Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

McCarthy was a dishonest and horrible individual. He wanted to be anti-soviet which is fine, but he ruined the lives of many innocents, and spat on the 1st amendment.

You planning on taking up the gauntlet your compatriots were too chickenshit to attempt? Okay, newbie. Dishonest how? Horrible how? Which innocents? Spat on the First Amendment how? Be specific.
McCarthy was a dishonest and horrible individual. He wanted to be anti-soviet which is fine, but he ruined the lives of many innocents, and spat on the 1st amendment.

You planning on taking up the gauntlet your compatriots were too chickenshit to attempt? Okay, newbie. Dishonest how? Horrible how? Which innocents? Spat on the First Amendment how? Be specific.

He is not the only person to blame but most of the garbage centralizes into the House Un-American Activities Committee. The most famous case of innocents being convincted for alleged use of different opinions of 1st amendment rights were the Hollywood Ten where many members of hollywood were either fired or sometimes arrested for possibly being communist. Even if that event never happened, he would still be responbile for spreading irrational fear of a communist threat and making downright lies and claims about communist in the state department or communists elsewhere
McCarthy was a dishonest and horrible individual. He wanted to be anti-soviet which is fine, but he ruined the lives of many innocents, and spat on the 1st amendment.

You planning on taking up the gauntlet your compatriots were too chickenshit to attempt? Okay, newbie. Dishonest how? Horrible how? Which innocents? Spat on the First Amendment how? Be specific.

He is not the only person to blame but most of the garbage centralizes into the House Un-American Activities Committee. The most famous case of innocents being convincted for alleged use of different opinions of 1st amendment rights were the Hollywood Ten where many members of hollywood were either fired or sometimes arrested for possibly being communist. Even if that event never happened, he would still be responbile for spreading irrational fear of a communist threat and making downright lies and claims about communist in the state department or communists elsewhere

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick. It's not that I expect actual intelligence from you mouthbreathers, but if you can't be bothered to know something about the topic you plan to spew on, you might at LEAST read the frigging thread before barging into it.

Read my lips, dumbass: SENATOR Joseph McCarthy was NEVER A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Note the word "House" in the name of the committee. Not only that, but the HUAC started their investigations before McCarthy was ever elected to Congress, IN THE SENATE (just in case that little newsflash didn't get through to you the first time, since you don't seem too bright). And furthermore, McCarthy's committee - IN THE SENATE - dealt with GOVERNMENT oversight. He had nothing to do with Hollywood.

Therefore, you have just utterly and completely humiliated yourself in public, kind of the Internet equivalent of pissing in your pants AND shitting in them at the same time while on a first date. Congratulations.

Out of morbid curiosity to see if you can outdo this dismal performance, feel free to come back and try again to list something McCarthy ACTUALLY did to someone he ACTUALLY had contact with. Or slink away to die of shame, which would certainly be appropriate. :whip:
Joe McCarthy: Then and Now | THE ZEITGEISTY REPORT

Like all demagogues, Joe McCarthy would eventually be done in by his own excesses. In 1954 when he tried to take on the United States Army, accusing them of being stacked to the rafters with Card Carrying Commies, the very absurdity of the charge proved to be too absurd even for the Congress. In a famous confrontation that was viewed by millions on television, council for the Army, Joseph Welsh, asked the thoroughly humiliated McCarthy:

“At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?”

By the end of the year, on December 2, he would be censored, stripped of all of his seniority. Two-and-a-half years later, he would be dead; a broken man victimized – as he himself victimized so many others – by his own demons, primarily alcoholism. He was forty-nine years old

In May of 1957 the body of Joseph McCarthy was laid to rest in a small, rural cemetery adjacent to St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Appleton, Wisconsin. The practice of baseless, political accusations that haunted America through much of the 1950s and which bears his name – McCarthyism – was buried with him….or so we believed at the time

Once again you Political Flat Earthers have to come to terms with the fact that the Soviets confirmed that McCarthy was correct in his assessment that US State was Moscow West

You like to pretend you have some fleeting interest in science so you should be at least vaguely aware of the concept that when the facts knock the snot out of your theories, its time for new theories.

