Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

CeCelie1200 is just as bad morally as the commie disinformation agents in America during the 1930s. Thank God she is far less effective.
No, not at all.

Venona dealt with people in DIRECT contact with Moscow. The State Department complied its own list of Communist and suspected Communist and Communist Loyalists, so you could not expect there to be a 100% match between the State Dept List and Venona.

Also, just take a minute and see who was on Venona and what their job was for the US government.

It's frightening!

And the big point isn't whether or not Venona confirmed every single person investigated as a Soviet spy. The big point is that Venona proved that McCarthy was right that there were spies and security risks in the government.

Are you claiming that NO ONE in the US intelligence organizations in place in the 1950s, a vast and large world wide intelligence gathering operation, knew "there were spies and security risks in government"?
We damn well knew since the late 30s, had intelligence operations worldwide, state side AND IN THE GOVERNMENT, working to gather intelligence and turn operatives.
McCarthy compromised those operations with his Hollywood performance.

Of course there were people who knew that there were security risks in the government: there were, after all, the people covering for them. McCarthy's point was that there SHOULDN'T have been any, and he wanted to know why there were, which was a completely legitimate question.

Are you seriously now trying to pretend that your objection - or anyone's objection, for that matter - to McCarthy is that our intelligence community was "cleverly" allowing Soviet spies to subvert our government in the hope that they could "turn" them? Seriously? THAT'S going to be your story now? Because that's even bigger bullshit than your whole schtick about "being in intelligence", and frankly makes it seem even less credible than it was before. You and Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, big players in the spy game. :lmao:
And the big point isn't whether or not Venona confirmed every single person investigated as a Soviet spy. The big point is that Venona proved that McCarthy was right that there were spies and security risks in the government.

Are you claiming that NO ONE in the US intelligence organizations in place in the 1950s, a vast and large world wide intelligence gathering operation, knew "there were spies and security risks in government"?
We damn well knew since the late 30s, had intelligence operations worldwide, state side AND IN THE GOVERNMENT, working to gather intelligence and turn operatives.
McCarthy compromised those operations with his Hollywood performance.

Of course there were people who knew that there were security risks in the government: there were, after all, the people covering for them. McCarthy's point was that there SHOULDN'T have been any, and he wanted to know why there were, which was a completely legitimate question.

Are you seriously now trying to pretend that your objection - or anyone's objection, for that matter - to McCarthy is that our intelligence community was "cleverly" allowing Soviet spies to subvert our government in the hope that they could "turn" them? Seriously? THAT'S going to be your story now? Because that's even bigger bullshit than your whole schtick about "being in intelligence", and frankly makes it seem even less credible than it was before. You and Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, big players in the spy game. :lmao:

Once again you deliberately fail to repeat accurately what is said.
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And the big point isn't whether or not Venona confirmed every single person investigated as a Soviet spy. The big point is that Venona proved that McCarthy was right that there were spies and security risks in the government.

Are you claiming that NO ONE in the US intelligence organizations in place in the 1950s, a vast and large world wide intelligence gathering operation, knew "there were spies and security risks in government"?
We damn well knew since the late 30s, had intelligence operations worldwide, state side AND IN THE GOVERNMENT, working to gather intelligence and turn operatives.
McCarthy compromised those operations with his Hollywood performance.

Of course there were people who knew that there were security risks in the government: there were, after all, the people covering for them. McCarthy's point was that there SHOULDN'T have been any, and he wanted to know why there were, which was a completely legitimate question.

Are you seriously now trying to pretend that your objection - or anyone's objection, for that matter - to McCarthy is that our intelligence community was "cleverly" allowing Soviet spies to subvert our government in the hope that they could "turn" them? Seriously? THAT'S going to be your story now? Because that's even bigger bullshit than your whole schtick about "being in intelligence", and frankly makes it seem even less credible than it was before. You and Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, big players in the spy game. :lmao:

You know nothing of intelligence.
Intelligence does not want TV cameras, press and hearings. EVER.
Intelligence gathers information by any means possible and always attempts to turn spies.
Hoover was jealous of the intelligence organization that was the foundation of CIA former members of OSS. He claimed they had security risks and never offered any details. That is what started McCarthy. Hoover publicly called them "Wisners gang of weirdos".
A pissing contest with Hoover. Allen Dulles stood up to him and refused to allow FBI unsubstantiated rumors as part of the start of the CIA.
Enter Broadway Joe.
58 pages 900+ posts and people still have to prove time and again all they learned about McCarthy was taught to them by Stalin loyalists.

Comparing McCarthy, a genuine American Patriot and Hero to Hitler?

