Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Dish it, get it. That simple. Let up, I will also. I also will point out when you simply make assertions without credible evidence, or when you do not use traditional, historical definitions. The reactionary revisionists of the far right are not going to change American history.
Dish it, get it. That simple. Let up, I will also. I also will point out when you simply make assertions without credible evidence, or when you do not use traditional, historical definitions. The reactionary revisionists of the far right are not going to change American history.

Desh it, get it, what are you talking about? I have yet to serve you a dish of anything, or do you mean your weak defence of your fellow traveler, you are very delusional.

You will point out when I make assertions, great, when you post the Marxist Ideology or complete bullshit I will point that out, what are you doing, giving me rules.

Reactionary revisionist? What did I revise?

Do you mean your failure to counter anything about Oppenheimer. Seems Jake is very ignornant of the subject of Marxist history or Jake wishes to engage in character assination instead of points made in a post.

Great, you have not addressed Oppenheimer and thus show you have not the knowledge to debate, you resorty to this little political tactic of evade, insult, and just lie about everything and anything.

Great strawman argument at best there Jake.
The silly defiance comes from you, mdn2000. Dish it, get it. End of story.

Obviously not the end of the story, you just had to come to me crying and whining in my private message, who the fuck do you think you are, usmb police, bucking for a job, what?

I suggest if you cannot address Oppenheimer or any other little fact I post without crying and whining about something you, JakeStarkey makes up, stay of the messageboards. How many posts have we gone back and forth where you demand the last word with your irrelevant made up nonsense.

Talk about a lousy loser, get a grip of yourself and for future reference, I will be ignoring your whining in private messages, I will not read them, just post that JakeStarkey had to whine and cry in private message.

Get some education so you do not have to resort to deflection.

Oppenheimer, get over it dumb ass.
And no sooner I post this JakeStarkey is back whining and crying in Private Messages, hey, I just stated I am ignoring your Private Messages, you wish to not argue with me about how pathetic you are, put me on your ignore list, or are my points of such devastating importance you just must resort to getting personal.
I am not arguing with you, mdn2000. I am telling you to man up and be willing to get what you give. No, you are not going on my ignore list. :lol:
With all those communists in government how did we ever win the Cold War?
Was it McCarthy? Did he win the Cold War for us?
Yea McCarthy!!!!
Yay, Tail Gunner Joe!!!!

Gadawag, I have asked repeatedly for the reactionary agenda-driven activists here like Frank and others to acknowledge and explain why the GOP pulled Joe and had him censured. It must not be that they were commies, or Frank would have told us. I wonder why Frank and others won't acknowledge and explain this.
Yay, Tail Gunner Joe!!!!

Gadawag, I have asked repeatedly for the reactionary agenda-driven activists here like Frank and others to acknowledge and explain why the GOP pulled Joe and had him censured. It must not be that they were commies, or Frank would have told us. I wonder why Frank and others won't acknowledge and explain this.

Poor Frank...

he's stuck in a time warp with the handful of socialists left in America.

Remember the most famous "have you no decency at last?" statement from Joseph Welch?

You know it, it defined the ear of "McCarthyism". That Evil Republican Ogre McCarthy brought low. Shamed! Indecent!

The remark came in response to McCarthy asking Welch about trustworthiness and loyalty of Fred Fisher, an attorney working for Welch. That was indecent! How dare he question the loyalty of one of Welch's lawyers?

Take a guess at who was a lawyer doing heavy lifting for the Communist Party while at the National Lawyers Guild before he worked for Welch at Hale & Dorr? That's right! Fred Fisher! Comrade Fisher

The more you get educated, the more you see how indecent Progressives truly are
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Christ Frankie! As in many things the Communists were in fact taken too seriously. There was never any threat that we would become communists here. This was not in the 30's or 40's or 50's anything like Russia. A Stalin type could never have taken over our country and forced his will on America. Communism is a stupid idea on a scale as large as our country or Russia for that matter and it predictably failed.

