Sen. Rand Paul: Why Do We Give Egypt F-16s?...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
[ame=]Why Do We Give Egypt F-16s? - YouTube[/ame]
We give them f-16s in return for a promise to not use the f-16s we give them against Israel
We give them f-16s in return for a promise to not use the f-16s we give them against Israel

In the real world Egypt became an ally of both Israel and the USA. They had more to fear from other Arab nations in the region, than they did anyone else. Iraq and Iran ,and Syria, and Libya were all armed and dangerous to neighbors


  • $Promise with fingers crossed.jpg
    $Promise with fingers crossed.jpg
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With all due respect, D, how so?

Reagan supplied Iraq with weapons of mass destruction. Fifteen years later the halfwit cocksuckers of a Bush League government stampeded white trash into supporting invading Iraq to take them back (and get the "yellow cake" too) knowing full well Reagan's gifts had been used to kill tens of thousands of Kurds and balky Shi'ite Muslims. [Note: Balky Sunnis got a bullet, presumably a gesture of respect toward the group that kept him in power.]

Do we really want to risk that the next nutball president will want to 'Indian-give' F-16s on another "chasing unicorns"-grade pretext to let defense contractors profit on the backs of taxpayers?
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And when they use them against Israel and we call them on it all they have to do is say that the ones they used were bought on EBAY...

And Obama will understand.
With all due respect, D, how so?

Reagan supplied Iraq with weapons of mass destruction. Fifteen years later the halfwit cocksuckers of a Bush League government stampeded white trash into supporting invading Iraq to take them back (and get the "yellow cake" too) knowing full well Reagan's gifts had been used to kill tens of thousands of Kurds and balky Shi'ite Muslims. [Note: Balky Sunnis got a bullet, presumably a gesture of respect toward the group that kept him in power.]

Do we really want to risk that the next nutball president will want to 'Indian-give' F-16s on another "chasing unicorns"-grade pretext to let defense contractors profit on the backs of taxpayers?

The world changes. Real people cannot predict the future. Doing nothing is in many situations, not an option. We sell arms for strategic reasons but also because we have a military industrial complex that demands we do.

Isn't democracy lovely?
Obama holdin' back on F-16's to Egypt...
U.S. to delay F-16 delivery to Egypt
July 24th, 2013 > President Barack Obama has decided to delay the delivery of four F-16 fighter jets to Egypt in a sign of U.S. pressure for the military there to move quickly restore civilian rule following its ouster of President Mohamed Morsy.
Pentagon spokesman George Little said Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel called Egypt’s military chief, Gen. Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi, on Wednesday to inform him of the decision. Hagel and al-Sisi also discussed the general’s call on Wednesday for mass demonstrations in Egypt for support of the military. The Obama administration has so far not called Morsy’s removal earlier this month a military coup, which could cut more than $1 billion in U.S. aid to Egypt if that characterization is made.

Obama has expressed deep concern about the removal of Egypt’s first democratically elected president, calling for a quick return to civilian leadership. He also ordered a review of U.S. law regarding aid to the vital Middle East ally. The four jets were due to be sent to Egypt by the end of August as part of a $1.3 billion arms package that included additional F-16s and some Abrams tank parts.


It has not been decided when or if the F-16 deliveries will resume, Little said. Also not clear is what conditions the United States would impose on their delivery or whether the balance of the overall arms sale would be met. Little also said the administration will still proceed with its major military exercise known as “Bright Star” scheduled with the Egyptians for later this year. The delay will not significantly impact Egypt’s military capabilities. But it is a sign of U.S. pressure to get Egypt to move quickly toward civilian rule.

Little said the decision was made “given the overall situation” in Egypt, but added the administration still hasn’t made a decision on the question whether events in Egypt should be called a coup. Little said the United States was not suspending its overall arms sales to Egypt currently. Earlier this month, administration officials said they expected the four aircraft to be delivered even as the White House was continuing to review assistance programs with Egypt.

U.S. to delay F-16 delivery to Egypt ? CNN Security Clearance - Blogs
With all due respect, D, how so?

Reagan supplied Iraq with weapons of mass destruction. Fifteen years later the halfwit cocksuckers of a Bush League government stampeded white trash into supporting invading Iraq to take them back (and get the "yellow cake" too) knowing full well Reagan's gifts had been used to kill tens of thousands of Kurds and balky Shi'ite Muslims. [Note: Balky Sunnis got a bullet, presumably a gesture of respect toward the group that kept him in power.]

Do we really want to risk that the next nutball president will want to 'Indian-give' F-16s on another "chasing unicorns"-grade pretext to let defense contractors profit on the backs of taxpayers?

You're a lying sack of shit. The chemical munitions given to Saddam were to be used on IRANIAN military targets...the fact that Saddam found cause to use them to kill 5,000 Kurds (not your lie about "tens of thousands) was simply Saddam being Saddam. The same Saddam CLINTURD was only to happy to ignore while he raped and murdered his people. Iraq was losing the war with Iran and with a majority shia population in Iraq, could have taken over the Iraqi oil-fields and had twice the money to spend on terrorism. Our aid to Iraq prevented that victory. As to your "white trash" comment, it's obvious you're a coward who never served in the US military or any other way. You project your hatred of yourself and your family onto patriotic Americans who will support the fight to free others from tyranny.
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Two points: the Egyptian military has made it quite clear they want to remain aligned with the USA and second, the F-16s we'll be sending do not have the same avionics as those we sell to Israel and can be easily defeated by the IDF pilots. It would make my heart swell with pride if these F-16s are used to kill every member of the muslim brotherhood on the face of the earth. :)
Two points: the Egyptian military has made it quite clear they want to remain aligned with the USA and second, the F-16s we'll be sending do not have the same avionics as those we sell to Israel and can be easily defeated by the IDF pilots. It would make my heart swell with pride if these F-16s are used to kill every member of the muslim brotherhood on the face of the earth. :)

Can we start with the brotherhood in the obama regime?

Two points: the Egyptian military has made it quite clear they want to remain aligned with the USA and second, the F-16s we'll be sending do not have the same avionics as those we sell to Israel and can be easily defeated by the IDF pilots. It would make my heart swell with pride if these F-16s are used to kill every member of the muslim brotherhood on the face of the earth. :)

Can we start with the brotherhood in the obama regime?


I ain't touching that question with an ELEVEN foot pole. :lol:
Why do we give Egypt any Tax Dollars and weapons? It's time for Citizens to have more of a say on Foreign Aid. Politicians shouldn't have a blank check to write for any country they choose.
Why do we give Egypt any Tax Dollars and weapons? It's time for Citizens to have more of a say on Foreign Aid. Politicians shouldn't have a blank check to write for any country they choose.

We want a stable Egypt for multiple reasons.

1.) They are a key ally in the fight against global terrorism and Al Qaeda

2.) They are a key player when it comes to preserving peace with Israel

3.) they are in control of a vital location for shipping (the Suez Canal).

It makes sense to be involved in Egypt.

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