McCarthy has been completely and totally vindicated

You need to find some support group to help you cope

The Soviets said it thus it must be true.
Joe McCarthy: Then and Now | THE ZEITGEISTY REPORT

Like all demagogues, Joe McCarthy would eventually be done in by his own excesses. In 1954 when he tried to take on the United States Army, accusing them of being stacked to the rafters with Card Carrying Commies, the very absurdity of the charge proved to be too absurd even for the Congress. In a famous confrontation that was viewed by millions on television, council for the Army, Joseph Welsh, asked the thoroughly humiliated McCarthy:

“At long last, sir, have you no sense of decency?”

By the end of the year, on December 2, he would be censored, stripped of all of his seniority. Two-and-a-half years later, he would be dead; a broken man victimized – as he himself victimized so many others – by his own demons, primarily alcoholism. He was forty-nine years old

In May of 1957 the body of Joseph McCarthy was laid to rest in a small, rural cemetery adjacent to St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Appleton, Wisconsin. The practice of baseless, political accusations that haunted America through much of the 1950s and which bears his name – McCarthyism – was buried with him….or so we believed at the time

Once again you Political Flat Earthers have to come to terms with the fact that the Soviets confirmed that McCarthy was correct in his assessment that US State was Moscow West

You like to pretend you have some fleeting interest in science so you should be at least vaguely aware of the concept that when the facts knock the snot out of your theories, its time for new theories.

McCarthy has been completely and totally vindicated

You need to find some support group to help you cope

The Soviets said it thus it must be true.

Yes, the Soviets deliberately kept nothing but false records for decades so that, years after the fall of their country (which they didn't believe would happen), completely innocent people (most of whom are dead now anyway) would be proven to be spies for some completely unknown secret reason of their own.

DAMN those devious Russkies! :eusa_wall:
You planning on taking up the gauntlet your compatriots were too chickenshit to attempt? Okay, newbie. Dishonest how? Horrible how? Which innocents? Spat on the First Amendment how? Be specific.

He is not the only person to blame but most of the garbage centralizes into the House Un-American Activities Committee. The most famous case of innocents being convincted for alleged use of different opinions of 1st amendment rights were the Hollywood Ten where many members of hollywood were either fired or sometimes arrested for possibly being communist. Even if that event never happened, he would still be responbile for spreading irrational fear of a communist threat and making downright lies and claims about communist in the state department or communists elsewhere

<snip: absolute dishonesty on your part>

Cecile1200, even more than teapartysamurai or US Army Retired, you provide the classic example of the immoral stubborness of dishonesty.
Once again you Political Flat Earthers have to come to terms with the fact that the Soviets confirmed that McCarthy was correct in his assessment that US State was Moscow West

You like to pretend you have some fleeting interest in science so you should be at least vaguely aware of the concept that when the facts knock the snot out of your theories, its time for new theories.

McCarthy has been completely and totally vindicated

You need to find some support group to help you cope

The Soviets said it thus it must be true.

Yes, the Soviets deliberately kept nothing but false records for decades so that, years after the fall of their country (which they didn't believe would happen), completely innocent people (most of whom are dead now anyway) would be proven to be spies for some completely unknown secret reason of their own.

DAMN those devious Russkies! :eusa_wall:

The current Russians are honest and would never attempt to manipulate anyone and always reveal and open their foreign policy and intelligence records to anyone that wants to look at them.
The Soviets said it thus it must be true.

Yes, the Soviets deliberately kept nothing but false records for decades so that, years after the fall of their country (which they didn't believe would happen), completely innocent people (most of whom are dead now anyway) would be proven to be spies for some completely unknown secret reason of their own.

DAMN those devious Russkies! :eusa_wall:

The current Russians are honest and would never attempt to manipulate anyone and always reveal and open their foreign policy and intelligence records to anyone that wants to look at them.

Which leads us back to the same premise: all the intelligence records from the old KGB, plus the declassified decryptions of their Cold War messages are all fakes to make us believe that a bunch of people who are dead now anyway were really spies, for some unknown reason. Because that makes more sense to you than that you dumbasses were just WRONG. :cuckoo:
You planning on taking up the gauntlet your compatriots were too chickenshit to attempt? Okay, newbie. Dishonest how? Horrible how? Which innocents? Spat on the First Amendment how? Be specific.