OK there were a handful of wackos that thought communism was a good idea and maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What? There have always been crazy people in this country and guess what?.. there always will be a few. It has never been illegal to be a communist. It isn't illegal to be a Morman either and those people are scarier than some goofy commune types.

Your bid to get McCarthy on the granite in S Dakota is pure fail. Get over it.:lol:
Christ Frankie! As in many things the Communists were in fact taken too seriously. There was never any threat that we would become communists here. This was not in the 30's or 40's or 50's anything like Russia. A Stalin type could never have taken over our country and forced his will on America. Communism is a stupid idea on a scale as large as our country or Russia for that matter and it predictably failed.

OK there were a handful of wackos that thought communism was a good idea and maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What? There have always been crazy people in this country and guess what?.. there always will be a few. It has never been illegal to be a communist. It isn't illegal to be a Morman either and those people are scarier than some goofy commune types.

Your bid to get McCarthy on the granite in S Dakota is pure fail. Get over it.:lol:

"...maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What?"

Wow! I knew CF would get through to you!

Now take the next step....

...realize that the 'tiny number' persuaded FDR to trust Uncle Joe, and turn Eastern Europe over to the Soviets, and give us the Cold War!

...and the "tiny number" influenced Truman and Treasury to hold up loans to Chiang Kai Shek and essentially turn China over to Mao...and cost 60 million Chinese lives.
Christ Frankie! As in many things the Communists were in fact taken too seriously. There was never any threat that we would become communists here. This was not in the 30's or 40's or 50's anything like Russia. A Stalin type could never have taken over our country and forced his will on America. Communism is a stupid idea on a scale as large as our country or Russia for that matter and it predictably failed.

OK there were a handful of wackos that thought communism was a good idea and maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What? There have always been crazy people in this country and guess what?.. there always will be a few. It has never been illegal to be a communist. It isn't illegal to be a Morman either and those people are scarier than some goofy commune types.

Your bid to get McCarthy on the granite in S Dakota is pure fail. Get over it.:lol:

"...maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What?"

Wow! I knew CF would get through to you!

Now take the next step....

...realize that the 'tiny number' persuaded FDR to trust Uncle Joe, and turn Eastern Europe over to the Soviets, and give us the Cold War!

...and the "tiny number" influenced Truman and Treasury to hold up loans to Chiang Kai Shek and essentially turn China over to Mao...and cost 60 million Chinese lives.

"turn Eastern Europe over to the Soviets"

By the fall of 1944 we were fighting on 2 fronts all over the world and Russia was our ally. They controlled almost all of eastern Europe at that time.
Sure thing there Chic, we could have just waltzed into Russian occupied territiory, destroyed their 500 rifle and 50 tank divisions easily and marched into Moscow for Stoli martinis at noon.
Cake walk.
They TOOK Eastern Europe. They already had it before we "gave it" to them. We could have told them no way and they still would have taken it.
Christ Frankie! As in many things the Communists were in fact taken too seriously. There was never any threat that we would become communists here. This was not in the 30's or 40's or 50's anything like Russia. A Stalin type could never have taken over our country and forced his will on America. Communism is a stupid idea on a scale as large as our country or Russia for that matter and it predictably failed.

OK there were a handful of wackos that thought communism was a good idea and maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What? There have always been crazy people in this country and guess what?.. there always will be a few. It has never been illegal to be a communist. It isn't illegal to be a Morman either and those people are scarier than some goofy commune types.

Your bid to get McCarthy on the granite in S Dakota is pure fail. Get over it.:lol:

"...maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What?"

Wow! I knew CF would get through to you!

Now take the next step....

...realize that the 'tiny number' persuaded FDR to trust Uncle Joe, and turn Eastern Europe over to the Soviets, and give us the Cold War!

