Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Hollywood "blacklisted" writers and the left has been blaming a republican senator for half a century. Democrats created HUAC (the House Unamerican Activities Committee) and rightfully ivestigated Communist infiltration into American democracy and funded anti-communist law enforcement programs. The senate had no power to blacklist Americans. The McCarthy myth is a creation of the radical left.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to whitehall again

And you have to love how the Useful Idiots on the Left continue to parrot the Party line even over a decade after the Soviets themselves admit McCarthy was correct

CF, whenever I see material such as the review of "Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin"
By Timothy Snyder
in the New Republic, I am amazed at the density of the two that you still have the patience to converse about 'pearls before swine...."

These dunces grouse about the style of Senator McCarthy, how mean he was, when the heros of the the men he exposed endorsed mayhem such as the following"

"‘Now we will live!’... the hungry little boy liked to say ... but the food that he saw was only in his imagination.” So the little boy died, together with three million fellow Ukrainians, in the mass starvation that Stalin created in 1933. “I will meet her ... under the ground,” a young Soviet man said about his wife. Both were shot in the course of Stalin’s Great Terror of 1937 and 1938, which claimed 700,000 victims. “Two hundred thousand Polish citizens were shot by the Soviets or the Germans at the beginning of World War II.” “Only Tania is left,” a little Russian girl wrote in her diary in besieged Leningrad, where the rest of her family and nearly one million other Leningraders starved to death. “I am saying good-bye to you before I die. I am so afraid of this death because they throw small children into the mass graves alive,” a twelve-year-old Jewish girl in Belarus wrote to her father. “She was among the more than five million Jews gassed or shot by the Germans.”

So begins Bloodlands, a genuinely shattering report on the ideology, the political strategy, and the daily horror of Soviet and Nazi rule in the region that Timothy Snyder calls the bloodlands."
Review Of Timothy Snyder's 'Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin' | The New Republic

And the horse's rear ends agonize over the little darlings who were ready to bring 'Bloodlands' to the United States...and their penalty?
They had to work under an alias for a few years!

Heaven forfend!
Hollywood "blacklisted" writers and the left has been blaming a republican senator for half a century. Democrats created HUAC (the House Unamerican Activities Committee) and rightfully ivestigated Communist infiltration into American democracy and funded anti-communist law enforcement programs. The senate had no power to blacklist Americans. The McCarthy myth is a creation of the radical left.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to whitehall again

And you have to love how the Useful Idiots on the Left continue to parrot the Party line even over a decade after the Soviets themselves admit McCarthy was correct

CF, whenever I see material such as the review of "Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin"
By Timothy Snyder
in the New Republic, I am amazed at the density of the two that you still have the patience to converse about 'pearls before swine...."

These dunces grouse about the style of Senator McCarthy, how mean he was, when the heros of the the men he exposed endorsed mayhem such as the following"

"‘Now we will live!’... the hungry little boy liked to say ... but the food that he saw was only in his imagination.” So the little boy died, together with three million fellow Ukrainians, in the mass starvation that Stalin created in 1933. “I will meet her ... under the ground,” a young Soviet man said about his wife. Both were shot in the course of Stalin’s Great Terror of 1937 and 1938, which claimed 700,000 victims. “Two hundred thousand Polish citizens were shot by the Soviets or the Germans at the beginning of World War II.” “Only Tania is left,” a little Russian girl wrote in her diary in besieged Leningrad, where the rest of her family and nearly one million other Leningraders starved to death. “I am saying good-bye to you before I die. I am so afraid of this death because they throw small children into the mass graves alive,” a twelve-year-old Jewish girl in Belarus wrote to her father. “She was among the more than five million Jews gassed or shot by the Germans.”

So begins Bloodlands, a genuinely shattering report on the ideology, the political strategy, and the daily horror of Soviet and Nazi rule in the region that Timothy Snyder calls the bloodlands."
Review Of Timothy Snyder's 'Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler And Stalin' | The New Republic

And the horse's rear ends agonize over the little darlings who were ready to bring 'Bloodlands' to the United States...and their penalty?
They had to work under an alias for a few years!

