Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.

FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

Was Winston Churchill also the greatest asset the communists ever had?
He was also at Yalta.
FDR handed nothing to no one. Stalin the ruthless TOOK what he had and we came home. Occupation zones were a joke but how can we occupate ALL of eastern Europe WITH Rissian troops there Frank?
Another 500K KIA and 1 million injuries was the low ball estimate of a war over eastern Europe with the Ruskies.
Patton was all for it.

You're a stupid fuck who refuses to open a book and learn anything.
First we see the former National Security Advisor turned into a common thief stealing documents from the Archives to protect his sleaze bag bubba boss from criticism about 9-11 and now it seems that the left wing has been stealing documents all along. I read somewhere that after he died FDR's medical records disappeared from a locked safe and were never seen again. The implication is that FDR had suffered several strokes while in office and his supporters didn't want Americans to the extent of his disabilities while he was running the Country.

FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

You and every American should thank their lucky stars that the commies got China. Can you imagine a China with TWICE it's population? Do you think the social changes achieved by China would have occurred in a society like ours? If so you are a very naive person.

What a fucking lowlife you are.

China under Mao was superior to Taiwan?

Get fucked, go fuck a knothole with a buzzsaw on the other end.
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Patton had the right idea how to handle the Soviets at the end of WWII. He considered the war a huge strategic FAILURE for the US and British because it left Berlin, Prague and Vienna in the "hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan" wheh the US could have captured those capitals.

And you can thank FDR taking advice from Alger Hiss (a Communist Spy) for that.
FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

You and every American should thank their lucky stars that the commies got China. Can you imagine a China with TWICE it's population? Do you think the social changes achieved by China would have occurred in a society like ours? If so you are a very naive person.

What a fucking lowlife you are.

China under Mao was superior to Taiwan?

Get fucked, go fuck a knothole with a buzzsaw on the other end.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog Frankie. You ARE naive! Grow the fuck UP!!!! Taiwan? PUULLEEEEZZZ!!!!!!!

China was the worlds biggest train wreck waiting to happen. I know YOU think WE should have backed Taiwan against the mainland. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!!!! Do you have any idea what THAT war would have cost? Then there would have been the occupation AND the foreign aid. Frankie you are fucking crazy!
FDR handed China to Mao and Eastern Europe to Stalin, if he wasn't ill, then he was the greatest asset the Communist ever had in the US Government

Was Winston Churchill also the greatest asset the communists ever had?
He was also at Yalta.
FDR handed nothing to no one. Stalin the ruthless TOOK what he had and we came home. Occupation zones were a joke but how can we occupate ALL of eastern Europe WITH Rissian troops there Frank?
Another 500K KIA and 1 million injuries was the low ball estimate of a war over eastern Europe with the Ruskies.
Patton was all for it.

You're a stupid fuck who refuses to open a book and learn anything.

I gave you the name of the book I read Frank by David Oshinsky. You are the one that is not interested in anything other than your own narrow minded propaganda.
Sticks and stones there rah rah boy.
We know you have lost when you stoop to name calling.
Debating takes discipline Frank. You must have been a place kicker.
Wide Right.
Patton had the right idea how to handle the Soviets at the end of WWII. He considered the war a huge strategic FAILURE for the US and British because it left Berlin, Prague and Vienna in the "hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan" wheh the US could have captured those capitals.

And you can thank FDR taking advice from Alger Hiss (a Communist Spy) for that.

Hiss wrote the Yalta treaty.
But it wasn't FDR that provided the details. His ass was almost dead in Yalta. Again, you fail to see WHO did not want to police eastern Europe and fight the Russians.

That man was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a leader that you claim was unqualified to make decisions and you know more today about what should have been done because someone wrote a book and told you so.
Patton was a great motivator and field strategist at the expense of casualties. Policy wise he was a fool and loud mouth.
Patton during the end of the European war in 1944: "Hell, why do we care what these God damn Russians think? We are going to have to fight them sooner or later, within the next generation. Why don't we do it now with our Army still intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in 3 months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards." Eisenhower had no choice. He knew Patton's mouth was out of control and Ike would never expose American troops to 500,000 KIA fighting the Russians.
Patton's combat skills were second to none. However, that often does not translate to policy.
Frank, read one, because that is all I am going to post it. Patton could not have defeated the Russians:

1. The German armed forces were shattered, demoralized, and would require at least to retrain, re-equip, and reinforce.
2. The British and the French would never have supported such an effort.
3. The U.S. had no training divisions available in the states while the Soviet forces were three times the size of the U.S. and at least 90 divisions in training.
4. The first atomic demonstration was almost three months away.
5. The Japanese gave absolutely no indication they were going to give up in the next several years.

