Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

CeCelie1200, are you Mrs. Crusader Frank? No one has said there were no communists in government. The atmosphere of persecution and hatred is why his own party pulled him down. Nothing you say can even challenge the truth of that.
I see the problem!

OK. This man


said that this man


who did this millions of times


was infiltrating the US government.

It turns out that the first guy, Joe McCarthy was 100% accurate.

Does that help?

Maybe next time, you should do it in crayon. Those are awfully grown-up letters for some of our posters to comprehend.
You're full of crap and ignorant to boot

Want to wager 10K Frank? One of my old partners in the early 80s was a former FBI agent from that era.
You read books, I am in the intelligence business for 32 years Frank. I own a fully top tier licensed detective agency for 32 years.
NO intelligence organization wants information spread around in Washington in front of cameras.
That is just common sense Frank. Do we do that now? Have hearings about the intelligence we conduct on TV?
Only a naive gullible book buying ideologue believes that.
That would be you. Here's your sign.

Why do leftists persist in believing that "My proof is that I just KNOW! I can't refute your substantiation, and I can't provide any of my own, but I can say that I have life experience, and I WIN!!" actually works?

If your "proof from life experience" was worth the fetid air it takes you to spout it, you'd be able to produce something to back it up and contradict the mountains of actual, verifiable evidence supporting Frank. But you can't, because it isn't. It's just another loser on the Internet making empty claims. I'll bet you have a nine-inch penis, too. :lol:


Internet Ruler

Jake, none of these Coulterians can answer:
Why was G. David Schine a "consultant" and asking most of witnesses questions behind closed doors?
They probably didn't even know this guy before I named him. He wasn't in bimbo's book.

Gadawg, a search of this thread shows that Frank never one time mentioned the name Coulter; her name used in the context of this thread has mostly been mentioned by you.

Schine was a staffer on the committee. Any attention to C-span vis-a-vis committee hearings (and I personally have watched plenty of them) will show staffers asking questions when careful attention to legal details are demanded. Legal staffers ask questions as stand-ins for senators, usually when they have drafted the questions and know more fully how answers lead from the substance of the questions.

Whenever the answers to questions might or will be damaging to national security, and even to personal reputations the questioning goes behind closed doors, in what is called "executive session." We saw plenty of this in hearings of Clinton/Whitewater, Cliinton/Impeachment hearings, and others over the years.

The source material that Frank made the subject of the OP was Evans" Blacklisted, not Coulter's book. G David Schine was referred to in 24 pages and numerous times in Blacklisted, and the problematic nature of his involvement was covered therein.
You deflect.

And for the record, Schine WAS mentioned quite a bit in Ann Coulter's book. So I guess the only "bimbo" around here is Gadawg, who likes to bloviate about books he's never read, and thinks people on this board would take his word for the sky being blue, let alone believe that he was "in intelligence" and that his word for it constitutes unshakable proof. :cuckoo:

Compared to 1 Billion people living under Communism, tens of million murdered, a real life shooting war in Asia and a potential restart of WWII, Schine was a pimple on the world's ass
CrusaderFrank and Mrs.CrusaderFrank continue to flail and wail, but still miss the point.

1. Everyone knew communissts were in government, and Joe was doing nothing noteworthy for doing that. It was his job.

2. Joe created a deliberate atmosphere of hatred and suspicion in which innocent people were injured, and which reminded so many of the Nazi propaganda machines.

3. The biggie: neither CF or MrsCF will admit that it was the Republican Party that tore Joe for #2.

On that alone, the OP is epic fail.

Everyone "Knew" Communists were in government. LOL

Yes, but see, the shocker was that they were in the US government making policy that benefited the ChiComs and Moscow and AFTER the Russians tried to restart a war in Europe.

Yeah, after that whole Berlin airlift thingy, the US and Stalin were cool.

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What's your end game Frankie? What do you hope to achieve? Another bust on Mt Rushmore? Change the name of the Lincoln Memorial? Name a Navy boat after him?...a library?...a post office?