Heaven forfend!

And there you have it.

That's what never ceases to amaze me, is how people with a brain can defend Communists and take as no big deal their infiltration of the US government to tilt world events their way.

Over a billion enslaved, tens of millions murdered, Eastern Europe including half of Berlin, Prague and Vienna used as a "Buffer Zone" and I have to hear about a pimple on the World's Ass like David Schein?
Horsecrap, you two. You have posted nothing of real content.

Can you refute: (1) The man was an alcoholic. (2) The man created at an atmosphere of unbalanced persecution of many Americans who were innocent of the charges. (3) The man was pulled down by his own party.

It is (3) you keep ignoring so that will be the one I will keep posting.
Horsecrap, you two. You have posted nothing of real content.

Can you refute: (1) The man was an alcoholic. (2) The man created at an atmosphere of unbalanced persecution of many Americans who were innocent of the charges. (3) The man was pulled down by his own party.

It is (3) you keep ignoring so that will be the one I will keep posting.

How is his alcoholism relevant?
Elvis, it is not relevant, any more than the nonsense that PC and CF post. But it is fun to point out. I wonder how many on the far right who post on the Board have drinking problems? None, I hope.
Elvis, it is not relevant, any more than the nonsense that PC and CF post. But it is fun to point out. I wonder how many on the far right who post on the Board have drinking problems? None, I hope.

Imagine an insignificant centipede commenting on a minor vice of a great hero thusly :"fun to point out."
Kind of reeks of Noah's son Ham, and his little 'jokes.' It indicates a re-reading of Genesis 9: 20-27 might be called for.

Astounding that this empty barrel pretends to have some understanding of events that shape the world and alter history, i.e., Senator McCarthy illuminating the dark forces that would have subverted American democracy, and this baboon conflates some personal foible with heroic struggles, struggles that- to judge by this dunce's post, are still going on...but if one is to judge the man, rather than the accomplishments of the Senator, then consder the following:

"Although his judgeship exempted him from military service, McCarthy enlisted in the Marines and was sworn in as a first lieutenant in August 1942. He served as an intelligence officer for a bomber squadron stationed in the Solomon Islands, and also risked his life by volunteering to fly in the tail-gunner's seat on many combat missions. Those who quibble about the number of combat missions he flew miss the point - he didn't have to fly any.

The enemies of McCarthy have seized on his good-natured remark about shooting down coconut trees from his tail-gunner's spot (an ABC television movie about McCarthy in the late 1970s was entitled Tail Gunner Joe) to belittle his military accomplishments, but the official record gives the true picture. Not only were McCarthy's achievements during 30 months of active duty unanimously praised by his commanding officers, but Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander in chief of the Pacific Fleet, issued the following citation regarding the service of Captain McCarthy:

For meritorious and efficient performance of duty as an observer and rear gunner of a dive bomber attached to a Marine scout bombing squadron operating in the Solomon Islands area from September 1 to December 31, 1943. He participated in a large number of combat missions, and in addition to his regular duties, acted as aerial photographer. He obtained excellent photographs of enemy gun positions, despite intense anti-aircraft fire, thereby gaining valuable information which contributed materially to the success of subsequent strikes in the area. Although suffering from a severe leg injury, he refused to be hospitalized and continued to carry out his duties as Intelligence Officer in a highly efficient manner. His courageous devotion to duty was in keeping with the highest traditions of the naval service."
Senator Joseph R. McCarthy

If that's not enough to counter the slander of being an alcoholic, there was another military man and hero, General Ulysses S. Grant, about whom it has been written:

"That Grant drank occasionally while on duty is a matter of record, as is the fact that on more than a few occasions he drank until intoxicated, stuporous, and violently ill."
Was Grant a Drunk?
Elvis, it is not relevant, any more than the nonsense that PC and CF post. But it is fun to point out. I wonder how many on the far right who post on the Board have drinking problems? None, I hope.