Frank, read one, because that is all I am going to post it. Patton could not have defeated the Russians:

1. The German armed forces were shattered, demoralized, and would require at least to retrain, re-equip, and reinforce.
2. The British and the French would never have supported such an effort.
3. The U.S. had no training divisions available in the states while the Soviet forces were three times the size of the U.S. and at least 90 divisions in training.
4. The first atomic demonstration was almost three months away.
5. The Japanese gave absolutely no indication they were going to give up in the next several years.


Don't forget the Chyneez!!! He wanted us to back Tywondo two. Frankie is what we like to call BAT SHIT FUCKING CRAYZEE!!!!!
58 pages 900+ posts and people still have to prove time and again all they learned about McCarthy was taught to them by Stalin loyalists.

Comparing McCarthy, a genuine American Patriot and Hero to Hitler?

Gadoofus STILL does not know that McCarthy's information came from concerned Americans at US State who were wondering aloud why there should be card carrying Communists employed there? (Answer: because FDR and Truman were protecting them)

He wasn't Hitler. but he was no hero, either.
McCathy was an evil drunken piece of shit.

You revisionsist are likewise, incidently.
McCathy was an evil drunken piece of shit.

You revisionsist are likewise, incidently.
agreed, but he wasn't hitler.

Neither was he Pol Pot, Stalin or Rumplestiltskin.

Let me rmind you again, it was the REPUBLICANS who finally found somebody so politically bulletprooof that he could be taken down.

A Blueblooded artiso Mainer, incidently, AND a woman.
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You and every American should thank their lucky stars that the commies got China. Can you imagine a China with TWICE it's population? Do you think the social changes achieved by China would have occurred in a society like ours? If so you are a very naive person.

What a fucking lowlife you are.

China under Mao was superior to Taiwan?

Get fucked, go fuck a knothole with a buzzsaw on the other end.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog Frankie. You ARE naive! Grow the fuck UP!!!! Taiwan? PUULLEEEEZZZ!!!!!!!

China was the worlds biggest train wreck waiting to happen. I know YOU think WE should have backed Taiwan against the mainland. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!!!! Do you have any idea what THAT war would have cost? Then there would have been the occupation AND the foreign aid. Frankie you are fucking crazy!

This is why I'm trying to avoid dealing directly with idiots, because you have so so so so much remedial education before you can make a point. You, like Starkey and Gadawg are just plain fucking ignorant and REFUSE, staunchly REFUSE to let any facts enter your pointy head

We DID initially back Shek and a China that would have been Taiwan instead of a Cultural Revolution lead by histories greatest mass murderer.


Communist spies at State got FDR to change his stance and back Mao because, are you ready, they told him Mao was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"

So FDR dropped Shek and backed Mao so Mao got to kill tens of millions while leading the worst regime in human history

And American Progressives rejoice!
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Patton had the right idea how to handle the Soviets at the end of WWII. He considered the war a huge strategic FAILURE for the US and British because it left Berlin, Prague and Vienna in the "hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan" wheh the US could have captured those capitals.

And you can thank FDR taking advice from Alger Hiss (a Communist Spy) for that.

Hiss wrote the Yalta treaty.
But it wasn't FDR that provided the details. His ass was almost dead in Yalta. Again, you fail to see WHO did not want to police eastern Europe and fight the Russians.

That man was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a leader that you claim was unqualified to make decisions and you know more today about what should have been done because someone wrote a book and told you so.
Patton was a great motivator and field strategist at the expense of casualties. Policy wise he was a fool and loud mouth.
Patton during the end of the European war in 1944: "Hell, why do we care what these God damn Russians think? We are going to have to fight them sooner or later, within the next generation. Why don't we do it now with our Army still intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in 3 months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards." Eisenhower had no choice. He knew Patton's mouth was out of control and Ike would never expose American troops to 500,000 KIA fighting the Russians.
Patton's combat skills were second to none. However, that often does not translate to policy.