Gadoofus STILL does not know that McCarthy's information came from concerned Americans at US State who were wondering aloud why there should be card carrying Communists employed there? (Answer: because FDR and Truman were protecting them)
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And the big point isn't whether or not Venona confirmed every single person investigated as a Soviet spy. The big point is that Venona proved that McCarthy was right that there were spies and security risks in the government.

Are you claiming that NO ONE in the US intelligence organizations in place in the 1950s, a vast and large world wide intelligence gathering operation, knew "there were spies and security risks in government"?
We damn well knew since the late 30s, had intelligence operations worldwide, state side AND IN THE GOVERNMENT, working to gather intelligence and turn operatives.
McCarthy compromised those operations with his Hollywood performance.

Of course there were people who knew that there were security risks in the government: there were, after all, the people covering for them. McCarthy's point was that there SHOULDN'T have been any, and he wanted to know why there were, which was a completely legitimate question.

Are you seriously now trying to pretend that your objection - or anyone's objection, for that matter - to McCarthy is that our intelligence community was "cleverly" allowing Soviet spies to subvert our government in the hope that they could "turn" them? Seriously? THAT'S going to be your story now? Because that's even bigger bullshit than your whole schtick about "being in intelligence", and frankly makes it seem even less credible than it was before. You and Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson, big players in the spy game. :lmao:

That we have to state the painfully obvious shows how effective our enemies were at converting their Useful Idiots
The brief bio says he was elected as a county judge or something at age 30 then he went off to war with 16 million other Americans. "McCarthy first enlisted in the Marine Corps on February 20, 1937 in Chicago and served for four years. Following the attack on Pearl Harbor, he re-enlisted and returned to active duty in February 1942. In June of that year, he was discharged with the rank of first sergeant in order to accept a commission in the Marine Corps Reserve. /// McCarthy joined the 4th Marine Division shortly thereafter, and went overseas in January 1944. While deployed, he took part in the Roi-Namur, Saipan-Tinian, and Iwo Jima campaigns. He was awarded the Silver Star for heroism as a rifle company commander on Saipan in 1944. He received the Purple Heart with Gold Star for wounds received in action on Saipan and Iwo Jima."
Joseph J. McCarthy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the wiki piece is accurate, one can't question his military valor. Of course, the same thing can be said about Hitler.

Hey man, Hitler was not a US Marine!

McCarthy forged Admiral Nimitz' signature on a letter of commendation. That he admitted to later in life. McCarthy also claimed a war wound from an airplane crash. That was also a fraud as he slipped and fell in an Order of the Deep ritual when sailors cross the equator.
Facts are a biatch.
Your sources on those two items PLEASE?
[meanwhile FROM the JS link at Wikki and the Saipan mention above]
Historian Bill D. Ross would write about him in 1985:

" McCarthy was thirty three; overage for a company commander. He was Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive, but unlike many Irishmen, he wasn't talkative. He was, in fact, laconic and tight-lipped. "I don't like malarkey or bullshit," the Chicagoan often said. But Joe McCarthy knew the uncompromising business of battle; he had the Silver Star for leading his company up a savagely contested hill on Saipan and his men called him "the best damned officer in the Marine Corps." "
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Reintroducing "McCarthy blacklisted Zero Mostel" in 5, 4, 3....

We need to get to the bottom of how the USSR programmed their Useful Idiots and see if it can be undone
58 pages 900+ posts and people still have to prove time and again all they learned about McCarthy was taught to them by Stalin loyalists.

Comparing McCarthy, a genuine American Patriot and Hero to Hitler?

Gadoofus STILL does not know that McCarthy's information came from concerned Americans at US State who were wondering aloud why there should be card carrying Communists employed there? (Answer: because FDR and Truman were protecting them)

Allen Dulles and the Army "Stalin loyalists"?
Roll me one out of your bag Frank.
Hey man, Hitler was not a US Marine!

McCarthy forged Admiral Nimitz' signature on a letter of commendation. That he admitted to later in life. McCarthy also claimed a war wound from an airplane crash. That was also a fraud as he slipped and fell in an Order of the Deep ritual when sailors cross the equator.
Facts are a biatch.
Your sources on those two items PLEASE?
[meanwhile FROM the JS link at Wikki and the Saipan mention above]
Historian Bill D. Ross would write about him in 1985:

" McCarthy was thirty three; overage for a company commander. He was Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive, but unlike many Irishmen, he wasn't talkative. He was, in fact, laconic and tight-lipped. "I don't like malarkey or bullshit," the Chicagoan often said. But Joe McCarthy knew the uncompromising business of battle; he had the Silver Star for leading his company up a savagely contested hill on Saipan and his men called him "the best damned officer in the Marine Corps." "

