Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Needless to say, that the OP and other conservatives would lionize the likes of Joe McCarthy comes as no surprise. The same is true with regard to their ignorance of American history, or their revisionist understanding of it.
I claim I'm Jewish? Really?

McCarthy was anti-Communist, not an anti-Semite

I'm Jewish. Wow, the things I learn by coming to USMB.

Frank, I do not believe you are Jewish. But once after I was in a friend's wedding a fella at work noticed I had an Israeli fighter jet on my pc background screen and well I played along even bringing in the wrong color yamika I had to wear for the wedding.

Back to the subject at hand: Gary Powers....was he a Russian pilot spying on us or our pilot spying on them? Lord they were a patient bunch not starting WWIII when they caught us overflying their airspace with what could have been nuclear bomb equipped planes.

Not that Stalin was not a monster. Just sayin I do nit remember any Russian planes being caught overflying Ohio.

My wife is Jewish and my sons were bar mitvah, I've been asked to consider converting by 2 separate rabbis and at my first real job they added "-owitz" to my very Italian last name.

Nothing else in your post is on topic that McCarthy tried to warn us that the Russians had a very robust and active spy network at US State and the White House, all of which has since been confirmed by the Soviets themselves

Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?
Frank, I do not believe you are Jewish. But once after I was in a friend's wedding a fella at work noticed I had an Israeli fighter jet on my pc background screen and well I played along even bringing in the wrong color yamika I had to wear for the wedding.

Back to the subject at hand: Gary Powers....was he a Russian pilot spying on us or our pilot spying on them? Lord they were a patient bunch not starting WWIII when they caught us overflying their airspace with what could have been nuclear bomb equipped planes.

Not that Stalin was not a monster. Just sayin I do nit remember any Russian planes being caught overflying Ohio.

My wife is Jewish and my sons were bar mitvah, I've been asked to consider converting by 2 separate rabbis and at my first real job they added "-owitz" to my very Italian last name.

Nothing else in your post is on topic that McCarthy tried to warn us that the Russians had a very robust and active spy network at US State and the White House, all of which has since been confirmed by the Soviets themselves

Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?

He was at least as good as the IRS was at singling out conservatives.

Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero · · ??

Come on, you guys, I checked!! It's not April Fool's Day !!

I always wondered what happened to all those files of blackmail which he collected --

-- you know, the ones he used to terrorize People in Power, and which kept him in his Postion of Privilege decades long after normal government officials had to retire.

Frank, I do not believe you are Jewish. But once after I was in a friend's wedding a fella at work noticed I had an Israeli fighter jet on my pc background screen and well I played along even bringing in the wrong color yamika I had to wear for the wedding.

Back to the subject at hand: Gary Powers....was he a Russian pilot spying on us or our pilot spying on them? Lord they were a patient bunch not starting WWIII when they caught us overflying their airspace with what could have been nuclear bomb equipped planes.

Not that Stalin was not a monster. Just sayin I do nit remember any Russian planes being caught overflying Ohio.

My wife is Jewish and my sons were bar mitvah, I've been asked to consider converting by 2 separate rabbis and at my first real job they added "-owitz" to my very Italian last name.

Nothing else in your post is on topic that McCarthy tried to warn us that the Russians had a very robust and active spy network at US State and the White House, all of which has since been confirmed by the Soviets themselves

Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?

I think what's been proven is that the left, for all their whinging and hand-wringing, have not been able to find one person "targeted" incorrectly by Joseph McCarthy. Half the time, they're busy talking about people McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with (ie. Lena Horne).
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

They found a sale on marshmallows.
My wife is Jewish and my sons were bar mitvah, I've been asked to consider converting by 2 separate rabbis and at my first real job they added "-owitz" to my very Italian last name.

Nothing else in your post is on topic that McCarthy tried to warn us that the Russians had a very robust and active spy network at US State and the White House, all of which has since been confirmed by the Soviets themselves

Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?

I think what's been proven is that the left, for all their whinging and hand-wringing, have not been able to find one person "targeted" incorrectly by Joseph McCarthy. Half the time, they're busy talking about people McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with (ie. Lena Horne).

Every one of his "targets" were incorrect.

Idiot knee jerkers never seem to have a fucking clue what you're yammering about.
Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?

I think what's been proven is that the left, for all their whinging and hand-wringing, have not been able to find one person "targeted" incorrectly by Joseph McCarthy. Half the time, they're busy talking about people McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with (ie. Lena Horne).

Every one of his "targets" were incorrect.

Idiot knee jerkers never seem to have a fucking clue what you're yammering about.

Owen Lattimore

Look him up

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
I have just uncovered evidence of Muslim infiltration into our military! I am sending this information to my no name Senator so he can conduct hearings into this and how the US military has over 300 card carrying Muslims.

We need this and the Senator I am sending it to is a national hero for conducting these hearings.

Please keep this quiet as this is top secret. No one knows he is a Muslim that secretly joined our military.

His name is Nidal Malik Hasan.
I have just uncovered evidence of Muslim infiltration into our military! I am sending this information to my no name Senator so he can conduct hearings into this and how the US military has over 300 card carrying Muslims.

We need this and the Senator I am sending it to is a national hero for conducting these hearings.

Please keep this quiet as this is top secret. No one knows he is a Muslim that secretly joined our military.

