Sen Schumer: Lets Fly Gay Banner Instead of Old Glory

This homosexulaity must be criminalized now. The Russians have made the right decision, banning homosexual disscussion and propoganda.
The homosexual agenda must be stopped from spreading throughout the world.
Its not natural. We must put a stop to this abnormal lifstyle.

We're Queer.

We're Here.

Get used to it.

Your Queer, you should be hacked to piceces and burned at the Stake.
And you shouldn't be here.
And there is no getting used to a homo lifestyle.!
Add the Rainbow flag in addition to our country's flag....the athletes can (if they want) hold rhands during the Opening Ceremony.

But it would be better to move the Olympics to, let's say, Vancouver that still has fairly new venues.

Maybe they could sing Kumbaya while they're at it.

Anyway, it's too late in the game to be talking about moving the Games.
Who says?0

The Games start in less than six months, no way another venue could be selected and made ready in that kind of timeline. The security alone takes more time than is available.

It's just not going to happen.
It isn't going to happen. It's one of those bong dreams gays like to have.

What might happen is that every time a gay athlete wins a medal, his or her homosexuality will be announced to the world.
Chuck Schumer: Hey let?s fly the rainbow gay flag at the Olympics instead of ours | Conservative Firing Line

The latest comes from New York Democrat Chuck Schumer, who suggested countries wave rainbow flags during the opening ceremony of the Olympics to show support for gay rights and protest Russian President Vladimir Putin.

From The Hill:

“That’d be pretty embarrassing for [Russian President Vladimir] Putin,” Schumer said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Let our athletes participate but still make a stand.”

Schumer is a fascist and a jack ass.

Who gives a flying fuck what Chuck Schumer says, lol? People say things all the time; doesn't mean it it will actually happen.
You don't remember many Olympics then.

so you approve of the Munich killings ?

Absolutely not. Where oh where do you get that from my post?

(Of course, I wasn't unhappy about the killing of the terrorists)

It was another example of politics abusing the Olympics venue. Like the black power salute in Mexico city. It sucks. If you want to show your solidarity with Russian gays, do it elsewhere.
so you approve of the Munich killings ?

Absolutely not. Where oh where do you get that from my post?

(Of course, I wasn't unhappy about the killing of the terrorists)

It was another example of politics abusing the Olympics venue. Like the black power salute in Mexico city. It sucks. If you want to show your solidarity with Russian gays, do it elsewhere.

So, you had a problem with that.
Maybe the American athlete gay or not when on the medal stand
should make out open mouth while our anthem is played to show
support for all the gays of the world.

That would teach Putin a lesson for sure.... :eek:

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