Your source Wiki? :lol::lol:
My source: Captain Joseph Canaan, USMC, stationed with McCarthy in the Pacific. "Joe's only experience in combat was 2 missions in one day" as reported in the Madison Capital Times in 1949. Canaan also stated "Joe told me he made the whole thing up for publicity value".
"In fact, in a hospital in the New Hevrides Joe personally showed me the Associated Press clipping about firing more rounds than any gunner in one day. I believe on the day he fired them all of the Jap planes at Rabaul were all dead" wrote Canaan. In the letter Captain Canaan advised the Times to check McCarthys official "jacket" in Washington "to expose this guy for the fraud he is". from A Conspiracy so Immense David Oshinsky. This was further indicated in speeches McCarthy made. Fraudulently molding his image first he claimed it was 14 bombing missions in 1944, in 1947 his speeches said 17 missions, in 1951 it rose to 32 when he requested The Distinguished Flying Cross for the 25 missions he never flew.

Need more facts or are you a Wiki man?
Facts from soldiers THAT WERE THERE WITH HIM.
McCarthy was the worst kind of fraud. Faked MOST of his military experience.
McCarthy forged Admiral Nimitz' signature on a letter of commendation. That he admitted to later in life. McCarthy also claimed a war wound from an airplane crash. That was also a fraud as he slipped and fell in an Order of the Deep ritual when sailors cross the equator.
Facts are a biatch.
Your sources on those two items PLEASE?
[meanwhile FROM the JS link at Wikki and the Saipan mention above]
Historian Bill D. Ross would write about him in 1985:

" McCarthy was thirty three; overage for a company commander. He was Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive, but unlike many Irishmen, he wasn't talkative. He was, in fact, laconic and tight-lipped. "I don't like malarkey or bullshit," the Chicagoan often said. But Joe McCarthy knew the uncompromising business of battle; he had the Silver Star for leading his company up a savagely contested hill on Saipan and his men called him "the best damned officer in the Marine Corps." "

Your source Wiki? :lol::lol:
My source: Captain Joseph Canaan, USMC, stationed with McCarthy in the Pacific. "Joe's only experience in combat was 2 missions in one day" as reported in the Madison Capital Times in 1949. Canaan also stated "Joe told me he made the whole thing up for publicity value".
"In fact, in a hospital in the New Hevrides Joe personally showed me the Associated Press clipping about firing more rounds than any gunner in one day. I believe on the day he fired them all of the Jap planes at Rabaul were all dead" wrote Canaan. In the letter Captain Canaan advised the Times to check McCarthys official "jacket" in Washington "to expose this guy for the fraud he is". from A Conspiracy so Immense David Oshinsky. This was further indicated in speeches McCarthy made. Fraudulently molding his image first he claimed it was 14 bombing missions in 1944, in 1947 his speeches said 17 missions, in 1951 it rose to 32 when he requested The Distinguished Flying Cross for the 25 missions he never flew.

Need more facts or are you a Wiki man?
Facts from soldiers THAT WERE THERE WITH HIM.
McCarthy was the worst kind of fraud. Faked MOST of his military experience.

I did a quick search and found wiki. If he was a Marine and was in the Pacific, he was not a cream puff. However, what do the official Marine records report?
Your sources on those two items PLEASE?
[meanwhile FROM the JS link at Wikki and the Saipan mention above]
Historian Bill D. Ross would write about him in 1985:

" McCarthy was thirty three; overage for a company commander. He was Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive, but unlike many Irishmen, he wasn't talkative. He was, in fact, laconic and tight-lipped. "I don't like malarkey or bullshit," the Chicagoan often said. But Joe McCarthy knew the uncompromising business of battle; he had the Silver Star for leading his company up a savagely contested hill on Saipan and his men called him "the best damned officer in the Marine Corps." "

Your source Wiki? :lol::lol:
My source: Captain Joseph Canaan, USMC, stationed with McCarthy in the Pacific. "Joe's only experience in combat was 2 missions in one day" as reported in the Madison Capital Times in 1949. Canaan also stated "Joe told me he made the whole thing up for publicity value".
"In fact, in a hospital in the New Hevrides Joe personally showed me the Associated Press clipping about firing more rounds than any gunner in one day. I believe on the day he fired them all of the Jap planes at Rabaul were all dead" wrote Canaan. In the letter Captain Canaan advised the Times to check McCarthys official "jacket" in Washington "to expose this guy for the fraud he is". from A Conspiracy so Immense David Oshinsky. This was further indicated in speeches McCarthy made. Fraudulently molding his image first he claimed it was 14 bombing missions in 1944, in 1947 his speeches said 17 missions, in 1951 it rose to 32 when he requested The Distinguished Flying Cross for the 25 missions he never flew.

Need more facts or are you a Wiki man?
Facts from soldiers THAT WERE THERE WITH HIM.
McCarthy was the worst kind of fraud. Faked MOST of his military experience.