...and the "tiny number" influenced Truman and Treasury to hold up loans to Chiang Kai Shek and essentially turn China over to Mao...and cost 60 million Chinese lives.

What makes you think we ever trusted the communists? It was clear when the Russians were starving and we tried to help them by sending them wheat by the trainload that the operators of the relief trains were stealing most of the grain and that the communists were a joke. We never trusted Russia. They were useful in defeating Hitler. That is about all we needed from them. They also lost over 10 million people in their part of WWII. What some of you seen to be unaware of is how much they sacrificed. They did a hell of a lot more to help defeat the Nazis than the British did.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not defending communism. It is a stupid way to operate a country. Same with China... If China had not take drastic control over it's population...and I mean that in both senses... there would be disease and starvation there today and for the last 40 years on an unimaginable scale. Bellyaching about Taiwan and Mao is ridiculous compared with what the Chinese were faced with. Now that they can see a glimmer of daylight from what was and could have been they are turning to capitalism. BECAUSE THEY CAN. You guys that like to revise history may be able to fool people that were not alive when much of this was going on may find dupes to not so much.
Christ Frankie! As in many things the Communists were in fact taken too seriously. There was never any threat that we would become communists here. This was not in the 30's or 40's or 50's anything like Russia. A Stalin type could never have taken over our country and forced his will on America. Communism is a stupid idea on a scale as large as our country or Russia for that matter and it predictably failed.

OK there were a handful of wackos that thought communism was a good idea and maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What? There have always been crazy people in this country and guess what?.. there always will be a few. It has never been illegal to be a communist. It isn't illegal to be a Morman either and those people are scarier than some goofy commune types.

Your bid to get McCarthy on the granite in S Dakota is pure fail. Get over it.:lol:

"...maybe even a tiny number had weaseled their way into the government. So What?"

Wow! I knew CF would get through to you!

Now take the next step....

...realize that the 'tiny number' persuaded FDR to trust Uncle Joe, and turn Eastern Europe over to the Soviets, and give us the Cold War!

...and the "tiny number" influenced Truman and Treasury to hold up loans to Chiang Kai Shek and essentially turn China over to Mao...and cost 60 million Chinese lives.

What makes you think we ever trusted the communists? It was clear when the Russians were starving and we tried to help them by sending them wheat by the trainload that the operators of the relief trains were stealing most of the grain and that the communists were a joke. We never trusted Russia. They were useful in defeating Hitler. That is about all we needed from them. They also lost over 10 million people in their part of WWII. What some of you seen to be unaware of is how much they sacrificed. They did a hell of a lot more to help defeat the Nazis than the British did.

Now don't get me wrong...I'm not defending communism. It is a stupid way to operate a country. Same with China... If China had not take drastic control over it's population...and I mean that in both senses... there would be disease and starvation there today and for the last 40 years on an unimaginable scale. Bellyaching about Taiwan and Mao is ridiculous compared with what the Chinese were faced with. Now that they can see a glimmer of daylight from what was and could have been they are turning to capitalism. BECAUSE THEY CAN. You guys that like to revise history may be able to fool people that were not alive when much of this was going on may find dupes to not so much.

Huggy, Huggy, Huggy...

...not only did FDR and Truman trust them...although Truman learned the truth, but liberals defended them, denied that they were a threat, and after President Reagan ended the Evil Empire's reign, liberals continued to try to pretend that there was not a thing wrong with communism. In fact, libs tried to make democracy and capitalism evil!

