Sen. Kamal Harris Should be Reprimanded for Unprofessional Behavior

We get it. She humiliated Sessions and almost made him cry, so you have sympathetic butthurt.

You should take your spankings like a man, and learn from the experience. Publicly crying about it just makes everyone laugh harder.
She did nothing of the sort. She was jockeying for nomination in 2020. Not letting someone answer the question only shows your an asshole.
Beauregard Sessions III is a whiny hick voiced little man, he is a joke and a liar and deserves no respect
Sessions is a true American patriot, like myself.
Democrats to criticize on racism. That's a joke. Harris is my prediction for 2020 nominee. Warren will not...she's White. Biden won't...he has worse sin of all, White,heterosexual male. Bernie won't...he's White. So Harris it is.

Biden and Sanders are just too old. Clinton barely scraped in as young enough, and she was younger and has a longer life span. Look at Trump, who is already senile. That age limit has nothing to do with being white.

Warren, Perez and Harris are all good candidates. Hence, you have to start demonizing them all now. If you want to go after Harris, you could go after the lobbying cash she's accepted.
Good Lord yes. Please run one of those three retards.
We get it. She humiliated Sessions and almost made him cry, so you have sympathetic butthurt.

You should take your spankings like a man, and learn from the experience. Publicly crying about it just makes everyone laugh harder.
She did nothing of the sort. She was jockeying for nomination in 2020. Not letting someone answer the question only shows your an asshole.
Beauregard Sessions III is a whiny hick voiced little man, he is a joke and a liar and deserves no respect
Madam...Jefferson Beauregard Sessions the Thoid is a man of high distinction and a son of the crimson state of Alabama. The General defended himself against the attacks of the politically posturing Yankee swine that was out to get him. Then, like a creature from the nether regions came the Kamala. The General swiftly put an end to her rude line of questioning. God bless General Sessions.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
Sure sure...that's why for the 2nd time in a week this bitch has had to have her chain yanked and told to act like a Senator not a hoe in the ghetto.
The conduct of Senator Harris today was despicable and unprofessional. She has watched too many episodes of Law and Order. Perhaps she confused herself with Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men.She made a fool of herself with her staccato line of questioning. What a piece of crap.
Once again, senators cut off Kamala Harris as she rails on Sessions -
Well you know how upset a Progressive female get with the PMS and she was just trying to show enthusiasm for the Progressive people watching.
The conduct of Senator Harris today was despicable and unprofessional. She has watched too many episodes of Law and Order. Perhaps she confused herself with Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men.She made a fool of herself with her staccato line of questioning. What a piece of crap.
Once again, senators cut off Kamala Harris as she rails on Sessions -

Yup, just another fast talking fool. I hear they may run her for President.

We can but hope. Easy pickin's
Harris needs to get her black ass back to where she belongs, the plantation!

Remember, racism had nothing to do with Trump's win. Really it didn't. After all, the Trump-snowflakes tell us so.
Democrats to criticize on racism. That's a joke. Harris is my prediction for 2020 nominee. Warren will not...she's White. Biden won't...he has worse sin of all, White,heterosexual male. Bernie won't...he's White. So Harris it is.
So blk is the new color of freedom.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
Sure sure...that's why for the 2nd time in a week this bitch has had to have her chain yanked and told to act like a Senator not a hoe in the ghetto.

Well, we see why you're a fan of Sessions. Get nervous around brown people.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
Sure sure...that's why for the 2nd time in a week this bitch has had to have her chain yanked and told to act like a Senator not a hoe in the ghetto.
She like the yes or no so it like "Have you quit beating your wife"> question that the progressives love to ask. Another question is the Ferman question: "have you ever used the word ******". The love the yes and no question,.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
Sure sure...that's why for the 2nd time in a week this bitch has had to have her chain yanked and told to act like a Senator not a hoe in the ghetto.
She like the yes or no so it like "Have you quit beating your wife"> question that the progressives love to ask. Another question is the Ferman question: "have you ever used the word ******". The love the yes and no question,.

Have an example from today's testimony?
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
She cut him off...amateur...but it plays to flaming left wing nuts.

Because his answers were meandering and long winded and he was filibustering her time. It's not uncommon for a senator to be direct when questioning someone. It's not uncommon at all.
Tough shit for the cry-baby Kamila. Witnesses are allowed to qualify their answers She wouldn't let him get two words out.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
She cut him off...amateur...but it plays to flaming left wing nuts.

Because his answers were meandering and long winded and he was filibustering her time. It's not uncommon for a senator to be direct when questioning someone. It's not uncommon at all.
Tough shit for the cry-baby Kamila. Witnesses are allowed to qualify their answers She wouldn't let him get two words out.

The Chair slapped her down. It was funny.
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
She cut him off...amateur...but it plays to flaming left wing nuts.

Because his answers were meandering and long winded and he was filibustering her time. It's not uncommon for a senator to be direct when questioning someone. It's not uncommon at all.
Tough shit for the cry-baby Kamila. Witnesses are allowed to qualify their answers She wouldn't let him get two words out.

The Chair slapped her down. It was funny.
I agree!
Looked to me that she doesn't have time for nonsense long drawn out answers to yes/no questions. She was professional and to the point.
She cut him off...amateur...but it plays to flaming left wing nuts.

Because his answers were meandering and long winded and he was filibustering her time. It's not uncommon for a senator to be direct when questioning someone. It's not uncommon at all.
Tough shit for the cry-baby Kamila. Witnesses are allowed to qualify their answers She wouldn't let him get two words out.

He was getting way more than two words out. And she did let him qualify until he went on and on and on.
As many of you know, the Affirmative Action turd was actually named after the WWF wrestler Kamala!


Kamala apparently pulled a gun on Andre because Kamala was "disrespected." Sounds like a familiar story with Kamala types as their inferiority complexes always has them feeling disrespected. paranoid and persecuted.

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