Sen Joe McCarthy: American Patriot and Hero

Huggy is correct, Reagan didn't defeat Communism. He just made their change their headquarters from Moscow to the DNC

So what are you suggesting Frankie? That the majority of voters in the 2008 presidential election were communist sympathizers and traitors? Americans are really Anti-American if they do not agree with you? Even if they are in the majority and vote as such? So really your problem isn't with Obama is it.? It is with the American voter. Obama would be nothing but a Senator without the consent of America. Christ..that's just a pay grade above a McDonalds manager. Oh but wait! That's all McCarthy was also. :lol: And a drunkard one at that. Why don't you beat the rush and go chisel your heros mug on Mt. Rushmore..I'm sure the country will catch up to you eventually on this and you will be a hero just like Joe! :lol::lol::lol:

PS...don't fall asleep any more on the job..:eek: They are firing your asses for that these days.:lol:
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

Actually, a lot of McCarthy's documents really are missing, because they never existed. For example, the list of communists that he was waving around in one of his speeches that he claimed was the names of the communists in the State Departemnt was later revealed to be a laundry ticket.

McCarthy was about the only demogod that was as dangerous to this country as Nixon and Hughy Long were.
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Oh wow. This conversation again with Ronald Reagan thrown in for good measure.

PC usually has something interesting to say.

I will split it on McCarthy. It seems he at least harassed folks who knew Communists or who were in China and thought the Commies were more organized than we call em Capitalists?

We must add though that after the 1920's folks spent a decade wondering if Capitalism had issues now that the BIG government in Washington no longer had land to conquor and give away to broke men who could not stand small government capitalism in the big cities where there were no natives, or land for the railroads (hey, is the Union Pacific still selling their alternating plots?)

It would be interesting to see a circle full of folks who supported McCarthy and how many of them folks support the Big Government Patriot Act or that Gitmo permanent detention center.
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

The document was removed from the National Archives.
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

Actually, a lot of McCarthy's documents really are missing, because they never existed. For example, the list of communists that he was waving around in one of his speeches that he claimed was the names of the communists in the State Departemnt was later revealed to be a laundry ticket.

McCarthy was about the only demogod that was as dangerous to this country as Nixon and Hughy Long were.

He had a list that was likely provided by the FBI and apparently some of the people he later named were confirmed as genuine Communist spies by the USSR

If anything, McCarthy vastly understated the extent of the threat of Communist infiltration of the White House and subversion of US policy.

Think of it, Mao was able to become one of history biggest scumbags and mass murderers because Communist spies at State and the WH subverted US policy in Mao's favor. Tens of million murdered, a billion enslaved -- and McCarthy tried to warn us that agents of this vile, inhuman system were at work in out governemnt
Huggy is correct, Reagan didn't defeat Communism. He just made their change their headquarters from Moscow to the DNC

So what are you suggesting Frankie? That the majority of voters in the 2008 presidential election were communist sympathizers and traitors? Americans are really Anti-American if they do not agree with you? Even if they are in the majority and vote as such? So really your problem isn't with Obama is it.? It is with the American voter. Obama would be nothing but a Senator without the consent of America. Christ..that's just a pay grade above a McDonalds manager. Oh but wait! That's all McCarthy was also. :lol: And a drunkard one at that. Why don't you beat the rush and go chisel your heros mug on Mt. Rushmore..I'm sure the country will catch up to you eventually on this and you will be a hero just like Joe! :lol::lol::lol:

PS...don't fall asleep any more on the job..:eek: They are firing your asses for that these days.:lol:

They are sending the Internal Revenge Service after us, that's unAmerican, but definitely Marxist
FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

Actually, a lot of McCarthy's documents really are missing, because they never existed. For example, the list of communists that he was waving around in one of his speeches that he claimed was the names of the communists in the State Departemnt was later revealed to be a laundry ticket.

McCarthy was about the only demogod that was as dangerous to this country as Nixon and Hughy Long were.

He had a list that was likely provided by the FBI and apparently some of the people he later named were confirmed as genuine Communist spies by the USSR

If anything, McCarthy vastly understated the extent of the threat of Communist infiltration of the White House and subversion of US policy.

