually, he was. Joseph McCarthy enlisted in the Marine Corps, despite being exempt from the draft, spent most of his service as an intelligence officer, and flew approximately a dozen missions. While there has been disagreement about the exact number of missions and about the citations he received for his service, it is a fact that he did fly missions as a tailgunner.

As for destroying lives "without a reason", I'd say trying to protect the nation from spies is actually a pretty good reason.
McCarthy was a drunk. He destroyed the lives of many Americans and no amount of historical revisionsim will change that record.
The American RW is dangerous, remember, once the Communist Party had power in China and Russia, civil liberties disappeared and the new order determined everything. The most conservative nations in the world in the 1950's and 1960's were China, the Soviet Union and the Eastern European Bloc.
Today, the most conservatives nations are N. Korea, Iran, and Saudi Arabia.
Yes, it can happen here.

1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy
2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response

Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Who in the hell are you talking about?
1. Name one life destroyed by McCarthy
2. The Communists came to power in China thanks to the very people McCarthy warned us about: Owen Lattimore, Lauchlin Currire, John Stewart Service, Sol Adler. They convinced FDR to abandon Shek in favor of Mao. That's a fact. It matters and you can look it up.

3. Nothing else you said makes any sense or is worth a response

Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Who in the hell are you talking about?

My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.
Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Who in the hell are you talking about?

My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Pay close attention because you've been lied to your entire lie about Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy stated that there were Communist spies at the US State Department. He quoted from the Klaus memo and other sources also dealing with Soviet penetration of State.

That's it!

So unless the person you're talking about worked at the State Department it had NOTHING to do with McCarthy's Central Thesis: Soviet penetration of US State!

McCarthy gave his first speech in Feb, 1950 (all copies of the local newspaper that carried the speech have been purged from the National Archives). The ChiComs, the very people Communists at State Department put in charge of China, started the Korean War killing US Marines in June of that same year.

That's the background, that's the time line, those are the facts. Mrs Petrie or Kramden have NOTHING to do with any of it except as diversion.
Who in the hell are you talking about?

My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Pay close attention because you've been lied to your entire lie about Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy stated that there were Communist spies at the US State Department. He quoted from the Klaus memo and other sources also dealing with Soviet penetration of State.

That's it!

So unless the person you're talking about worked at the State Department it had NOTHING to do with McCarthy's Central Thesis: Soviet penetration of US State!

McCarthy gave his first speech in Feb, 1950 (all copies of the local newspaper that carried the speech have been purged from the National Archives). The ChiComs, the very people Communists at State Department put in charge of China, started the Korean War killing US Marines in June of that same year.

That's the background, that's the time line, those are the facts. Mrs Petrie or Kramden have NOTHING to do with any of it except as diversion.

I honestly thought this thread was started as some bizarre attention getting ploy. It seems, because of your persistance, that you are serious. OK.

I'm still not sure why you chose to ressurect McCarthy but I'll continue to play along because I too am serious about my opposition to the venture.

Perhaps the debate would be better framed in context if layed over the diffferences of public and government mindset of the times between then and now.

If you think the Americans came together over 9/11 you might well compare our resolve and back to the wall fear as a cub scout sleep over to the all consuming dedication to defeating the Axis. Our country wasn't completely threatened by Al Qaeda. The Japs and the Germans were a real threat to take over the world. They damn near pulled it off. The time frame was similar as now in that it was only a few years ago as 9/11 is to our times.

We felt betrayed by the commies. Then they got nukes. The soviets were willing to sacrifice millions defending their homeland which was not lost on us. The whole cold war thing was shaping up as a horrible never ending nightmare of potential instant annihilation with madmen hovering over hair triggers.

I don't dispute the absolute necessity at the time to ferret out spies. What was heinous was McCarthy's methods and grandstanding.

We were trying to get back to being Americans. It was just months since the Japonese Americans were released from internment camps. McCarthy's ranting and ravings was turning us back into the monsters defending our own lives. His efforts reached out much farther than the senate hearings. They gave official liscense to jingoism that did in fact ruin many innocents lives. I think the most disturbing aspect of this sad revival is yours and others attempts to deny the harm.
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Robs original wife on the Dick Van Dyke show. She was fired accused of being a communist. Her career was ruined.

Who in the hell are you talking about?

My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Ummm, it would also be your bad because . . . stay with me here . . . JOE MCCARTHY NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOLLYWOOD!