Why the <snip> ? She posts nothing to the post. As I wrote above, "it is not relevant" about McCarthy's drinking.

What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that.

PC, I will keep snipping your irrelevant remarks. You will answer this, or look stupid when you post.
Jake, none of these Coulterians can answer:
Why was G. David Schine a "consultant" and asking most of witnesses questions behind closed doors?
They probably didn't even know this guy before I named him. He wasn't in bimbo's book.

Gadawg, a search of this thread shows that Frank never one time mentioned the name Coulter; her name used in the context of this thread has mostly been mentioned by you.

Schine was a staffer on the committee. Any attention to C-span vis-a-vis committee hearings (and I personally have watched plenty of them) will show staffers asking questions when careful attention to legal details are demanded. Legal staffers ask questions as stand-ins for senators, usually when they have drafted the questions and know more fully how answers lead from the substance of the questions.

Whenever the answers to questions might or will be damaging to national security, and even to personal reputations the questioning goes behind closed doors, in what is called "executive session." We saw plenty of this in hearings of Clinton/Whitewater, Cliinton/Impeachment hearings, and others over the years.

The source material that Frank made the subject of the OP was Evans" Blacklisted, not Coulter's book. G David Schine was referred to in 24 pages and numerous times in Blacklisted, and the problematic nature of his involvement was covered therein.
You deflect.

Schine a staffer?
He never was an employee of the government and never received a paycheck.
Staffer? He was listed as "consultant".
You have NO clue so give it up before I make you look very foolish also.
Horsecrap, you two. You have posted nothing of real content.

Can you refute: (1) The man was an alcoholic. (2) The man created at an atmosphere of unbalanced persecution of many Americans who were innocent of the charges. (3) The man was pulled down by his own party.

It is (3) you keep ignoring so that will be the one I will keep posting.

The man was 100% correct about Communist infiltration of US State and I'm still waiting for you to post one contrary footnote from the book you did not read
Elvis, it is not relevant, any more than the nonsense that PC and CF post. But it is fun to point out. I wonder how many on the far right who post on the Board have drinking problems? None, I hope.

Why the <snip> ? She posts nothing to the post. As I wrote above, "it is not relevant" about McCarthy's drinking.

What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that.

PC, I will keep snipping your irrelevant remarks. You will answer this, or look stupid when you post.

Isn't it instructive that the less than gifted, that would be you, latch on to some word or phrase that, in your occluded state, seems dispositive...and you perseverate same over and over...

You have no clue that:

1. your semi-literate phrase has no meaning in the context of this debate...just as you lack the acumen to participate in same.

2. you obviously don't understand that the unspoken assumptions in your insipid question are the following:
a. that his party understood the threat as the Senator did; what evidence have you provided that the politicians are not as ignorant as you are?

b. that the rest of his party was willing to take on the contumely that the Senator has faced. Bravery is rarely the province of a politician.

Again, you are an excellent example: even when primary and secondary sources attest to the Senators argument, you refuse to consider it, as though it has less moment than your particular bias.

In summary, your cretinous asininity is documented by demanding that his party somehow validate his charges, even though history has done exactly that.

Why the <snip> ? She posts nothing to the post. As I wrote above, "it is not relevant" about McCarthy's drinking.

What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that.

PC, I will keep snipping your irrelevant remarks. You will answer this, or look stupid when you post.

Isn't it instructive that the less than gifted, that would be you, latch on to some word or phrase that, in your occluded state, seems dispositive...and you perseverate same over and over...

You have no clue that:

1. your semi-literate phrase has no meaning in the context of this debate...just as you lack the acumen to participate in same.

2. you obviously don't understand that the unspoken assumptions in your insipid question are the following:
a. that his party understood the threat as the Senator did; what evidence have you provided that the politicians are not as ignorant as you are?

b. that the rest of his party was willing to take on the contumely that the Senator has faced. Bravery is rarely the province of a politician.