You have not convinced more than one or two people in almost 900 posts. No one wants to read the book. We just don't care. I mean how much of a hero are we all supposed to buy?
More than Sully? More than the guy that saved all those plane crash people in the frozen Potomac? For the love of GOD!!! Name your price!!!! Before I am forced to plunge ice picks in my eyes!!!!
Gadawg, a search of this thread shows that Frank never one time mentioned the name Coulter; her name used in the context of this thread has mostly been mentioned by you.

Schine was a staffer on the committee. Any attention to C-span vis-a-vis committee hearings (and I personally have watched plenty of them) will show staffers asking questions when careful attention to legal details are demanded. Legal staffers ask questions as stand-ins for senators, usually when they have drafted the questions and know more fully how answers lead from the substance of the questions.

Whenever the answers to questions might or will be damaging to national security, and even to personal reputations the questioning goes behind closed doors, in what is called "executive session." We saw plenty of this in hearings of Clinton/Whitewater, Cliinton/Impeachment hearings, and others over the years.

The source material that Frank made the subject of the OP was Evans" Blacklisted, not Coulter's book. G David Schine was referred to in 24 pages and numerous times in Blacklisted, and the problematic nature of his involvement was covered therein.
You deflect.

Schine a staffer?
He never was an employee of the government and never received a paycheck.
Staffer? He was listed as "consultant".
You have NO clue so give it up before I make you look very foolish also.

Gadawg, why don’t you just post, with back-up instead of blowing rhetoric at posters whose posts you object to or you disagree with?
I understand..... you simply don’t want to do the work.
Make me look foolish? Have at it.

I’ll go with what I THINK you are alluding to, here, and in part that’s the popular theory that Cohn and Schine were homosexuals. You alluded to that possibility earlier in this thread I believe.

From Arthur Hermann’s-Joseph McCarthy pp - 211
“ - Cohn was twenty six, Robert Kennedy Twenty-seven. The third new member of the team, David Schine, reinforced the new PSI image of youth and aggressive vitality. At twenty-five, the son of a millionaire hotel chain and restaurant owner, David Schine was tall, blond, and slender and blessed with the dreamy-eyed good looks that, in Richard Rovere’s immortal phrase “one associated with male orchestra singers.” - ”

“ - there is no evidence that the young [Cohn/Schine] men were ever lovers or that Schine than was anything but heterosexual. But without a doubt Schine’s physical presence triggered a deep response in Cohn which, as time went on, bordered on obsession. - ”

[“Schine was later married to Hillevi Rombin, and was the father of a son named Frederick”] (biography of G. David Schine - True Knowledge)

Was Schine a staffer?” That depends on the meaning of the word “staffer” doesn’t it? In the operative sense, Schine was a staffer.

From M.Stanton Evans’-Blackballed by History - pp-450
“ - Also on the McCarthy staff was another youthful member who would turn out to be, when all was done, the most significant of them all. This was G. David Schine, heir to a substantial fortune, graduate of Harvard, and notable young man about town in New York and Boston. Schine, [...] was twenty-five at the beginning of 1953 and had the previous year become a friend of Cohn’s. When Cohn took over the counsel’s job for McCarthy, he brought Schine along as a volunteer consultant. As the affluent Schine was willing to work for nothing, McCarthy had no objections to the agreement. - ”

ibid - pp-468
“ - The most notorious chapter of the [Cohn/Schine] story was an April tour of U.S. reading centers and related posts in Europe by Cohn and committee staffer David Schine. - ” [U.S. Information reading centers established in Europe, run at U.S. government expense, were supposedly intended to support the American view of democracy to the world.]