1. After the fall of communism, liberals who resisted every effort to produce that fall, immediately fabricated reconstituted memories of how they were all Cold Warriors. Along with hostility toward America, they expanded their field of battle to include hostility toward freedom itself, a sort of nostalgia for the deposed communism.

a. “Before the fall of the Berlin Wall, some journalists suggested communism was truly popular among the people it enslaved,” said Noyes. “After the liberation of Eastern Europe, many journalists argued that the move to capitalism just made things worse,..” Liberal Media

2. ABC’s Jerry King reported in October 1990, “East Germany is staggering toward unification, and may get there close to dead on arrival, the victim of an overdose of capitalism.” Liberal Media

3. From Bert Quint, CBS Evening News, April 11, 1990: “Southeastern Poland, a place where the transition from communism to capitalism is making people more miserable every dayA month later, also from Quint:
a. “Communism is being swept away, but so too is the social safety net it provided….”Notable Quotables,” Media Research Center, December 24, 1990

b. Connie Chung on CBS in 1991: “In formerly communist Bulgaria, the cost of freedom has been virtual economic disaster.” Best of Notable Quotables 1992 -- Media Research Center

c. Barbara Walters nearly dissolved into tears as she said sadly, “In the old Soviet Union, you never saw faces like these—the poor, the homeless and the desperation of the Russian winter.”

Had Ms. Walters never heard of the millions slowly starved and the millions executed?

d. Tamara Jones, writing in the Los Angeles Times, noted, "Ten months after the new Germany emerged, women in the eastern sector are coming to the stunning realization that, in many ways, democracy has set them back 40 years."

4. The commentators of the Left are very careful to couch bad news so that it reflects in the direction they intend. When NBC’s John Chancellor reported about problems in Russia, this is how he did it: “It’s short of soap, so there are lice in hospitals. It's short of pantyhose, so women's legs go bare. It's short snowsuits, so babies stay home in winter. Sometimes it's short of cigarettes, so millions of people stop smoking involuntarily. It drives everybody crazy. The problem isn't communism. No one even talked about communism this week. The problem is shortages." NBC News, Aug. 21, 1991

Still sure about liberals and their feelings toward communism?
5. Jimmy Carter began his presidency at Notre Dame with a speech that included “…We are now free of that inordinate fear of Communism which once led us to embrace any dictator who joined us in our fear.”

6. Pols believed that the Communists were just 'good ol' boys'...just like us! In 1978, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance told Time magazine that President Carter and General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev shared “similar dreams and aspirations” about the future of the world. Commentary magazine, Gershman, "The Rise and Fall of the New Foreign Policy Establishment," July, 1980.

7. American policy toward China, was based on the guidance of Communists:
"Over the next years, as the Communist Revolution came to power in China, the IPR was charged with Communist sympathies and even for the loss of China. Despite the heated rhetoric, however, the only charges actually brought were several perjury indictments against Lattimore...Among IPR staffers identified later as Communists or collaborators with Soviet intelligence agents were Kathleen Barnes, Hilda Austern, Elsie Fairfax-Cholmely, Chi Chao-ting, Guenter Stein, Harriet Levine, Talitha Gerlach, Chen Han-seng (a member of the Sorge spy ring)[9], Michael Greenberg (named as a source in 1945 by defecting Soviet courier Elizabeth Bentley), and T.A. Bisson (Venona's "Arthur")[10], as well as Kate Mitchell and Andrew Roth, both of whom were arrested in the 1945 Amerasia case.[11]

The IPR lost its tax-exempt status as an educational body in 1955, when the Internal Revenue Service alleged that the Institute had engaged in the dissemination of controversial and partisan propaganda, and had attempted to influence the policies or opinions of the government."Institute of Pacific Relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

8. “On September 2, 1939, the day after the outbreak of war in Europe, Whittaker Chambers had told much of what he knew about Soviet espionage in the United States to Adolph Berle, Assistant Secretary of State and President’s Roosevelt’s advisor on internal security. Immediately afterwards, Berle drew up a memorandum for the President which listed Alger Hiss, Harry Dexter White and the other leading for whom Chambers acted as courier. One was a leading presidential aide, Lauchlin Currie….Roosevelt, however, was not interested. He seems to have dismissed the whole idea of espionage rings within his administration as absurd.” ‘The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archives, the History of the KGB,” by Christopher Andrew and Vasili Mitrokhin.p.107

Yeah, American pols trusted and listened to Communists.
PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC...!!!!!!