Again, you are an excellent example: even when primary and secondary sources attest to the Senators argument, you refuse to consider it, as though it has less moment than your particular bias.

In summary, your cretinous asininity is documented by demanding that his party somehow validate his charges, even though history has done exactly that.

I told you would look stupid. What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that. PC, you will answer this, or look stupid when you post.
Why the <snip> ? She posts nothing to the post. As I wrote above, "it is not relevant" about McCarthy's drinking.

What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that.

PC, I will keep snipping your irrelevant remarks. You will answer this, or look stupid when you post.

Isn't it instructive that the less than gifted, that would be you, latch on to some word or phrase that, in your occluded state, seems dispositive...and you perseverate same over and over...

You have no clue that:

1. your semi-literate phrase has no meaning in the context of this debate...just as you lack the acumen to participate in same.

2. you obviously don't understand that the unspoken assumptions in your insipid question are the following:
a. that his party understood the threat as the Senator did; what evidence have you provided that the politicians are not as ignorant as you are?

b. that the rest of his party was willing to take on the contumely that the Senator has faced. Bravery is rarely the province of a politician.

Again, you are an excellent example: even when primary and secondary sources attest to the Senators argument, you refuse to consider it, as though it has less moment than your particular bias.

In summary, your cretinous asininity is documented by demanding that his party somehow validate his charges, even though history has done exactly that.

I told you would look stupid. What is relevant is this. I have asked PC Minion why McCarthy's own party leaders pulled him down. She has never answered that. PC, you will answer this, or look stupid when you post.

Since your post bears no resemblance to any comprehension of mine, I can only assume that you post to assuage your lonliness.

Glad to have helped.
Yep, PC Minion, you look stupid.

I have asked you dozens of times: Why did McCarthy's own party leaders pull him down?

You still dodge the issue.
Yep, PC Minion, you look stupid.

I have asked you dozens of times: Why did McCarthy's own party leaders pull him down?

You still dodge the issue.

Alright...I'll help you out one more time:

Here are the two things you must remember: never write a post as dumb as this again, and Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on
the same night.
In other words, you look like a Minion of the wacky right, PC.

I will leave you to it tonight, Ms Columbia College Missouri, and be safe out there.

And, although you hate it, this question is not going away. Until you are fair and balanced in your posting, this question is going to dog you.

Night Night.
McCarthy claimed agents in the first espionage branch of the CIA were communists.
He called the CIA "a sinkhole of communists".
Joe McCarthy claimed the CIA was full of communists and is championed here as more than the grand show man he was.
Fucking unbelievable.
Ok I believe I've heard a couple people here claim Mccarthy was right about ALL his accusations. So anyone have evidence of that? I don't think that was what's claimed in Blacklisted is it?
No, "Blacklisted" didn't claim that. However, Evans fails in an attempt to exculpate the man's unAmerican behavior in his search for communists and whatnots. His own party and its members pulled him down and had him censored, the Republican Party not the Democratic Party.
I will no longer address posters who clearly did not read the book and moreover, think M Stanton Evans is Ann Coulter's pen name.


Stanton Evans spent 6 years of his life going through tens of thousands of pages of recently declassified FBI files, Congressional testimony and files released by the Russians themselves. In return, a few posters here do little more than parrot back the talking points they learned from people supporting history's great mass murderers and they learned how to squawk really well.

It's quite despicable that fellow Americans are supportive of Stalin's infiltration of the US government so much so that even over a decade after the Russians admit to it, they still spew they hatred of the one American hero and patriot who opened the issue up to the American public.

McCarthy was correct, history's greatest mass murderers had compromised our government and fuck you if you're OK with that.
Ok I believe I've heard a couple people here claim Mccarthy was right about ALL his accusations. So anyone have evidence of that? I don't think that was what's claimed in Blacklisted is it?

Go read any 5 pages in the book and then we'll talk.

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