“ - Given the stated object of the program, it struck McCarthy, [US Senator] Mundt, and others as odd that Communist and pro-Communist writings should be profusely featured in the reading centers. And, based on data from the State Department, the surveys of Cohn and Schine, and other analyses of the setup, profuse would seem to be an apt description. By the Committee’s best estimates, there were on the shelves approximately 30,000 books by Red and pro-Red writers. Included in this number were veteran Communists bosses and sometime authors Earl Browder and William Z. Foster, who of course made no secret of their Red opinions. - ”

ibid pp-475
“ - Part of the story would be told by Ben Bradlee [later famed writer for Newsweek and the Washington Post] …
As Bradlee told it, he and other Embassy staffers went out of their way to round up hostile reporters on a Paris Sunday for a merciless thrashing of Cohn and Schine. “We weren’t five minutes into it” said Bradlee, “before [Cohn and Schine] realized it was a disaster and they realized they had been set up . . .

“There wasn’t a question that took them seriously. not a single anything remotely like a friend in the audience . . .” Much pleased with this, Bradlee worked with British correspondents to orchestrate a similarly angry press turnout in London. Such were the services rendered by State Department officials to enhance the image of the U.S. abroad in the early 1950s. And such were the conditions in which Cohn and Schine would be blamed for holding “press conferences” in fact orchestrated by our diplomats in Europe. - ”

G. David Schine was an American hero and patriot?
He was drafted into the military and Roy Cohn attempted to get the Army to allow his camping buddy to stay close to home the Army said no. So what does Cohn do as he admired the patriot in uniform? Cohn stated "I will wreck the Army".

Yes, Schine worked very hard all of his life inheriting his family's fortune. With God riding shotgun he teamed with Cohn and McCarthy to fight commie pinkos after writing a Red Menace pamphlet unedited for spelling errors and full of false innuendo. It was placed next to the Bible in every hotel room Schine owned worldwide. Onward Christian soldiers!

Cohn and McCarthy publicly claimed the Army was holding Schine "hostage in an attempt to stop investigations into communists in the Army"
Cohn took the fall for McCarthy as the hearings' results placed the entire pressure tactic on him alone.
How come McCarthy never revealed who those commies were in the Army?
LOL, it gets better sports fans.

Personally I would not call Schine a “hero” but I believe he would fall under the mantra of “patriot” in that he went against pressure from the government to push him into a position of non-relevance and he stood up to what today would be classified as overwhelming pressure to back off from work, and make him a pawn. He at least, saw what needed being done and did it.

[In 1944 at the end of WWII, with Russia seen as our ally, the war against the Dies committee [which preceded McCarthy’s], was unceasing. It reached an apogee when a precedent was set with that committee, which shows certain parallels between IT and McCarthy committee - How to systematically remove troublesome staffers (or consultants) from doing their jobs in congressional committees]

Blacklisted pp 543
“ - a campaign was launched to draft the [earlier Dies] committee’s top professional staffer, chief investigator Robert Stripling, into military service. Stripling then thirty-one years old, married and a father, held a key congressional job relating to security matters, and was specifically exempted from the draft by the Legislative Deferment Committee of Congress.

Notwithstanding all of which, as Stripling would relate, he was advised by his draft board that “there’s been a lot off pressure on us to get you into the Army.” ― hence classified as 1-A and a candidate for conscription. Columnists Drew Pearson and some of his journalistic brethren then mounted a vigorous press campaign to have Stripling called to active duty. This in fact occurred, and the ex-chief investigator would spend the next year and a half as an Army yardbird. . . .

The Stripling story would be repeated, mutatis mutandis, in 1953, with another staffer for yet another anti-Red committee, and with the ever-watchful Pearson once more hovering in the background. This staffer was G. David Schine, pal of Roy Cohn, part-time consultant to the PSI and soon to be the most famous private in the Army. . . .

In context, probably the most distinctive thing about Schine was that he was the McCarthy staffer most eligible for being drafted, though even this was a bit of a stretch. In 1947, he had been classified 4-F, and draft exempt because of a slipped disc in his back. In 1953, Schine was approaching his twenty-sixth birthday, much older than the average conscript of that era, still classified 4-F, and helping lay the groundwork for the probe at Monmouth.