Think of it, Mao was able to become one of history biggest scumbags and mass murderers because Communist spies at State and the WH subverted US policy in Mao's favor. Tens of million murdered, a billion enslaved -- and McCarthy tried to warn us that agents of this vile, inhuman system were at work in out governemnt

The FBI labeled many a citizen fighting for civil rights as "communist sympathizers".
Because at civil rights marches labor and other groups would show up and march with the blacks.
Nothing else.
Most all of the poor souls called before the witch hunt McCarthy hearings had nothing to do with communism, ever.
Lena Horne a communist.
Respectfully, you good folks are looking very foolish defending McCarthy.
You have no evidence. Nothing.
Normally I don't respond to PC's scattergun posts, mainly because I find them mostly incoherent. This one is slightly better written than the average. It contains a fundamental error of fact that derives from an uncritical cut-and-paste job from an intentionally deceptive right wing blog which PC fails to even identify the author!

"The Soviet Union led the world with an extraordinary increase in nuclear and conventional arms. The Soviet Union had 4.9 million active soldiers, 42,000 tanks, 2,200 warships, 15,000 combat planes, 1,500 long-range nuclear-tipped missiles, 1,000 short-range nuclear missiles and 900 sub-based nuclear missiles.

This listing of huge equipment numbers fails to note the peculiar practice of the Soviet military of never retiring equipment. Planes, tanks, and other equipment are carried on the rolls even though they are not operational and sometimes no longer exist. For example, the 15,000 combat planes include thousands that were parked and being used for parts. Most of the 42,000 tanks were WWII vintage and used as static gun emplacements. Rule of thumb is that 90% of this equipment was not available for front line use.

Similarly most of the 4.9 million active soldiers were in poorly equipped units without sufficient training or transportation to be used in offensive operations. Probably half were detailed for internal security. The exception was the strategic rocket forces, for which the numbers given are fairly accurate and which were generally close to combat-ready. The quality of these forces (especially in communications and control) were inferior to similar units in Western arsenals and were about equal to Western forces.

The 2200 warships were clearly no match for the American navy. There were no carrier task forces and only a very limited surface ship capability. Most of the attack submarines were non-nuclear and the quality and number of boomers were inferior to the Western forces. But the missile submarine capability constituted a real deterrent. [/quote]

Soviet bombers equipped with nuclear weapons frequently flew off the U.S. coast. Soviet submarines armed with nuclear-tipped missiles prowled off both U.S. coastlines, within 100 miles of the most populated coastal American cities.

And the United States overflew the Soviet Union and placed missiles far closer to Soviet borders than any Soviet missiles (except those involved in the Cuban crisis) were placed to American borders. I'm not aware of any Soviet overflights or intentional incursions into American airspace, but the US Air Force did mount these provocations on a weekly basis for decades. If your policy is to play nuclear chicken, you don't have much basis to complain about the other side keeping nuclear forces on a hair trigger, and we damn near had WWIII in the 80's because of a NATO exercise that similated a massive first strike launch. The only thing that saved the world from total thermonuclear war was a Soviet officer who disobeyed standing orders and refrained from the prescribed launch. In this instance, Reagan's rhetoric was a major factor in causing Soviet intelligence to believe that American doctrine had shifted to a first strike strategy, so when the NATO exercise began, Soviet commanders at the highest level and the Politbureau anticipated that it was a cover for a first strike. In a very real sense Reagan might have been the direct cause of a thermonuclear war that would have killed 80% of the American population and reduced the world to an uninhabitable cinder. That's leadership!
Actually, a lot of McCarthy's documents really are missing, because they never existed. For example, the list of communists that he was waving around in one of his speeches that he claimed was the names of the communists in the State Departemnt was later revealed to be a laundry ticket.

McCarthy was about the only demogod that was as dangerous to this country as Nixon and Hughy Long were.

He had a list that was likely provided by the FBI and apparently some of the people he later named were confirmed as genuine Communist spies by the USSR

If anything, McCarthy vastly understated the extent of the threat of Communist infiltration of the White House and subversion of US policy.

Think of it, Mao was able to become one of history biggest scumbags and mass murderers because Communist spies at State and the WH subverted US policy in Mao's favor. Tens of million murdered, a billion enslaved -- and McCarthy tried to warn us that agents of this vile, inhuman system were at work in out governemnt

The FBI labeled many a citizen fighting for civil rights as "communist sympathizers".
Because at civil rights marches labor and other groups would show up and march with the blacks.
Nothing else.
Most all of the poor souls called before the witch hunt McCarthy hearings had nothing to do with communism, ever.
Lena Horne a communist.
Respectfully, you good folks are looking very foolish defending McCarthy.
You have no evidence. Nothing.