His name is Nidal Malik Hasan.


Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero · · ??

Come on, you guys, I checked!! It's not April Fool's Day !!

I always wondered what happened to all those files of blackmail which he collected --

-- you know, the ones he used to terrorize People in Power, and which kept him in his Postion of Privilege decades long after normal government officials had to retire.


Really? Because what I'M wondering is what the fuck you're babbling about.
Now I meant no offense. Some of my "pro Israel" opinions probably helped along that rumor I was Jewish.

Also, I was already talking in reference to that post about missle locations. No biggie.

Hey, what level of "accuracy" do we demand from McCarthy? Do folks actually have to have been convicted of being a spy? Just thinking the commies seemed better for China in '47?

What did we decide...he was 100% right in finding folks who attended at least one communist party meeting?

I think what's been proven is that the left, for all their whinging and hand-wringing, have not been able to find one person "targeted" incorrectly by Joseph McCarthy. Half the time, they're busy talking about people McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with (ie. Lena Horne).

Every one of his "targets" were incorrect.

Idiot knee jerkers never seem to have a fucking clue what you're yammering about.

Unfortunately for your idiot worldview, YOU are incorrect.

And I can only assume this vague, broadbrush assertion is because you don't actually even know any of the names of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy's subcommittee, let alone whether or not they were guilty.

Feel free to prove me wrong and produce a name and evidence of innocence . . . and feel free to prove me right by coming back with another meaningless, "I'm right, you're wrong!" pronouncement. Either way works for me.
McCarthy claimed his list had 205 names.
Then it went to 57.
Eisenhower knew a con man when he saw one.
No other man in America during that era had mastered world wide intelligence better than Ike.
He identified McCarthy as a fraud with nothing other than decades old pre-war minor communist associations long gone through mountains of intelligence gathering over 20 years.
I think what's been proven is that the left, for all their whinging and hand-wringing, have not been able to find one person "targeted" incorrectly by Joseph McCarthy. Half the time, they're busy talking about people McCarthy had nothing whatsoever to do with (ie. Lena Horne).

Every one of his "targets" were incorrect.

Idiot knee jerkers never seem to have a fucking clue what you're yammering about.

Unfortunately for your idiot worldview, YOU are incorrect.

And I can only assume this vague, broadbrush assertion is because you don't actually even know any of the names of the people investigated by Senator McCarthy's subcommittee, let alone whether or not they were guilty.

Feel free to prove me wrong and produce a name and evidence of innocence . . . and feel free to prove me right by coming back with another meaningless, "I'm right, you're wrong!" pronouncement. Either way works for me.

McCarthy claimed Annie Lee Moss of the Army Signal Corps was a communist.
When asked at the hearings if she knew who Karl Marx was she answered "Who's that".
Moss was a timid black woman that no one with any intelligence believed was a communist and there was NO evidence whatsoever that she was a communist other than rank hearsay from a supposed paid informant from the 40s that claimed she saw the name Ann Moss on a communist membership list.
She never saw Moss and never identified her.
Ditto that for most all of McCarthy's "subcommittee" hearings.
They had no credibility in any investigative or intelligence agency anywhere other than the political hack for political power FBI run by J. Edgar Hoover.
Frankly, it surprises me someone like you that has above average intelligence would fall for such a fraud as all of this was proven to be.
Need more names like Moss that there WAS NO EVIDENCE whatsoever to prove they were communists?
How many do you need?
McCarthy introduced numerous doctored and forged photos and documents at these hearings including a supposed memorandum written and signed by J. Edgar Hoover. Hoover offered an affidavit to the committee stating that he never signed that letter, never wrote the letter, never authorized the letter and that NO record of it exists anywhere in FBI files.
Another example of the fraud that was the show, the norm in the McCarthy "hearings".
Need more?. I have dozens.
Facts sure are a bitch to ideologues.
McCarthy claimed his list had 205 names.
Then it went to 57.
Eisenhower knew a con man when he saw one.
No other man in America during that era had mastered world wide intelligence better than Ike.
He identified McCarthy as a fraud with nothing other than decades old pre-war minor communist associations long gone through mountains of intelligence gathering over 20 years.

What an entertaining pack of lies.
McCarthy claimed to have a list of communists working in defense plants.
He was confronted by the Army numerous times in these hearings and the Chief Counsel of the Army TO PRODUCE THAT LIST.
McCarthy never did and then they demanded he produce that list to the FBI and the Department of Defense.
McCarthy never produced any list because NO LIST EXISTED.
McCarthy claimed his list had 205 names.
Then it went to 57.
Eisenhower knew a con man when he saw one.
No other man in America during that era had mastered world wide intelligence better than Ike.
He identified McCarthy as a fraud with nothing other than decades old pre-war minor communist associations long gone through mountains of intelligence gathering over 20 years.

What an entertaining pack of lies.

Prove it.
I was wrong about you as I thought you were intelligent.
I was wrong, on this issue you are a fool.
Anyone that believes anything McCarthy claimed is ignorant.
I work in the intelligence field for 34 years. ALL of the old timers that are long gone now that were in the military, the defense plants and all over the defense industry retired from the military did not believe a word McCarthy said. They were the ones that proved HIM a liar.
But you and Joe are right and all of them are wrong.

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