The movie Patton really gives people the incorrect idea about the man, but at least watched the movie and learned that much about him.

If Patton had Omar Bradly's job, the US would have been in Berlin, Prague and Vienna months ahead of the Russians.

He wrote in his diary in August 44 that letting the Germans slip out of Falaise was one of the worst decisions in human history

He predicted Eisenhower would run for President.

He knew letting the Russians keep Eastern Europe was a strategic failure.
What a fucking lowlife you are.

China under Mao was superior to Taiwan?

Get fucked, go fuck a knothole with a buzzsaw on the other end.

Talk about the tail wagging the dog Frankie. You ARE naive! Grow the fuck UP!!!! Taiwan? PUULLEEEEZZZ!!!!!!!

China was the worlds biggest train wreck waiting to happen. I know YOU think WE should have backed Taiwan against the mainland. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!!!! Do you have any idea what THAT war would have cost? Then there would have been the occupation AND the foreign aid. Frankie you are fucking crazy!

This is why I'm trying to avoid dealing directly with idiots, because you have so so so so much remedial education before you can make a point. You, like Starkey and Gadawg are just plain fucking ignorant and REFUSE, staunchly REFUSE to let any facts enter your pointy head

We DID initially back Shek and a China that would have been Taiwan instead of a Cultural Revolution lead by histories greatest mass murderer.


Communist spies at State got FDR to chance his stance and back Mao because, are you ready, they told him Mao was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"

So FDR dropped Shek and backed Mao so Mao got to kill tens of millions while leading the worst regime in human history

And American Progressives rejoice!

Backed Mao? China was none of our business. Your obsession with commies has blinded you to reality.

Bottom line...This country was NEVER in danger of going communist. All the ranting by you and McCarthy will never save us from something that could never have happened. There always were spies...there will always be spies. If it is in the interest of a foreign government to weasel their way in they will try. Commies are not just one variety. Israel spies on us too. So does Saudi Arabia...and India... and Pakistan and any country that thinks they need to know some of our secrets.
I will post this one more time, then let it go. CrusanderFrank won't answer.

Frank, read onse, because that is all I am going to post it (so I repeated it, sue me!). Patton could not have defeated the Russians:

1. The German armed forces were shattered, demoralized, and would require at least (several years) to retrain, re-equip, and reinforce.
2. The British and the French would never have supported such an effort.
3. The U.S. had no training divisions available in the states while the Soviet forces were three times the size of the U.S. and had at least 90 divisions in training.
4. The first atomic demonstration was almost three months away.
5. The Japanese gave absolutely no indication they were going to give up in the next several years.

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Talk about the tail wagging the dog Frankie. You ARE naive! Grow the fuck UP!!!! Taiwan? PUULLEEEEZZZ!!!!!!!

China was the worlds biggest train wreck waiting to happen. I know YOU think WE should have backed Taiwan against the mainland. WHAT A FUCKING IDIOT!!!! Do you have any idea what THAT war would have cost? Then there would have been the occupation AND the foreign aid. Frankie you are fucking crazy!

This is why I'm trying to avoid dealing directly with idiots, because you have so so so so much remedial education before you can make a point. You, like Starkey and Gadawg are just plain fucking ignorant and REFUSE, staunchly REFUSE to let any facts enter your pointy head

We DID initially back Shek and a China that would have been Taiwan instead of a Cultural Revolution lead by histories greatest mass murderer.


Communist spies at State got FDR to chance his stance and back Mao because, are you ready, they told him Mao was a "Progressive" and "Democratic"

So FDR dropped Shek and backed Mao so Mao got to kill tens of millions while leading the worst regime in human history

And American Progressives rejoice!

Backed Mao? China was none of our business. Your obsession with commies has blinded you to reality.

Bottom line...This country was NEVER in danger of going communist. All the ranting by you and McCarthy will never save us from something that could never have happened. There always were spies...there will always be spies. If it is in the interest of a foreign government to weasel their way in they will try. Commies are not just one variety. Israel spies on us too. So does Saudi Arabia...and India... and Pakistan and any country that thinks they need to know some of our secrets.