Um, no. The FBI had guys like Alger Hiss, the Rosenbergs, Owen Lattimore and Lauchlin Currie and hundreds others who were genuine Communist spies

Are you at all familiar with the Verona Cables?

I mean have you even heard of it?
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

Amazing frank that you claim you are Jewish and defend the anti Semite McCarty! Oh well there were capos in the camps who were self hating too.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

Amazing frank that you claim you are Jewish and defend the anti Semite McCarty! Oh well there were capos in the camps who were self hating too.

I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

Amazing frank that you claim you are Jewish and defend the anti Semite McCarty! Oh well there were capos in the camps who were self hating too.

I claim I'm Jewish? Really?

McCarthy was anti-Communist, not an anti-Semite

I'm Jewish. Wow, the things I learn by coming to USMB.
I'm only about 35 pages into M. Stanton Evans "Blacklisted by History" and I am livid at the utter gall and tremendous scope of the Leftist outright lies.

Did you know that many of the original documents that McCarthy based his campaign on are missing?

As recently as March 1993 someone, we don't know who


went into the US National Archives and took the Klaus Memo, a 1946 memo by a State Department official Samuel Klaus implicating Alger Hiss and many others as Communist spies?

Amazing frank that you claim you are Jewish and defend the anti Semite McCarty! Oh well there were capos in the camps who were self hating too.

I claim I'm Jewish? Really?

McCarthy was anti-Communist, not an anti-Semite

I'm Jewish. Wow, the things I learn by coming to USMB.

Frank, I do not believe you are Jewish. But once after I was in a friend's wedding a fella at work noticed I had an Israeli fighter jet on my pc background screen and well I played along even bringing in the wrong color yamika I had to wear for the wedding.

Back to the subject at hand: Gary Powers....was he a Russian pilot spying on us or our pilot spying on them? Lord they were a patient bunch not starting WWIII when they caught us overflying their airspace with what could have been nuclear bomb equipped planes.

Not that Stalin was not a monster. Just sayin I do nit remember any Russian planes being caught overflying Ohio.
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

The first evidence of McCarthy destroying judicial records was in 1941. It seems McCarthy had made some comments that later he didn't like, so he removed the page from the court records. The Wisconsin Supreme Court criticized McCarthy for destroying court records. Little did the Court know.
Amazing frank that you claim you are Jewish and defend the anti Semite McCarty! Oh well there were capos in the camps who were self hating too.

I claim I'm Jewish? Really?

McCarthy was anti-Communist, not an anti-Semite

I'm Jewish. Wow, the things I learn by coming to USMB.

Frank, I do not believe you are Jewish. But once after I was in a friend's wedding a fella at work noticed I had an Israeli fighter jet on my pc background screen and well I played along even bringing in the wrong color yamika I had to wear for the wedding.

Back to the subject at hand: Gary Powers....was he a Russian pilot spying on us or our pilot spying on them? Lord they were a patient bunch not starting WWIII when they caught us overflying their airspace with what could have been nuclear bomb equipped planes.

Not that Stalin was not a monster. Just sayin I do nit remember any Russian planes being caught overflying Ohio.

My wife is Jewish and my sons were bar mitvah, I've been asked to consider converting by 2 separate rabbis and at my first real job they added "-owitz" to my very Italian last name.

Nothing else in your post is on topic that McCarthy tried to warn us that the Russians had a very robust and active spy network at US State and the White House, all of which has since been confirmed by the Soviets themselves
Think of it, what was supposed to be the last copy of the Memo that was one of the primary motivators for McCarthy to ask about Communist infiltration of US State was REMOVED FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES IN MARCH 1993. Let's just chew on that for a minute.

FYI -- I have had a copy of that 111-page Klaus memo since March 2006 so I have no idea why you think that there was only "one copy" of it archived anywhere. My copy appears in FBI HQ file 121-23278 which is captioned "Alleged Communists in the State Department".

Anybody who suggests that primary source documents are missing or purged is simply not familiar with this subject matter.

The first evidence of McCarthy destroying judicial records was in 1941. It seems McCarthy had made some comments that later he didn't like, so he removed the page from the court records. The Wisconsin Supreme Court criticized McCarthy for destroying court records. Little did the Court know.

::studying this post in vain for a link proving this assertion::

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