He is not the only person to blame but most of the garbage centralizes into the House Un-American Activities Committee. The most famous case of innocents being convincted for alleged use of different opinions of 1st amendment rights were the Hollywood Ten where many members of hollywood were either fired or sometimes arrested for possibly being communist. Even if that event never happened, he would still be responbile for spreading irrational fear of a communist threat and making downright lies and claims about communist in the state department or communists elsewhere

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick. It's not that I expect actual intelligence from you mouthbreathers, but if you can't be bothered to know something about the topic you plan to spew on, you might at LEAST read the frigging thread before barging into it.

Read my lips, dumbass: SENATOR Joseph McCarthy was NEVER A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Note the word "House" in the name of the committee. Not only that, but the HUAC started their investigations before McCarthy was ever elected to Congress, IN THE SENATE (just in case that little newsflash didn't get through to you the first time, since you don't seem too bright). And furthermore, McCarthy's committee - IN THE SENATE - dealt with GOVERNMENT oversight. He had nothing to do with Hollywood.

Therefore, you have just utterly and completely humiliated yourself in public, kind of the Internet equivalent of pissing in your pants AND shitting in them at the same time while on a first date. Congratulations.

Out of morbid curiosity to see if you can outdo this dismal performance, feel free to come back and try again to list something McCarthy ACTUALLY did to someone he ACTUALLY had contact with. Or slink away to die of shame, which would certainly be appropriate. :whip:

Defend this
He is not the only person to blame but most of the garbage centralizes into the House Un-American Activities Committee. The most famous case of innocents being convincted for alleged use of different opinions of 1st amendment rights were the Hollywood Ten where many members of hollywood were either fired or sometimes arrested for possibly being communist. Even if that event never happened, he would still be responbile for spreading irrational fear of a communist threat and making downright lies and claims about communist in the state department or communists elsewhere

Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick. It's not that I expect actual intelligence from you mouthbreathers, but if you can't be bothered to know something about the topic you plan to spew on, you might at LEAST read the frigging thread before barging into it.

Read my lips, dumbass: SENATOR Joseph McCarthy was NEVER A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Note the word "House" in the name of the committee. Not only that, but the HUAC started their investigations before McCarthy was ever elected to Congress, IN THE SENATE (just in case that little newsflash didn't get through to you the first time, since you don't seem too bright). And furthermore, McCarthy's committee - IN THE SENATE - dealt with GOVERNMENT oversight. He had nothing to do with Hollywood.

Therefore, you have just utterly and completely humiliated yourself in public, kind of the Internet equivalent of pissing in your pants AND shitting in them at the same time while on a first date. Congratulations.

Out of morbid curiosity to see if you can outdo this dismal performance, feel free to come back and try again to list something McCarthy ACTUALLY did to someone he ACTUALLY had contact with. Or slink away to die of shame, which would certainly be appropriate. :whip:

Defend this

And I am responsible for defending against a two-bit, unsubstantiated Internet video made by some anonymous dipshit because why?

Here's a tip for you, newbie, provided out of the goodness of my heart (and believe me, this one tip is the extent of the goodness of my heart): you need to learn the meaning of "reliable source" FAST if you plan to hang around here, because "I found someone on the Internet who says so" will get you nothing but laughed at, and that's by the NICE people on this board. The rest of us will tear you a new asshole and toss you in the gutter as we move on to a REAL debater.

I don't dignify shit like this with a response, so if you intend to debate Senator Joseph McCarthy's career with me, you'd best come up with something worthy of my attention. So far, you're embarrassing yourself so badly, I'm almost embarrassed for you.
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Jesus H. Christ on a pogo stick. It's not that I expect actual intelligence from you mouthbreathers, but if you can't be bothered to know something about the topic you plan to spew on, you might at LEAST read the frigging thread before barging into it.