Could you people write that down somewhere so I don't have to keep repeating it?
Who in the hell are you talking about?

My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Ummm, it would also be your bad because . . . stay with me here . . . JOE MCCARTHY NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOLLYWOOD!

Could you people write that down somewhere so I don't have to keep repeating it?

You are wrong sugar tits. The movie industry was under the grip of government censors during and after WWII. They were frightened to death of the red scare being stirred up by McCarthy and over-reacted to prevent more government intrusion. The black balling which you have denied was very real and a direct result of McCarthy's efforts.
My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Ummm, it would also be your bad because . . . stay with me here . . . JOE MCCARTHY NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOLLYWOOD!

Could you people write that down somewhere so I don't have to keep repeating it?

You are wrong sugar tits. The movie industry was under the grip of government censors during and after WWII. They were frightened to death of the red scare being stirred up by McCarthy and over-reacted to prevent more government intrusion. The black balling which you have denied was very real and a direct result of McCarthy's efforts.

I'm not wrong, ass clown. The HUAC started its investigations of Hollywood before McCarthy was ever even elected to the Senate, so trying to pretend that McCarthy was the sole reason for and instigator of anti-Communism in the United States is almost as pathetic as you believing it's okay to address women in that offensive, sexually harassing manner.

McCarthy was not responsible for Pert Kelton. You're a misogynistic dickwad. Case closed.
Ummm, it would also be your bad because . . . stay with me here . . . JOE MCCARTHY NEVER HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH HOLLYWOOD!

Could you people write that down somewhere so I don't have to keep repeating it?

You are wrong sugar tits. The movie industry was under the grip of government censors during and after WWII. They were frightened to death of the red scare being stirred up by McCarthy and over-reacted to prevent more government intrusion. The black balling which you have denied was very real and a direct result of McCarthy's efforts.

I'm not wrong, ass clown. The HUAC started its investigations of Hollywood before McCarthy was ever even elected to the Senate, so trying to pretend that McCarthy was the sole reason for and instigator of anti-Communism in the United States is almost as pathetic as you believing it's okay to address women in that offensive, sexually harassing manner.

McCarthy was not responsible for Pert Kelton. You're a misogynistic dickwad. Case closed.

LOL...ass-clown..maybe. Misogynistic..hardly. Most women adore me for my tireless ability to listen and empathise.

It was a simple ploy to get a more timely response from you. The added bonus of you actually staying on topic in your reply was an added value.

I have never maintained that McCarthy was solely responsible for the red scare. My take on this subject is simply that he is not a hero. If you want the case closed take it up with Frankie.
My bad...It was the "Honeymooners"

In 1951, "The Honeymooners" was first seen as a sketch within DuMont's "Cavalcade of Stars", with Pert Kelton originating the role of Alice and with Art Carney's first appearance as a cop. (See season 12 - Special: Really Lost Debut Episodes).

Kelton wwas black balled for being suspected of being a communist.

I recently saw a PBS special on the beginnings of television. The info was in the special including the references to the allegations of her being a communist.

Pay close attention because you've been lied to your entire lie about Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy stated that there were Communist spies at the US State Department. He quoted from the Klaus memo and other sources also dealing with Soviet penetration of State.

That's it!

So unless the person you're talking about worked at the State Department it had NOTHING to do with McCarthy's Central Thesis: Soviet penetration of US State!

McCarthy gave his first speech in Feb, 1950 (all copies of the local newspaper that carried the speech have been purged from the National Archives). The ChiComs, the very people Communists at State Department put in charge of China, started the Korean War killing US Marines in June of that same year.

That's the background, that's the time line, those are the facts. Mrs Petrie or Kramden have NOTHING to do with any of it except as diversion.

I honestly thought this thread was started as some bizarre attention getting ploy. It seems, because of your persistance, that you are serious. OK.

I'm still not sure why you chose to ressurect McCarthy but I'll continue to play along because I too am serious about my opposition to the venture.

Perhaps the debate would be better framed in context if layed over the diffferences of public and government mindset of the times between then and now.

If you think the Americans came together over 9/11 you might well compare our resolve and back to the wall fear as a cub scout sleep over to the all consuming dedication to defeating the Axis. Our country wasn't completely threatened by Al Qaeda. The Japs and the Germans were a real threat to take over the world. They damn near pulled it off. The time frame was similar as now in that it was only a few years ago as 9/11 is to our times.