At this point, Drew Pearson would come back in the picture and, based on some combination of outside tips and inside sources, managed to obtain the Schine draft records. Pearson then began another press crusade to the effect that Schine was a shirker who ought to be conscripted. After a series of columns on this theme, the Schine case was reopened; he was classified 1-A and would enter the Army in November. When Drew Pearson spoke, it seems, local draft boards listened. . . .

Army Secretary Robert Stevens was of the like opinion, voiced in January 1954 to Defense official Fred Seaton. “Of course” said Stevens, “the kid [Schine] was taken at the very last minute, before he was eligible for age. My guess would be that if he hadn’t been working for McCarthy, he probably never would have been drafted . . . ”

However it was managed, and for whatever reason, the effect of Shine’s induction was to give the Army a pressure point where influence over the McCarthy panel might at least in theory be wielded. It also created a two-way dynamic between McCarthy and the Ike administration. . . . - ”

McCarthy claimed agents in the first espionage branch of the CIA were communists.
“He called the CIA "a sinkhole of communists".”
Joe McCarthy claimed the CIA was full of communists and is championed here as more than the grand show man he was.
Fucking unbelievable.

Do you have a source/link for that comment by McCarthy other than Cord Meyer through wikki? I don’t find it in David M. Oshinsky’s “A “Conspiracy So Immense,” nor in Arthur Hermann’s-Joseph McCarthy or “Blacklisted…” only in Cord Meyer’s book “Facing Reality: From World Federalism to the Central Intelligence Agency.”
Meyer and his wife Mary Pinchot Meyer were both supporters of a one world government, and E. Howard Hunt made a claim that Meyer was involved in the assassination of JFK because of the affair JFK had with his wife Mary.

I could care less if someone is homosexual.
CIA full of communists?
Howard Hunt comment?
It is getting DEEP.:lol:
I will no longer address posters who clearly did not read the book and moreover, think M Stanton Evans is Ann Coulter's pen name.


Stanton Evans spent 6 years of his life going through tens of thousands of pages of recently declassified FBI files, Congressional testimony and files released by the Russians themselves. In return, a few posters here do little more than parrot back the talking points they learned from people supporting history's great mass murderers and they learned how to squawk really well.

It's quite despicable that fellow Americans are supportive of Stalin's infiltration of the US government so much so that even over a decade after the Russians admit to it, they still spew they hatred of the one American hero and patriot who opened the issue up to the American public.

McCarthy was correct, history's greatest mass murderers had compromised our government and fuck you if you're OK with that.

The Russians are our friends now. They let us look at all of their intelligence. What they say and showed us is all true.
The Russians are no longer our enemy, do not spy on us anymore and they no longer use disinformation and counter intelligence. They are our partners against KAOS.
That drunken piece of shit accused IKE of being a Commie symnpathizer.

Cru is taking his plays directly from the McCarthy handbook of advanced trollery, here.
CF and PC simply have an epic fail if their end game is to convince any of us that Joe was a worthy American.
That drunken piece of shit accused IKE of being a Commie symnpathizer.

Cru is taking his plays directly from the McCarthy handbook of advanced trollery, here.

I agree but do not care if someone is a drunk or homosexual or a homosexual drunk.
Roy Cohn died of AIDS but it wasn't his homosexuality that caused him to be a terrible person. At one time Cohn had more civil judgments against him than any other individual in New York city. All for civil non payment of rent, loans, etc. He was the king of lease after that. He was a life long crook. Brilliant attorney but dishonest to the core.
I have known many like that.
To review, in Feb 1950, this man


said that this man


one of histories greatest Mass Murderers


had his loyalists at the US State Department and McCarthy wanted the US Congress to investigate

The American Left


howled and accused McCarthy of drumming up a Red Scare and succeeded at their Fear Mongering and distortion of the record until two things happened,

the American Left lost their media monopoly and then in the mid 1990's the Russians themselves admitted McCarthy was correct