Read my lips, dumbass: SENATOR Joseph McCarthy was NEVER A MEMBER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Note the word "House" in the name of the committee. Not only that, but the HUAC started their investigations before McCarthy was ever elected to Congress, IN THE SENATE (just in case that little newsflash didn't get through to you the first time, since you don't seem too bright). And furthermore, McCarthy's committee - IN THE SENATE - dealt with GOVERNMENT oversight. He had nothing to do with Hollywood.

Therefore, you have just utterly and completely humiliated yourself in public, kind of the Internet equivalent of pissing in your pants AND shitting in them at the same time while on a first date. Congratulations.

Out of morbid curiosity to see if you can outdo this dismal performance, feel free to come back and try again to list something McCarthy ACTUALLY did to someone he ACTUALLY had contact with. Or slink away to die of shame, which would certainly be appropriate. :whip:

Defend this

And I am responsible for defending against a two-bit, unsubstantiated Internet video made by some anonymous dipshit because why?

Here's a tip for you newbie, provided out of the goodness of my heart (and believe me, this one tip is the extent of the goodness of my heart): you need to learn the meaning of "reliable source" FAST if you plan to hang around here, because "I found someone on the Internet who says so" will get you nothing but laughed at, and that's by the NICE people on this board. The rest of us will tear you a new asshole and toss you in the gutter as we move on to a REAL debater.

I don't dignify shit like this with a response, so if you intend to debate Senator Joseph McCarthy's career with me, you'd best come up with something worthy of my attention. So far, you're embarrassing yourself so badly, I'm almost embarrassed for you.
I'm embarrassed that you can't handle the truth. Or should I say embrace the truth. Just like your man Joe you will dismiss any real evidence to defend your broken theory, and bully your opponents.

And I am responsible for defending against a two-bit, unsubstantiated Internet video made by some anonymous dipshit because why?

Here's a tip for you newbie, provided out of the goodness of my heart (and believe me, this one tip is the extent of the goodness of my heart): you need to learn the meaning of "reliable source" FAST if you plan to hang around here, because "I found someone on the Internet who says so" will get you nothing but laughed at, and that's by the NICE people on this board. The rest of us will tear you a new asshole and toss you in the gutter as we move on to a REAL debater.

I don't dignify shit like this with a response, so if you intend to debate Senator Joseph McCarthy's career with me, you'd best come up with something worthy of my attention. So far, you're embarrassing yourself so badly, I'm almost embarrassed for you.
I'm embarrassed that you can't handle the truth. Or should I say embrace the truth. Just like your man Joe you will dismiss any real evidence to defend your broken theory, and bully your opponents.

::sigh:: Declaring something the truth doesn't make it so, numbnuts, and I don't accept other people's word for it as proof from people who've been around here a whole lot longer than you, and who have impressed me with their debating skills a lot more than you have.

If you have some fucking truth you want me to embrace, Mensa Boy, trot it out here, already, and stop wasting my damned time with "It's true! Everyone knows it's true! You just don't want to admit it!" If I wanted that kind of half-assed horseshit argument, I'd go talk to my teenager about why his chores aren't done. At least HE'S cute while he does it.

Fucking MySpace. That's even worse than Wikipedia. :eusa_pray:
Cecilie1200, your nattering is worse than a noob. You have lost. Move on, stop looking stupid.
Yes, the Soviets deliberately kept nothing but false records for decades so that, years after the fall of their country (which they didn't believe would happen), completely innocent people (most of whom are dead now anyway) would be proven to be spies for some completely unknown secret reason of their own.

DAMN those devious Russkies! :eusa_wall:

The current Russians are honest and would never attempt to manipulate anyone and always reveal and open their foreign policy and intelligence records to anyone that wants to look at them.