Reagan didn't defeat communism. That is one of the biggest and most outrageous lies you guys try to spread. He just happened to be president when the USSR collapsed of it's own weight and incompetence. They just purely couldn't afford themselves any more. It would be like if the USA collapsed by saying we can't afford New York or California any more. :lol:

You really need to back off of the kool aide ...someone has obviously pissed in your punchbowl. :lol:
PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC, PC...!!!!!!

Reagan didn't defeat communism. That is one of the biggest and most outrageous lies you guys try to spread. He just happened to be president when the USSR collapsed of it's own weight and incompetence. They just purely couldn't afford themselves any more. It would be like if the USA collapsed by saying we can't afford New York or California any more. :lol:

You really need to back off of the kool aide ...someone has obviously pissed in your punchbowl. :lol:

The fact that you and the lib establishment have the above as your fall-back position bears witness to how very wrong you were, and how very right President Reagan was.

The Soviets were at their peak! Powerful, and scared the pants off you Leftists....

"The 1980s were a dangerous time for the world. The Soviet Union stood at the peak of its military and political power, its nuclear forces ranged from pole to pole. The globe stood at the brink of World War III, with a final countdown of 25 minutes from launch to total thermonuclear combat.

The Soviet Union led the world with an extraordinary increase in nuclear and conventional arms. The Soviet Union had 4.9 million active soldiers, 42,000 tanks, 2,200 warships, 15,000 combat planes, 1,500 long-range nuclear-tipped missiles, 1,000 short-range nuclear missiles and 900 sub-based nuclear missiles.

Soviet bombers equipped with nuclear weapons frequently flew off the U.S. coast. Soviet submarines armed with nuclear-tipped missiles prowled off both U.S. coastlines, within 100 miles of the most populated coastal American cities.

The liberal press called upon Reagan to remove the tactical nuclear arsenal from Europe. Europeans fell easy prey to the false theory that a nuclear war between the Warsaw Pact and NATO in Europe would remain inside the continent. Freeze supporters here in the U.S. clamored that the strategic arsenal based inside America was more than enough to stop any attack in Germany."
The Legacy of Ronald Reagan – Peace

"SO ON WHOM or what do we bestow the title of the "evil empire's" killer? Was it Mikhail Gorbachev himself who pulled down what Lenin and Stalin had built up? It is tempting to finger Gorbachev, but this would ascribe too much wisdom and foresight to a man who wanted merely to reform, but not to relinquish, the empire. At no point, however, did Gorbachev want to yield Moscow's pride of place as the number two superpower. And he was blissfully confident that the risks were tolerable: "There is no reason to fear the collapse or the end of socialism", Gorbachev assured Romanian leader Nicolae Ceausescu three weeks after the Berlin Wall had been breached and three weeks before the Romanian dictator was executed by his own people.

Ronald Reagan, though dismissed by Europeans as a second-rate actor and fondler of cue cards, possessed that magic faculty that separates run-of-the mill politicos from history-molding leaders. "I didn't understand", recalls Time's Joe Klein, "how truly monumental, and morally important, Reagan's anti-communism was until I visited the Soviet Union in 1987." He continues with a seemingly trivial vignette. Attending the Bolshoi Ballet, he was nudged by his minder: "'Ronald Reagan. Evil empire', he whispered with dramatic intensity and shot a glance toward his lap where he had hidden two enthusiastic thumbs up. 'Yes!'"When an American president manages to pluck the soul strings of those who have been raised to fear and despise what he represents, he surely deserves the honorific 'great.'
The "amazing and mysterious" life of Ronald Reagan - page 6

Don't be afraid, Huggy....come over to the light!
Huggy is correct, Reagan didn't defeat Communism. He just made their change their headquarters from Moscow to the DNC

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