We felt betrayed by the commies. Then they got nukes. The soviets were willing to sacrifice millions defending their homeland which was not lost on us. The whole cold war thing was shaping up as a horrible never ending nightmare of potential instant annihilation with madmen hovering over hair triggers.

I don't dispute the absolute necessity at the time to ferret out spies. What was heinous was McCarthy's methods and grandstanding.

We were trying to get back to being Americans. It was just months since the Japonese Americans were released from internment camps. McCarthy's ranting and ravings was turning us back into the monsters defending our own lives. His efforts reached out much farther than the senate hearings. They gave official liscense to jingoism that did in fact ruin many innocents lives. I think the most disturbing aspect of this sad revival is yours and others attempts to deny the harm.

Just for five minute will you please take the time to read through and think about what happened before you reflexively resort to the McCarthy hatred?

Since the New Deal the Communists made a high priority of infiltrating the US Government and they succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination!

Once again, they turned China over to Mao! They goaded the USA into conflict with Japan, they gave Yugoslavia to Tito!

This was the work of people who should have been seated next to the Rosenbergs
Pay close attention because you've been lied to your entire lie about Joe McCarthy.

McCarthy stated that there were Communist spies at the US State Department. He quoted from the Klaus memo and other sources also dealing with Soviet penetration of State.

That's it!

So unless the person you're talking about worked at the State Department it had NOTHING to do with McCarthy's Central Thesis: Soviet penetration of US State!

McCarthy gave his first speech in Feb, 1950 (all copies of the local newspaper that carried the speech have been purged from the National Archives). The ChiComs, the very people Communists at State Department put in charge of China, started the Korean War killing US Marines in June of that same year.

That's the background, that's the time line, those are the facts. Mrs Petrie or Kramden have NOTHING to do with any of it except as diversion.

I honestly thought this thread was started as some bizarre attention getting ploy. It seems, because of your persistance, that you are serious. OK.

I'm still not sure why you chose to ressurect McCarthy but I'll continue to play along because I too am serious about my opposition to the venture.

Perhaps the debate would be better framed in context if layed over the diffferences of public and government mindset of the times between then and now.

If you think the Americans came together over 9/11 you might well compare our resolve and back to the wall fear as a cub scout sleep over to the all consuming dedication to defeating the Axis. Our country wasn't completely threatened by Al Qaeda. The Japs and the Germans were a real threat to take over the world. They damn near pulled it off. The time frame was similar as now in that it was only a few years ago as 9/11 is to our times.

We felt betrayed by the commies. Then they got nukes. The soviets were willing to sacrifice millions defending their homeland which was not lost on us. The whole cold war thing was shaping up as a horrible never ending nightmare of potential instant annihilation with madmen hovering over hair triggers.

I don't dispute the absolute necessity at the time to ferret out spies. What was heinous was McCarthy's methods and grandstanding.

We were trying to get back to being Americans. It was just months since the Japonese Americans were released from internment camps. McCarthy's ranting and ravings was turning us back into the monsters defending our own lives. His efforts reached out much farther than the senate hearings. They gave official liscense to jingoism that did in fact ruin many innocents lives. I think the most disturbing aspect of this sad revival is yours and others attempts to deny the harm.

Just for five minute will you please take the time to read through and think about what happened before you reflexively resort to the McCarthy hatred?

Since the New Deal the Communists made a high priority of infiltrating the US Government and they succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination!

Once again, they turned China over to Mao! They goaded the USA into conflict with Japan, they gave Yugoslavia to Tito!

This was the work of people who should have been seated next to the Rosenbergs

Surely after you have taken the time to read my responses you do not think I am soft on spies soviet or otherwise. I repeat. They should be and were in many cases discovered, ...removed and...executed. As I stated several times one of my dad's best friends did just that for the government. "Ben" had my admiration for the work that he did. I had many conversations with him. He was not some crazy reactionary. He was thoughtful and professional unlike McCarthy who was a dangerous drunken grandstanding self aggrandising buffoon. I wont say that McCarthy was the worst American that ever lived. Frankly he was not unlike Glenn Beck but more so in a time when his actions did not have much opposition and Americans were vulnerable to his vile and cowardly attacks.

We do not totally dissagree on the facts. We dissagree on the harm McCarthy recklessly caused.

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