Which leads us back to the same premise: all the intelligence records from the old KGB, plus the declassified decryptions of their Cold War messages are all fakes to make us believe that a bunch of people who are dead now anyway were really spies, for some unknown reason. Because that makes more sense to you than that you dumbasses were just WRONG. :cuckoo:

Of course all of the declassified records of the KGB, as there is no old, current, last year's, the last decades' or any KGB OTHER THAN THE KGB and the declassified decryptions of Cold War messages have all been turned over to us with no scrutiny whatsoever in the spirit of detente, cooperation amongst the countries and as a gesture of goodwill to end any and all problems, tensions and trouble between the countries.
Anyone and everyone that would ever suggest that our good frends, the Russians, would continue to spy on us, kill our CIA operatives overseas, fund terrorist organizations worldwide and fund military operations world wide against our interests IS A LIAR.
They have to be. The Russians deny all of that. They are our friends.
Add to Reputation: Gadawg73
What do you think of Gadawg73's post? I approve

You can only do so much with her. She literally is blindered.
The current Russians are honest and would never attempt to manipulate anyone and always reveal and open their foreign policy and intelligence records to anyone that wants to look at them.

Which leads us back to the same premise: all the intelligence records from the old KGB, plus the declassified decryptions of their Cold War messages are all fakes to make us believe that a bunch of people who are dead now anyway were really spies, for some unknown reason. Because that makes more sense to you than that you dumbasses were just WRONG. :cuckoo:

Of course all of the declassified records of the KGB, as there is no old, current, last year's, the last decades' or any KGB OTHER THAN THE KGB and the declassified decryptions of Cold War messages have all been turned over to us with no scrutiny whatsoever in the spirit of detente, cooperation amongst the countries and as a gesture of goodwill to end any and all problems, tensions and trouble between the countries.
Anyone and everyone that would ever suggest that our good frends, the Russians, would continue to spy on us, kill our CIA operatives overseas, fund terrorist organizations worldwide and fund military operations world wide against our interests IS A LIAR.
They have to be. The Russians deny all of that. They are our friends.

What marvels one is not how dumb you are, Dullard, but how strenuously you fight to remain ignorant.

‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.

1. This top archives was described by the FBI as “the most complete and extensive intelligence ever achieved from any source.”

2. Vasili Mitrokhin worked for 30 years in the foreign intelligence archives of the KGB. In 1972 he was made responsible for moving the entire archives to new headquarters in Moscow. But Mitrokhin spent over a decade making notes and transcripts of these classified files. In 1992, British Secret Intelligence Service exfiltrated the defector, and his presence in the west remained secret until the publication of this book.

3. December 20, 1917 The KGB traces its origins to this date, six weeks after the Bolshevik Revolution, with the foundation of the Cheka, the first Soviet security and intelligence agency. KGB officers were, in fact, paid on the 20th of each month in honor of the Cheka’s birthday. The KGB adopted the Cheka symbol’s of the sword and the shield: the shield to defend the revolution, and the sword to smite its enemies.

4. “But for the remarkably lax security of the Roosevelt administration, the damage to NKVD operation might have been much worse than the arrest (May 1941) of (Gayk) Ovakimyan” [head of NKVD legal residency department]. P.107

5. “In September (1945) J. Edgar Hoover reported to the White House and the State Department that (defector) Gouzenko had provide information on the activities of a number of Soviet spies in the United States, one of whom was ‘an assistant to the Secretary of State’…On November 7 (Elizabeth) Bentley…began revealing what she knew of Soviet espionage…Next day Hoover sent President Truman’s military aide a first list of fourteen of those identified by Bentley as supplying information to ‘the Soviet espionage system’: among them Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Harry Dexter White, OSS (CIA) executive assistant Duncan C. Lee, and Roosevelt’s former aide Lauchlin Currie.” Ibid, p.142
PoliticalChic just described herself in her opening sentence above. She has the analytical ability of a piece of toast.
See the difference between the froth and spew from the Left today as opposed to the 50's is that they've lost their media monopoly so they are exposed for the liars they are.

Add up all the posts made by the Leftists and there's not a single solitary statement disproving anything McCarthy said. The KGB has admitted to a robust spy effort at State and now tens of thousands of pages of FBI files have confirmed what McCarthy stated: State was overrun with Communists (Full disclosure: in reviewing the FBI files, my grandfather appears on a watch list)

You Leftists can continue to defend Communist infiltration of US State all you want, you look like idiots with no facts and did I mention that you;re defending Communist infiltration of US State in the process?
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