I did not find any direct evidence of McCarthy accusing Eisenhower of being a communist dupe. Robert Welch of the John Birch Society, the society now witnessing a re-emergence in these Tea Party days, accused Eisenhower of such failing, along with Truman and FDR. "Welch believed that Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, and Dwight Eisenhower, were part of a communist conspiracy. Welch sent out a letter claiming that President Eisenhower was a 'conscious, dedicated agent of the Communist Conspiracy'. In 1956 Welch wrote that other top government officials such as John Foster Dulles and Allan W. Dulles were 'communist tools'". Robert W. Welch

The following from is instructive: "He [Tail Gunner Joey] was a loner who lurched from issue to issue, misled by the enormous media publicity into believing that a one-man crusade was possible in a an increasingly well-educated complex society honeycombed with local, regional and national organizations. By operating within the Republican party apparatus he lost the opportunity to create an independent grass roots political crusade in the style of Teddy Roosevelt, Huey Long, or Ross Perot. He never launched his own magazine or radio show or formed alliances with publishers who agreed with him. McCarthy’s strained relations with Senate colleagues created a trapdoor. It was sprung after many Republicans realized that he had shifted the attack away from the Democrats. What use was his slogan “20 Years of Treason” once Eisenhower was in office? McCarthy’s answer was “21 Years of Treason!” Eisenhower’s supporters could no longer tolerate such a loose cannon, and as McCarthy unwisely shifted his attacks to Eisenhower’s beloved Army, his cause was doomed. While many Americans distrusted Ivy League, striped pants diplomats, soldiers were held in high regard; McCarthy’s charges of subversion were flimsy (one Communist dentist had been automatically promoted); he sabotaged his own reputation by finagling favors for an aide who had been drafted. The televised hearings proved fatal to an ill-prepared bully. After the Democrats regained control of Congress in the 1954 the censure motion carried, 67-22. McCarthy’s appeal, so widespread yet superficial, evaporated overnight and the Senator faded into the shadows. " Joseph McCarthy - Conservapedia
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OK, let's do it again, Frank, because you are still posting stupidly.

CF, come here. Let me whisper in your ear. ALL OF AMERICA KNEW ABOUT THE EVILS OF COMMUNISM! McCarthy told America nothing that it did not know already.

The point here is HOW he did it and WHY he did it.

No, McCarthy was not an America hero, and neither are you for defending him.

Again, you choose to remain ignorant as is your choice.

All of America, except the American Communists and their Democrat Loyalists knew the evils of Communism. The Democrats called McCarthy a Liar and had a Senate investigation that backed up their "assertion"

You Lose!

Again and again! You Lose!
To review, in Feb 1950, this man


said that this man


one of histories greatest Mass Murderers


had his loyalists at the US State Department and McCarthy wanted the US Congress to investigate

The American Left


howled and accused McCarthy of drumming up a Red Scare and succeeded at their Fear Mongering and distortion of the record until two things happened,

the American Left lost their media monopoly and then in the mid 1990's the Russians themselves admitted McCarthy was correct


Venona didn't back up all of Mccarthy's accusations.

Return to Responses, Reflections and Occasional Papers // Return to Historical Writings
Thank you, Father Time. Thus what the rational posters have been saying here steadily (McCarthy was telling folks what was already known that poisoned American society and made McCarthy a pariah even unto today) has been accurate. What PC and CF have been alleging (McCarthy is an American hero) has not only been false but knowingly false. Thus, they are engaged in propaganda disinformation, not genuine research and study.

For shame.
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LOL What a bunch of Stalin Fluffers!

Now you're saying that Venona actually did back up McCarthy but because some of the people US State wanted to look at turn up on FBI files instead of Venona...what? You still don't see how you reflexively leap to the defense of Stalin?

It's so sick the lenghts you Leftists go to to defend your Uncle Joe.

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