Here's what Huggy was doing instead of reading anything I've recommended.


We had promised Shek we would back him in his fight against the Japanese and the ChiComs, that's a fact.

Shek was the fighting the Japanese when we were at war with them, that's a fact.

Communist spies at US State got the US to change their stance and back Mao, that's a fact

I will post this one more time, then let it go. CrusanderFrank won't answer.

Frank, read onse, because that is all I am going to post it (so I repeated it, sue me!). Patton could not have defeated the Russians:

1. The German armed forces were shattered, demoralized, and would require at least (several years) to retrain, re-equip, and reinforce.
2. The British and the French would never have supported such an effort.
3. The U.S. had no training divisions available in the states while the Soviet forces were three times the size of the U.S. and had at least 90 divisions in training.
4. The first atomic demonstration was almost three months away.
5. The Japanese gave absolutely no indication they were going to give up in the next several years.


First, stop imitating me, it's creepy.

Second, Patton is irrelevant to this thread.

Third, Patton disagreed with how the US and Brits prosecuted the war since August 1944 so by the time April 45 came it was obvious no one was listening to him and the USSR was going to be a problem.

Start a Patton thread if you must
Patton had the right idea how to handle the Soviets at the end of WWII. He considered the war a huge strategic FAILURE for the US and British because it left Berlin, Prague and Vienna in the "hands of the descendants of Genghis Khan" wheh the US could have captured those capitals.

And you can thank FDR taking advice from Alger Hiss (a Communist Spy) for that.

Hiss wrote the Yalta treaty.
But it wasn't FDR that provided the details. His ass was almost dead in Yalta. Again, you fail to see WHO did not want to police eastern Europe and fight the Russians.

That man was General Dwight D. Eisenhower, a leader that you claim was unqualified to make decisions and you know more today about what should have been done because someone wrote a book and told you so.
Patton was a great motivator and field strategist at the expense of casualties. Policy wise he was a fool and loud mouth.
Patton during the end of the European war in 1944: "Hell, why do we care what these God damn Russians think? We are going to have to fight them sooner or later, within the next generation. Why don't we do it now with our Army still intact and the damn Russians can have their hind end kicked back to Russia in 3 months? We can do it easily with the help of the German troops we have if we just arm them and take them with us. They hate the bastards." Eisenhower had no choice. He knew Patton's mouth was out of control and Ike would never expose American troops to 500,000 KIA fighting the Russians.
Patton's combat skills were second to none. However, that often does not translate to policy.

The movie Patton really gives people the incorrect idea about the man, but at least watched the movie and learned that much about him.

If Patton had Omar Bradly's job, the US would have been in Berlin, Prague and Vienna months ahead of the Russians.

He wrote in his diary in August 44 that letting the Germans slip out of Falaise was one of the worst decisions in human history

He predicted Eisenhower would run for President.

He knew letting the Russians keep Eastern Europe was a strategic failure.

The movie was great Frank as I love George C. Scott but I have read Wesley Clarks and Steven Zaloga's autobiography. I also have read the 850 page Eisenhower 1943-1945 at War by David Eisenhower. I have a vast WWII book collection as that is one of my hobbies.
So we demand in words for Russia to leave eastern Europe and Stalin and his 90 intact divisions armed to the teeth say "yes sir, we will leave immediately".
Frank believes that would have worked.
Facts are that the Russians took 90K KIA and 250K wounded in 4 months taking Berlin. Germany took 5.5 million KIA in WWII, mostly to the Russians. Russia took 9 million KIA and how many more would they have taken in a fight with us? Us with NO allies, doing it alone.
Every military General anywhere during WWII knew that if Patton was in charge there would be no cooperation between the allies.
You do know that the English and the Russians were our allies Frank and many times they took as much or more territory than we did.
Frank was for Patton adding another 150K KIA Americans to take Berlin, Prague and Vienna. No military leader anywhere has stated that it would have worked but even if it was attempted the 150K KIA would have happened.
No one let the Russians "keep eastern Europe" Frank.
The Russians TOOK eastern Europe. Spoils of war is horrible but reality is hard for ideologues to accept. We knew in 1941 what the deal would be.

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