I did a quick search and found wiki. If he was a Marine and was in the Pacific, he was not a cream puff. However, what do the official Marine records report?

He was in the Marines.
He never released his records. Can't blame him for that and many vets fluffed their resumes, many more politicians that were vets. Kerry comes to mind. That is nothing new.
Doesn't make it right.
Bull shit walks where bull shit talks.
Your sources on those two items PLEASE?
[meanwhile FROM the JS link at Wikki and the Saipan mention above]
Historian Bill D. Ross would write about him in 1985:

" McCarthy was thirty three; overage for a company commander. He was Irish and he looked it: husky, red complexioned, pug nose. Superior officers sometimes found his manner abrasive, but unlike many Irishmen, he wasn't talkative. He was, in fact, laconic and tight-lipped. "I don't like malarkey or bullshit," the Chicagoan often said. But Joe McCarthy knew the uncompromising business of battle; he had the Silver Star for leading his company up a savagely contested hill on Saipan and his men called him "the best damned officer in the Marine Corps." "

Your source Wiki? :lol::lol:
My source: Captain Joseph Canaan, USMC, stationed with McCarthy in the Pacific. "Joe's only experience in combat was 2 missions in one day" as reported in the Madison Capital Times in 1949. Canaan also stated "Joe told me he made the whole thing up for publicity value".
"In fact, in a hospital in the New Hevrides Joe personally showed me the Associated Press clipping about firing more rounds than any gunner in one day. I believe on the day he fired them all of the Jap planes at Rabaul were all dead" wrote Canaan. In the letter Captain Canaan advised the Times to check McCarthys official "jacket" in Washington "to expose this guy for the fraud he is". from A Conspiracy so Immense David Oshinsky. This was further indicated in speeches McCarthy made. Fraudulently molding his image first he claimed it was 14 bombing missions in 1944, in 1947 his speeches said 17 missions, in 1951 it rose to 32 when he requested The Distinguished Flying Cross for the 25 missions he never flew.

Need more facts or are you a Wiki man?
Facts from soldiers THAT WERE THERE WITH HIM.
McCarthy was the worst kind of fraud. Faked MOST of his military experience.

I did a quick search and found wiki. If he was a Marine and was in the Pacific, he was not a cream puff. However, what do the official Marine records report?

Yum....... Cream Puffs!!!! Holland American cruises has the worlds best cream puffs. They have a chocolate filling... THE BEST!!!! Bite into one and it melts into nirvana before touching your tongue. The sensation of cream and chocolate and the lightest pastry evaporating in the palate in an explosion of sweet chocolaty goodness is an experience I recommend on any bucket list.

Just sayin.....:eusa_whistle:
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.

FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government
Reading some of the latest comments on McCarthy and his service, and as I've said I will not deal with them directly because they are desperate flailing of deranged Marxists. However, I must say they read like the occasional WWII Japanese soldier hiding out in Guam who resurfaces 60 years later believing WWII is still on. They cling to the notion that Uncle Joe was a fine man and McCarthy drummed up a "Red Scare" and used his HUAC to Blacklisted Zero Mostel

Check a calendar, it's 2011 and much has changed since you learned your history.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.

FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

Was Winston Churchill also the greatest asset the communists ever had?
He was also at Yalta.
FDR handed nothing to no one. Stalin the ruthless TOOK what he had and we came home. Occupation zones were a joke but how can we occupate ALL of eastern Europe WITH Rissian troops there Frank?
Another 500K KIA and 1 million injuries was the low ball estimate of a war over eastern Europe with the Ruskies.
Patton was all for it.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.

FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

You and every American should thank their lucky stars that the commies got China. Can you imagine a China with TWICE it's population? Do you think the social changes achieved by China would have occurred in a society like ours? If so you are a very naive person.
Reading some of the latest comments on McCarthy and his service, and as I've said I will not deal with them directly because they are desperate flailing of deranged Marxists. However, I must say they read like the occasional WWII Japanese soldier hiding out in Guam who resurfaces 60 years later believing WWII is still on. They cling to the notion that Uncle Joe was a fine man and McCarthy drummed up a "Red Scare" and used his HUAC to Blacklisted Zero Mostel

Check a calendar, it's 2011 and much has changed since you learned your history.

My father, uncle, cousins and brother killed hundreds of Marxists from the early 50s to the late 60s from Korea to Viet Nam and many other places in between.
No one here claimed that your Uncle Joe was a fine man so quit the childish BS Frank.
You are a pompous nut to claim that I or anyone in my family are Marxists. We have been self employed entrepreneurs for the last 200 years.
We kicked your ass on this one Frank. Good sports go to the middle of the field of play, shake the hands of their opponents and state "good game".
Wham it zero on set, EP team on ready.

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